Ropes & Strings

Words for rope, cord, string and related things in Celtic languages.


Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *tantus, *tantā = cord, string
Old Irish (Goídelc) tét [tʲeːd] = cord, rope, string
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) tét, téd, tet [tʲeːd] = rope, cord, string, a spider’s thread
tétaire = harper, lute-player
tétán = rope, cord
téitimnech = the crack, creaking of the ropes
Irish (Gaeilge) téad [tʲiad̪ˠ/tʲeːd̪ˠ] = rope, cable, string, chord, tether
téadach = stringed
téadaire = roper, corder, player of stringed instrument
téadaireacht = (act of) playing on stringed instrument
téadán = short rope, string, cord, line
téadchleasaí = rope-walker, rope-dancer
téadleimneach = (act of) skipping
téadra = cordage
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) teud [tʲiad] = cord, string
teudach [tʲiadəx] = stringed
teudachadh [tʲiədəxəɣ] = (act of) stringing, tethering
teudag [tʲiədag] = little string/cord, fibre
teudagach [tʲiədagəx] = fibrous, fibery, abounding in fibres
teudaichte [tʲiadɪçdʲə] = stringed, tethered
Manx (Gaelg) tead, tedd, teidd = rope, string, line, guy
teaddey = rope
teaddaght = cordage
Proto-Brythonic *tant = string (?)
Old Welsh (Kembraec) tantou = string
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) tant = string, line, cord, tendril
tennyn = tether, leash, lead, halter, string, cord, rope, noose, snare
Welsh (Cymraeg) tant [tant] = string (of a musical instrument), line, cord, tendril, bowstring, nerve, sinew, tendon
tantio = to string (a musical instrument)
tantiwr = fisherman who stands on the shore holding one end of a salmon net, while two others throw the net into the water from a boat
tantor = player of stringed instruments, harpist
tennyn = tether, leash, lead, halter, string, cord, rope, noose, snare
Old Breton (Brethonoc) tantou = strings
Middle Breton (Brezonec) tant = string
Breton (Brezhoneg) tant [tãnt] = string

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *tén-tu-s/ *tn̥-téw-s, from *ten- (to stretch, extend) [source]. Words from the same PIE roots include: ndej (to stretch) in Albanian, tenet (an opinion, belief, principle) in English, dehnen (to stretch) in German, tenere (to hold, keep, sustain) in Italian, tit (to wind, reel, coil, wrap) in Latvian, tener (to have, possess, hold, grasp) in Spanish, and tänja (to stretch, bend) in Swedish [source].

Proto-Celtic *lomanā = rope, thong
Old Irish (Gaídelc) loman = cord, rope
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) loman, lomna = cord, rope, thong, string, leash, bridle, halter
Irish (Gaeilge) lomhain = rope, halter, leash
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) lomhainn [l̪ˠõ.ɪn̪ʲ] = leash, lead, pack, band, gang
Manx (Gaelg) louyn = rope
er louyn = along, by hand, on a rope
Proto-Brythonic *lloβ̃an [be̝ˈrɨːd] = rope, string
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) llyfan = string, cord, thin rope
Welsh (Cymraeg) llyfan = string, cord, thin rope
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) lovan = rope, cord, string
lovannan = a small rope, cord
Cornish (Kernewek) lovan = rope, lasso
lovan dynn/dydn = tightrope
lovan lemmel = skipping rope
Middle Breton louffan = strap, belt
Breton (Brezhoneg) louan [ˈluːãn] = strap, belt
louaneg = slender (long-legged), clumsy
louangen = skinny, without energy

Etymology: unknown, possibly from a non-Indo-European substrate language [source].

Proto-Celtic *souggo = (?)
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) súagán, súgán = (straw) rope
Irish (Gaeilge) súgán = (straw) rope, strawmat, lifeless, inert, spinless person
súgánach = confused
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) sùgan [suːgan] = straw rope, horse’s collar (filled with straw)
Manx (Gaelg) suggane = twisted straw rope

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *sew- (to bend, cut). The Scots word suggan (light saddle, bedroll), and the Hiberno-English word sugan (a wooden chair with a seat made from woven straw or twine stretched over the frame) both come from the same roots via Irish, as does the word soogan (a bedroll) in American English [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) súainem = cord, rope, string, thong
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) súainem, súaineamh, súainimh = cord, rope, string, thong, course (of river)
Irish (Gaeilge) suaineamh = (javelin) cord, amentum (catkin) (literary)
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) sìoman [ʃiəman] = simmen, rope made from plant fibres (esp. straw, but also coir, heather, grass, twigs or rushes)
Manx (Gaelg) saineen = cord, thong

Etymology: from Old Norse síma (cord, rope) [source], from Proto-Germanic *sīmô (rope, cord), from Proto-Indo-European *sh₂éy-mn̥/*sh₂i-mén-s, from *sh₂ey- (to bind, fetter) [source].

Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) róp = rope
Irish (Gaeilge) rópa [ˈɾˠoːpˠə]= rope
rópa = rope
rópadóir = rope-maker
rópadóireacht = rope-making, rope-walking, rope-climbing, working with ropes
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) ròp, ròpa [r̪ˠɔːhbə] = rope, bundle of seaweed
ròpach [r̪ˠɔːhbəx] = abounding in ropes, tangled up, jumbled, untidy, messed up, abounding in tall tales/yarns
ròpadh [r̪ˠɔːhbəɣ] = (act of)roping, fastening with a rope, entangling
ròpair [r̪ˠɔːhbɛrʲ] = auctioneer
ròpaireachd [̪rˠɔːbɛrʲəxg] = exaggerated tale, exaggerating, adorning the truth
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) raff, raf = rope, cord, string, line, cable, noose, halter
reffyn, rheffyn = (small) rope, cord, string, (fishing) line, cable, noose, halter
Welsh (Cymraeg) rhaff = rope, cord, string, line, cable, noose, halter
rhaffu, rhaff(i)o = to tie with a rope or cord, to rope, fix a rop on, make a rope, to string or join (words, etc), connect together, link, crumple, spoil, waste, eat eagerly, gobble, snatch
rhaff(i)aid = rope(ful), that which is held by a rope
rhaffol = roped, made of rope(s), funicular
rhaffwr, rhaffydd = rope-maker
rheffyn = (small) rope, cord, string, (fishing) line, cable, noose, halter

Etymology: from Middle English rop(e) (rope), from Old English rāp (rope, cord, cable), from Proto-West-Germanic *raip (string, band), from Proto-Germanic *raipaz (rope, cord, band, ringlet), possibly from Proto-Indo-European *h₁royp-nó-s (band, strip, strap) [source]. The Welsh words are probably cognate, but their origins are not certain.

Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) corda = cord, rope
Irish (Gaeilge) corda = cord, string, chord
cordach = chordate, corded
cordaigh = to cord
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) còrd = cord, chord
Manx (Gaelg) coard, coyrd, coyrdey = cord
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) kord = cord, string, small rope, halter
cort = cord, string, twine, rope
Welsh (Cymraeg) cord = cord, string, small rope, halter
cort = cord, string, twine, rope
cortio = to cord, fasten with cords or strings, twist
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) cord = cord
corden = string
Cornish (Kernewek) korden = cord, string
korden an keyn = spinal cord
Middle Breton (Brezonec) corden, cordenn, querdenn, querdeynn = rope
cordenner = tailpiece
Breton (Brezhoneg) kordenn [ˈkɔr.dɛn] = rope
kordennan = to rope, fish with longlines
kordenner = tailpiece
kordennerezh = ropework
kordennig = cord, string

Etymology (Breton): from Middle French corde (rope), from Old French corde (rope), from Latin chorda (tripe, intestine, catgut, string, rope, cord), from Ancient Greek χορδή (khordḗ, string of gut, chord, sausage, black pudding), from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰerH- (bowel) [source].

Etymology (other languages): from Middle English corde (cord, string, sinew), from Old French corde (rope), from Latin chorda (tripe, intestine, catgut, string, rope, cord), from Ancient Greek χορδή (khordḗ, string of gut, chord, sausage, black pudding), from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰerH- (bowel)[source].

Words from the same roots include cord, chord, hernia and yarn in English, corda (rope, chord, string) in Italian, and koord (rope, cord) in Dutch [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language,, Am Faclair Beag, An etymological dictionary of the Gaelic language, Fockleyreen: Manx – English Dictionary, Online Manx Dictionary, Gaelg Corpus, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Lexicon cornu-britannicum : a dictionary of the ancient Celtic language of Cornwall, Gerlyver Kernewek, Devri : Le dictionaire diachronique du breton, Dictionnaires bilingues de Francis Favereau / Edition Skol Vreizh, TermOfis

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Dutiful Laws

Words for duty, debt, law, rule and related things in Celtic languages.

Scottish Parliament
Scottish Parliament / Pàrlamaid na h-Alba / Scots Pairlament

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *dligeti = to be entitled to, be obligated to
Old Irish (Goídelc) dligid = to deserve, merit, be entitled to
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) dligid, dleagaid = to be entitled to, have a right to, be owed, deserve, merit
Irish (Gaeilge) dligh [dʲlʲɪɟ/dʲlʲiː] = to be entitled to, have a right to, deserve, merit, be incumbent on, be liable to, ought to
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) dligh [dli] = owe, be due
dleas [dles] = deserve, merit, due
dleasach [dlesəx] = deserving, meriting
dleasadh [dlesəɣ] = (act of) deserving, meriting
dleasannas [dlesən̪ˠəs] = obligation, duty
dleasanta [dlesən̪ˠdə] = deserving, meriting
dleasnach [dlesn̪ˠəx] = dutiful
dleastanas [dlesdənəs] = obligation, duty
Manx (Gaelg) toill = to deserve, will
toillchin = to deserve, earn, merit, reward; derserving, worthy
toillchinagh = deserving, meritorious
toillchinys = desert, merit
toillchyn = to deserve, merit
toilliu = to deserve, earn, merit; deserving, worthy
Proto-Brythonic *dɨlɣɨd = ?
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) deleu, dyly, dylu = to be obliged to, ought, be indebted, behove, owe, be in debt, have a right to, claim, merit, deserve, posses, claim from
Welsh (Cymraeg) dylu [ˈklɛðɨ̞v/ˈkleːðɪv] = to be obliged to, ought, be indebted, behove, owe, be in debt, have a right to, claim, merit, deserve, posses, claim from (other forms include: dylaf, dylÿaf, dlyaf, dylÿu, dlyu, dleu, deleu)
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) dely, dylly = to owe, deserve
Cornish (Kernewek) tyli = to owe, pay, reward
tylva = checkout, till
Middle Breton (Brezonec) dleout = must
Breton (Brezhoneg) dleout [ˈdleː.ut] = to have to, must, owe
dleañ = to have to, must, owe; judicious

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *dʰlégʰ-ti/*dʰl̥gʰ-énti, from *dʰlegʰ- (to beat, strike) [source]. Words from the same PIE roots possibly include dolog (thing, object, affair, business, task, fate) in Hungarian, dług (debt, account payable) in Polish, долг (dolg – debt, duty, obligation) in Russian, and dlh (debt) in Slovak [source].

Proto-Celtic *dligetom = duty, debt
Old Irish (Goídelc) dliged, dligeth [ˈdʲlʲiɣʲeð] = law, principle, rule, theory, dictum
dlecht = lawful
dligthech = lawful, right
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) dliged, dligeth, dleged = law, principle, rule, norm, dictum, reason, argument, reckoning, nature, condition, kind, manner
dligedach = lawful
dligemnas = lawful right
dligthech = regular, right, lawful, law-abiding, rational, reasonable, just, righteous
dligthe(m)nach, dligtheanuigh = lawgiver
dligtheoir = lawyer, man of law
Irish (Gaeilge) dlí [dʲlʲiː] = law, divine precept, scientific principle, litigation
dlíodóir = lawyer
dlíodóireacht = practice of law, practising law
dlíthí = litigant
dlíthíoch = litigious
dlíthíocht = litigiousness
dlíthiúil = legal, juridicial, lawful, litigious
dlíthiúilacht = legality, lawfulness
dleacht = due, lawful right, royalty, patent
dleathach = lawful, legal, valud, genuine, just, proper
dleathaíocht = legality, justice, propriety
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) dlighe [dli.ə] = ordinance (in law), due
dligheach [dli.əx] = lawful, legitimatem rightful, right, due, dutiful, just
dligheachas [dli.əxəs] = lawful right, jurisdiction, validity
dligheachd [dli.əxg] = legality, royalty (payment)
dligheadh [dli.əɣ] = (act of) owing, being due, stipend
dlighear [dli.ər] = lawyer, creditor
dligheil [] = legitimate, lawful, rightful
Proto-Brythonic *dlɨɣed = (?)
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) delehet, deleed, dylyet, dlyet, dylet = debt, due, claim, right, demand, oblitation, duty
dylyedawc, dylyedauc, dylyedaỽc dyledawg = noble, privileged, dignified, illustrious, rightful
dyledogaeth, dlyedogaeth = nobility, lordship, proprietorship
dylyedus, dyledus = due, proper, meet, lawful, worthy, just, necessary, requisite, owing, in debt, indebted
dyledwr = debtor, defaulter, trespasser
Welsh (Cymraeg) dyled [ˈdəlɛd] = debt, due, claim, right, demand, oblitation, duty, service, heritage, estate, worth, privilege, sins, transgressions, trespasses [also written dylêd, dled, dylyed, dlyed]
dyled(i)ach = trifling debts, dribbling debts
dyledu = to owe, be due, debit, make due
dyledog = indebted, in debt, due, noble, privileged, dignified, illustrious, debtor
dyl(y)edus = due, proper, meet, lawful, worthy, just, necessary, requisite, owing, in debt, indebted, noble, privileged, dignified, reasonable, sensible, understanding
dyledwr = debtor, defaulter, trespasser
Middle Breton (Brezonec) dle = due, owing
dleat = moral duty, tax
Breton (Brezhoneg) dle = due, owing, debt
dlead = moral duty, tax
dleatour = debtor
dleapl = liable
dleoniezh = ethics
d(e)leour = debtor, creditor

Etymology: from Proto-Celtic *dligeti (to owe, be indebted to) – see above [source].

Proto-Celtic *ká(g)ni- = tribute, law
Old Irish (Goídelc) cáin [kaːnʲ] = law, regulation, rule, fine, tax, tribute, legal due
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) cáin, cain = law, regulation, rule, fine, tax, tribute
Irish (Gaeilge) cáin [kɑːnʲ/kaːnʲ] = law, regulation, rule, due, tribute, fine, penalty, impost, tax
cáinaisnéis = budget
cáinaisnéiseach = budgetary
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) càin [kaːn̪ʲ] = duty, tariff, tribute, fine; body of laws (archaic)
càin-aisneis = budget
càineach, càinear, càiniche = tax/excise collector, tax gatherer
càineachadh [kaːn̪ʲəxəɣ] = (act of) imposing a tax

Etymology: possibly from Proto-Indo-European *keh₂/₃ǵ-n- [source]. Words from the same root may include kázeň (discipline) in Czech, kaźń (execution, torture, torment) in Polish, and kázeň (sermon, discipline) in Slovak [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) cís = tax, tribute
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) cís, cis, cíos = tax, tribute, cess, rent
císach = receiving or exacting tribute
císaige = tributary, rent-payer
císugud = paying tribute
Irish (Gaeilge) cíos [ciːsˠ] = rent, price; tax tribute (historical)
cíosach = rent-paying, tributary
cíosaí = rent-payer
cíosaigh = to rent, pay rent for, compensate for
cíoscháin = tribute
cíoscheannach = hire-purchase
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) cìos [kʲiəs] = tribute, tax
cìs [kʲiːʃ] = tax, levy
cìsachadh [kʲiːʃəxəɣ] = taxing, taxation
cìsachas [kʲiːʃəxəs] = taxation
cìseadair [kʲiːʃədɪrʲ] = exciseman
cìsear [kʲiːʃər] = tax/excise collector, tax gatherer
Manx (Gaelg) keesh = custom, duty, tax, toll, tribute, contribution
keeshagh = assessable, taxable, tributary
keeshyn = taxation, taxes, tribute, dues

Etymology: from Latin cēnsus (census, register, rich gifts, presents, wealth), from cēnseō from Proto-Italic *kensēō (to give an opinion), from *kensējō, from Proto-Indo-European *ḱenséh₁-ye-ti, from *ḱens- (to announce, proclaim, put in order). Words from the same roots may include census in English, censo (census, wealth) in Italian, Zins (interest, tribute) in German, and czynsz (rent) in Polish [source].

Proto-Celtic *rextus = rule, law
*kom-rextus = law (?)
Celtiberian Retukeno = personal name
Gaulish Rextugenos = personal name
Old Irish (Goídelc) recht, rect [r͈ʲext] = law
rechtach = law-giving
rechtaid = lawgiver
rechtaide = legal
rechtaigid = to legislate
rechtaire = steward
rechtas = stewardship
rechtge = government
rechtmar = lawful
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) recht, rect, reacht = law, authority, rule, right, lawfulness
rechtach = just, equitable, law-giving
rechtaid, rechtaidh = judge, lawgiver
rechtaide = legal, pertaining to the law, lawful
rechtaigid = to legislate
rechtaire, rechtorairge = steward, baliff, administrator, judge (?)
rechtas, rechtus, rechtcus = authority, administration, stewardship
rechtge, rechtga = government, authority, rule, regin
rechtmar = lawful, legitimate
Irish (Gaeilge) reacht [ɾˠaxt̪ˠ] = law, statute, accepted rule
reachtach = law-giving, legislative
reachtaigh = to legislate, enact, decree
reachtaíocht = legislation
reachtaire = controller, administrator, steward, Rector, auditor, master of ceremonies
reachtas = administration, stewardship
reachtmhar = lawful, legitimate
reachtóir = lawgiver, legislator
reachtúil = statutory, statute
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) reachd [r̪ˠɛxg] = decree, statue, edict
reachdach [r̪ˠɛxgəx] = compulsory
reachdachadh [r̪ˠɛxgəxəɣ] = (act of) legislating, law-making, legislature
reachdadair [r̪ˠɛxgədɪrʲ] = lawmaker, legislator
reachdadaireachd [r̪ˠɛxgədɪrʲəxg] = legislature
reachdail [r̪ˠɛxgdal] = legislative, statutory
reachdas [r̪ˠɛxgəs] = legislation
Proto-Brythonic *rreiθ = rule, law
*kuβ̃reiθ = law (?)
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) reyth, reith, rhaith = law, rule, decree, rightness, justice, right (to smth), recompense, atonement, judgement, verdict
cyfreith, kiureith, kefreyth [ˈkəvrai̯θ] = law, rule, decree, rightness, justice, right (to smth), recompense, atonement, judgement, verdict
Welsh (Cymraeg) rhaith [r̥ai̯θ] = law, rule, decree, rightness, justice, right (to smth), recompense, atonement, judgement, verdict
rhaithgor = jury
cyfraith [ˈkəvrai̯θ] = law, legislation, statute, custom, usage, jurisprudence
Cornish (Kernewek) reyth = regular, right, religious law
reythennek, reythednek = statutory
reythen = statute
reythe = to authorise, codify, empower, entitle, qualify
reythes = authorised, empowered, enacted, entitled, qualified
reythyans = enactment, jurispridence, lawmaking, legislation
Old Breton (Brethonoc) reith = law
Middle Breton (Brezonec) rez, reiz = law
rezder = law
Breton (Brezhoneg) reizh = right, just, correct, order, normal
reizhad = regular
reizhadenn = rectification, corrected
reizhadur = adjustment
reizhan = to correct, adapt, regular, initiate
reizhded = correctness, rectitude, normality
reizhder = regularity
reizhegezh = legitimacy
reizhek = legitimate
reizhekaat = to legitimize
reizhennan = to regulate
reizhus = legal

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *h₃reǵ- (to straighten, to righten) [source]. Words from the same PIE root include rail, rank, realm, regime, rule and regulation in English, rę́žti (to stretch) in Lithuanian, règle (rule, regulation) in French, and regla (rule, ruler) in Spanish [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) ríagal, ríagul = rule
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) ríagal, riagoil, riaguil = rule, authority
Irish (Gaeilge) riail [ɾˠiəlʲ] = rule, regulation, principle, sway, authority, order
rialachán = regulation
rialúchán = regulation, control
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) riaghail [r̪ˠiə.al] = rule, govern, administer
riaghailt [r̪ˠiə.əldʲ] = rule, regulation, government
riaghailteach [r̪ˠiə.əl̪ˠdʲəx] = regular, according to rule, orderly
riaghailteachadh [r̪ˠiə.aldʲəxəɣ] = (act of) formulating, regulating, adjusting, adjustment
riaghailteachas [r̪ˠiə.aldʲəxəs] = regulatory
riaghailteachd = regularity, moderation
riaghailtear [r̪ˠiə.aldʲər] = regulator
riaghailtearachd [r̪ˠiə.aldʲərəxg] = administration
riaghal [r̪ˠiə.əl̪ˠ] = rule
Manx (Gaelg) reill = code, dominion, governance, policy, principle, reign; to charge, govern, order, regulate, rule
reilley = to regulate, reign, rule; ruling
reilleyder = governor, regulator, ruler, straight edge
reilt = normal, to rule
reiltagh = director, ordinal, president, rector, ruler; decisive, ruling, regular
reiltys = governance, rule, kingdom, dominion, government
Proto-Brythonic *rreɣol = rule (?)
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) ryol, reol, rhwol = rule, regulation, procedure, order, custom, pattern, government, dominion
rhyolaeth, reolaeth = rule, control, management, authority, discipline
rwyoli, reoli, ryoli, rhywoli = to rule, control, direct, govern
roliad = rule, control, government
ryolus, reolus, rheolus, rreolys = regular, orderly, disciplined, moderate, consant
Welsh (Cymraeg) rheol [ˈr̥eː.ɔl] = rule, regulation, procedure, order, custom, pattern, government, dominion
rheol(i)aeth = rule, control, management, authority, discipline
rheoli = to rule, control, direct, govern
rheolaidd = regular, regulated, orderly
rheoliad = rule, control, government
rheolus = regular, orderly, disciplined, moderate, consant
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) reol, rowl, rovle = rule, government
rowler = ruler, governor
Cornish (Kernewek) rewl, rowl = regulation, rule
rewlya, rowlya = to control, regulate, rule
rewlyades, rowlyades = ruler (f)
rewlyas, rowlyas = ruler (m)
rewlys = regular
Old Breton (Brethonoc) regul = rule, regulation
Middle Breton (Brezonec) reul, reol, reoll = rule, regulation
reulenn = rule
reulennaff = to regulate
Breton (Brezhoneg) reol = rule, principle, regime
reolennadur = regulation
reolennan = to regulate
reoliadur = regulation
reoliata = to regulate
reoliek = regular
reolius = regulatory

Etymology: from Latin rēgula (rule, bar, ruler), from regō (I rule, govern, direct, guide, steer, control), from Proto-Italic *regō, from Proto-Indo-European *h₃réǵeti (to be straightening, to be setting upright), from *h₃reǵ- (to straighten, to righten) – see above [source].

Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) lagh [l̪ˠɤɣ] = law
laghachd [l̪ˠɤɣəxg] = legislation
laghadh [l̪ˠɤɣəɣ] = legalising, legalisation
laghaiche [l̪ˠɤɣɪçə] = lawyer, solicitor
laghaichte [l̪ˠɤɣɪçdʲə] = legalised
laghail [l̪ˠɤɣal] = legal, lawful, litigious, argumentative
laghaileachd [l̪ˠɤɣaləxg] = lawfulness, legality
Manx (Gaelg) leigh = enactment, law, respect
leighagh = legal, litigious
leighder = lawyer, advocate, attorney, barrister, council
leighoil = lawful, legal, legislative, legitimate

Etymology: from English law, or Middle English lawe/laȝe (law, regulation, morality), or Old English lagu (law, rule, right), all of which come from Old Norse lǫg (law, rule, right), from Proto-Germanic *lagą (situation, law, a settled amount), from Proto-Indo-European *legʰ- (to lie [down]). The English words lie and lay come from the same roots [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language,, Am Faclair Beag, An etymological dictionary of the Gaelic language, Fockleyreen: Manx – English Dictionary, Online Manx Dictionary, Gaelg Corpus, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Lexicon cornu-britannicum : a dictionary of the ancient Celtic language of Cornwall, Gerlyver Kernewek, Devri : Le dictionaire diachronique du breton, Dictionnaires bilingues de Francis Favereau / Edition Skol Vreizh, TermOfis

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A Meeting of Assemblies

Words for meeting, assembly and related gatherings in Celtic languages.

Dáil na nÓg - Ireland's Youth Parliament
Dáil na nÓg – Ireland’s Youth Parliament

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *datlā = assembly, meeting
Old Irish (Goídelc) dál = meeting, encounter, judgement, sentence, decree, dispensing, distribution, division, tribe
comdál = assembly, meeting
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) dál, dáil = meeting, encounter, conference, assembly, convention, court; case, dispute, controversy; judgement, decree, sentence, law; agreement, contract, covenant
dál-loc, dálluc = meeting place
dál-ṡuide, dálṡuidae = judgement-seat, forum
dál-tech = meeting house
comdál, comdhail, comdāl = meeting, tryst, assembly, conference
Irish (Gaeilge) dáil [d̪ˠɑːlʲ / d̪ˠaːlʲ] = meeting, tryst, encounter, assembly, convention, match-making gathering, betrothal, legislative assembly, parliament, distrubtion, decree, judgement, matter, condition, affair
Dáil Éireann = the lower house of the Parliament of Ireland
dáilcheantar = (parliamentary) constituency
dáileach = distributive
dáileacháin = distribution
dáileán = handout, leaflet
dáileog = little portion, dose
dáileoir = distributor, dispenser
dálach = found of meetings, of company; suitable for gatherings
comhdháil = meeting, tryst, convention, congress
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) dàil [daːl] = agreement, covenant, condition, circumstance, history
còmhdhàil [kɔ̃ː.al] = congress, convention, meeting, encounter, transport, group of people
mòr-dhàil [moːrɣal] = congress, assmebly
Manx (Gaelg) coardail = accord, agreement, covenant, convention, compromise
coardailys = agreement, compliance, compromise, concord, harmony
Proto-Brythonic *dadl [ˈdadl] = assembly, meeting
Old Welsh (Kembraec) dat = meeting, assembly, council, court
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) daddyl, dadyl, dadl, datlev = argument, dispute, controversy, plea, lawsuit, complaint; meeting, assembly, council, court; account, transaction; battle, fight
dadleu, dadlev, datleu = arguement, reasoning, controversy, contention, dispute; meeting, assembly, council, business, proceedings; court of lawm assizes, lawsuit, pleading, plea; battle, fight
dadlewad, dadleuad = pleading, debate, disputation, intercession
dadleu, dadlew = to argue, debate, dispute
dadleuty, dadlaudy = court of law, guildhall, forum, parliament (house); theatre
dadleuwr, dadylewr = advocate, counsel, solicitor, attorney; litigant
kinatlet, kynnadled = conference, assembly, congress
Welsh (Cymraeg) dadl [dadl] = argument, debate, wrangle, controversy, contention, plea, lawsuit, complaint
dadlau = arguement, reasoning, controversy, contention, dispute
dadl(eu)af, dadl(a)u = to argue, debate, dispute
dadleuol = controversial, debatable
dadleuwr, dadylewr = advocate, counsel, solicitor, attorney, debater, disputant
cynhadledd = conference, assembly, congress
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) dadyl, dadl, datl = assembly, forum (?)
dadloyer = speaker, orator
Cornish (Kernewek) dadhel = arguement, discussion, dispute
dadhelor(es) = debater, orator
dadhelva = debate
dadhla = to argue, debate, discuss
Old Breton (Brethonoc) dadl = quarrel, arguement
Middle Breton (Brezonec) dael = quarrel, arguement
Breton (Brezhoneg) dael = quarrel, arguement
daelañ = to discuss, dispute

Etymology: possibly from Proto-Indo-European *dʰh̥₁-tl-eh₂, from *dʰeh₁- (to do, put, place) [source]. Words from the same roots include odd, wood, word, deed, theme and many more in English, oord (place, region) in Dutch, and soler (to get used to, tend to) in Spanish [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) cruinn = circular, globular, round
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) cruinn = round, globular, compact, precise, assembled,
cruinniugad, crunnaghadh = (act of) gathering, collecting, assembling
Irish (Gaeilge) cruinn [kɾˠiːnʲ] = round, gathered, exact, accurate, concentrated
cruinniú [ˈkɾˠɪn̠ʲuː] = gathering, meeting, assemblage
cruinniúchán = (act of) gathering
cruinnitheoir = gatherer, collector
cruinnigh = to gather, assemble, collect, draw together, summon up, recover, converge, focus
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) cruinneachadh [krɯ̪ʲəxəɣ] = (to) gather, assemble, collect, accumulate; gathering, assembly, collection, accumulation
cruinnich [krɯn̪ʲɪç] = related to a mòd, courtly, fond of meetings
cruinneachail [krɯn̪ʲəxal] = (ac)cumulative
cruinneachair [krɯn̪ʲəxɛrʲ] = gatherer
neach-cruinneachaidh = collector, gatherer
talla-cruinneachaidh = meeting hall
Manx (Gaelg) cruinnaght = assembly, function, gathering, event
cruinnaghey = assemblage, congregation; to gather, focus, huddle, sum up
cruinneyder = gatherer
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) krynoi, crynói = to gather, hoard, amass, make round, roll up
crynoat = a bending, stooping
Welsh (Cymraeg) cryn(h)oad = the act of gathering together, compendium, summary, digest, assembly
crynhoi = to muster, assemble, gather, hoard, amass, make round, roll up
crynhofa = assembly, collection, gathering, store, reservoir
crynhowr = one who collects or gathers together
crynoëdig = gathered together, abridged

Etymology: from Proto-Celtic krundis (round), which probably from a non-Indo-European substrate language. [source]. Words for round in Celtic languages come from the same roots.

Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) mòd [mɔːd] = assembly, meeting, court of justice, mòd (cultural festival)
mòdach [mɔːdəx] = related to a mòd, courtly, fond of meetings
mòd-ceartais = tribunal
Manx (Gaelg) mod = assembly, gathering, meeting

Etymology: from Old Norse mót (meeting, joint), from Proto-Germanic *mōtą (meeting) Proto-Indo-European *meh₂d- (to meet, approach, encounter) [source]. Words from the same roots include meet and moot (subject of discussion, arguable, debatable) in English, møde (meeting, encounter, conference) in Danish, and mót (meeting, gathering, assembly) in Icelandic [source].

Middle Welsh (Kymraec) kynnull = collection, a gathering (of harvest, etc)
kynullaw, cynull = to collect, gather, bring together, muster, assemble
kinvllaud, cynullawd = a gathering, assembly
cynulledic = collected, gathered, assembled, collective
cynulleidua, cynulleitua, kynulleitua = congregation, audience, gathering, host
Welsh (Cymraeg) cynnull [ˈkənɪɬ] = collection, a gathering
cynullaf, cynullo = to collect, gather, bring together, muster, assemble
cynulliad = assembly, gathering
cynull(i)edig = collected, gathered, assembled, collective
cynulleidfa = congregation, audience, gathering, host
ymgynnull = to assemble
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) cuntell, contell = a gathering together, collection
cuntell, cuntullys, cuntyllys, contellyes = to gather together, collect
cuntellet = a congregation
cuntellyans = a gathering together
Cornish (Kernewek) kuntel = collection; to accumulate, collect, gather, pick; harvest
kunteller, kuntellores = collector, picker
kuntelles = assembly, congress, meeting
kuntellyans = aggregation, congregation
Breton (Brezhoneg) kuntuilh = to pick, picking
kuntuilher = picker
kuntuilherezh = picking

Etymology: from Proto-Brythonic *köβ̃- (with, together), from Proto-Celtic *kom- (with, together), from PIE*ḱóm (beside, near, by, with) + dull (method), from PIE *deyḱ (to show, point out) [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Drills & Augers

Words for augur and related things in Celtic languages.


Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *taratrom = auger
Gaulish taratron = auger
Old Irish (Goídelc) tarathar = auger
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) tarathar = auger
Irish (Gaeilge) tarathar = auger
tarathraigh = to bore with an auger
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) tora [tɔrə] = auger, gimble, gimlet
torach [tɔrəx] = pertaining to or abounding in augers / gimbles / gimlets
torachair [tɔrəxɪrʲ] = auger, gimble, gimlet
torachan [tɔrəxan] = small auger / gimble
tarachair† = gimlet, auger
Manx (Gaelg) tarrar = drill
tarrarey = to drill, drilling
Proto-Brythonic *taradr [taˈradr̩] = auger, borer, drill
Old Welsh (Kembraec) tarater = auger, drill, borer
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) tarader, taradyr, taradr = auger, drill, borer
Welsh (Cymraeg) taradr [ˈtaradr] = auger, drill, borer, awl, gimlet, trepan
taradru = to bore with an auger, drill, pierce
tarad(r) y coed = woodpecker
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) tardar, tarad = auger, borer, whimble
tardha, tardhe = to pervade, break out, emanate, penetrate, bore, pierce
Cornish (Kernewek) tarder = drill
tardra = to bore, drill, tap
Middle Breton (Brezonec) tarazr, talazr = auger
Breton (Brezhoneg) tarar [ˈtɑː.rar] = augur, chignole (a hand drill), shipworm (mollusk)
tararer [ta.ʁa.ʁe] = to pass a cereal through a sieve
tarzhañ = to burst, break, hatch, pierce, emerge, die (of thirst), warp

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *térh₁trom (tool for drilling), from *terh₁- (to rub, turn, drill, pierce) [source].

Words from the same Celtic roots, via Gaulish taratron (auger) and Late Latin taratrum, possibly include taraire in Occitan, taradre (to bore) in Catalan, trade (auger) in Galician, taladro (drill) in Spanish, tarière (auger) in French, tarader (drill) in Romansch [source].

Words from the same PIE roots include thread, thresh, trout and throw in English, settentrione (north) in Italian, třít (to rub) in Czech, and drehen (to turn) in German [source].

Drill Set

Irish (Gaeilge) druil = drill
druilchéachta = drill-plough
druileáil = drilling, to drill
druileálaí = drill-maker, drill-master
druilire láimhe = hand-drill
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) dril(e) [dril(ə)] = drill
dril(g)eadh [driləɣ] = drilling, drill
plaosgach [pl̪ˠɯːsgəx] = shelled, husky, shelly
Manx (Gaelg) drillal = to drill
drilley = drill
drilleyder = drill
Welsh (Cymraeg) drill = drill
dril, drul, trul = drill, small furrow, machine for sowing seed in drills
drillio = to drill, bore, subject to discipline

Etymology: from English drill, from drillen (to bore, move in a circle in Middle Dutch, from Old Dutch *thrillen, from Proto-Germanic *þriljaną, from Proto-Indo-European *ter- (through, over) [source].

Words from the same PIE roots include thrill in English and drillen (to drill, domineer) in Dutch [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Stormy Weather

Words for storm and related things in Celtic languages.

Gleann Cholm Cille

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *sīnā = weather
Old Irish (Goídelc) sín [ˈsʲiːn/ˈsʲiːnʲ] = storm, tempest, (bad) weather
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) sín = bad weather, storm, weather, season, circumstances, atmosphere, attitude
Irish (Gaeilge) síon = weather (usually bad, stormy)
síonra = atmospheric agencies, elements
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) sian [ʃiən] = violent weather, the elements, whizzing sound, squall, shriek
sianach [ʃiənəx] = stormy, squally, shrieking
sianail = (act of) shrieking, yelling
siantach [ʃiən̪ˠdəx] = pertaining to generally bad weather
marcach-siana = spindrift (spray coming off stormy sea), undulating (sheets of) rain
uisge nan seachd sian = almighty downpour, cloudburst, deluge, rainstorm
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) hin = (bad) weather, air
hinda, hindda = dry/fine/fair weather
hinon = (fair) weather, dry weather, sunshine
hinoni = to become fine, clear up, bask in the sun
Welsh (Cymraeg) hin = (bad) weather, air
hindreuliad = a weathering
hindreuliaf, hindreulio = to weather
hindda = dry/fine/fair weather
hinddanaf, hinddanu = to become fine, clear up (of weather)
hinfynag, = barometer
hinon = (fair) weather, dry weather, sunshine
hinonaf, hinoni = to become fine, clear up, bask in the sun
hinsawdd = climate
Cornish (Kernewek) hin = climate
hinek = climatic
Middle Breton (Brezonec) hynon = serene, clear weather
Breton (Brezhoneg) hin = climate
hinon = serene, serenity
hinoniñ = to have a peaceful time

Etymology: possibly related to Proto-Celtic *sīniti (to stretch, extend), from *sīros (long), from PIE *seh₁- (long, lasting), or *temp- (to stretch) [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) anfud = tempest, storm
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) anbod, anfud = tempest, storm, turbulence, fury, rage
anfadach = stormy, perturbed, agitated
Irish (Gaeilge) anfa [ˈanˠəfˠə] =storm, tempest
anfach = stormy, rough, tempestuous
anfacht = storminess

Etymology: unknown [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) doinenn = stormy weather, tempest
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) doinenn = foul or stormy weather, tempest
doinennta = stormy, tempestuous, inclement
Irish (Gaeilge) doineann [ˈd̪ˠɪn̠ʲən̪ˠ] = stormy weather, storm. wintriness, cheerlessness
doineanta = stormy, wild, inclement (weather), wintry, cheerless (person)
doineantach = cheerless, cold-mannered, person; gloomy old man
doineantacht = storminess, inclemency (weather), wintriness, cheerlessness (demeanour)
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) doineann [dɤn̪ʲan̪ˠ] = storm, tempest
doineannach [dɔn̪ʲən̪ˠəx] = stormy
doireannach [dɔrʲən̪ˠəx] = stormy
Manx (Gaelg) dorrin = storm, tempest
dorrinagh = stormy, tempestuous
dorrinys = storminess, tempestuousness, raging

Etymology: unknown [source].

Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) stoirm = storm
Irish (Gaeilge) stoirm [ˈsˠt̪ˠɪɾʲəmʲ] = storm, bluster, rage
stoirmeach = stormy, tempestuous
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) stoirm [sdɤrʲɤm] = storm
stoirmeil [sdɤrʲɤmal] = stormy
Manx (Gaelg) sterrym = storm
sterrymagh = stormy
sterrymid = storminess
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) ystorm, ystorym = storm, tempest
Welsh (Cymraeg) (y)storm = storm, tempest
(y)stormio = to become stormy, bluster, rain heavily, rant, scold
(y)stormus = stormy, tempestuous, turbulent, boisterous

Etymology: from Middle English storm (storm, dispute, brawl, fight), from Old English storm (storm), from Proto-West-Germanic *sturm (storm), from Proto-Germanic *sturmaz (storm), from PIE *(s)twerH- (to stir up, agitate, urge on, propel) [source].

Middle Welsh (Kymraec) tywyd = weather
Welsh (Cymraeg) tywydd [ˈtəu̯.ɨ̞ð / ˈtəu̯.ɪð] = weather, bad or stormy weather
tywyddiant = meterology
tywyddol = pertaining to the weather
Cornish (Kernewek) tewedh = storm
tewedha = to weather

Etymology: unknown

More about words for weather (and time) in Celtic languages.

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Lexicon Cornu-britannicum: A Dictionary of the Ancient Celtic Language of Cornwall, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, Le dictionnaire diachronique du breton, Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic


Words for dinner and related things in Celtic languages.

Speakers' Dinner at the Polyglot Gathering

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Middle Irish (Gaoidhleag) din(n)ér = repast, meal
Irish (Gaeilge) dinnéar [dʲɪˈnʲeːɾˠ] = dinner
am dinnéir = dinner-time
foreann dinnéir = dinner-service
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) dinnear [dʲiːn̪ʲər] = dinner
àm dìnnearach = dinner-time
bòrd-dìnnearach = dinner table
seacaid-dìnnearach = dinner-jacket/suit, tuxedo
seòmar-dìnnearach = dining room
Manx (Gaelg) jinnair = dinner
co’heshaght yinnairagh = dinner party
forran buird = dinner service
jaggad yinnairagh = dinner jacket

Etymology: from Old French disner (to dine, eat the main meal of the day), from Vulgar Latin *disiūnāre, from Late Latin disieiūnō (to break the fast), from dis- (apart, reversal, utterly) and ieiūnō (to fast) [source].

Words from the same roots include dine and diner and dinner in English, and dîner (to dine, dinner) in French [source].

Proto-Brythonic *kinjọ = dinner (?)
Middle Welsh (Kymreac) kinyaỽ, kinyaw, kinio, kinnaw = dinner
kino echwydd, ciniaw echwydd, kinnechwydd = midday-dinner
kinnawha, kinawu, kinyawa = to dine, eat a meal
Welsh (Cymraeg) cinio [ˈkɪnjɔ] = dinner, breakfast
cinio echwydd, cinechwydd = midday-dinner
cin(i)awaf, cin(i)awu = to dine, eat a meal
ciniawdy = restaurant, café
ciniawfwyd = dinner, meal
Middle Cornish (Cernwec) cynyow, cidnio = dinner
Cornish (Kernwek) kinnyow, kidnyow = dinner
kinyewel = to dine

Etymology: cognate with or from Latin cēna (dinner), from Old Latin cesna, from Proto-Italic *kertsnā, from Proto-Indo-European *kért-sneh₂ (portion), from *(s)kert- (to cut), from *(s)ker- (to cut off, separate) [source].

Middle Welsh (Kymreac) cvin, kwyn = dinner, supper, feast, banquet
kvynnos, cwynos = supper, evening, meal, feast
kuynossa, cwynosa = to sup, take supper
cwynossauc, cwynossawc = giving (or one who gives) supper or a meal to a king or lord and his retinue on circuit
Welsh (Cymraeg) cwyn = dinner, supper, feast, banquet
cwynos = supper, evening, meal, feast
cwynosa(f) = to sup, take supper
cwynosfwyd = supper, tea, a light meal or lunch taken in the afternoon in the fields.
cwynosog = giving (or one who gives) supper or a meal to a king or lord and his retinue on circuit
Middle Cornish (Cernwec) coyn, cón = supper
Cornish (Kernwek) kon = dinner, supper
Middle Breton (Brezonec) coan = dinner, supper, to have supper
coan(i)aff, coanyaff, coania = to dine, to have supper
coanlech = place where one has supper
Breton (Brezhoneg) koan [ˈkwãːn] = supper, dinner, to have supper
koanan, koaniañ = to have dinner, to dine
koanier = dinner

Etymology: from Latin cēna (dinner), from Old Latin cesna, from Proto-Italic *kertsnā, from Proto-Indo-European *kért-sneh₂ (portion), from *(s)kert- (to cut), from *(s)ker- (to cut off, separate) [source].

Middle Irish (Gaoidhleag) béile = meal
Irish (Gaeilge) béile [ˈbʲeːlʲə] = meal
béile maidine = breakfast
béile meán lae = lunch
béile oíche = supper, dinner
ní fiú a bhéilí é = he is not worth his keep
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) beil = diet, meal of meat (archaic)

Etymology: from Middle English mel (a time, occasion, meal, feast), from Old English mǣl (measure, mark, sign, time, occasion), from Proto-Germanic *mēlą (measure, time, occasion, meal), from PIE *meh₁- (to measure) [source].

Words from the same roots include meal in English, maal (meal, time) in Dutch, Mahl (meal) in German, and mål (target, goal, meal) in Swedish [source].

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Lexicon Cornu-britannicum: A Dictionary of the Ancient Celtic Language of Cornwall, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, Le dictionnaire diachronique du breton, Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Today we’re looking at the words for pickaxe, pike and related things in Celtic languages.

Claes Oldenburg

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Middle Irish (Gaoidhleag) píce = pole, pike
pícóid = mattock, pickaxe
Irish (Gaeilge) píce [ˈpʲiːcɪ] = pike, fork, peak
píceáil = pike, fork, pitchfork, peak
píceálaí = forker, pitcher
píceán = peak, tip
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) pic, pìc [piːçgʲ] = pike
pìceach [piːçgʲəx] = armed with pikes, abounding in pikes
pìcear = pikeman
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) pig = point, spike, pike
pigo = to prick, pierce, goad, peck, sting, bite
pigawd = a thrusting or stabbing with a spear, a pricking
Welsh (Cymraeg) pig [piːɡ] = point, spike, pike, lance, pick(axe), prong, beak
pigach = darts
pigadail = obelisk, spire, pyramid, cone
pigaf, pigo = to prick, pierce, goad, peck, sting, bite
pig(i)aid = as much as can be picked up or carried on a pitchfork, beakful
pigau = pitchfork, hay-fork
pigawd = a thrusting or stabbing with a spear, a pricking
pigell = goad, prick, prickle
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) piga = to prick, prickle, sting
pigol = mattock, pick, pickaxe
Cornish (Kernewek) pig = grub axe, grubber, pick, pickaxe, pickle
piga = to goad, incite, sting
pigell = hoe, pick(axe), pickle
pigallas = to hoe
pigellik = picker
Middle Breton (Brezonec) pig = pickaxe
Breton (Brezhoneg) pik = piquant, point, pique
pikañ = to sting, bite, pinch
pikezenn = pike, spade (in cards)
pigell = pickaxe

Etymology (Irish): from Old French pik(k)e, from Latin pīcca (pickace, pike), possibly from Frankish *pikkōn (to peck, strike), or from Frankish *pīk (sharp point, pike), from Proto-Germanic *pīkaz (sharp point, pike, pickaxe, peak) probably of imitative origin [source].

Etymology (Scottish Gaelic, Welsh & Cornish): probably from English pike or the Middle English pyke (pike, sharp point), which ultimately come from the same Proto-Germanic roots as pik(k)e in Old French.

Words from the same roots include peck, pick, pike, pique, pitch in English [source].

Irish (Gaeilge) caib [kɑbʲ/kabʲ] = dibble
caibeáil = to plant with an implement, dibble
caibeáilaí = planter (of seed), dibbler
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) caibe [kɛbə] = space, mattock, iron part of tools
caibe-sìthe = fairy spade (amulet given to sick people & cattle)
Manx (Gaelg) kiebbey = spade, mattock
Old Welsh cep = pickaxe, mattock, hoe, ploughshare
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) keyp, keib, caib = pickaxe, mattock, hoe, ploughshare
Welsh (Cymraeg) caib = pickaxe, mattock, hoe, ploughshare
caib garddwr = hoe
caib big, caib bicys = pickaxe

Etymology: unknown

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Lexicon Cornu-britannicum: A Dictionary of the Ancient Celtic Language of Cornwall, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, Le dictionnaire diachronique du breton, Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Sure, Certainly

Words for sure, certain and related words in Celtic languages.

Sure, Certainly

Words marked * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *derwos = firm (as an oak), oak
Old Irish (Goídelc) derb = sure, certain, fixed, certainty
derba = certainty
derbaid = to certify, confirm, prove
derbda = certain, fixed
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) derb = sure, certain, fixed, determinate, reliable, genuine
derba = certainty
derbaid = to certify, confirm, prove, attest
derbda(e) = certain, fixed
Irish (Gaeilge) dearbh [ˈdʲaɾˠəvˠ] = sure, certain
dearbhaigh = to declare, affirm, confirm, attest, prove
dearbháil = to test, check
dearbhú = declaration, affirmation, attestation, confirmation
dearfa = attested, proved, sure, certain
dearfach = affrimative, positive
dearfacht = positiveness, certainty
deartháir = brother (“certain brother” from derb & bráthair [brother])
deirfiúr = sister (“certain sister” from derb & siur [sister])
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) dearbh [dʲɛrɛv] = ceratin, sure, positive
dearbh-aithne = identity, indentification
dearbhaich [dʲɛrɛvɪç] = prove, attest, verify, demonstrate
dearbhadh [dʲɛrɛvəɣ] = proving, attesting, verifying
dearbhachd [dʲɛrɛvəxg] = proof, experience, assurance
dearbhair [dʲɛrɛvɛrʲ] = affirmer, checker
dearbhte [dʲɛrɛvdʲə] = ascertained, confirmed, proved
dearbhach [dʲɛrɛvəx] = sure, affirmative, positive
dearbhachail [dʲɛrɛvəxal] = conclusive, decisive
Manx (Gaelg) jarroo = absolute, actual, even, explicit, express, identical, indubitable
jarrooagh = affirmative, categorical, confirmative, definitive, positive
jarrooid = positiveness
dy jarroo = actually
Old Welsh ceintiru = first cousin (male)
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) keuynderv, keuyndyru, keuynderw = first cousin (male)
cyfnitherw, kefnithderw, cyvnither = first cousin (female)
Welsh (Cymraeg) derw = sure, true (only appears in words below)
cefnder(w) = first cousin (male)
cyfnither(w) = first cousin (female)
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) handeru = first cousin
Cornish (Kernewek) kenderow, keniterow = cousin
Middle Breton (Brezonec) quenderu = cousin
Breton (Brezhoneg) kenderv = cousin (male)
keniterv = cousin (female)

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *drewh₂- (steady, firm), from *dóru (tree), which possibly related to *deru-/*drew- (hard, firm, strong, solid) [source].

Words from the same roots include words for oak trees in Celtic languages, and tar, tree, trough and trim in English [source].

Proto-Celtic *kengeti =to step
Old Irish (Goídelc) cingid [ˈkʲiŋʲɡʲiðʲ] = to step, proceed
do·cing = to advance, step forward
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) cingid, cinnid, cinnit = to step, pace, proceed, go, overcome, surpass, excel, exceed
do-cing, to-cing = to step, stride forward, advance, come
Irish (Gaeilge) cinn [cəiɲ / ciːnʲ] = to fix, determine, decree, decide
cinnte = certain, definite, mean, stingy, constant
cinnteach = fixed, definite, definitive
cinnteachaí = determinist
cinnteachas = determinism
cinnteacht = certainty, stinginess, limitation
cinntigh = to make certain, confirm, assure
cinntiú = confirmation, determination
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) cinnt [kʲĩːn̪ʲdʲ] = certainty
cinnteach = certain, definite, sure, accurate
cinnteachas = determinism
cinnteachd = certainty, actuality, assurance
cinnteachadh = checking, confirming, determining
cinntich = (to) check, confirm, determine, ascertain
Manx (Gaelg) kinjagh = constant, continual, continuous, definite

Etymology: possibly from Proto-Indo-European *(s)keng- (limp) [source].

Words from the same roots include words for step in Celtic languages, shank in English, hinken (to limp, hobble) in Dutch and German [source].

Middle Welsh (Kymraec) dyogel, diogel = safe, secure, certain, sure, reliable, immovable
diogelu = to make save, secure
diogelhay = to make safe or fast, secure, assure
diogelrwydd, diogelrỼyd = safety, security, assurance, certainty
diogelwch = safety, security, caution
diogelwr = defender, protector
Welsh (Cymraeg) diogel [dɪˈɔɡɛl/dɪˈoːɡɛl] = safe, secure, certain, sure, reliable, immovable
diogelaf, diogelu = to make save, secure, assure, confirm
diogeldeb, diolgelder = safety, security
diogelfa = safe place, fortress, stronghold, place of refuge
diogelhaf, diogelhau = to make safe or fast, secure, assure
diogelrwydd = safety, security, assurance, certainty
diogelwch = safety, security, caution
diogelwr, diogelydd = defender, protector
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) diogel, dyowgel, dyogel, diûgel, diougel = unexposed, secure, safe, certain
Cornish (Kernewek) diogel = certain, reliable, secure, sure
diogeldeh = security
diogeli = to safeguard, secure
Middle Breton (Brezonec) diouguel, dioguel, dyougel = certain, sure, surely, security, safety
diouguelhat = to defend, guard, protect
diouguelroez, dyouguelroez = security, protection
Breton (Brezhoneg) diogel [diˈoːɡɛl] = size, dimension, measure, format
diougelaat = to defend, guard, protect
diougeladur = affirmation, assertion
diougeler = protecter
diogeliñ = to assert
diogelroez = security, protection
diogelus = affirmative

Etymology: from di- (intensifying prefix) and gogel (to guard), from Proto-Celtic *uɸo- (sub-, under) and *kelo (to hide), from PIE *ḱel (to cover) [source].

Words from the same roots include Celt(ic), heel and occult in English [source].

Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) sicir [ʃiçgʲɪrʲ] = shrewd, acute, accurate, sure
sicireachd [ʃiçgʲɪrʲəxg] = shrewdness, acuteness, accurateness, sureness
Manx (Gaelg) shickyr = certain, confident, definite, firm
shickyraghey = to ensure, ratify, verify, affirmation
shickyrys = assurance, certainty, security, stability
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) sicr, sikr = safe, secure, certain, sure, reliable, immovable
sickrwydd, sicrwydd, siccrwydd = certainity, sureness, assurance
siwr, sywr = sure, certain, inevitable, unfailing
Welsh (Cymraeg) sicr [ˈsɪkɪr] = sure, certain, inevitable, secure, safe
sicrhau = to ensure, make certain, fasten, secure
sicrwydd = certainity, sureness, assurance
siŵr, siwr [ʃuːr]= sure, certain, inevitable, unfailing
siwr(i)af, siwr(i)o = to assure, ensure
siwrans, siwrens = certainity, assurance
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) secer = secure
secerder = security
Cornish (Kernewek) sur = certain(ly), sure(ly)
surhe = to assure, ensure, insure
surheans = insurance
surneth = certainity
surredi = certainly, surely
Middle Breton (Brezonec) sigur = sure, certain, assured
Breton (Brezhoneg) sygur, sigur [ˈsiːɡyr] = sure, certain, assured
siguriñ = to generalize, pretext

Etymology: from Middle English siker (safe, secure), from Old English sicor (secure, safe, sure), from Proto-West Germanic *sikur (secure, safe, sure, certain), from Latin sēcūrus (worryless; carefree; secure), from sē- (without) and cūra (care); [source].

Note: the Welsh word sikr comes from Middle English siker, while siŵr/siwr comes from modern English sure. They both come from the same ultimate roots. Similarly, the Middle Cornish secer comes from Middle English, while sur in modern Cornish comes from modern English. I’m not sure if the Breton words are related, or what their etymology is.

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Gerlyvyr Cernewec, Lexicon Cornu-britannicum: A Dictionary of the Ancient Celtic Language of Cornwall, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, Le dictionnaire diachronique du breton, Geriafurch, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

Boats and Ships

Words for boat, ship and related vessels in Celtic languages.

Douglas / Doolish

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *longā- = boat, vessel
Old Irish (Goídelc) long [l͈oŋɡ] = boat, ship
longfort = camp, encampment, stronghold
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) long, longa = boat, ship, vessel, long-ship, galley; vessel, container; house; bed
longphort, lonngport = camp, encampment, temporary stronghold, mansion, princely dwelling; stronghold, fortress
Irish (Gaeilge) long [l̪ˠɔŋ] = ship, vessel, container, house
longbhá = shipwreck
longbhac = embargo (on ships), naval blockade
longbhoth = (navel) dock
longbhriste = shipwrecked
longcheárta, longchlós = shipyard
longfort = camp, stronghold, fortified residence
longlann = dockyard
longmhar = abounding in ships
longtheach = boat-house
longthógáil = shipbuilding
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) long [l̪ˠɔuŋg] = ship
longas = shipping, shipment
longart = seaport
long-adhair = airship
long-bhriste = shipwreck
long-chasgadh = embargo
long-fhada = galley (ship)
long-fhànais = spaceship
long-lann = dockyard
long-phort = seaport
long-thogail = shipbuilding
Manx (Gaelg) lhong [loŋ] = ship, vessel
lhong aer = airship
lhong-chaardee = boatyard, shipyard
lhong chrowal = hovercraft
lhong liauyr = longship
lhong-phurt = basin, seaport
lhong spoar = spaceship
lhong spooillee = pirate ship
lhuingys = fleet, shipping
Proto-Brythonic *llong = ship, vessel
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) loggou, log, llogeu, llong = ship, boat
llongi = to embark, ship
llongeidiev, llongaid = shipload, shipful, shipment, cargo
llog porth, llogborth, llong-borth = seaport, haven, harbour
long-dorr = shipwreck
longhawl, llonghavl. llongawl = nautical, maritime, naval
llongỼyr, llongwr = seaman, sailor, mariner
Welsh (Cymraeg) llong [ɬɔŋ] = ship, boat; the Great Bear (Ursa Major)
llongaf, llongi = to embark, ship
llongaid = shipload, shipful, shipment, cargo
llongborth = seaport, harbour, dock, quay
llongdor = shipwreck
llongol = nautical, maritime, naval
llongwr = seaman, sailor, mariner
llong awyr = airship, aeroplane
llong y diffeithwch, llong dir = ship of the desert, camel
llong ofod = spaceship, spacecraft
llong hofran = hovercraft
llong danfor(ol) = submarine
Old Breton locou = ship, boat

Etymology: possibly from the Latin (navis) longa ([long] boat), or from an unknown source [Source].

Proto-Celtic *nāwā- = boat
Old Irish (Goídelc) nau, nó = boat
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) nó, noe = boat (generally a small one, propelled by oars)
Irish (Gaeilge) nae [n̪ˠeː] = boat
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) noe = large vase, bowl
Welsh (Cymraeg) noe = (wooden) vessel used in making butter, kneading dough, etc. shallow dish, bowl, pan, basin, laver, wooden trough
noeaid = dishful
Cornish (Kernewek) new = sink, trough, washbasin
new doos = trough
new-droghya = sheep dip
Middle Breton (Brezonec) néau, néff, neo, nev = trough, bucket
néay-doas, neo-doaz, nev-doaz = kneading-trough
Breton (Brezhoneg) nev = trough, bucket

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *néh₂us (boat), from *(s)neh₂- (to swim) [Source]. Words from the same roots include navy, navigate, and nautical in English [Source].

Old Irish (Goídelic) bát = boat
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) bát, bád = boat
Irish (Gaeilge) bád [bˠɑːd̪ˠ/bˠaːd̪ˠ] = boat
bádóireacht = (act of) boating
bád iascaigh = fishing boat
bád seoil = sailing boat
bád tarrthála = lifeboat
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) bàta [baːhdə] = boat, craft
bàtaireachd = boating
bàta-aigeil = submarine
bàta-asieig = ferry boat
bàta-falbhain = hovercraft
bàta-iasgaich = fishing boat
bàta-sàbhalaidh = lifeboat
bàta-siùil = sailing boat
Manx (Gaelg) baatey [ˈbɛːðə] = boat, even keel
baateyrys = boating
baatey assaig = ferry boat
baatey bieauid = speedboat
baatey eeastee = fishing boat
baatey etlagh = seaplane
baatey sauaillagh = lifeboat
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) bat, bad = boat
badwr = boatman, waterman, ferryman
Welsh (Cymraeg) bad = boat, barge, (small) ship
badaid = boatful
badlong = ketch, pinnace
badwr = boatman, waterman, ferryman
bad acbub = lifeboat
bad pysgota = fishing boat

Etymology: from Old English bāt (boat) or from Old Norse bátr (boat), both of which come from Proto-Germanic *baitaz (boat, ship), from Proto-Indo-European *bʰeyd- (to break, split) [Source].

The English word boat comes from the same roots, as do words for boat in many other languages [Source].

Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) scaf, scaffu, scafa = ship
Irish (Gaeilge) scafa [sˠkɑfˠə] = ship
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) sgoth [sgɔh] = skiff
sgothag = little skiff, small yacht, cutter
sgiof [sgʲif] = skiff (boat)
sgib [sgʲib] = small ship (archaic)
Manx (Gaelg) skiff = skiff
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) esgraff, yscraff, ysgraff = boat, barge, ferry
Welsh (Cymraeg) ysgraff, sgraff = boat, barge, skiff, ferry, ship, raft
ysgraffbont = pontoon
ysgraffwr, ysgraffydd = ferryman, boatman, bargee
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) scath = boat
scath hîr = long boat
Cornish (Kernewek) skath = boat
skathik = dinghy
skath hir = barge
skath kloos = raft
skath tan = motor-boat
skath sawya = lifeboat
skath-wolya = sailing boat
Middle Breton (Brezonec) scaph, scaff, sqaff, skaf = skiff
skavat, skafad = contents of a skiff
Breton (Brezhoneg) skaf = skiff, landing net

Etymology: possibly from Latin scapha (a light boat, skiff), from Ancient Greek σκάφη (skáphē – light boat, skiff), from σκᾰ́πτω (skáptō – to dig, delve); or from Old Norse skúta (small craft, cutter) [Source].

Proto-Celtic *lestrom = vessel, pot
Old Irish (Goídelic) lestar = vessel, container, beehive
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) lestar = vessel, container, beehive, ship, boat
lestarach = frequented by ships
Irish (Gaeilge) leastar [ˈl̠ʲasˠt̪ˠəɾˠ] = vessel, container (for liquids), cask, firkin, (wash) tub, punt (boat), tub; squat, dumpy person
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) leastar = small boat, cup, vessel, furniture of a house
Proto-Brythonic *llestr = vessel, container
Old Welsh lestir = vessel, container
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) llestri, llestyr = vessel, container
llestreit, llestraid, llestred = vesselful, caskful, tubful, bushel
llestryn, llestrun = small vessel, small barrel, boat
Welsh (Cymraeg) llestr [ɬɛstr/ˈɬɛstɛr] = vessel, bushel, ship, boat, beehive, womb, uterus
llestraid = vesselful, caskful, tubful, bushel
llestrwr = maker of vessels, potter
llestryn = small vessel, small barrel, boat, human body
Old Cornish lester = vessel, container
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) lester = vessel, ship
golowlester = a light-vessel, a lamp
Cornish (Kernewek) lester = dish, ship, utensil vessel
lester eth = steam boat
lester-bargesi = hovercraft
lester=gwari = yacht
lester-sedhi = submarine
annedh lester = houseboat
lestrier = (kitchen) dresser
lestriva = dockyard
lestryn = container
Old Breton lestr = ship, vessel, container
Middle Breton (Brezonec) lestr = ship, vessel, container
lestr-dre-dan = steamship
lestr-kroazer, lestr-reder = cruiser
Breton (Brezhoneg) lestr [ˈlɛstʁ] = vessel, container, ship
lestr-spluj[lɛs.ˈplyːʃ] = submarine
aerlestr [ˈɛʁlestʁ] = aircraft
lestrañ [ˈlɛstrã] = to board, load (a vehicle)
dilestrañ [diˈlɛsːtrã] = to disemark

Etymology: possibly from Proto-Indo-European *pleḱ- (to fold, weave). The Goidelic words were possibly borrowed from Proto-Brythonic [Source].


Middle Welsh (Kymraec) cwch, cŵch = boat, beehive
Welsh (Cymraeg) cwch [kʊχ] = boat, beehive
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) coc = boat
Cornish (Kernewek) kok = fishing boat
Middle Breton (Brezonec) couc’h = cover of a beehive, hull (of a boat)
Breton (Brezhoneg) kouc’h = cover of a beehive, hull (of a boat)
kouc’hañ = to cover (a beehive)

Etymology: possibly cognate with the English word cog (a clinker-built, flat-bottomed, square-rigged mediaeval ship of burden, or war with a round, bulky hull and a single mast; a small fishing boat), which comes from Middle Dutch cogghe (clinker-built, flat-bottomed sailing cargo ship of the Middle Ages), from Proto-Germanic *kuggō, from PIE *gugā (hump, ball) [Source].

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic, Cleasby & Vigfusson Old Norse dictionary

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Words for wheel and related words in Celtic languages.

Laxey Wheel

Proto-Celtic *rotos = wheel, chariot
Gaulish *Rotomagos = placename [see below]
Old Irish (Goídelc) roth = disc, sphere, wheel
rothmol = gyration
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) roth, routh = wheel, something circular or wheel-shaped, disc, sphere, circular brooch, wheel brooch, loop, noose
roithled = the act of rotating or twirling
roithlén = wheel
roithreim = the rolling, rushing of wheels
rothán = small wheel
rothmol = wheel of a water mill, gyration, scrimmage
Irish (Gaeilge) roth [ɾˠɔ(h)/ɾˠɞh] = wheel, bicycle
rothach = wheeled, cyclic(al)
rothadóir = wheelwright
rothaí = cyclist
rothaigh = to cycle
rothaíocht = cycling
rothán = small wheel, loop, ring, hank
rothar = bicycle
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) roth [r̪ˠɔh] = wheel, halo, crown (in a mill)
roth-fiaclach = cog
roth-gaoithe = ventilator
roth-uisge = water wheel
roth-mór = millwheel, ferris wheel
rothag = small wheel, small circle
rothaiche = wheel, cyclist
rothair = bicycle, bike, cycle, roller, cylinder
rothaireachd = cycling
rothair-motair = motorbike, motorcycle
rothalan [r̪ˠɔhəl̪ˠan] = person or animal running in circles
Manx (Gaelg) roar = bicycle, bike
roaragh = cyclist
roaraght = cycling
roar-bree = motorcycle
roar-slieau = mountain bike
Proto-Brythonic *rrod = wheel
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) rot, rod, rhôd = wheel
Welsh (Cymraeg) rhod [r̥oːd] = wheel, spinning wheel, waterwheel, cogwheel, (round) shield), sphere, circle, orbit, firmament, heaven, (wheel of) fortune, fate, course, circuit, round, district, world
rhod ddŵr waterwheel
rhod wynt = windmill
rhodellaf, rhoedellu = to whirl, twirl
rhodig = small wheel, rowel (of spur)
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) ros, rôs = circle, wheel
Cornish (Kernewek) ros [ˈɹoːz] = wheel
ros lovan = winch
ros melin = mill wheel
ros parys = spare wheel
ros velin = millwheel
ros-lewya = steering wheel
rosella = to rotate, spin
rosellans = rotation
rosik = castor
roskesya = roller skating
roskis = rollerskates
Middle Breton (Brezonec) rod, rot = wheel, spinning wheel
rot melin, rod milin = millwheel
Breton (Brezhoneg) rod [ˈroːt] = wheel
rod-avel = wind turbine
rod-vilin = millwheel
rodal = to do a cartwheel
rodeg = cycle
rodell = loop
rodellig = small curl, bouclette

Etymology: from PIE *Hret- (to run) [source].

The city of Rouen, the capital of Normandy in northern France, gets its name from the Latin Rōtomagus, which was the chief city of the Veliocasses in Gallia Lugdunensis (where Rouen is now), and was borrowed from Gaulish, from the Proto-Celtic *rotos (wheel) and *magos (field) [source].

Other words from the same roots include words for to run in Celtic languages, the Welsh name Rhys, and rota, rotor and rotate in English [source].

Proto-Celtic *drokos = wheel
Old Irish (Goídelc) droch [drox] = wheel, circlet
drochet [ˈdrox(ʲ)ed] = bridge – from droch (wheel) and sét (path, way)
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) droch = wheel, circlet
drochet, drochat, droget = bridge, causeway
Irish (Gaeilge) droichead = bridge
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) droch [drɔx] = coach wheel (obselete)
drochaid = bridge
Manx (Gaelg) droghad = bridge, arch, gantry

Etymology: from PIE *dʰregʰ- (to run, drag, pull) [source].

Words from the same PIE root include drag, draw (to pull, drag) and retract in English, and դուրգ (durg – potter’s wheel) in Armenian [source].

Proto-Celtic *olēnā = wheel
Old Welsh olun, olin = wheel, circular, to rotate
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) olwyn, olvyn, ōlwyn = wheel
olwynnyawc, olŵynog, olwŷnog = wheeled, turning, revolving
Welsh (Cymraeg) olwyn [ˈɔlʊɨ̯n/ˈoːlʊi̯n] = wheel, shaft
olwyn gocos cog wheel
olwyn ddŵr = waterwheel
olwyn lywio = streering wheel
olwyndro = cartwheel
olwyndroi = to cartwheel, spin
olwyn(i)af, olwyn(i)o = to wheel, turn, revolve, roll
olwyn(i)og = wheeled, turning, revolving
olwynol = wheel-shaped, circular, revolving
olwynwr = wheelwright, cyclist

Etymology: from Proto-Celtic *Heh₃l- (to bow, bend, elbow) [source].

Words from elbow in Celtic languages come from the same PIE root via the Proto-Celtic *olīnā (elbow, angle) [more details], as do the English words elbow and ulna (one of the bones in the forearm, a.k.a. elbow bone) [source].

Irish (Gaeilge) cuidhil [kiːlʲ/kiəlʲ] = spinning wheel (in Antrim)
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) cuidheall [kujəl̪ˠ] = wheel, coil
cuidheall-shnìomha = spinning wheel
cuibheall-iteachain = bobbin wheel
saor-chuidhleachan = wheelwright
Manx (Gaelg) queeyl(l) = wheel
queeyl chairt = cartwheel
queeylit = wheeled
queeyllagh = cartwheel, rotary, wheeled, wheeling
queelylley = rolling, wheeling whirling

Etymology: from Scots quhe(i)l (wheel), from Middle English whel (wheel), etc [source].

Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) cuibhle [kuilə] = wheel, coil
cathair-cuibhle = wheelchair
cuibhle-shnìomha = ship’s wheel, steering wheel
cuibhlearachd = wheeling, rolling, coiling
cuibhle = millwheel, ferris wheel
cuibhleas = wheelhouse
cuibhleag = small coil, small eddy
Welsh (Cymraeg) whil, wil = wheel
w(h)ilaf, w(h)ilo = to wheel, roll
w(h)ilber = wheelbarrow
w(h)ilberaid = wheelbarrowful
w(h)ilber(i)o = to carry in a wheelbarrow
whilbws = wheelhouse
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) wheyl, wheal, whél = work, wheel

Etymology: from English wheel, from Middle English whel (wheel), from Old English hwēol (wheel), from Proto-Germanic *hweulō (wheels), from PIE *kʷékʷlom (wheel) from *kʷel- (to turn) [source].

According to MacBain’s An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language, the Gaelic cuibhle was borrowed from English [source].

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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