Drills & Augers

Words for augur and related things in Celtic languages.


Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *taratrom = auger
Gaulish taratron = auger
Old Irish (Goídelc) tarathar = auger
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) tarathar = auger
Irish (Gaeilge) tarathar = auger
tarathraigh = to bore with an auger
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) tora [tɔrə] = auger, gimble, gimlet
torach [tɔrəx] = pertaining to or abounding in augers / gimbles / gimlets
torachair [tɔrəxɪrʲ] = auger, gimble, gimlet
torachan [tɔrəxan] = small auger / gimble
tarachair† = gimlet, auger
Manx (Gaelg) tarrar = drill
tarrarey = to drill, drilling
Proto-Brythonic *taradr [taˈradr̩] = auger, borer, drill
Old Welsh (Kembraec) tarater = auger, drill, borer
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) tarader, taradyr, taradr = auger, drill, borer
Welsh (Cymraeg) taradr [ˈtaradr] = auger, drill, borer, awl, gimlet, trepan
taradru = to bore with an auger, drill, pierce
tarad(r) y coed = woodpecker
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) tardar, tarad = auger, borer, whimble
tardha, tardhe = to pervade, break out, emanate, penetrate, bore, pierce
Cornish (Kernewek) tarder = drill
tardra = to bore, drill, tap
Middle Breton (Brezonec) tarazr, talazr = auger
Breton (Brezhoneg) tarar [ˈtɑː.rar] = augur, chignole (a hand drill), shipworm (mollusk)
tararer [ta.ʁa.ʁe] = to pass a cereal through a sieve
tarzhañ = to burst, break, hatch, pierce, emerge, die (of thirst), warp

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *térh₁trom (tool for drilling), from *terh₁- (to rub, turn, drill, pierce) [source].

Words from the same Celtic roots, via Gaulish taratron (auger) and Late Latin taratrum, possibly include taraire in Occitan, taradre (to bore) in Catalan, trade (auger) in Galician, taladro (drill) in Spanish, tarière (auger) in French, tarader (drill) in Romansch [source].

Words from the same PIE roots include thread, thresh, trout and throw in English, settentrione (north) in Italian, třít (to rub) in Czech, and drehen (to turn) in German [source].

Drill Set

Irish (Gaeilge) druil = drill
druilchéachta = drill-plough
druileáil = drilling, to drill
druileálaí = drill-maker, drill-master
druilire láimhe = hand-drill
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) dril(e) [dril(ə)] = drill
dril(g)eadh [driləɣ] = drilling, drill
plaosgach [pl̪ˠɯːsgəx] = shelled, husky, shelly
Manx (Gaelg) drillal = to drill
drilley = drill
drilleyder = drill
Welsh (Cymraeg) drill = drill
dril, drul, trul = drill, small furrow, machine for sowing seed in drills
drillio = to drill, bore, subject to discipline

Etymology: from English drill, from drillen (to bore, move in a circle in Middle Dutch, from Old Dutch *thrillen, from Proto-Germanic *þriljaną, from Proto-Indo-European *ter- (through, over) [source].

Words from the same PIE roots include thrill in English and drillen (to drill, domineer) in Dutch [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary, Teanglann.ie, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Central Hearts

Words for heart, core, centre and related things in Celtic languages.

calon /  heart

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *kridyom = heart, centre, focus, love, dear one, valour
Old Irish (Goídelc) cride [ˈkʲrʲiðʲe] = heart,
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) cride = heart, centre, middle part, focus, affection, love, dear one, valour
cridecán = little heart, heartlet (term of endearment)
cridech = stout-headed
cridechair = benign, kind, beloved
cridemail = hearty, courageous, kind
cridén = dear one, heartlet (term of endearment)
cridenas = heart-trembling, fright and terror
cridiscél = moving tale, special wish, darling
Irish (Gaeilge) croí [kɾˠiː] = heart
croíán = gallant, playboy
croíbhriseadh = heart-break
croíbhriste = heart-broken, heart-breaking
croíbhrú = contrition
croídín = cuddle, little darling
croíléis = light-heartedness, merriment, sport
croíléiseach = light-hearted, merry, sportive
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) cridhe [krʲi.ə] = heart, courage, centre, middle
cridheachan [krʲi.əxan] = small heart, chest brooch
cridhealas [krʲi.əl̪ˠəs] = cheerfulness, hilarity, gaiety,jollity
cridhean [krʲi.an] = small heart, gallant
cridheil [krʲi.al] = cheerful, hearty, jolly
cridhe briste = broken heart, broken spirit
cridhe-leòn = heartache
cridhe teòma = a tender heart
Manx (Gaelg) cree [kriː] = heart, hub, core, centre
creeoil = cheerful, hearty, inspiring, courage
cree brisht = bleeding heart, heartbroken
cree cloaie = hardhearted, stony, heart
y chree = dearest, my heart, my sweetheart
Proto-Brythonic *krėð = (?)
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) craidd = centre, middle, heart
Welsh (Cymraeg) craidd [krai̯ð] = centre, middle, heart, kernel, essence
craidd disgyrchiad, craidd disgyrchiant = centre of gravity
pwnc craidd = core subject
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) cres, crês, creys = middle, centre, midst, heart
Cornish (Kernewek) kres = centre, middle, waist
kresnna, kresedna = to centralise
kresek = average, medium
kresel = central
kresen = centre
kresfoesik = centrifugal
kreshwilus = centripetal
kresosel = medieval
kresvorek = Mediterranean
Middle Breton (Brezonec) creis, creiz, crais = centre, middle
creisen = centre, central
craisnos, crei-nos, creiss-noss = midnight, north
Breton (Brezhoneg) kreiz [ˈkrɛjs] = centre, middle
kreiznoz = midnight, north
kreisteiz [krɛjs.ˈtɛjs] = noon, south
kreizenn [ˈkrɛj.zɛn] = centre, central
kreizennañ [krɛjˈzɛ.nːã] = centraliser
kreiz-kêr [krɛjsˈkɛːr] = town/city centre

Etymology: from PIE *ḱr̥d- from *ḱḗr (heart) [source]. Words from the same roots include heart and cardiac in English, cor (heart) in Spanish, srdce (heart) in Czech and sirds (heart) in Latvian [source].

Proto-Celtic *kalwond- = heart
Proto-Brythonic *kalwon = (?)
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) callon, kallon = heart, bosom, breast
gallondit, kalondit = courage, bravery, fortitude
kallonni = to hearten, encourage, comfort
callonnyawc, callonawc, calonnawg, kylonog = valiant, courageous
Welsh (Cymraeg) calon [ˈkalɔn] = heart, bosom, breast, womb matrix, belly, entrails, centre, pith, core, essence, spirit, thought, intent, courage, confidence
calondid = courage, bravery, fortitude, magnanimity, willingness, generosity, gentleness, mercy
calonnaf, calonni = to hearten, encourage, comfort
calonnog = valiant, courageous, plucky, hearty, willing, ready, enthusiastic, sincere, genuine
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) calon = heart
Cornish (Kernewek) kolon = heart
kolonekter = courage, valour
kolonnek, kolodnek = brave, cordial, courageous, fearless, hearty, kindly, genuine, sincere, truthful
kolonnen = core
Middle Breton (Brezonec) calon = heart
Breton (Brezhoneg) kalon [ˈkɑː.lɔ̃n] = heart, soul, courage, chest, stomach, kindness
kalonad = heartache
kaloneg = cordial, courageous, warm, valiant
kalonegezh [ka.lɔ̃.ˈnɛː.ɡɛs] = cordiality, courage, encouragement
kalonek [ka.ˈlɔ̃ː.nɛk] = courageous, cordial, warm
kalonekaat [ka.lɔ̃.ne.ˈkɑːt] = to encourage
kalonenn = core, centre
kalonour [kaˈlɔ̃ː.nur] = cardiologist
kalonus = fortifying

Etymology: unknown, possibly related to colwedd (breast, heart) and/or coludd (bowels, intestines, guts) in Welsh [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary, Teanglann.ie, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Colourful Hues

Words for colour, hue, pigment and related colours in Celtic languages.

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Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *līwos = colour
Gaulish *lios = colour
Old Irish (Goídelc) [ˈtane] = lustre, beauty
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) lí, li = beauty, lustre, glory, complexion, slendour, appearance, pallor
Irish (Gaeilge) [l̠ʲiː] = colour, complexion, lustre, sheen, pigment(ation)
líú = (act of) colouring, painting
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) [l̪ʲiː] = paint, colour, tinge, hue, complexion, properity, happiness
lìth [l̪ʲiː] = lustre, gloss, splendour, complexion, hue
lìtheach [l̪ʲiː] = greasy, slimy,slippery
Manx (Gaelg) lhee = pigment, pigmentation
Proto-Brythonic *lliw = colour
Old Welsh liu = colour, hue
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) llyu, lliw, lliỽ, llyw = colour,hue
lliwyav, lliwaw = to colour, paint, dye
lliỽyd, lliwyd = dyer, colourer, painter
Welsh (Cymraeg) lliw [ɬɪu̯] = colour, hue, tint, complexion, countenance, colouring
lliwddall = colourbind
lliwgar = colourful, vivid, beautiful, handsome
lliw(i)af, lliw(i)o = to colour, tinge, paint, dye
lliw(i)og = coloured, tinted, dyed, painted
lliwydd = dyer, colourer, painter
Old Cornish liu = colour
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) liu, lyw = colour, dye, hue
liue = to colour, paint
liuor = painter, dyer
Cornish (Kernewek) liw = colour,dye, paint
liwa = to colour, dye, paint
liwans = painting
liwus = colourful
liwayans = painting, picture
liways = coloured, dye
Old Breton (Brethonoc) liu = colour, ink, dyed
Middle Breton (Brezonec) liu, liou = colour, ink, dyed
liuaff = to colour, dye, paint
Breton (Brezhoneg) liv [liw] = colour, ink, paint, dyed
livañ [ˈliː.vã] = to colour, dye, paint, depict
livek [ˈliːvek] = coloured
liver, livour [ˈliː.vɛr/ˈli.wːər] = painter, colourist
livus [ˈliːvys] = dye, picturesque

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *slih₂-wó-s from *(s)leh₃y- (blueish, plum-coloured) and *-wós (creates adjectives from verb stems) [source]. Words from the same PIE roots include livid, lurid and sloe in English, slíva (plum) in Czech, and possibly lloer (moon) in Welsh, loor (moon) in Cornish and loar (moon) in Breton [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) dath [daθ] = colour, dye
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) dath = colour, dye, hue, tint, complexion
dathach = coloured
dathaid, daithaigid = colours, dyes, stains
dathamail = coloured, fine, handsome, beautiful, comely, graceful
dathugud = colouring, dyeing, painting
Irish (Gaeilge) dath [d̪ˠax/d̪ˠɑh/d̪ˠah] = colour, dye
dathach = coloured
dathadóir = colourist, dyer, painter, exaggerator, fictionist
dathadóireacht = (act of) dyeing, painting
dathaigh = to colour,dye, paint
dathannach = multi-coloured, gaily-coloured, colourful, glowing
dathdhall = colour-blind
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) dath [dah] = colour, colouring, dye, pigment, dying, hue, tint, staining, suit (of cards)
dathach [dahəx] = coloured, colourful
dathachadh [dahəxəɣ] = colourising, dyeing, staining
dathadair [dahədɪrʲ] = dyer, colourist
dathail [dahal] = colourful
dathte [dahdʲə] = coloured
Manx (Gaelg) daah = colour, dye, hue, paint, pigment, singe, stain, tincture
daahagh = coloured, stainable
daahder = colourer, colourist, dyer, exaggerator, painter
daahit = coloured, dyed, painted, pigmented, stained
daahoil = colourful, picturesque, well-coloured

Etymology: unknown [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) gné = appearance, form, kind, sort, species
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) gné = kind, species, appearance, form, way, manner
Irish (Gaeilge) gné [ɟnʲeː/ɟɾʲeː] = species, kind, form, appearance
gnéitheach = specific, of good appearance
gnétheacht = specificity
gnéthigh = to regain appearance, mend
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) gnè [grʲɛ̃ː] = sex, gender, genre, kind, sort, temper, disposition, genus, species
gnè-fhàs [grɛ͂ː aːs] = evolution
gnè-eòlas = typology
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) gne = colour, tint, hue, sight, aspect
gorne = colour, hue, tint
Welsh (Cymraeg) gne = colour, tint, hue, sight, aspect
agne = colour, tincture
gorne = colour, hue, tint, tincture, blush, brightness, appearance, aspect

Etymology: from PIE *ǵenh₁- (to produce, beget, give birth) [source]. Words from the same roots include gender, general, generate, genius and germ in English [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary, Teanglann.ie, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Thin & Slender

Words for thin, slender and related things in Celtic languages.

The Spire of Dublin.

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *tanauyos = thin
Old Irish (Goídelc) tana [ˈtane] = thin, slender
tanacht = thinness
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) tana = thin, slender, narrow, shallow, sparse, scanty, scattered
tanacht = thinness, tenuity, shallowness
tanaide = subtle, abstract, thin, slender
tanaigid = to thin (out), dilute
Irish (Gaeilge) tanaí [t̪ˠəˈn̪ˠiː / ˈt̪ˠan̪ˠiː] = thin, shallow
tanaigh = to thin, slim
tanaíochan = thinning
tanaíocht = thinness, sparseness, flimsiness
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) tana [tanə] = lean, slender, slim, thin, gaunt, skinny, shallow, flimsy
tanalachd [tanəl̪ˠəxg] = shallows, shallowness
tanach [tanəx] = narrow, slender
tanachadh [tanəxəɣ] = thinning, makeing thinner, diluting
tainead [tanəd] = degree of thinness
tanlach [tanəl̪ˠəx] = shallow water, shallows, shoal, thin soil, epidermis
tanachd [tanəxg] = thinness
tanaichte [tanɪçdʲə] = diluted, thinned
Manx (Gaelg) thanney = thin, watery, weak, flimsy, rare, shallow, slender, slim
thannaghey = to dilute, liquefy, rarefy, reduce
thannid = thinness, shallowness, leanness
Proto-Brythonic *tanẹw = thin
Old Welsh teneu = thin, slender, slim
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) tenev, tenau, teneu = thin, slender, slim, flat, sparse, rare, tenuous, liquid, runny
teneir = to make or become thin(ner)
teneuder = thinness, leanness, slenderness
Welsh (Cymraeg) tenau [ˈtɛnaɨ̯ / ˈteːnai̯] = thin, slender, watery, thin, scarce, rare
teneuaf, teneuo = to make or become thin(ner), lose weight, slim, dwindle, thin, dilute, water down
teneuder = thinness, leanness, slenderness, rareness, scarcity, keenness
teneudra = thinness, leanness, slenderness
teneuedig = thin, thinned, diluted, depleted, rarefied
teneuwr = dieter, weight-watcher, slimmer
Old Cornish tenewen = thin
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) tanow, tanaw = thin, slim, slender, lean, few, scarce
tanowder = thinness, scantiness, scarcity
Cornish (Kernewek) tanow = flimsy, lean, rare, scarce, sparse, tenuous, thin
tanowder = rarity, scarcity, thinness
tanowhe = to thin out
Middle Breton (Brezonec) tanau, tano = thin, fine
Breton (Brezhoneg) tanav [ˈtãː.naw / ˈtãː.no] = thin, fine, fluid, rare, hypocritical
tanavaat = (to be) refined, (to be) rarefied, to liquefy, dilute, weed & clear, cut (bread for soup)
tanavded = tenuity, liquidity
tanavder = tenuity, decay
tanavenn = thin place (in fabric), sparse, liquid, emaciated, hypocritical

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *ténh₂us (thin), from *tenh₂- (to stretch) [source]. Words from the same PIE roots include thin and tenuous in English, tenú (tenuous, thin, slender) in French, dünn (thin, slender, slim) in German, and tenký (thin) in Czech [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary, Teanglann.ie, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Worms & Maggots

Today we’re looking at the words for worm, maggot and related things in Celtic languages.

Earth Worm

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *kʷrimis = worm
Old Irish (Goídelc) cruim [kruṽʲ] = maggot, worm
crumdoma = maggot heap
Middle Irish (Gaoidhleag) cruim, crúim = worm, maggot
crumach = full of reptiles
crumdoma = dunghill
cromóc = maggot
Irish (Gaeilge) cruimh = maggot, larva, grub, tiny insect, worm
crumhóg = maggot
cruimheach = maggoty
cruimheachán = venemous person
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) cnuimh [krɯ̃ĩv] = maggot, grub, worm
cnuimheach [krɯ̃ĩvəx] = maggoty
cnuimheag [krɯ̃ĩvag] = maggot, grub, worm
cnuimhneag [krɯ̃ĩvn̪ˠʲag] = maggot, worm
Manx (Gaelg) crooag = (flesh) worm, grub, maggot, worm
crooagagh = maggoty, wormy
Proto-Brythonic *prɨβ̃ [ˈprɨβ̃] = worm
Old Welsh prem = insect, fly, larva, maggot, grub, worm
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) pryuet, pryf = insect, fly, larva, maggot, grub, worm
pryuyedic = abounding in / infested with worms or maggots
Welsh (Cymraeg) pryf [prɨːv/priːv] = insect, fly, larva, maggot, grub, worm
pryfedaf, pryfedu, pryfedo = to breed worms of maggots, to become infested with worms or maggots
pryfediad = worm or maggot infestation
pryfedig = wormeaten, maggoty
pryfeteg = entomology
pryfiedig = abounding in / infested with worms or maggots
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) pref, prêv, pryf = any small animal, a vermin, an insect, a worm, a reptile
Cornish (Kernewek) pryv, prev = crawling animal, grub, insect, worm, weevil
pryv del = caterpillar
pryv prenn woodworm
pryvladher = insecticide
Middle Breton (Brezonec) preff, preuet, prenvv = worm
Breton (Brezhoneg) preñv = worm
preñvedik = vermiculated
preñvek = vermicular, wormlike, wormy
eneppreñveg, eneppreñvek = wormable

Etymology: from PIE *kʷŕ̥mis (worm) [source]. Words from the same root include cirmenis (maggot, grub) in Latvian, kirmis (worm) in Lithuanian, käärme (snake) in Finnish, کرم (kerm – worm) in Persian, and červ (worm, maggot) in Czech and Slovak [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) dorb = worm, larva
Middle Irish (Gaoidhleag) dorb = small insect or worm
Irish (Gaeilge) doirb [kɑbʲ/kabʲ] = water beelte
doirbeach = infested with water beetles
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) doirb [dɤrʲɤb] = unspecific term for a small/tiny/insignificant creature (e.g. minnow, worm, leech, small person)
Manx (Gaelg) durrag = cabbage worm, larva of cabbage moth

Etymology: unknown

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary, Teanglann.ie, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Lexicon Cornu-britannicum: A Dictionary of the Ancient Celtic Language of Cornwall, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, Le dictionnaire diachronique du breton, Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Axes and Hatchets

In this post we’re looking at the words for axe and related things in Celtic languages.

Axe in wood

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *tāxslo- = axe
Old Irish (Goídelc) tál = adze
Middle Irish (Gaoidhleag) tál = adze
Irish (Gaeilge) tál [t̪ˠɑːlˠ/t̪ˠæːlˠ] = adze
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) tàl [taːl̪ˠ] = adze
tàl-fuinn = hoe
Manx (Gaelg) taal = adze

An adze cutting tool that has a curved blade set at a right angle to the handle and is used in shaping wood. [source].

Etymology possibly from the Proto-Indo-European *tetḱ-(dʰ)lo-, from *teḱ- (to sire, beget) [source]. Words from the same roots include architect, technical, text and textile in English, цясла́ [t͡sʲasˈɫa] (adze) in Belausian, тесло [tʲɪsˈɫo] (adze) in Russian, and teslă (adze) in Romanian [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) túag = axe, hatchet
Middle Irish (Gaoidhleag) túag = axe, hatchet
túagaid = to hew, chop, strike with an axe
túagrótae = roadway cleared with an axe
Irish (Gaeilge) tua [t̪ˠuə] = axe, hatchet
tuadóir = axe-man, hewer, chopper
tuadóireacht = (act of) hewing, shaping, chopping
tuaigh = to chop (with an axe)
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) tuagh [tuəɣ] = axe
tuaghadair = axeman, axe-wielder
Manx (Gaelg) teigh = axe, chopper, hatchet

Etymology possibly from the Proto-Indo-European *(s)tewk- (to push, press, strike, beat, pierce), from *(s)tew- (to push, hit) [source]. Words from the same roots include tkát (to weave) in Czech, tkać (to weave, stick, tuck) in Polish, and тъка [tɐˈkɤ] (to spin, plait, entwine, weave) in Bulgarian [source], and words for hole & hollow in Celtic languages.

Proto-Celtic *biyatlis = (?)
Old Irish (Goídelc) biáil [ˈbʲi.aːlʲ] = axe, hatchet
Middle Irish (Gaoidhleag) bíail, biáil = axe, hatchet, battle-axe
Irish (Gaeilge) biail [bʲiəlʲ] = hatchet
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) biail = axe, hatchet (archaic)
Old Welsh bahell = axe
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) buyall, bwell, bwyeill = axe
bwyellic = small axe, hatchet
bwyallawt = axe stroke
bwiallawc = bearing an axe, armed with an axe; like an axe
Welsh (Cymraeg) bwyall, bwyell, bwell = axe, battle-axe
bwyellan, bwyellig = small axe, hatchet
bwyellangaib = pickaxe, hoe
bwyellod, bwyallod = stroke or cut with an axe, axe stroke
bwyellog, bwyallog = bearing an axe, armed with an axe; like an axe
bwyellwr = woodman
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) biail, boell, bool = axe, hatchet
Cornish (Kernewek) bool = axe, chopper, hachet
bolik = (small) axe, chopper, hachet
Middle Breton (Brezonec) bouhazl, bouchazl, bouchal, boc’hal = axe
Breton (Brezhoneg) bouc’hal [ˈbuː.ɣal] = axe, hammered
bouc’halig = hatchet

Etymology: from Proto-Celtic *bināti (to strike, hit, beat) from the Proto-Indo-European *bʰi-né-h₂-ti, from bʰeyh₂- (to strike, hew) [source]. Words from the same roots include billhook and bone in English, bain (to extract, separate, strike) and béim (a blow, emphasis, beat) in Irish, gofid (grief, sorrow, regret) in Welsh [source].

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary, Teanglann.ie, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Lexicon Cornu-britannicum: A Dictionary of the Ancient Celtic Language of Cornwall, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, Le dictionnaire diachronique du breton, Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Facing Opposition

Words for face and related things in Celtic languages.

Mr. Funny Face

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *gnūstis = face
Old Irish (Goídelc) gnúis [ɡnuːsʲ] = face
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) gnúis = face, countenance, disc (of sun or moon), aspect, kind, form, species
dognúisach = ill-featured, ill-favoured
Irish (Gaeilge) gnúis [ɡn̪ˠuːʃ/ɡɾˠuːʃ] = face, mien, countenance, sour expression, frown, aspect, kind, form
gnúiseach = well-favoured, good-looking.
gnúiseachán = sour-faced person.
gnúisgheal = bright-faced
gnúis-searbh = sour-faced
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) gnùis [gruːʃ] = face, countenance, visage
gnùis-dhreach = aspect
gnùis-bhrat = veil
samhla-gnùis = smiley ☺️, emoticon
maise-gnùis = cosmetics
ruadhadh-gnùis = blush
Manx (Gaelg) grooish = countenance, visage, aspect
grooish-volley = deceit, deceive
geyre-ghrooishagh = sharp-faced
sharroo-ghrooishagh = vinegar-faced
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) gnis = jaw, chin, countenance, face
Welsh (Cymraeg) gnis [miːl] = jaw, chin, countenance, face
gnisiaf, gnisio = to low, neigh, sigh, pant, groan, grumble
Cornish (Kernewek) greuv = face, front

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *ǵneh₃- (to recognise, know) [source]. Words from the same roots include cognition, cunning, gnome, ignorant, know, noble and uncouth in English [source].

Proto-Celtic *enekʷos = face
Old Irish (Goídelc) enech = face, honour, reputation
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) enech, ainech = face, front, opposite, against, in opposition to
enechgris = face-flushing
enechlóg = honour-price
Irish (Gaeilge) oineach = honour, good name, reputation, generosity, hospitality, bounty, favour
oineachúil = generous, good-natured
eineach = face (literary)
eineachlann = ‘honour-price’, proportionate compensation, satisfaction for injury, etc
eineachras = safeguard, protection
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) eanach [ɛnəx] = honour, praise
Proto-Brythonic *ėnib = face
Old Welsh enep = face
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) wynep, wyneb, vynep = face
wynebiat, wnepiat, wynepiat = surace, facing, behaviour, aspect
wynebion, wynebyon = surface, scum, froth,
Welsh (Cymraeg) wyneb [ˈwɨnɛb / ˈwɨnab] = face, countenance, expression, grimace, surface, area, front, side, honour, respect, status, effrontery, impudence, audacity, cheek
wynebaf, wynebu = to face, look towards, confront, oppose, encourage, support
(g)wynebiad = surace, facing, behaviour, aspect
wynebion = surface, scum, froth, head (of beer), cream
(g)wynebol = honourable, worthy, facial, front, facing, promising, favourable, handsome, beautiful
Old Cornish eneb = face
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) enep, enap = face, countenance, page (of a book)
Cornish (Kernewek) enep = face, surface
enebi = to face, oppose
enebieth = opposition
Old Breton enep = face
Middle Breton (Brezonec) enep = face, resistance, opposition, opposite
Breton (Brezhoneg) eneb [ˈẽːnep] = face, opposite, honour
enebenn [e.ˈneː.bɛn] = upper, front, page
eneberezh = opposition
enebiñ = to oppose

Etymology: from the PIE *h₁enih₃kʷos (face), from animālis (animate, living), from *h₁én (in) and *h₃ókʷs (eye), and okno (window) in Czech [source].

Words from the same roots include eye in English, acs (eye, vision, attention) in Latvian, akis (eye, loop) in Lithuanian [source].

Proto-Celtic *antonos = forehead
Old Irish (Goídelc) étan = brow, forehead
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) étan, édan = front, brow, forehead
étanán = frontlet
Irish (Gaeilge) éadan [ˈeːd̪ˠən̪ˠ/ˈeːd̪ˠənˠ] = front, face, flat surface, facet, table, end
éadána = timid, diffident
éadánacht = timidity, diffidence
éadanchlár = fascia
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) aodann [ɯːdən̪ˠ] = face, front, dial, side
aodannach [ɯːdən̪ˠəx] = little face, mask, frontispiece
aodann-clò = typeface
aodann-coimheach = mask
aodann creige = rockface, cliff-face
Manx (Gaelg) eddin = face, facade, feature, front, apron, dial, impudence, cheek
eddinagh = facial

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *h₂ent- (face, forehead, front). Words from the same roots include answer, end in English, and anë (side, edge, verge, brink) in Albanian [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) agad [ˈaɣəð] = face, honour, surface
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) agad, aiged = face, countenance, surface, front
Irish (Gaeilge) aghaidh [əiɟ/ai/əi̯] = face, front, aspect, dial (of clock), obverse (of coin)
aghaidhbhéasach = civil-looking
aghaidh-dhána = bold-faced
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) aghaidh [ɤː.ɪ] = face, visage, facade, front, facing, cheek, impudence, nerve
aghaidheachd [ɤː.ɪjəxg] = resistance
aghaidhich = oppose, face, confront, affront
aghaidhichte = opposed, opposing, fronting, facing, confronted
Manx (Gaelg) oai = countenance
oaie = dial, exposure, facade, face, facial, front, frontage
oaieagh = blasphemous, sepulchral

Etymology: uncertain, possibly related to the Old Irish aigid (to drive), from Proto-Celtic *ageti (to drive), from Proto-Indo-European *h₂éǵeti (to be driving) [source].

Proto-Celtic *drikā = face, front
*ɸaredrikā = face, front
Old Irish (Goídelc) drech = face
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) drech, dreach = face, countenance, front, surface
drechach = fair, comely, graceful, shapely
Irish (Gaeilge) dreach [dʲɾʲax] = facial appearance, look, expression, aspect, face, surface
dreachadh =delineation, portrayal, make-up
dreachadóir = delineator
dreachúil = good-looking, comely
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) dreach [drɛx] = figure, form, shape, appearance, complexion
dreachmhor [drɛxvər] = comely, handsome, a healthy complexion
dreachadh [drɛxəɣ] = portraying, shaping, adorning
dreachail [drɛxal] = handsome, personable
dreachalachd [drɛxəl̪ˠəxg] = handsomeness
Manx (Gaelg) dreagh = expression
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) dyrch = face
drychiolaeth = apparition, ghost, spectre, phantom
edrich, edrych = to look, view, observe
Welsh (Cymraeg) drych [drɨːχ / driːχ] = mirror, looking-glass, reflection, example, magnifying-glass, glasses, countenance, appearance, aspect
drachaf, drychu = to mirror, see, make apparent
drychiolaeth = apparition, ghost, spectre, phantom
edrych = regard, appearance
edrych(af) = to look, view, observe, watch, search
Middle Breton (Brezonec) derch = shape, aspect, appearance

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *dr̥ḱ-eh₂ from *derḱ- (to see) [source]. Words from the same roots include dragon, drake and tarragon in English [source].

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary, Teanglann.ie, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Lexicon Cornu-britannicum: A Dictionary of the Ancient Celtic Language of Cornwall, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, Le dictionnaire diachronique du breton, Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic


Words for booths, huts and related things in Celtic languages:


Proto-Celtic *butā = place, dwelling, hut
Old Irish (Goídelc) both [boθ] = hut, cabin
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) both = hut, bothy, cot, cabin
bothach = full of huts/hovels, hovel-like; crofter
bothán = little hut, cabin, cottage
Irish (Gaeilge) both [bˠɔ(h)/bˠoh]= booth, hut
bothach = hutted, full of huts
bothán = shanty, cabin, hut, shed, coop
bothánach = given to visiting and gossiping
bothánaí = a frequenter of neighbours’ houses
bothánaíocht = (act of) visiting houses for pastime or gossip
bothóg = shanty, cabin
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) bothan [bɔhan] = cottage, hut, bothy, hovel, shed
bothag [bɔhag] = bothy, small hut, hovel, playhouse
bùth [buː] = shop, booth
bùthan [buː.an] = small booth, small bothy, tent
bùthach [buː.əx] = pertaining to or abounding in shops/booths
bùthanach [buː.anəx] = one who dwells in a small bothy or tent, tent-dweller
Manx (Gaelg) bwaane = booth, cottage, hovel, hut, kiosk, outhouse, shack, shanty, shed
bwaag = booth, bower, cabin, lodge, hut, pavilion, shed
booage = booth, tent
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) bod, bot, bôd = permanent home, dwelling place, residence, abode
bwth = cabin, booth, cottage
Welsh (Cymraeg) bod = permanent home, dwelling place, residence, abode
bwd = booth, cottage, cabin
bwth = cabin, booth, cottage, shed, hut, outhouse, shack
bwthyn = booth, cot, cottage, hut
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) bod, bos, bo- = a dwelling house (found in place names)
bôth = hut, booth
bothoc = hut, cottage
Middle Breton (Brezonec) bôt, bod = residence, refuge, asylum
Breton (Brezhoneg) bod = cottage, dwelling

Etymology: the Proto-Celtic word *butā might come from an unknown language, or from the same PIE root as booth [source].

Etymology (Scottish Gaelic bùth and Welsh bwth): from the Middle English bothe (a store, kiosk, booth, shack, cabin), from the Old Norse búð (booth, shop), from the Proto-Germanic *bōþō/*bōþǭ (buidling, dwelling), from the PIE *bʰuH- (to become, grow, appear) [source].

Words from the same roots include búð (shop, tent, pavilion) in Icelandic, bothy (a primitive dwelling or shelter) in Scots, booth in English, Bude (booth, stall, kiosk, shack, hut) and Baude (mountain hut or inn) in German, bouda (hut, shack, lodge, cabin, booth, stall) in Czech, and bod (shed, shack, shop) in Swedish [source].

Incidentally, the German word Baude comes from Silesian German, from the Czech bouda, from the Old Czech būda, from Middle High German buode, from the Proto-Germanic *bōþō/*bōþǭ [source].

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary, Teanglann.ie, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Gerlyvyr Cernewec, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, Le dictionnaire diachronique du breton, Geriafurch, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

Hooks and Crooks

Today we’re looking at hooks, crooks and related words in Celtic languages.


Proto-Celtic *bakkos = hook, (curved) stick
Old Irish (Goídelc) bacc = angle, bill-hook, corner, hindrance, mattock
Irish (Gaeilge) bac = balk, hindrance, barrier, mattock, bend (in a river), (door) step
bacadh = to balk, hindrance
bacainn = barrier, obstruction, obstacle, blocking
bacainneach = barring, obstructing, blocking
bacán = hinge-hook, crook, peg
bacánach = crooke, hinged
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) bac [baxg] = hindering, impeding, obstructing, restraining, restricting, hindrance
bacadh = to hinder, impede, obstruct, restain, restrict, ban
Manx (Gaelg) bac = balk, disability, disqualification, drawback, handicap, moratorium, objection, obstacle, pull back, snag, trap
Old Welsh bach = hook, grapple, mattock
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) bach = hook, grapple, mattock
Welsh (Cymraeg) bach [baːχ] = hook, grapple, mattock, hoe, fish hook, shepherd’s crook; hinge, pivot; nook, angle, corner, bend
bachiad = a hooking, turning, curving, winding, bending
bachog = hooked, barded, grabbing, grasping, greedy
bachogrwydd = hookedness, crookedness, incisiveness
bachol = hooking, grappling, grabbing, grasping, greedy
bachu = to hook, anchor, connect, attach, fasten
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) bah = hook, hinge
Cornish (Kernewek) bagh = hook
bagha = to trap
Old Breton bah = hook
Middle Breton (Brezonec) bach, bac’h = hook for uprooting potatoes or seaweed, big hook
bac’hig = little fang, hook, staple
Breton (Brezhoneg) bac’h = (fish) hook

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *bak- (peg, club) [source].

Words from the same PIE root include bachall (crook, crozier) in Irish, bagl (crook, crozier) in Welsh, pail in English, and possibly bok (side, flank, hip) in Czech, Polish and Slovak [source].

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary, Teanglann.ie, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Mind Sense

Today we’re looking at the words for mind, sense and related things in Celtic languages.

Mind, Sense, Widom, Intelligence, Meaning

Proto-Celtic *kʷēslā = mind; sense, wisdom, intelligence; meaning
Old Irish (Goídelc) cíall [kʲiːa̯l͈] = sense, intelligence, mind; wisdom, good sense, skill; intention, cause, reason, idea; signification, meaning, function
Irish (Gaeilge) ciall [kiəl̪ˠ/kʲal̪ˠ] = sense, sanity; normal state of mind; common sense; perception; meaning; reason, cause
ciallaigh = to mean, signify; explain, interpret
ciallchogar = confidential whisper
ciallmhaireacht = sensibleness, reasonableness
ciallmhar = sensible, reasonable, common sense
aingiall = unreason
fochiall = secondary meaning, connotation
gan chiall = meaningless, misguided, unmeaning, callow, lunatic, senseless, silly
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) ciall [kʲiəl̪ˠ] = meaning, sense, significance, connotation, implication, understanding, reason
ciallach = prudent, sensible, sane, tame
ciallaich = to mean, signify, imply
gun chiall = without sense, senseless, insane
eu-céillidheachd = insanity, madness, irrationality, foolishness
Manx (Gaelg) keeall = sense, significance
keeaylagh = eloquent, prudent
meecheeall = senselessness
meecheeallagh = senseless, unadvisedly
bun-cheeal = moral
gyn keeall = unmeaning, senseless
Proto-Brythonic *puɨll = mind; sense, wisdom, intelligence; meaning
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) puil, puilh = deliberation, consideration, care, caution
Welsh (Cymraeg) pwyll [puːɨ̯ɬ / pʊi̯ɬ] = deliberation, consideration, care, caution; discretion, prudence, wisdom, patience, understanding, intelligence, perception, judgement; nature, disposition; meaning, significance, sense
pwyll(i)ad = intention, intent, goal, aim, design
pwyllaf, pwyllo = to exercise discretion, deliberate, consider, contemplate
pwyllgor = committee, meeting
pwyllog = discreet, wise, intelligent, sane, rational, reasonable
pwyllwr, pwyllwraig = discreet, sensible or wise person
gan bwyll = gently, gradually, carefully, slowly
iawnbwyll = sanity, saneness, sane, sensible
o’i bwyll = out of one’s mind, beside oneself, insane
Cornish (Kernewek) poll = intelligence, reason
pollek = brainy, intelligent
Breton (Brezhoneg) poell = logical, logic
poellata = to reason, argue
poellakaat = to rationalize
poellel = logical, logic
poellelour = rationalist
poellgor = committee

Etymology from the Proto-Indo-European *kʷeyt- (to notice) [source].

Words from the same PIE root include číst (to read) and čítat (to count) in Czech, šķist (to seem, appear) and skaitīt (to count) in Latvian, skaitýti (to read) in Lithuanian, and चित्त [t͡ʃɪt̪t̪] (mind, heart) in Hindi [source].

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary, Teanglann.ie, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Gerlyvyr Cernewec, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, Le dictionnaire diachronique du breton, Geriafurch, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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