Pursuing Followers

Words for to follow, pursue and related things in Celtic languages.

Following mommy

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *sekʷetor = to follow
Old Irish (Goídelc) seichithir = to follow, persue
sechem = following, imitating
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) seichithir sechethar, sechtir = to follow, persue
sechem, sechim = following, imitating
sechimthid, seichteóir, seichthid = follower
Irish (Gaeilge) seicheamh = following, taking after, imitating, sequence, progression
fosheicheamh = subsequence

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *sékʷetor (to be following), from *sekʷ- (to follow) [source]. Words from the same Proto-Celtic root, via Gaulish (?) and Latin segusius (a hunting dog) include: sabuxo (hound) in Galician, segugio (hound, bloodhound, private eye, sleuth) in Spanish, and sabujo (hound, submissive person) in Portuguese [source].

Words from the same PIE roots include: associate, sector, sequence, society, (to) sue, suit, suite and subsequent in English, suivre (to follow) in French, sèkti (to observe, track down, follow, spy on) in Lithuanian, and seguir (to follow, continue, keep (on)) in Spanish [source].

Middle Cornish (Cernewec) sewye, sewé, sywé = to follow, persue
Cornish (Kernewek) sewya = to follow, result
holyans = consequence, outcome, result, sequel

Etymology: from English (to) sue [source], which used to mean to follow or court, and comes from Middle English seuen (to follow, walk behind, be guided), from Anglo-Norman suer, siwer (to follow), from Old French sivre (to follow after), from Vulgar Latin *sequere (to follow), from Latin sequī, from sequor (to follow, pursue, succeed), from Proto-Italic *sekʷōr (to follow, come/go after), from Proto-Indo-European *sekʷ- (to follow) [source].

Proto-Celtic *linati = to stick, cling
*ati-linati = to adhere, stick to, cling
Old Irish (Goídelc) lenaid [ˈl͈ʲenɨðʲ] = to stick, cling, follow, remain, continue, survive
lenamain = adhering, clinging, following
ad·len = to follow, adhere
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) lena(i)d = to remain, continue, survive, pursue, persist, cleave to, cling to, adhere to, stay with, follow
len(a)main = adhering, clinging to, stuck in, following, pursuing
ad·len = to follow, adhere
Irish (Gaeilge) lean [lʲan̪ˠ] = to follow, continue, remain, endure
leantach = consecutive, continuing
leantóir = follower, trailer
leanúint = following, persuit, adherence, continuation
leanúnach = follower, pursuer, successor, continuant, continuous, successive
leanúnachas = continuity, attachment, faithfulness
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) lean [l̪ʲɛn] = follow, pursue, ensue, succeed, follow, continue, go on, stick to
leanachd [l̪ʲɛnəxg] = following, pursuing, pursuit, followers, ensuing, succeeding, continuing
leanadail [l̪ʲɛnədal] = attendant
leanailteach [l̪ʲɛnnaldʲəx] = adhesive, sticking, sticky, dogged, persistent, tenacious
leanailteachd [l̪ʲɛnaldʲəxg] = continuity, perseverance, tenacity, adhesiveness, adhesion
leanaltas = perseverance
Manx (Gaelg) lhian(t) = to follow
lhiantag = attachment
lhiantyn = following
lhiantyn da/gys = to cleave (to)
lhiantyn hug = to attach, obsess
lhiantyn huggey = to take after
lhiantyn rish = to cleave, persevere, pursue, stick to, cling
lhiantys = adherence, attachment
lhiantynys = adhesion, attachment
Proto-Brythonic *llɨnad = to stick, cling
Old Welsh (Kembraec) linisant = to infect, defile, corrupt, be infectious, smear
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) llynu = to infect, defile, corrupt, be infectious, smear
edlynv, eddlynu, edlynu = to smear, besmear, daub, slabber, befoul
Welsh (Cymraeg) llynaf, llynu = to infect, defile, corrupt, be infectious, smear
edlynaf, edlynu = to smear, besmear, daub, slabber, befoul

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *h₂leyH- (to smear) [source]. Words from the same PIE root include lime, liniment, loam and delete in English, lijm (glue) in Dutch, limon (silt) in French, Leim (glue) in German, limo (mud, slime, silt) in Italian, and lim (glue) in Swedish [source].

Proto-Celtic *solgos = ?
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) olhau = to follow, trace
Welsh (Cymraeg) olhaf, olhau = to follow, trace
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) holye = to come after, to follow
Cornish (Kernewek) holya = to follow
holyans = sequence
holyer, holyores = follower
Old Breton (Brethonoc) hol = (act of) following
Middle Breton (Brezonec) heul = following
heultaff = to follow
Breton (Brezhoneg) heul [høːl] = continuation, cortege, parade, escort, procession
heuli(a)ñ [ˈhøljã] = to follow
heul(iad) [ˈhø.ljat] = procession, line, sequence, continuation, series, train
heuliadur = extension
heuliata = to continue
heuliataer = follower
heulier = follower, adept, minion
heulius = conformist

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *selgʰ- (to follow) [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, Teanglann.ie, Am Faclair Beag, An etymological dictionary of the Gaelic language, Fockleyreen: Manx – English Dictionary, Online Manx Dictionary, Gaelg Corpus, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Lexicon cornu-britannicum : a dictionary of the ancient Celtic language of Cornwall, Gerlyver Kernewek, Devri : Le dictionaire diachronique du breton, Dictionnaires bilingues de Francis Favereau / Edition Skol Vreizh, TermOfis

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Dutiful Laws

Words for duty, debt, law, rule and related things in Celtic languages.

Scottish Parliament
Scottish Parliament / Pàrlamaid na h-Alba / Scots Pairlament

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *dligeti = to be entitled to, be obligated to
Old Irish (Goídelc) dligid = to deserve, merit, be entitled to
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) dligid, dleagaid = to be entitled to, have a right to, be owed, deserve, merit
Irish (Gaeilge) dligh [dʲlʲɪɟ/dʲlʲiː] = to be entitled to, have a right to, deserve, merit, be incumbent on, be liable to, ought to
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) dligh [dli] = owe, be due
dleas [dles] = deserve, merit, due
dleasach [dlesəx] = deserving, meriting
dleasadh [dlesəɣ] = (act of) deserving, meriting
dleasannas [dlesən̪ˠəs] = obligation, duty
dleasanta [dlesən̪ˠdə] = deserving, meriting
dleasnach [dlesn̪ˠəx] = dutiful
dleastanas [dlesdənəs] = obligation, duty
Manx (Gaelg) toill = to deserve, will
toillchin = to deserve, earn, merit, reward; derserving, worthy
toillchinagh = deserving, meritorious
toillchinys = desert, merit
toillchyn = to deserve, merit
toilliu = to deserve, earn, merit; deserving, worthy
Proto-Brythonic *dɨlɣɨd = ?
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) deleu, dyly, dylu = to be obliged to, ought, be indebted, behove, owe, be in debt, have a right to, claim, merit, deserve, posses, claim from
Welsh (Cymraeg) dylu [ˈklɛðɨ̞v/ˈkleːðɪv] = to be obliged to, ought, be indebted, behove, owe, be in debt, have a right to, claim, merit, deserve, posses, claim from (other forms include: dylaf, dylÿaf, dlyaf, dylÿu, dlyu, dleu, deleu)
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) dely, dylly = to owe, deserve
Cornish (Kernewek) tyli = to owe, pay, reward
tylva = checkout, till
Middle Breton (Brezonec) dleout = must
Breton (Brezhoneg) dleout [ˈdleː.ut] = to have to, must, owe
dleañ = to have to, must, owe; judicious

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *dʰlégʰ-ti/*dʰl̥gʰ-énti, from *dʰlegʰ- (to beat, strike) [source]. Words from the same PIE roots possibly include dolog (thing, object, affair, business, task, fate) in Hungarian, dług (debt, account payable) in Polish, долг (dolg – debt, duty, obligation) in Russian, and dlh (debt) in Slovak [source].

Proto-Celtic *dligetom = duty, debt
Old Irish (Goídelc) dliged, dligeth [ˈdʲlʲiɣʲeð] = law, principle, rule, theory, dictum
dlecht = lawful
dligthech = lawful, right
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) dliged, dligeth, dleged = law, principle, rule, norm, dictum, reason, argument, reckoning, nature, condition, kind, manner
dligedach = lawful
dligemnas = lawful right
dligthech = regular, right, lawful, law-abiding, rational, reasonable, just, righteous
dligthe(m)nach, dligtheanuigh = lawgiver
dligtheoir = lawyer, man of law
Irish (Gaeilge) dlí [dʲlʲiː] = law, divine precept, scientific principle, litigation
dlíodóir = lawyer
dlíodóireacht = practice of law, practising law
dlíthí = litigant
dlíthíoch = litigious
dlíthíocht = litigiousness
dlíthiúil = legal, juridicial, lawful, litigious
dlíthiúilacht = legality, lawfulness
dleacht = due, lawful right, royalty, patent
dleathach = lawful, legal, valud, genuine, just, proper
dleathaíocht = legality, justice, propriety
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) dlighe [dli.ə] = ordinance (in law), due
dligheach [dli.əx] = lawful, legitimatem rightful, right, due, dutiful, just
dligheachas [dli.əxəs] = lawful right, jurisdiction, validity
dligheachd [dli.əxg] = legality, royalty (payment)
dligheadh [dli.əɣ] = (act of) owing, being due, stipend
dlighear [dli.ər] = lawyer, creditor
dligheil [dli.al] = legitimate, lawful, rightful
Proto-Brythonic *dlɨɣed = (?)
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) delehet, deleed, dylyet, dlyet, dylet = debt, due, claim, right, demand, oblitation, duty
dylyedawc, dylyedauc, dylyedaỽc dyledawg = noble, privileged, dignified, illustrious, rightful
dyledogaeth, dlyedogaeth = nobility, lordship, proprietorship
dylyedus, dyledus = due, proper, meet, lawful, worthy, just, necessary, requisite, owing, in debt, indebted
dyledwr = debtor, defaulter, trespasser
Welsh (Cymraeg) dyled [ˈdəlɛd] = debt, due, claim, right, demand, oblitation, duty, service, heritage, estate, worth, privilege, sins, transgressions, trespasses [also written dylêd, dled, dylyed, dlyed]
dyled(i)ach = trifling debts, dribbling debts
dyledu = to owe, be due, debit, make due
dyledog = indebted, in debt, due, noble, privileged, dignified, illustrious, debtor
dyl(y)edus = due, proper, meet, lawful, worthy, just, necessary, requisite, owing, in debt, indebted, noble, privileged, dignified, reasonable, sensible, understanding
dyledwr = debtor, defaulter, trespasser
Middle Breton (Brezonec) dle = due, owing
dleat = moral duty, tax
Breton (Brezhoneg) dle = due, owing, debt
dlead = moral duty, tax
dleatour = debtor
dleapl = liable
dleoniezh = ethics
d(e)leour = debtor, creditor

Etymology: from Proto-Celtic *dligeti (to owe, be indebted to) – see above [source].

Proto-Celtic *ká(g)ni- = tribute, law
Old Irish (Goídelc) cáin [kaːnʲ] = law, regulation, rule, fine, tax, tribute, legal due
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) cáin, cain = law, regulation, rule, fine, tax, tribute
Irish (Gaeilge) cáin [kɑːnʲ/kaːnʲ] = law, regulation, rule, due, tribute, fine, penalty, impost, tax
cáinaisnéis = budget
cáinaisnéiseach = budgetary
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) càin [kaːn̪ʲ] = duty, tariff, tribute, fine; body of laws (archaic)
càin-aisneis = budget
càineach, càinear, càiniche = tax/excise collector, tax gatherer
càineachadh [kaːn̪ʲəxəɣ] = (act of) imposing a tax

Etymology: possibly from Proto-Indo-European *keh₂/₃ǵ-n- [source]. Words from the same root may include kázeň (discipline) in Czech, kaźń (execution, torture, torment) in Polish, and kázeň (sermon, discipline) in Slovak [source].

Proto-Celtic *rextus = rule, law
*kom-rextus = law (?)
Celtiberian Retukeno = personal name
Gaulish Rextugenos = personal name
Old Irish (Goídelc) recht, rect [r͈ʲext] = law
rechtach = law-giving
rechtaid = lawgiver
rechtaide = legal
rechtaigid = to legislate
rechtaire = steward
rechtas = stewardship
rechtge = government
rechtmar = lawful
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) recht, rect, reacht = law, authority, rule, right, lawfulness
rechtach = just, equitable, law-giving
rechtaid, rechtaidh = judge, lawgiver
rechtaide = legal, pertaining to the law, lawful
rechtaigid = to legislate
rechtaire, rechtorairge = steward, baliff, administrator, judge (?)
rechtas, rechtus, rechtcus = authority, administration, stewardship
rechtge, rechtga = government, authority, rule, regin
rechtmar = lawful, legitimate
Irish (Gaeilge) reacht [ɾˠaxt̪ˠ] = law, statute, accepted rule
reachtach = law-giving, legislative
reachtaigh = to legislate, enact, decree
reachtaíocht = legislation
reachtaire = controller, administrator, steward, Rector, auditor, master of ceremonies
reachtas = administration, stewardship
reachtmhar = lawful, legitimate
reachtóir = lawgiver, legislator
reachtúil = statutory, statute
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) reachd [r̪ˠɛxg] = decree, statue, edict
reachdach [r̪ˠɛxgəx] = compulsory
reachdachadh [r̪ˠɛxgəxəɣ] = (act of) legislating, law-making, legislature
reachdadair [r̪ˠɛxgədɪrʲ] = lawmaker, legislator
reachdadaireachd [r̪ˠɛxgədɪrʲəxg] = legislature
reachdail [r̪ˠɛxgdal] = legislative, statutory
reachdas [r̪ˠɛxgəs] = legislation
Proto-Brythonic *rreiθ = rule, law
*kuβ̃reiθ = law (?)
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) reyth, reith, rhaith = law, rule, decree, rightness, justice, right (to smth), recompense, atonement, judgement, verdict
cyfreith, kiureith, kefreyth [ˈkəvrai̯θ] = law, rule, decree, rightness, justice, right (to smth), recompense, atonement, judgement, verdict
Welsh (Cymraeg) rhaith [r̥ai̯θ] = law, rule, decree, rightness, justice, right (to smth), recompense, atonement, judgement, verdict
rhaithgor = jury
cyfraith [ˈkəvrai̯θ] = law, legislation, statute, custom, usage, jurisprudence
Cornish (Kernewek) reyth = regular, right, religious law
reythennek, reythednek = statutory
reythen = statute
reythe = to authorise, codify, empower, entitle, qualify
reythes = authorised, empowered, enacted, entitled, qualified
reythyans = enactment, jurispridence, lawmaking, legislation
Old Breton (Brethonoc) reith = law
Middle Breton (Brezonec) rez, reiz = law
rezder = law
Breton (Brezhoneg) reizh = right, just, correct, order, normal
reizhad = regular
reizhadenn = rectification, corrected
reizhadur = adjustment
reizhan = to correct, adapt, regular, initiate
reizhded = correctness, rectitude, normality
reizhder = regularity
reizhegezh = legitimacy
reizhek = legitimate
reizhekaat = to legitimize
reizhennan = to regulate
reizhus = legal

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *h₃reǵ- (to straighten, to righten) [source]. Words from the same PIE root include rail, rank, realm, regime, rule and regulation in English, rę́žti (to stretch) in Lithuanian, règle (rule, regulation) in French, and regla (rule, ruler) in Spanish [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) ríagal, ríagul = rule
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) ríagal, riagoil, riaguil = rule, authority
Irish (Gaeilge) riail [ɾˠiəlʲ] = rule, regulation, principle, sway, authority, order
rialachán = regulation
rialúchán = regulation, control
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) riaghail [r̪ˠiə.al] = rule, govern, administer
riaghailt [r̪ˠiə.əldʲ] = rule, regulation, government
riaghailteach [r̪ˠiə.əl̪ˠdʲəx] = regular, according to rule, orderly
riaghailteachadh [r̪ˠiə.aldʲəxəɣ] = (act of) formulating, regulating, adjusting, adjustment
riaghailteachas [r̪ˠiə.aldʲəxəs] = regulatory
riaghailteachd = regularity, moderation
riaghailtear [r̪ˠiə.aldʲər] = regulator
riaghailtearachd [r̪ˠiə.aldʲərəxg] = administration
riaghal [r̪ˠiə.əl̪ˠ] = rule
Manx (Gaelg) reill = code, dominion, governance, policy, principle, reign; to charge, govern, order, regulate, rule
reilley = to regulate, reign, rule; ruling
reilleyder = governor, regulator, ruler, straight edge
reilt = normal, to rule
reiltagh = director, ordinal, president, rector, ruler; decisive, ruling, regular
reiltys = governance, rule, kingdom, dominion, government
Proto-Brythonic *rreɣol = rule (?)
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) ryol, reol, rhwol = rule, regulation, procedure, order, custom, pattern, government, dominion
rhyolaeth, reolaeth = rule, control, management, authority, discipline
rwyoli, reoli, ryoli, rhywoli = to rule, control, direct, govern
roliad = rule, control, government
ryolus, reolus, rheolus, rreolys = regular, orderly, disciplined, moderate, consant
Welsh (Cymraeg) rheol [ˈr̥eː.ɔl] = rule, regulation, procedure, order, custom, pattern, government, dominion
rheol(i)aeth = rule, control, management, authority, discipline
rheoli = to rule, control, direct, govern
rheolaidd = regular, regulated, orderly
rheoliad = rule, control, government
rheolus = regular, orderly, disciplined, moderate, consant
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) reol, rowl, rovle = rule, government
rowler = ruler, governor
Cornish (Kernewek) rewl, rowl = regulation, rule
rewlya, rowlya = to control, regulate, rule
rewlyades, rowlyades = ruler (f)
rewlyas, rowlyas = ruler (m)
rewlys = regular
Old Breton (Brethonoc) regul = rule, regulation
Middle Breton (Brezonec) reul, reol, reoll = rule, regulation
reulenn = rule
reulennaff = to regulate
Breton (Brezhoneg) reol = rule, principle, regime
reolennadur = regulation
reolennan = to regulate
reoliadur = regulation
reoliata = to regulate
reoliek = regular
reolius = regulatory

Etymology: from Latin rēgula (rule, bar, ruler), from regō (I rule, govern, direct, guide, steer, control), from Proto-Italic *regō, from Proto-Indo-European *h₃réǵeti (to be straightening, to be setting upright), from *h₃reǵ- (to straighten, to righten) – see above [source].

Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) lagh [l̪ˠɤɣ] = law
laghachd [l̪ˠɤɣəxg] = legislation
laghadh [l̪ˠɤɣəɣ] = legalising, legalisation
laghaiche [l̪ˠɤɣɪçə] = lawyer, solicitor
laghaichte [l̪ˠɤɣɪçdʲə] = legalised
laghail [l̪ˠɤɣal] = legal, lawful, litigious, argumentative
laghaileachd [l̪ˠɤɣaləxg] = lawfulness, legality
Manx (Gaelg) leigh = enactment, law, respect
leighagh = legal, litigious
leighder = lawyer, advocate, attorney, barrister, council
leighoil = lawful, legal, legislative, legitimate

Etymology: from English law, or Middle English lawe/laȝe (law, regulation, morality), or Old English lagu (law, rule, right), all of which come from Old Norse lǫg (law, rule, right), from Proto-Germanic *lagą (situation, law, a settled amount), from Proto-Indo-European *legʰ- (to lie [down]). The English words lie and lay come from the same roots [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, Teanglann.ie, Am Faclair Beag, An etymological dictionary of the Gaelic language, Fockleyreen: Manx – English Dictionary, Online Manx Dictionary, Gaelg Corpus, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Lexicon cornu-britannicum : a dictionary of the ancient Celtic language of Cornwall, Gerlyver Kernewek, Devri : Le dictionaire diachronique du breton, Dictionnaires bilingues de Francis Favereau / Edition Skol Vreizh, TermOfis

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Words for sickness, disease, grief and related things in Celtic languages.


Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *galarom = a distressing or painful condition, such as disease, illness, grief, sorrow
Old Irish (Goídelc) galar = disease, pain
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) galar, galur, gallra, galara = sickness, disease, (physical) pain, mental suffering, distress, grief
Irish (Gaeilge) galar [ˈɡɑl̪ˠəɾˠ/ˈɡɔlˠəɾˠ] = sickness, disease, affliction, misery, diseased, miserable, worthless
galrach = diseased, infected, sickly, morbid
galrachán = sickly creature or thing
galracht = sickliness, morbidity
galareagla = hypochondria
galareolaí = pathologist
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) galar [gal̪ˠər] = disease, illness, malady, ailment
galar-eòlas = pathology
galar-sgaoilte = epidemic
galarach [gal̪ˠərəx] = diseased, infective
galaraich = infect
Manx (Gaelg) gorley = disease, festering, malady
darrag = oak, beam, cast (fishing), snood, hairline
gorley-oaylleeaght = pathology
gorlagh = diseased, infectious
ym-ghorley = epidemic
Proto-Brythonic *galar = grief, sorrow
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) galar = mourning, grief, sorrow, longing (for a deceased person), lament(ation), sighing
galargyrn = horn of mourning
Welsh (Cymraeg) galar [ˈɡalar/ˈɡaːlar] = mourning, grief, sorrow, longing (for a deceased person), lament(ation), sighing
galaraeth = grief, tribulation
galaru = to mourn, grieve, lament, moan, weep, wail
galaraidd = mournful
galargan = elegy, lament
galarnadus = lamented, lamentable, mournful, plaintive
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) galar = grief, sorrow, anguish, a pang, lamentation
galarow = to weep for, bewail, lament
Cornish (Kernewek) galar [daːr / dæːr] = grief
galarek = miserable
galari = to grieve, lament, mourn
galarow = agony
Middle Breton (Brezonec) glachar = sorrow, afflication, pain
Breton (Brezhoneg) glacʼhar [ˈɡlɑːɣar] = sorrow, affliction, pain
glacʼhariñ [ɡlaˈɣɑː.rĩ] = to afflict, grieve
glacʼharus [ɡla.ˈɣɑː.rys] = distressing, heartbreaking, desolate, painful (morally)

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰelH-ro-. Possibly related to the English word gall, and the Lithuanian word žalà (damage, harm) [source].

Proto-Celtic *ankus = slaughter
Old Irish (Goídelc) écht = slaying, exploit
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) écht, echt, eacht = a slaying, slaughter, pity, grief, sorrow, mourning, exploit, prowess, deed of valour
Irish (Gaeilge) éacht [d̪ˠaɾʲ] = killing, slaying, slaughter, feat, exploit, achievement
éachtach = full of prowess, powerful, wonderful, extraordinary
éachtaí = wondrousness, extraordinariness
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) euchd [iəxg] = exploit, feat, deed
euchdach [iəxgəx] = heroic, daring
euchdmhor = abounding in achievements, deeds or feats
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) aeth = pain, woe, grief, sorrow, longing
Welsh (Cymraeg) aeth = pain, woe, grief, sorrow, longing, fear, fright, terror, shock
aethlyd = terrible, dreadful, hideous, horrible, grievous, painful

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *n̥ḱtu, from *neḱ- (to perish, disappear) [source]. Words from the same PIE roots include innocent, necropolis, nectar, noxious and nuisance in English, nuocere (to harm, injure, damage) in Italian, nuire (to harm, spoil) in French, anegar (to inundate, flood, drown) in Spanish, éag (Death, numbness) in Irish, angau (death, decease) in Welsh, and related words in the other Celtic languages [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, Teanglann.ie, Am Faclair Beag, An etymological dictionary of the Gaelic language, Fockleyreen: Manx – English Dictionary, Online Manx Dictionary, Gaelg Corpus, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Lexicon cornu-britannicum : a dictionary of the ancient Celtic language of Cornwall, Gerlyver Kernewek, Devri : Le dictionaire diachronique du breton, Dictionnaires bilingues de Francis Favereau / Edition Skol Vreizh, TermOfis

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Gritty Gravel

Words for gravel, grit and related things in Celtic languages.


Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *griyano- = gravel
Old Irish (Goídelc) grïan [ˈɡʲrʲi.an] = gravel, sand, river bottom, sea floor
grindell = gravel, lake bed, sea bed
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) grian, grían = gravel, sand, sea or river bottom, basis, foundation, earth, land
grenach, grenaig = gravel
grindell, grinnell, grinneal = sea or lake bed, gravel, bedrock, foundation, floor, bottom
Irish (Gaeilge) grean [ɟɾʲan̪ˠ] = gravel, grit, coarse sand; to engrave
grian = (sea, lake, river) bottom, earth, surface
grianach = gravelly
greanach = gravel, gravelly spoil, gritty
greanadh = engraving, shapeliness, shape, figure
greanadóir = engraver
greanadóireacht = engraving
greanchloch = gritstone, millstone
grineall = (sea, lake, river) bed, bedrock, depth, foundation
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) grean [grʲɛn̪] = (river / lake) bed, gravel, coarse sand
grean-aibhne = riverbed
grinneal [grʲin̪ʲəL] = gravel, grit, (river / sea) bottom
grinnealach = deep, gulfy, gravelly, sabulous (sandy or gritty)
grinnealachd = grittiness
Manx (Gaelg) grineen = bead, granule, grit, pinch
grineenagh = gritty, grained, grainy, granulated, granulous
grineenid = grittiness
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) graean, grayan, graeeyn = gravel, coarse sand, shingle, grit, grain, granule
graenauc, graeanog, graianoc = gravelly, full of gravel, harsh, grating
Welsh (Cymraeg) graean [ˈɡreɨ̯.an / ˈɡrei̯.an] = gravel, coarse sand, shingle, grit, grain, granule
grae(a)nog = gravelly, full of gravel, harsh, grating
graeanu = to (spread) gravel (over), to granulate, scour, grit

Etymology: uncertain, possibly related to Proto-Celtic *grāwā (gravel, pebbles) – see below [source].

Proto-Celtic *grāwā = gravel, pebbles
Irish (Gaeilge) griothal = gravel, gravelly soil
griothalach = gravelly, gritty
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) grothal = gravel
Proto-Brythonic *grọw = gravel, pebbles
Old Welsh (Kembraec) gro = gravel, shingle
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) gro = gravel, shingle
grodir, gro dir = gravelly land, sandy soil, grave
Welsh (Cymraeg) gro [ɡroː] = gravel, shingle, gravelly shore, strand
grobwll = gravel pit, grave
grodir = gravelly land, sandy soil, grave
Old Cornish grou = gravel, sand
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) grow = gravel, sand
Cornish (Kernewek) grow = gravel
growan = granite
growanen = pebble
growen = gravel
Middle Breton (Brezonec) grean, grouan = gravel
grouanec = gravelly, grave pit
groanenn = piece of gravel
Breton (Brezhoneg) grouan [ˈɡruːãn] = gravel
grouanañ = to engrave
grouaneg = gravelly, grave pit
grouanenn = piece of gravel
grouanus = gravelly

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *gʰroh₁weh₂, from *gʰreh₁w- (to grind).
Words from the same Proto-Celtic roots include grava (gravel) in Catalan, grève (flat, sandy land along the sea or a large river) in French, grava (gravel) in Spanish, and grave (gravel, shore, gravelly ground) in Occitan [source].

Words from the same PIE roots include: grit, groat, grout and gruel in English, Grieß (semolina) in German, grjót (coarse stones, rubble) in Icelandic, gryt (a badger’s sett, a fox’s den) in Swedish, riutta (reef) in Finnish, and grúodas (frozen mud or earth) in Lithuanian [source].

Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) graibél = gravel, sand
Irish (Gaeilge) gairbhéal = gravel
gairbhéalach = gravelly
gairbhéalta = gravelled
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) greabhal = gravel
Manx (Gaelg) garvel = gravel
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) grafel, gravael, gravel = gravel
Welsh (Cymraeg) graf(a)el = gravel
grafelu, grafaelio = to sprinkle with gravel, make sore by chafing
graf(a)eliog = gravelly

Etymology: from English gravel or Middle English gravel / gravail(le) (sand, gravel, shingle, pebbles), from Old French gravele (gravel), a diminutive of grave (gravel, seashore), from Medieval Latin grava, possibly from Gaulish grava, from Proto-Celtic grāwā (gravel, pebbles), from Proto-Indo-European *gʰroh₁weh₂, from *gʰreh₁w- (to grind) [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, Teanglann.ie, Am Faclair Beag, An etymological dictionary of the Gaelic language, Fockleyreen: Manx – English Dictionary, Online Manx Dictionary, Gaelg Corpus, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Lexicon cornu-britannicum : a dictionary of the ancient Celtic language of Cornwall, Gerlyver Kernewek, Devri : Le dictionaire diachronique du breton, Dictionnaires bilingues de Francis Favereau / Edition Skol Vreizh, TermOfis

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Deeply Profound

This post peers into the depths of some deeply profound words in the Celtic languages.

Inside the Aar Gorge

Proto-Celtic *dubnos (adj) = deep
*dubnos (noun) = world
*Dubnowalos = a male given name – “world prince / chief”
*Dubnogenos = a male given name – “world born / family”
Gaulish dumnos = deep
Dubnorīx = a male given name – “world king”
Primitive Irish ᚇᚑᚋᚅᚌᚓᚅ (domngen), ᚇᚑᚋᚅᚌᚔᚅᚅ (domnginn) = male given names
Old Irish (Goídelc) domain = deep, profound, depth(s), sea-floor
fudumain = profound(ity), depth
Domnall = a male given name
Domaingen = a male given name
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) domain, doimin, domun, domuin = deep, profound, intense, thoughtful, depth(s)
doimnigid = to deepen, lower
domne, domnae = depth(s)
domun = the world, the earth
Domnall = a male given name
Irish (Gaeilge) domhain [d̪ˠɑinʲ/d̪ˠoːnʲ] = depth, deep, abyss, inmost part, profound, sunken, hollow, low-pitched, far, late
domhainiascaireacht = deep-sea fishing
domhainmhachnamh = deep thought, deep reflection
doimhneacht = depth, deep place
doimhnigh = to deepen
doimhniúchan = (act of) deepening
domhan = earth, world
Domhnall, Dónall = male given names
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) domhain [dõ.ɪn̪ʲ] = deep, profound
domhaineachd [dõ.ɪn̪ʲəxg] = depth, deep, deepness, profundity
domhainteachd [dõ.ɪn̪ʲdʲəxg] = abstruseness
domhan [dõ.an] = universe, world
Dòmhnall = a male given name
Manx (Gaelg) dowin = deep(ly), deep-rooted, involved, low, profound, secretive, thorough, penetrating
diunaghey = to deepen
diunid = deep, depth, gulf, rootedness
dowan = world, earth, universe, cosmos
Proto-Brythonic *duβn/*dumno = deep
*Duβnowal = a male given name
*Duβnoɣen = a male given name
Old Welsh (Kembraec) duuin, dofn = deep
Dumnagual = a male given name
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) dowyn, duvin, dwvyn, dwfyn, dwuyn = deep, dense
dyfnu, dyfnaf = to become accustomed (to), be familiar (with)
dyfyn(n)der, dyuynder, dewfynder = depth(s), deepness
dyfnddysc = erudite, profound, erudition, deep learning
dyuynvor = deep sea, main, ocean
dyfynhau = to deepen, dig, excavate, intensify
*Dyuynwal, Dyvynwal, Dyfynwal = male given names
Welsh (Cymraeg) dwfn, dyfn [dʊvn] = deep, dense, mysterious, intense, serious, profound; depth(s), deep waters, abyss, void; world, earth
dyfnu = to become accustomed (to), be familiar (with), suck
dyfnder = depth(s), deepness, bottom, thickness, abyss
dyfnddysg = erudite, profound, erudition, deep learning
dyfnfor = deep sea, main, ocean
dyfnhau = to deepen, dig, excavate, intensify
Dyfnaint = Devon
Dyfnwal = a male given name
Dyfnien = a male given name
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) down = deep, profound, low
downder = depth
Cornish (Kernewek) down = deep
downder = depth
downfria = to deep-fry
downhe = to deepen
downrewi = to deep-freeze
Old Breton (Brethonoc) dumn = deep
Middle Breton (Brezonec) doun, don = deep
dounhat = to deepen
do(u)nder = depth
Breton (Brezhoneg) don [dɔ̃ːn] = deep, hollow (plate, dish), serious (air)
donaat = to deepen
donañ [ˈdɔ̃ː.nã] = to deepen
donded [ˈdɔ̃n.det] = depth
donder [ˈdɔ̃n.dɛr] = depth
Dunvel = a male given name

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *dʰubʰnós (deep), from *dʰewbʰ- (hazy, unclear, dark, deep) [source]. Words from the same roots include deep and dip in English, tief (deep, low) in German, dopen (to dip, immerse, name) in Dutch, dùgnas (bottom, background) in Lithuanian, дно [dno] (floor, bed, bottom) in Russian, and words for black in Celtic languages

The names Donald and Dunaldur (used in Faroese) come from the Proto-Celtic name *Dubnowalos [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, Teanglann.ie, Am Faclair Beag, An etymological dictionary of the Gaelic language, Fockleyreen: Manx – English Dictionary, Online Manx Dictionary, Gaelg Corpus, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Lexicon cornu-britannicum : a dictionary of the ancient Celtic language of Cornwall, Gerlyver Kernewek, Devri : Le dictionaire diachronique du breton, Dictionnaires bilingues de Francis Favereau / Edition Skol Vreizh, TermOfis

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Words for dark, gloom and related things in Celtic languages.

Beach Road, Bangor at night

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *temeslos = darkness
Old Irish (Goídelc) teimen = dark, obscure
teimel, teimne [ˈtʲeβ̃ʲel] = darkness
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) teim. tem = dark
teimen, temen, teimean = dark, obscure
teimel, temel, temul = darkness, gloom, dejection, stain, blemish, fault, death
Irish (Gaeilge) teimheal = darkness, gloom, tarnish, stain, smudge, trace, sign
teimhleach = dark, gloomy, tarnished, stained
teimhleacht = spottiness, smudigness
teimhligh = to darken, obscure, tarnish, stain
teimhlitheach = tarnishing, staining
teimhneach = dark, opaque
teimhneacht = darkness, opacity
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) teamhall [tʲiəv] = slight swoon, stun
Proto-Brythonic *temēl(os) = darkness
*tɨβ̃uɨl = darkness
Old Welsh (Kembraec) timuil = darkness, gloom
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) tywyll, tyỽyll = dark, opaque
tywyllu, tyỽylla = to make or become dark, darken, make or become blind
tewyllvc = to darken, grow dim
tyỽyllỽc, tywyllỽc, tywylluc, tywyllwc = darkness, opacity, blindness, dim-sightedness
Welsh (Cymraeg) tywyll [ˈtəu̯.ɨ̞ɬ/ˈtəu̯.ɪɬ] = dark, opaque, blind, dim (of sight), obscure, neutral, darkness, gloom
tywyllu = to make or become dark, darken, make or become blind
tywyllhau = to darken, grow dim
tywyllwch [ˈtwəɬʊχ/ˈtʊɬʊχ] = darkness, opacity, blindness, dim-sightedness, eclipse
Old Cornish tiwoulgou = darkness
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) tewal = dark, dusky, obscure
tewlder, tulder = darkness
tewolgow, tiwulgou = darkness, obscurity
Cornish (Kernewek) tewal, tewl = dark, gloomy, murky, sombre
tewlder = darkness, gloom
tewlhe = to darken
tewlwolow = dusk, half-light
tewolgow = darkness
Old Breton (Brethonoc) temoel = dark, gloomy
Middle Breton (Brezonec) teffoal, teffal, teual = dark, gloomy
teffalhat = to darken, obscure
Breton (Brezhoneg) teñval [ˈtẽː.val] = dark, gloomy, sad, dreary, suspicious, deaf, unintelligible, incomprehensible
teñvalaat [tẽvaˈlɑːt] = to darken, obscure
teñvalded [tẽˈval.det] = darkness
teñvalijenn [tẽ.vaˈliː.ʒɛn] = darkness, shadow
teñvalus [tẽˈvaːlys] = dark, obscure, mysterious, sombre

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *témHos (darkness), from *temH- (dark) [source]. Words from the same roots include temerity, tenebrous (dark, gloomy, obscure) in English, tamsa (darkness) in Lithuanian, finster (dark, gloomy) and Dämmerung (twilight) in German, tenebre (darkness, obscurity) in Italian, and tiniebla (shadow) in Spanish [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) dorchae [ˈdorxɘ] = dark, gloomy, obscure, morose
dorchaide = dark, dense
dorchatus = darkness
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) dorcha(e) = dark, gloomy, obscure, morose
dorchaigid = to grow dark, eclipse, darken, obscure
dorchatu, dorchato = darkness
Irish (Gaeilge) dorcha [ˈd̪ˠɔɾˠəxə] = darkness, obscurity, dark, obscure, blind, secretive
dorchacht = dark state, darkness
dorchadas = darkness, secrecy, reserve
dorchaigh = to darken, become secretive, reserved
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) dorch [dɔrɔx] = dark, black, dusky, mysterious, obscure
dorcha [dɔrɔxə] = dark, dusky, sombre, murky
dorchadas [dɔrɔxədəs] = darkness, obscurity, mysteriousness
dorchaich [dɔrɔxɪç] = darken, make dark
Manx (Gaelg) doorey = obscurity, shade, eclipse
dorraghey = dark, dusk(y), gloomy, enigmatic, mysterious, obscure
dorraghys = blackness, darkness, obscurity

Etymology: uncertain [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, Teanglann.ie, Am Faclair Beag, An etymological dictionary of the Gaelic language, Fockleyreen: Manx – English Dictionary, Online Manx Dictionary, Gaelg Corpus, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Lexicon cornu-britannicum : a dictionary of the ancient Celtic language of Cornwall, Gerlyver Kernewek, Devri : Le dictionaire diachronique du breton, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis

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Pins & Needles

Words for pin, needle and related things in Celtic languages.

Pins and Needles

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *delgos = pin, needle
Gaulish *dalgis = scythe
Old Irish (Goídelc) delg [dʲerɡ] = thorn, pin, brooch, peg
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) delg = thorn, pin, brooch, peg, spike, nail, pointed implement
delga, delgu = pin, peg, spike, tip, point
delgach = pointed
Irish (Gaeilge) dealg [ˈdʲal̪ˠəɡ / ˈdʲalˠəɡ] = thorn, prickle, spine, spike, pin, peg, pointed implement, brooch
dealgán = knitting-needle
deilgne = thorns, prickles
deilgneach = thorny, prickly, barbed
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) dealg [dʲal̪ˠag] = pin, skewer, knitting needle, prick(le)
dealg-fighidh = knitting needle
dealgan = spindle, small pin, skewer
dealg brodaidh = cattle prod
dealgach [dʲal̪ˠagəx] = prickly, stinging
dealganach [dʲal̪ˠaganəx] = pertaining to or abounding in spindles, small pins or skewers
Manx (Gaelg) jialg = broochpin, needle, prick(le), quill, spine, thorn, pin
jialg broghil = brooch
jialg fuilt = hairpin
jialg oashyr = knitting needle
jialgagh = prickly, spiniferous, spiny, thorny
jialgaghey = to pin, prickle, pinning
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) dala = sting
Welsh (Cymraeg) dala [ˈdala] = sting, bite
Old Cornish (Cernewec) delc(h) = jewel, necklace
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) delc = necklace
Cornish (Kernewek) delk = necklace

Etymology from Proto-Indo-European *dʰelg- (sting). Words from the same root include dálkur (spine of a fish, knife, dagger, [newspaper] column) in Icelandic, dilgus (prickly) in Lithuanian, falce (scythe, sickle) in Italian, hoz (sickle) in Spanish, and falcate (shaped like a sickle), falcifer (sickle-bearing, holding a scythe) in English [source].

Words from the same Proto-Celtic root, via Gaulish *dalgis (scythe) and Latin *daculum (scythe) , possibly include dall (mowing, billhook) in Catalan, dalle (scythe) in Spanish, and dalha (scythe) in Occitan (Languedoc) [source].

The English word dagger, and related words in other languages, such as daga (dagger) in Spanish, and Degen (rapier, épée) in German, might come from the same roots [source].

Proto-Celtic *ber = (cooking) spin
Old Irish (Goídelc) bi(u)r [bʲir] = stake, spit, point, spear, spike
berach = pointed, sharp
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) bir = stake, spit, point, spear, spike
biraid = to pierce
biraigthe = sharpened, pointed
birda = pointed, sharp
birín = little spike, sharp point, dart, little spear
Irish (Gaeilge) bior [ˈbʲɨ̞ɾˠ] = pointed rod or shaft, spit, spike, point
biorach = pointed, sharp
bioraigh = to point, sharpen
biorán = pin, hand (of clock)
bioranta = sharp
biorú = pointing, sharpening
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) bior [bir] = prickle, thorn, point, pointed object, knitting needle
biorachadh [birəxəɣ] = sharpening, making pointed, staring
biorag [birag] = small thorn or prickle, spiteful sharp-tongued woman
biorach [birəx] = pointed, sharp, piercing, prickly
bioraich [birɪç] = sharpen, make pointed, stare
Manx (Gaelg) birr, byr = point, spit
birragh, byrragh = pointed, scathing, sharp, spiky, tapered, prickly
birranagh = pointed, sharp
birraghey = to sharpen, taper, tone up
Proto-Brythonic ber = (cooking) spit
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) bêr, ber = spear, lance, pike, spit, skewer
beraid = as much as can be held on a spit
Welsh (Cymraeg) bêr [beːr] = spear, lance, pike, spit, skewer
ber(i)af, berio, beru = to spit (meat), impale, stab with a spear
beriad = as much as can be held on a spit
bergi = turnspit (dog)
bernod = dagger, obelisk
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) ber, bêr = spit, lance, spear
Cornish (Kernewek) berya = to stab, run through
Middle Breton (Brezonec) ber, bèr, bir = (roasting) spit
Breton (Brezhoneg) ber [beːr] = spindle, point, spike
beriad = pin
berian = skewer

Etymology from Proto-Indo-European *gʷéru (spit, spear) [source]. Words from the same PIE root include verrocchio (olive oil press) in Italian, verrou (bolt, lock) in French, cerrojo (bolt, latch) in Spanish [source].

Proto-Celtic *snātantā = needle (?)
*snātos = thread
Old Irish (Goídelc) snáthat = needle
snáith = thread
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) snáthat, snāthad, snathat = needle
snáithe = thread
Irish (Gaeilge) snáthaid [ˈsˠn̪ˠɑːhəd̪ˠ] = needle,
snáthadóir = needle-maker
snáth = thread, yarn, web
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) snàthad [sn̪ˠaː.əd] = needle, pointer (on a dial)
snàthadair [sn̪ˠaː.ədɪrʲ] = needle-maker
snàthadalan [sn̪ˠaː.ədəl̪ˠan] = needlecase
snàthadh [sn̪ˠaː.əɣ] = threading, stringing
snàthadag [sn̪ˠaː.ədag] = sting
snàth [sn̪ˠaː] = thread, yarn
Manx (Gaelg) snaid = needle, pointer, indicator, index
snaid whaaley = sewing needle
snaidagh = needle-like
snaidey = knit
obbyr snaidey = needlework
snaih, snaie = line, thread, yarn, worm, netting
Old Welsh (Kymraec) notuid = needle, pin
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) notwyd, nottwyd, nodwydd = needle, pin
Welsh (Cymraeg) nodwydd [ˈnɔdwɨ̞ð/ˈnɔdʊi̯ð] = needle, pin, pointer, dial
nodwyddaf, nodwyddo = to sew, stitch, inject, prick
nodwyddiad = acupuncture
nodwyddig = small needle
nodwyddwaith = needlework
nodwyddwr = needlemaker, pinmaker, sewer, stitcher, tailor
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) nadedh, nadzhedh = needle
noden = thread, yarn
Cornish (Kernewek) naswydh, najedh = needle
neusen, neujen = thread, yarn
neusenna = to thread
Middle Breton (Brezonec) nadoez, nados, nadoz = sewing needle
neut, neud = thread
Breton (Brezhoneg) nadoez [beːr] = needle, hand, pointer, spire
nadoezenn = (clock) hand
nadoezier = needle maker
neud = thread, filaments, net, algae

Etymology from Proto-Indo-European *(s)neh₁- (to spin, sew) [source]. Words from the same PIE root include needle, nerve, neuron, sinew and snood in English [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary, Teanglann.ie, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Muddy Mires

Words for mud and related things in Celtic languages.

HFF 44

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *latyos = moist
Old Irish (Goídelc) lathach [dʲerɡ] = mud, mire
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) lathach, laithech, lathaig = mire, puddle, quagmire, morass
Irish (Gaeilge) lathach [ˈl̪ˠɑhəx / l̪ˠaiç] = mud, slush, slime
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) lathach [l̪ˠa.əx] = mire, ooze, sludge, quicksand
lathach-mhòine = peat-bog
lathach sàile = saltmarsh
lathachach [l̪ˠa.əxəx] = muddy, oozy, sludgy
lathachail [l̪ˠa.əxal] = muddy, oozy, sludgy
lathadh = besemearing, (be)numbing, heat (in cats)
Manx (Gaelg) laagh = mire, mud
laagh vog = sludge
laaghagh = muddy, sludgy, slushy
laaghan = muddy place, slough
Proto-Brythonic *llėd = mud
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) llaid = mud, mire, dirt, clay, slime, ooze
lleidyawc = muddy, clayey, miry, oozy, slimy
Welsh (Cymraeg) llaid [ɬai̯d] = mud, mire, dirt, clay, slime, ooze, quagmire, quicksand, dregs
lleidfa = muddy or clayey place
lleidfysgaf, lleidfysgu = to, knead, work clay, bespatter with mud or dirt, bedraggle, bemire
lleidiaf, lleidio = to turn into mud or clay, become sodden
lleidiog = muddy, clayey, miry, oozy, slimy
lleidiogaf, lleidiogi = to become muddy or miry
lleidiogrwydd = muddiness, ooziness, turbidity
lleidiol = full of mud, muddy, miry, clayey
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) lued, luth, lyys, lys, lŷs = mud, mire, dirt, filth
luedic = miry, filthy, stinking
lyys haal = salt-marsh
Cornish (Kernewek) leys [lɛɪz] = mud, slime
leysek = mire
Middle Breton (Brezonec) lec’hid = slime, silt
Breton (Brezhoneg) lec’hid = slime, silt
lec’hidadur = siltation
lec’hidan, lec’hidañ = to silt up, become gelatinous, viscous
lec’hideg = mudflat
lec’hidus = muddy

Etymology from Proto-Indo-European *lat- (damp, wet). Words from the same roots include latex in English, latãkas (chute, gutter, duct) in Lithuanian, and lag (to wet, moisten) in Albanian [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) láp = mud, mire, sin, vice
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) láip [l͈aːb] = mud, mire, sin, vice
Irish (Gaeilge) láib [l̪ˠɑːbʲ/l̪ˠæːbʲ] = mud, mire; to muddy, spatter
caoch láibe = mole
oitir láibe = mud-bank
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) làb [l̪ˠaːb] = mire, mud, muddy puddle, day’s labour
làbach [l̪ˠaːbəx] = marsh, swamp
làbachas [l̪ˠaːbəxəs] = swampiness, bogginess
làban [l̪ˠaːban] = mire, mud, muddy place, dirty work, drudgery, wet and muddy person
làbanachadh [l̪ˠaːbanəxəɣ] = smearing, daubing, dirtying, wallowing, bedraggling, drenching
làbrach [l̪ˠaːbarəx] = miry, muddy, dirty, dirty/unkempt person
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) loob = slime, sludge
Cornish (Kernewek) loub = slime, sludge
louba = to lubricate

Etymology: probably related to lathach [source].

Proto-Celtic *kʷrīyess = clay
Old Irish (Goídelc) cré [kʲrʲeː] = clay, earth
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) cré, cre = clay, earth
créda, criadta, criata, creodae = clayey, earthen, fictile (pliable, moldable)
Irish (Gaeilge) cré = clay, earth, dust
créachadh = (act of) earthing, moulding
créafóg = clay, earth
crécholúr = clay pigeon
cré-earra = earthenware
créúil = clayey, earthy
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) criadh [krʲiəɣ] = clay
criadgadair [krʲia.ədɪrʲ] = potter
criadhadaireachd [krʲia.ədɪrʲəxg] = pottery
Manx (Gaelg) cray = ash, clay, pipe clay
crayee = ceramic, earthen
crayoil = clayey, earthy
Proto-Brythonic *prið [ˈpriːð] = clay, mud, earth
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) prid, pridd = soil, earth, dust, ground, clay, mortar, plaster
priddo = to cover with earth, bury
pridell, priddell = clod, sod, dust, soil
priddled, priddlyd = earthy, earthen, dirty, dusty,
Welsh (Cymraeg) pridd [priːð] = soil, earth, dust, ground, clay, mortar, plaster
priddach = soil, earth, clay, earthenware
pridd(i)af, pridd(i)o = to cover with earth, bury, plaster, daub
priddawr = potter
pridd-dom = dirt, mud, clay
priddell = clod, sod, dust, soil, grave, potsherd, brick, tile
priddfaen = brick, (earthenware) tile for making bricks
priddl(l)yd = earthy, earthen, dirty, dusty, uncouth
priddwr = mason, plasterer, burier
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) pri, pry, prî = mould, earth, clay
prian, prían = clayey ground
Cornish (Kernewek) pri = clay, mud
priek = clayey
prien = clay ground
priweyth = pottery
priweythor, priweythores = potter
priweythva = clay-works, pottery
Old Breton (Brethonoc) pri = clay, mudt
Middle Breton (Brezonec) pry = clay, mud
Breton (Brezhoneg) pri [priː] = clay, mud, mortar
priaj = ceramic
prian, priañ = to coat with clay
priasell = waste, quagmire
priasellek = full of clay mud
prieg = clayey, muddy

Etymology possibly from Proto-Indo-European *krey- (to siftm separate, divide). Words from the same roots include latex in English, latãkas (chute, gutter, duct) in Lithuanian, and lag (to wet, moisten) in Albanian [source].

Middle Breton (Brezonec) fanc, fancq, fang, fank = mud, excrement
Breton (Brezhoneg) fank [ˈfãŋk] = mud, excrement
fankan, fankañ = to poop
fankeg = muddy

Etymology from Norman fanque (mud) [source] from Old French fange (mud, addle, mire), from Vulgar Latin *fanga/*fangus (mud), possibly from Frankish, from Proto-Germanic *fanją (swamp, fen). The French words fange (filth, mire, debauchery) and fagne (marshland, fen), and the Catalan word fang (mud) come from the same roots [source].

Middle Welsh (Kymraec) llaka, lacca, llacca = mud, sludge, mire, dirt, muck, puddle, filth, slome
Welsh (Cymraeg) llaca [ɬaka] = mud, sludge, mire, dirt, muck, puddle, filth, slime
llaceilyd = muddy, miry, dirty

Etymology from Middle English lake/laca (lake, stream; ditch, drain, sewer), from Old French lac (lake) or Latin lacus (lake, basin, tank), to-Italic *lakus (lake), from Proto-Indo-European *lókus (pond, pool) [source].

Proto-Celtic *lutā = dirt, mud
Gaulish *lutos = swamp
Celtiberian *lutā = swamp
Old Irish (Goídelc) loth [ˈloθ] = mire, mud, swamp, marsh
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) loth, lath = mud, mire, quagmire, marsh
Irish (Gaeilge) lodair = to cover with mud, muddy, to wallow in mire, grovel
lodán = stagnant pool, puddle
lodar = miry place, slough, soft, flabby person
lodartha = muddy, slushy, slobby, soft, flabby, grovelling, abject, base, vulgar
lodarthacht = muddiness, slushiness, softness, flabbiness, abjectness, baseness, vulgarity
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) lod [l̪ˠɔd] = pool, pond, marsh
lodagan = small pool of water
lodan = puddle, small pool, small marsh

Etymology from Proto-Indo-European *lew- (dirt, mud) [source].

Lutetia, the Gallo-Roman town founded in 52 BC that became Paris, gets it’s name from the Gaulish word *lutos (swamp) [source]. It was known as Lutetia Parisiorum by the Romans.

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary, Teanglann.ie, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Worms & Maggots

Today we’re looking at the words for worm, maggot and related things in Celtic languages.

Earth Worm

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *kʷrimis = worm
Old Irish (Goídelc) cruim [kruṽʲ] = maggot, worm
crumdoma = maggot heap
Middle Irish (Gaoidhleag) cruim, crúim = worm, maggot
crumach = full of reptiles
crumdoma = dunghill
cromóc = maggot
Irish (Gaeilge) cruimh = maggot, larva, grub, tiny insect, worm
crumhóg = maggot
cruimheach = maggoty
cruimheachán = venemous person
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) cnuimh [krɯ̃ĩv] = maggot, grub, worm
cnuimheach [krɯ̃ĩvəx] = maggoty
cnuimheag [krɯ̃ĩvag] = maggot, grub, worm
cnuimhneag [krɯ̃ĩvn̪ˠʲag] = maggot, worm
Manx (Gaelg) crooag = (flesh) worm, grub, maggot, worm
crooagagh = maggoty, wormy
Proto-Brythonic *prɨβ̃ [ˈprɨβ̃] = worm
Old Welsh prem = insect, fly, larva, maggot, grub, worm
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) pryuet, pryf = insect, fly, larva, maggot, grub, worm
pryuyedic = abounding in / infested with worms or maggots
Welsh (Cymraeg) pryf [prɨːv/priːv] = insect, fly, larva, maggot, grub, worm
pryfedaf, pryfedu, pryfedo = to breed worms of maggots, to become infested with worms or maggots
pryfediad = worm or maggot infestation
pryfedig = wormeaten, maggoty
pryfeteg = entomology
pryfiedig = abounding in / infested with worms or maggots
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) pref, prêv, pryf = any small animal, a vermin, an insect, a worm, a reptile
Cornish (Kernewek) pryv, prev = crawling animal, grub, insect, worm, weevil
pryv del = caterpillar
pryv prenn woodworm
pryvladher = insecticide
Middle Breton (Brezonec) preff, preuet, prenvv = worm
Breton (Brezhoneg) preñv = worm
preñvedik = vermiculated
preñvek = vermicular, wormlike, wormy
eneppreñveg, eneppreñvek = wormable

Etymology: from PIE *kʷŕ̥mis (worm) [source]. Words from the same root include cirmenis (maggot, grub) in Latvian, kirmis (worm) in Lithuanian, käärme (snake) in Finnish, کرم (kerm – worm) in Persian, and červ (worm, maggot) in Czech and Slovak [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) dorb = worm, larva
Middle Irish (Gaoidhleag) dorb = small insect or worm
Irish (Gaeilge) doirb [kɑbʲ/kabʲ] = water beelte
doirbeach = infested with water beetles
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) doirb [dɤrʲɤb] = unspecific term for a small/tiny/insignificant creature (e.g. minnow, worm, leech, small person)
Manx (Gaelg) durrag = cabbage worm, larva of cabbage moth

Etymology: unknown

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary, Teanglann.ie, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Lexicon Cornu-britannicum: A Dictionary of the Ancient Celtic Language of Cornwall, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, Le dictionnaire diachronique du breton, Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Facing Opposition

Words for face and related things in Celtic languages.

Mr. Funny Face

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *gnūstis = face
Old Irish (Goídelc) gnúis [ɡnuːsʲ] = face
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) gnúis = face, countenance, disc (of sun or moon), aspect, kind, form, species
dognúisach = ill-featured, ill-favoured
Irish (Gaeilge) gnúis [ɡn̪ˠuːʃ/ɡɾˠuːʃ] = face, mien, countenance, sour expression, frown, aspect, kind, form
gnúiseach = well-favoured, good-looking.
gnúiseachán = sour-faced person.
gnúisgheal = bright-faced
gnúis-searbh = sour-faced
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) gnùis [gruːʃ] = face, countenance, visage
gnùis-dhreach = aspect
gnùis-bhrat = veil
samhla-gnùis = smiley ☺️, emoticon
maise-gnùis = cosmetics
ruadhadh-gnùis = blush
Manx (Gaelg) grooish = countenance, visage, aspect
grooish-volley = deceit, deceive
geyre-ghrooishagh = sharp-faced
sharroo-ghrooishagh = vinegar-faced
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) gnis = jaw, chin, countenance, face
Welsh (Cymraeg) gnis [miːl] = jaw, chin, countenance, face
gnisiaf, gnisio = to low, neigh, sigh, pant, groan, grumble
Cornish (Kernewek) greuv = face, front

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *ǵneh₃- (to recognise, know) [source]. Words from the same roots include cognition, cunning, gnome, ignorant, know, noble and uncouth in English [source].

Proto-Celtic *enekʷos = face
Old Irish (Goídelc) enech = face, honour, reputation
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) enech, ainech = face, front, opposite, against, in opposition to
enechgris = face-flushing
enechlóg = honour-price
Irish (Gaeilge) oineach = honour, good name, reputation, generosity, hospitality, bounty, favour
oineachúil = generous, good-natured
eineach = face (literary)
eineachlann = ‘honour-price’, proportionate compensation, satisfaction for injury, etc
eineachras = safeguard, protection
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) eanach [ɛnəx] = honour, praise
Proto-Brythonic *ėnib = face
Old Welsh enep = face
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) wynep, wyneb, vynep = face
wynebiat, wnepiat, wynepiat = surace, facing, behaviour, aspect
wynebion, wynebyon = surface, scum, froth,
Welsh (Cymraeg) wyneb [ˈwɨnɛb / ˈwɨnab] = face, countenance, expression, grimace, surface, area, front, side, honour, respect, status, effrontery, impudence, audacity, cheek
wynebaf, wynebu = to face, look towards, confront, oppose, encourage, support
(g)wynebiad = surace, facing, behaviour, aspect
wynebion = surface, scum, froth, head (of beer), cream
(g)wynebol = honourable, worthy, facial, front, facing, promising, favourable, handsome, beautiful
Old Cornish eneb = face
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) enep, enap = face, countenance, page (of a book)
Cornish (Kernewek) enep = face, surface
enebi = to face, oppose
enebieth = opposition
Old Breton enep = face
Middle Breton (Brezonec) enep = face, resistance, opposition, opposite
Breton (Brezhoneg) eneb [ˈẽːnep] = face, opposite, honour
enebenn [e.ˈneː.bɛn] = upper, front, page
eneberezh = opposition
enebiñ = to oppose

Etymology: from the PIE *h₁enih₃kʷos (face), from animālis (animate, living), from *h₁én (in) and *h₃ókʷs (eye), and okno (window) in Czech [source].

Words from the same roots include eye in English, acs (eye, vision, attention) in Latvian, akis (eye, loop) in Lithuanian [source].

Proto-Celtic *antonos = forehead
Old Irish (Goídelc) étan = brow, forehead
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) étan, édan = front, brow, forehead
étanán = frontlet
Irish (Gaeilge) éadan [ˈeːd̪ˠən̪ˠ/ˈeːd̪ˠənˠ] = front, face, flat surface, facet, table, end
éadána = timid, diffident
éadánacht = timidity, diffidence
éadanchlár = fascia
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) aodann [ɯːdən̪ˠ] = face, front, dial, side
aodannach [ɯːdən̪ˠəx] = little face, mask, frontispiece
aodann-clò = typeface
aodann-coimheach = mask
aodann creige = rockface, cliff-face
Manx (Gaelg) eddin = face, facade, feature, front, apron, dial, impudence, cheek
eddinagh = facial

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *h₂ent- (face, forehead, front). Words from the same roots include answer, end in English, and anë (side, edge, verge, brink) in Albanian [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) agad [ˈaɣəð] = face, honour, surface
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) agad, aiged = face, countenance, surface, front
Irish (Gaeilge) aghaidh [əiɟ/ai/əi̯] = face, front, aspect, dial (of clock), obverse (of coin)
aghaidhbhéasach = civil-looking
aghaidh-dhána = bold-faced
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) aghaidh [ɤː.ɪ] = face, visage, facade, front, facing, cheek, impudence, nerve
aghaidheachd [ɤː.ɪjəxg] = resistance
aghaidhich = oppose, face, confront, affront
aghaidhichte = opposed, opposing, fronting, facing, confronted
Manx (Gaelg) oai = countenance
oaie = dial, exposure, facade, face, facial, front, frontage
oaieagh = blasphemous, sepulchral

Etymology: uncertain, possibly related to the Old Irish aigid (to drive), from Proto-Celtic *ageti (to drive), from Proto-Indo-European *h₂éǵeti (to be driving) [source].

Proto-Celtic *drikā = face, front
*ɸaredrikā = face, front
Old Irish (Goídelc) drech = face
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) drech, dreach = face, countenance, front, surface
drechach = fair, comely, graceful, shapely
Irish (Gaeilge) dreach [dʲɾʲax] = facial appearance, look, expression, aspect, face, surface
dreachadh =delineation, portrayal, make-up
dreachadóir = delineator
dreachúil = good-looking, comely
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) dreach [drɛx] = figure, form, shape, appearance, complexion
dreachmhor [drɛxvər] = comely, handsome, a healthy complexion
dreachadh [drɛxəɣ] = portraying, shaping, adorning
dreachail [drɛxal] = handsome, personable
dreachalachd [drɛxəl̪ˠəxg] = handsomeness
Manx (Gaelg) dreagh = expression
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) dyrch = face
drychiolaeth = apparition, ghost, spectre, phantom
edrich, edrych = to look, view, observe
Welsh (Cymraeg) drych [drɨːχ / driːχ] = mirror, looking-glass, reflection, example, magnifying-glass, glasses, countenance, appearance, aspect
drachaf, drychu = to mirror, see, make apparent
drychiolaeth = apparition, ghost, spectre, phantom
edrych = regard, appearance
edrych(af) = to look, view, observe, watch, search
Middle Breton (Brezonec) derch = shape, aspect, appearance

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *dr̥ḱ-eh₂ from *derḱ- (to see) [source]. Words from the same roots include dragon, drake and tarragon in English [source].

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary, Teanglann.ie, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Lexicon Cornu-britannicum: A Dictionary of the Ancient Celtic Language of Cornwall, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, Le dictionnaire diachronique du breton, Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic