Ropes & Strings

Words for rope, cord, string and related things in Celtic languages.


Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *tantus, *tantā = cord, string
Old Irish (Goídelc) tét [tʲeːd] = cord, rope, string
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) tét, téd, tet [tʲeːd] = rope, cord, string, a spider’s thread
tétaire = harper, lute-player
tétán = rope, cord
téitimnech = the crack, creaking of the ropes
Irish (Gaeilge) téad [tʲiad̪ˠ/tʲeːd̪ˠ] = rope, cable, string, chord, tether
téadach = stringed
téadaire = roper, corder, player of stringed instrument
téadaireacht = (act of) playing on stringed instrument
téadán = short rope, string, cord, line
téadchleasaí = rope-walker, rope-dancer
téadleimneach = (act of) skipping
téadra = cordage
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) teud [tʲiad] = cord, string
teudach [tʲiadəx] = stringed
teudachadh [tʲiədəxəɣ] = (act of) stringing, tethering
teudag [tʲiədag] = little string/cord, fibre
teudagach [tʲiədagəx] = fibrous, fibery, abounding in fibres
teudaichte [tʲiadɪçdʲə] = stringed, tethered
Manx (Gaelg) tead, tedd, teidd = rope, string, line, guy
teaddey = rope
teaddaght = cordage
Proto-Brythonic *tant = string (?)
Old Welsh (Kembraec) tantou = string
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) tant = string, line, cord, tendril
tennyn = tether, leash, lead, halter, string, cord, rope, noose, snare
Welsh (Cymraeg) tant [tant] = string (of a musical instrument), line, cord, tendril, bowstring, nerve, sinew, tendon
tantio = to string (a musical instrument)
tantiwr = fisherman who stands on the shore holding one end of a salmon net, while two others throw the net into the water from a boat
tantor = player of stringed instruments, harpist
tennyn = tether, leash, lead, halter, string, cord, rope, noose, snare
Old Breton (Brethonoc) tantou = strings
Middle Breton (Brezonec) tant = string
Breton (Brezhoneg) tant [tãnt] = string

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *tén-tu-s/ *tn̥-téw-s, from *ten- (to stretch, extend) [source]. Words from the same PIE roots include: ndej (to stretch) in Albanian, tenet (an opinion, belief, principle) in English, dehnen (to stretch) in German, tenere (to hold, keep, sustain) in Italian, tit (to wind, reel, coil, wrap) in Latvian, tener (to have, possess, hold, grasp) in Spanish, and tänja (to stretch, bend) in Swedish [source].

Proto-Celtic *lomanā = rope, thong
Old Irish (Gaídelc) loman = cord, rope
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) loman, lomna = cord, rope, thong, string, leash, bridle, halter
Irish (Gaeilge) lomhain = rope, halter, leash
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) lomhainn [l̪ˠõ.ɪn̪ʲ] = leash, lead, pack, band, gang
Manx (Gaelg) louyn = rope
er louyn = along, by hand, on a rope
Proto-Brythonic *lloβ̃an [be̝ˈrɨːd] = rope, string
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) llyfan = string, cord, thin rope
Welsh (Cymraeg) llyfan = string, cord, thin rope
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) lovan = rope, cord, string
lovannan = a small rope, cord
Cornish (Kernewek) lovan = rope, lasso
lovan dynn/dydn = tightrope
lovan lemmel = skipping rope
Middle Breton louffan = strap, belt
Breton (Brezhoneg) louan [ˈluːãn] = strap, belt
louaneg = slender (long-legged), clumsy
louangen = skinny, without energy

Etymology: unknown, possibly from a non-Indo-European substrate language [source].

Proto-Celtic *souggo = (?)
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) súagán, súgán = (straw) rope
Irish (Gaeilge) súgán = (straw) rope, strawmat, lifeless, inert, spinless person
súgánach = confused
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) sùgan [suːgan] = straw rope, horse’s collar (filled with straw)
Manx (Gaelg) suggane = twisted straw rope

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *sew- (to bend, cut). The Scots word suggan (light saddle, bedroll), and the Hiberno-English word sugan (a wooden chair with a seat made from woven straw or twine stretched over the frame) both come from the same roots via Irish, as does the word soogan (a bedroll) in American English [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) súainem = cord, rope, string, thong
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) súainem, súaineamh, súainimh = cord, rope, string, thong, course (of river)
Irish (Gaeilge) suaineamh = (javelin) cord, amentum (catkin) (literary)
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) sìoman [ʃiəman] = simmen, rope made from plant fibres (esp. straw, but also coir, heather, grass, twigs or rushes)
Manx (Gaelg) saineen = cord, thong

Etymology: from Old Norse síma (cord, rope) [source], from Proto-Germanic *sīmô (rope, cord), from Proto-Indo-European *sh₂éy-mn̥/*sh₂i-mén-s, from *sh₂ey- (to bind, fetter) [source].

Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) róp = rope
Irish (Gaeilge) rópa [ˈɾˠoːpˠə]= rope
rópa = rope
rópadóir = rope-maker
rópadóireacht = rope-making, rope-walking, rope-climbing, working with ropes
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) ròp, ròpa [r̪ˠɔːhbə] = rope, bundle of seaweed
ròpach [r̪ˠɔːhbəx] = abounding in ropes, tangled up, jumbled, untidy, messed up, abounding in tall tales/yarns
ròpadh [r̪ˠɔːhbəɣ] = (act of)roping, fastening with a rope, entangling
ròpair [r̪ˠɔːhbɛrʲ] = auctioneer
ròpaireachd [̪rˠɔːbɛrʲəxg] = exaggerated tale, exaggerating, adorning the truth
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) raff, raf = rope, cord, string, line, cable, noose, halter
reffyn, rheffyn = (small) rope, cord, string, (fishing) line, cable, noose, halter
Welsh (Cymraeg) rhaff = rope, cord, string, line, cable, noose, halter
rhaffu, rhaff(i)o = to tie with a rope or cord, to rope, fix a rop on, make a rope, to string or join (words, etc), connect together, link, crumple, spoil, waste, eat eagerly, gobble, snatch
rhaff(i)aid = rope(ful), that which is held by a rope
rhaffol = roped, made of rope(s), funicular
rhaffwr, rhaffydd = rope-maker
rheffyn = (small) rope, cord, string, (fishing) line, cable, noose, halter

Etymology: from Middle English rop(e) (rope), from Old English rāp (rope, cord, cable), from Proto-West-Germanic *raip (string, band), from Proto-Germanic *raipaz (rope, cord, band, ringlet), possibly from Proto-Indo-European *h₁royp-nó-s (band, strip, strap) [source]. The Welsh words are probably cognate, but their origins are not certain.

Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) corda = cord, rope
Irish (Gaeilge) corda = cord, string, chord
cordach = chordate, corded
cordaigh = to cord
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) còrd = cord, chord
Manx (Gaelg) coard, coyrd, coyrdey = cord
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) kord = cord, string, small rope, halter
cort = cord, string, twine, rope
Welsh (Cymraeg) cord = cord, string, small rope, halter
cort = cord, string, twine, rope
cortio = to cord, fasten with cords or strings, twist
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) cord = cord
corden = string
Cornish (Kernewek) korden = cord, string
korden an keyn = spinal cord
Middle Breton (Brezonec) corden, cordenn, querdenn, querdeynn = rope
cordenner = tailpiece
Breton (Brezhoneg) kordenn [ˈkɔr.dɛn] = rope
kordennan = to rope, fish with longlines
kordenner = tailpiece
kordennerezh = ropework
kordennig = cord, string

Etymology (Breton): from Middle French corde (rope), from Old French corde (rope), from Latin chorda (tripe, intestine, catgut, string, rope, cord), from Ancient Greek χορδή (khordḗ, string of gut, chord, sausage, black pudding), from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰerH- (bowel) [source].

Etymology (other languages): from Middle English corde (cord, string, sinew), from Old French corde (rope), from Latin chorda (tripe, intestine, catgut, string, rope, cord), from Ancient Greek χορδή (khordḗ, string of gut, chord, sausage, black pudding), from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰerH- (bowel)[source].

Words from the same roots include cord, chord, hernia and yarn in English, corda (rope, chord, string) in Italian, and koord (rope, cord) in Dutch [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language,, Am Faclair Beag, An etymological dictionary of the Gaelic language, Fockleyreen: Manx – English Dictionary, Online Manx Dictionary, Gaelg Corpus, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Lexicon cornu-britannicum : a dictionary of the ancient Celtic language of Cornwall, Gerlyver Kernewek, Devri : Le dictionaire diachronique du breton, Dictionnaires bilingues de Francis Favereau / Edition Skol Vreizh, TermOfis

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Words for to be born, birth and related things in Celtic languages.


Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *ganyetor = to be born
Old Irish (Goídelc) gein = birth
genemain = birth, generation
gainithir = to be born, arise, beget, originate
ad·gainethar = to be reborn, to restitute
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) gein, gene = birth,
genemain, geinemain = coming into existence, birth, generative power, growth, production, race, progeny, source, fountain-head
gainithir, gentair, gēntar = to come to life, be born, produce, arise, originate, beget, procreate, conceive
ad-gainethar, adgainethar = to be reborn, to restitute, make good
Irish (Gaeilge) gin [ˈɟɪnʲ] = to give birth to, beget, procreate, generate, produce; begetting, birth, foetus, chid, offspring, person
giniúint = procreation, conception, birth, reproduction, generation, embryo, progeny, breed
giniúnach = generative
gineadóir = begetter, sower, generator
gineadóireacht = (act of) generating
ginealach = genealogy, pedigree
gineog = little offspring, baby (girl), little sprout, bud, germling
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) gin [gʲin] = beget, father, create, engender, procreate, reproduce, breed, generate
gineach [gʲinəx] = genetic
gineachas [gʲinəxəs] = genesis
gineadach [gʲinədəx] = creative
gineadachadh = generating, generation
gineadair [gʲinədɪrʲ] = progenitor, procreator, generator
ginealach [gʲinəl̪ˠəx] = generation
Manx (Gaelg) gientyn = to beget, conceive, evolve, generate, procreate, produce; begetting, conceiving, conception, gender, generation, production
giennaghtyn = to beget, develop, generate, procreate; generation, developing, producing
Proto-Brythonic *gėnjed = to be born
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) ganed, geny, geni = to be born, give birth to, bring forth, beget, produce; birth
ganedic, ganedig = born, begotten, native, natural, innate, native
ganedigaeth = birth, offspring, procreation, origin, beginning, spiritual regeneration, the act of bringing forth
genedigawl = native, innate, hereditary, natural, born, indigenous, natal
Welsh (Cymraeg) geni [ˈɡɛnɪ/ˈɡeːni] = to be born, give birth to, bring forth, beget, produce; birth
ganedig, genedig = born, begotten, native, natural, innate, native
genedigaeth, ganedigaeth = birth, offspring, procreation, origin, beginning, spiritual regeneration, the act of bringing forth
genedigaethol, ganedigaethol = native (language, etc), pertaining to (a person’s) birth
genedigol, ganedigol = native, innate, hereditary, natural, born, indigenous, natal
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) geny, genys, gynys = to be born
Cornish (Kernewek) genys = born
Middle Breton (Brezonec) ganet, guenell, guenel = to give birth (to), to bring/come into the world, to be born
Breton (Brezhoneg) genel, ganañ, general [ˈɡẽː.nɛl] = to give birth (to), to bring/come into the world, to be born
geneliezh = genesis
genidigezh = natural
gendik = native
adcʼhenel [ad.ˈɣẽː.nɛl] = to be reborn

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *ǵn̥h₁yétor, from *ǵenh₁- (to produce, beget, give birth) [source]. Words from the same PIE roots include: kind (child) and koning (king, monarch) (gender, sex) in Dutch, cognate, engine(er), gender, gene, general, genesis, genetic, genial, genius, gentle, kin, king, nature, oxygen and progeny in English, Kind (child, kid, offspring) and König (king) in German, nascere (to be born, bud, sprout) in Italian, and gentis (tribe, genus, family, kin) in Lithuanian [source].

Proto-Celtic *bereti = to carry
*ɸarebereti = to use
Old Irish (Gaídelc) beirid [ˈbʲerʲiðʲ] = to carry, bear, bring forth, judge
ar·beir [arˈbʲerʲ] = to live, use, employ, eat, reproach, subdue, express
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) beirid, berid = to carry, infer, bear, bring forth, be born, yield, produce, judge, pass judgement
ar-beir, airbir = to live, eat, use, employ, plead, subdue, express
Irish (Gaeilge) beir [bʲɛɾʲ] = to bear, give birth to; lay (eggs); bear away, win; bring, take; catch, overtake; proceed, advance
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) beir [berʲ] = to take hold; bring forth, bear, produce; carry
beirachd [berʲəxg] = bearing (children), giving birth, birthing, bringing forth, birth, nativity, taking hold, holding, catching up with
Manx (Gaelg) behr = to bear (give birth to)
ruggyr = birth, nativity
laa ruggyr, laa ruggyree = birthday
Proto-Brythonic *bėrɨd [be̝ˈrɨːd] = to flow, carry
*ėrβėrɨd [be̝ˈrɨːd] = to make use of, employ, take
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) beru = to flow
Welsh (Cymraeg) beru = to flow, drip; drizzle
arfer [ˈarvɛr] = to use, be used to, be accustomed to; custom, practice, procedure, habit
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) berthy, perthy = to bear, carry, sustain, entertain, take
porthy = to bear (with), carry, endure, sustain, suffer
Cornish (Kernewek) perthi = to bear, endure, put up with, stand, suffer, tolerate
perthyans = endurance, patience, tolerance
Middle Breton beraff = to flow
Breton (Brezhoneg) berañ [ˈbeːrã] = to drip, flow

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *bʰéreti (to be carrying), from *bʰer- (to bear, carry) [source]. Words from the same roots include: barn, barrow, (to) bear, birth, broad and (to) thole (to endure) in English, bie (to bring, deliver) Albanian, բերել (berel – to bring, fetch) Armenian, and berti (to throw, strew, scatter, shed) Lithuanian [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language,, Am Faclair Beag, An etymological dictionary of the Gaelic language, Fockleyreen: Manx – English Dictionary, Online Manx Dictionary, Gaelg Corpus, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Lexicon cornu-britannicum : a dictionary of the ancient Celtic language of Cornwall, Gerlyver Kernewek, Devri : Le dictionaire diachronique du breton, Dictionnaires bilingues de Francis Favereau / Edition Skol Vreizh, TermOfis

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Habitual Customs

Words for habit, custom, virtue, moral(ity) and related things in Celtic languages.

Habitual Customs

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *banssus = custom, habit
Gaulish bessu = customs, habits
Old Irish (Goídelc) bés, béss, bǽs = custom, habit
bésad = custom, customary practice
bésgnae = custom, discipline, law
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) bés, bésse, bes = habit, custom, usual procedure, practice, manner, way, moral(s), good behaviour
bésach = mannerly, well-behaviour
bésaid = moralist (?)
bésgnae = custom, usage, discipline, protocol
béstae = moral
Irish (Gaeilge) béas [bʲiːa̯sˠ/bʲeːsˠ] = habit, moral habit
béasa = conduct, manners
béasach = well-mannered, mannerly, polite
béasaíocht = mannerliness, politness
béascna = mode of conduct, custom, usage, culture
béasmhúineadh = teaching of good manners
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) beus [beːs] = moral(s), virtue, conduct, demeanour
beus-eòlas = ethics, moral philosophy
beusach [beːsəx] = moral, virtuous, ethical, chaste, modest
beusachd [beːsəxg] = good behaviour, moral rectitude, etiquette
beusail [beːsal] = moral, virtuous, ethical, chaste, modest
beusalachd [beːsəl̪ˠəxg] = ethics, moral behaviour
beusanta [beːsən̪ˠdə] = ethical
Manx (Gaelg) beaoil = moral, living
beasagh = civil(ized), decorous, moral, obedient, pliable
Proto-Brythonic *boɨs = (?)
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) moes = habit, wont, custom, tradition
moeseidd, moesaidd = courteous, polite, well-bred
moesgar, moes gar = courteous, polite, refined
moessic = courteous, where courtesy is found
moessauc, moessawc, moessoc = polite, well-bred, seemly, deferential
moes(s)sawl = moral, ethical
Welsh (Cymraeg) moes [moːɨ̯s / mɔi̯s] = established or usual behaviour, habit, wont, custom, tradition, social convention, courtesy, civility, manners, etiquette
moesau, moesoedd = morals, moral principle(s)
moesgar = courteous, polite, refined, well-mannered, civil
moesog = polite, well-bred, seemly, deferential
moesol = moral, ethical, high-principled
anfoesol, di-foes = immoral
Middle Breton (Brezonec) boas = custom, habit
boaset = accustomed, trained, habitually
Breton (Brezhoneg) boaz [ˈbwɑːs] = custom, habit
boazamant = practice, tradition
boazañ [ˈbwɑːzã] = to get used to
boazet = accustomed, trained, habitually

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *bʰendʰ- (to bind, bond), or from *bʰeydʰ- (to compel, force, trust) [source].

Words from the same PIE root include bide, confide, defy, faith, federal and infidelity in English, besë (pledge, oath, promise, vow) in Albanian, beiða (to ask, request) in Icelandic, and бедя (bedjá – to accuse, slander, persuade) in Bulgarian [source].

Proto-Celtic *gnātos = known, recognised
*angnātos = unknown, obscure
*gnināti = to recognise
Gaulish gniiou = I recognise (?)
Old Irish (Goídelc) gnáth [ɡnaːθ] = customary, usual
gnáthach [ˈɡnaːθax] = customary, usual, constant, familiar, well-known
gnáthaigid = to frequent, inhabit, practise
ingnad = strange, unusual, wonderful, marvel, miracle, wonder
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) gnáth = customary, usual, familiar, well-known, custom, wont, usage
gnáthaid = to practise, use, be accustomed to
gnáthaigid = to be accustomed to, practise, frequent, inhabit
gnátham = custom, wont, habit
gnáthe = usualness, frequency
gnáthmar = wonted, customary
ingnad, ingnáth, ingnuth = strange, wonderful, remarkable, unusual, unfamiliar
Irish (Gaeilge) gnáth [ɡn̪ˠɑː/ɡɾˠɑː/ɡɾˠæː] = custom, usage, customary thing, haunt, resort
gnách [ɡn̪ˠɑ̃ːx/ɡɾˠɑːx] = customary, usual, common, ordinary
gnáthaigh = to make a habit of, practise, frequent, haunt
gnáthaíocht = commonness, frequency, usage, wont
gnáthamh = usage, custom, procedure, routine
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) gnàth [grãː] = usual, common
gnàthach [grãː.əx] = conventional, routine, habitual, orthodox
gnàthachadh [grã.əxəɣ] = accustoming, practising, rehearsing, custom, practice, rehearsal
gnàthachail [grãː.əxal] = customary
gnàthachas [grãː.əxəs] = invariableness, constancy, convention, custom
gnàthachd [grãː.əxg] = customariness
Proto-Brythonic *gnọd = known, recognised
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) gnaud, gnawd, gnawt, gnot = usual, customary, wont
Welsh (Cymraeg) gnawd [ɡnau̯d] = usual, customary, wont, accustomed, natural, characteristic, known, frequent
Cornish (Kernewek) gnas = character, nature, temper, quality
gnasek = natural
gnasen = trait
Old Breton (Brethonoc) gnot = (?)

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *ǵn̥h₃tós (known, recognisable), from *ǵneh₃- (to know, recognise) [source].

Words from the same PIE roots include agnostic, canny, cognition, cunning, ignore, incognito, know, recognise in English, and noto (well-known, famous, notorious) in Italian [source].

Proto-Celtic *kleto- = (?)
Old Irish (Goídelc) clecht = custom, habit
clechtaid = to practise, ply
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) clecht = custom, wont, habit
clechtach = practised, experienced, customary
clechtaid = to become accustomed to, frequent, consort with, practise, ply
Irish (Gaeilge) cleacht [clʲaxt̪ˠ] = to perform habitually, to be, to become accustomed to, to practise
cleachtach (ar, le) = accustomed (to)
cleachtadh [ˈclʲaxt̪ˠə/ˈclʲaxt̪ˠu] = habit, wont, practice, experience, exercise; to practise
cleachtas = practice
cleachtóir = practitioner
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) cleachd [klɛxg] = use, employ, accustom, get used to, habituate, practise
cleachdach [klɛxgəx] = customary, habitual, usual
cleachdadh [klɛxgəɣ] = using, use, convention, custom, habit
cleachdaiche [klɛxgɪçə] = consumer, user
cleachdail [klɛxgal] = customary, habitual, usual
cleachdta [klɛxdə] = used to, accustomed to
Manx (Gaelg) cliaghtey = habit, practice, rehearsal, usage, use; to rehearse, train, use, profess
cliaghtagh = habitual, customary, conventional
cliaghtaghey = to accustom, exercise, practise

Etymology: possibly from the Proto-Indo-European *kʷelh₁- (to turn, revolve around, dwell) [source].

Proto-Celtic *ɸarebereti = to use
Old Irish (Goídelc) arbeir [arˈbʲerʲ] = to live, use, employ, eat, reproach, subdue, express
do·airbir = to bend, subdue, bow down, yield, surrender
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) ar-beir, air-ber, arbeir = to live, eat, use, employ, plead, oppose, express, subdue, quell
Proto-Brythonic *ėrβėrɨd, = to make use of, employ, take
Old Welsh (Kembraec) arber = to use, make use (of), employ
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) aruer, arfer, arver = usage, practice, habit, custom, tradition
arber, arueru, arver, arfer = to use, make use (of), employ
arueredic, arferedig = usual, habitual, customary, familiar
arverog, arferoc = usual, habitual, customary, familiar, common, ordinary
arferol, arverol, aruerol = usual, habitual, customary, familiar, common, ordinary, normal, regular
Welsh (Cymraeg) arfer [ˈarvɛr/ˈarvar] = usage, practice, habit, custom, tradition
arferaf, arfer(u) = to use, make use (of), employ
arferedig = usual, habitual, customary, familiar
arferiad = habit, usage, practice, custom
arferol = usual, habitual, customary, familiar, common, ordinary, normal, regular

Etymology: from the Proto-Celtic *ɸare- (for(e)-) and *bereti (to carry, bear, flow), from Proto-Indo-European *bʰéreti (to be carrying), from *bʰer- (to bear, carry) [source].

Words for To Carry / Flow in Celtic languages come from the same roots.

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Words for barn and related things in Celtic languages.


Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Old Irish (Goídelc) sciból = barn
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) sciból, sgioból = barn, granary
Irish (Gaeilge) scioból [ʃkɪˈbˠoːl̪ˠ] = barn
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) sgiobal [sgʲibəl̪ˠ] = barn, granary
Manx (Gaelg) skibbalt = barn, granary
Old Welsh (Kembraec) scipaur = barn, granary
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) ysgubaỽr, yscubawr, sgubor, yscubor, yscupor = barn, granary
Welsh (Cymraeg) ysgubor, sgubor [əsˈɡɨ̞bɔr/əsˈɡiːbɔr] = barn, granary, farm building
(y)sguboraidd = barn-like
ysguborio = to put or store in a barn
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) scaber, sciber, skibor = barn, any large room
Cornish (Kernewek) skiber = barn, corn-loft, granary
Middle Breton (Brezonec) squiber, skiber = lean-to, shed, reception room
Breton (Brezhoneg) skiber = shed, lean-to, storage room

Etymology (Brythonic words): possibly from Proto-Brytonic *ɨskʉb (sheaf), from Latin scōpa (branch of a plant, broom, besom), from Proto-Italic *skōpās, from Proto-Indo-European *skeh₂p- (rod, shaft, staff, club) [source]. The Goidelic words were probably borrowed from a Brythonic language [source].

Some words for Brushes and Brooms in Celtic languages come from the same roots, as do the words scopa (broom) in Italian, escoba (broom) in Spanish, and shqopë (heather, heath, briar) in Albanian [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) saball = barn
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) saball = barn
Irish (Gaeilge) sabhall = barn
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) sabhal [sa.əl̪ˠ] = barn, granary
sabhal-feòir = hay barn
sabhalalach [sa.əl̪ˠəx] = barn-like, pertaining to or abounding in barns
Manx (Gaelg) soalt = barn, granary

Etymology: from Latin stablum (dwelling, stable, hut, tavern), from stō (to stand, stay, remain) and‎ -bulum (instrumental suffix) ( [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) ithlann = barn, granary, threshing floor
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) ithlann, ithla, ithland = threshing floor, barn, granary, storehouse, garden
Irish (Gaeilge) iothlainn = stackyard, rickyard
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) iothl(i)ann [jul̪ˠən̪ˠ/jul̪ɪn̪ʲ] = yard, farmyard enclosure
Manx (Gaelg) uhllin = corn-yard, farmyard, haggard, rick-yard, stack-yard

Etymology: from Old Irish ith (corn, grain) and lann (building, house, land, plot) [source].

Other words for barn in Welsh include grawndy (barn, granary), grawnfa (barn, granary) and heiniardy (barn, granary).

Incidentally, the word barn means opinion, view, judgement or sentence in Welsh, to judge in Breton, and it means child in the Northern Germanic languages, such as Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and Icelandic, and in dialects of English spoken in parts of northern England [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Muddy Mires

Words for mud and related things in Celtic languages.

HFF 44

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *latyos = moist
Old Irish (Goídelc) lathach [dʲerɡ] = mud, mire
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) lathach, laithech, lathaig = mire, puddle, quagmire, morass
Irish (Gaeilge) lathach [ˈl̪ˠɑhəx / l̪ˠaiç] = mud, slush, slime
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) lathach [l̪ˠa.əx] = mire, ooze, sludge, quicksand
lathach-mhòine = peat-bog
lathach sàile = saltmarsh
lathachach [l̪ˠa.əxəx] = muddy, oozy, sludgy
lathachail [l̪ˠa.əxal] = muddy, oozy, sludgy
lathadh = besemearing, (be)numbing, heat (in cats)
Manx (Gaelg) laagh = mire, mud
laagh vog = sludge
laaghagh = muddy, sludgy, slushy
laaghan = muddy place, slough
Proto-Brythonic *llėd = mud
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) llaid = mud, mire, dirt, clay, slime, ooze
lleidyawc = muddy, clayey, miry, oozy, slimy
Welsh (Cymraeg) llaid [ɬai̯d] = mud, mire, dirt, clay, slime, ooze, quagmire, quicksand, dregs
lleidfa = muddy or clayey place
lleidfysgaf, lleidfysgu = to, knead, work clay, bespatter with mud or dirt, bedraggle, bemire
lleidiaf, lleidio = to turn into mud or clay, become sodden
lleidiog = muddy, clayey, miry, oozy, slimy
lleidiogaf, lleidiogi = to become muddy or miry
lleidiogrwydd = muddiness, ooziness, turbidity
lleidiol = full of mud, muddy, miry, clayey
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) lued, luth, lyys, lys, lŷs = mud, mire, dirt, filth
luedic = miry, filthy, stinking
lyys haal = salt-marsh
Cornish (Kernewek) leys [lɛɪz] = mud, slime
leysek = mire
Middle Breton (Brezonec) lec’hid = slime, silt
Breton (Brezhoneg) lec’hid = slime, silt
lec’hidadur = siltation
lec’hidan, lec’hidañ = to silt up, become gelatinous, viscous
lec’hideg = mudflat
lec’hidus = muddy

Etymology from Proto-Indo-European *lat- (damp, wet). Words from the same roots include latex in English, latãkas (chute, gutter, duct) in Lithuanian, and lag (to wet, moisten) in Albanian [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) láp = mud, mire, sin, vice
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) láip [l͈aːb] = mud, mire, sin, vice
Irish (Gaeilge) láib [l̪ˠɑːbʲ/l̪ˠæːbʲ] = mud, mire; to muddy, spatter
caoch láibe = mole
oitir láibe = mud-bank
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) làb [l̪ˠaːb] = mire, mud, muddy puddle, day’s labour
làbach [l̪ˠaːbəx] = marsh, swamp
làbachas [l̪ˠaːbəxəs] = swampiness, bogginess
làban [l̪ˠaːban] = mire, mud, muddy place, dirty work, drudgery, wet and muddy person
làbanachadh [l̪ˠaːbanəxəɣ] = smearing, daubing, dirtying, wallowing, bedraggling, drenching
làbrach [l̪ˠaːbarəx] = miry, muddy, dirty, dirty/unkempt person
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) loob = slime, sludge
Cornish (Kernewek) loub = slime, sludge
louba = to lubricate

Etymology: probably related to lathach [source].

Proto-Celtic *kʷrīyess = clay
Old Irish (Goídelc) cré [kʲrʲeː] = clay, earth
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) cré, cre = clay, earth
créda, criadta, criata, creodae = clayey, earthen, fictile (pliable, moldable)
Irish (Gaeilge) cré = clay, earth, dust
créachadh = (act of) earthing, moulding
créafóg = clay, earth
crécholúr = clay pigeon
cré-earra = earthenware
créúil = clayey, earthy
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) criadh [krʲiəɣ] = clay
criadgadair [krʲia.ədɪrʲ] = potter
criadhadaireachd [krʲia.ədɪrʲəxg] = pottery
Manx (Gaelg) cray = ash, clay, pipe clay
crayee = ceramic, earthen
crayoil = clayey, earthy
Proto-Brythonic *prið [ˈpriːð] = clay, mud, earth
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) prid, pridd = soil, earth, dust, ground, clay, mortar, plaster
priddo = to cover with earth, bury
pridell, priddell = clod, sod, dust, soil
priddled, priddlyd = earthy, earthen, dirty, dusty,
Welsh (Cymraeg) pridd [priːð] = soil, earth, dust, ground, clay, mortar, plaster
priddach = soil, earth, clay, earthenware
pridd(i)af, pridd(i)o = to cover with earth, bury, plaster, daub
priddawr = potter
pridd-dom = dirt, mud, clay
priddell = clod, sod, dust, soil, grave, potsherd, brick, tile
priddfaen = brick, (earthenware) tile for making bricks
priddl(l)yd = earthy, earthen, dirty, dusty, uncouth
priddwr = mason, plasterer, burier
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) pri, pry, prî = mould, earth, clay
prian, prían = clayey ground
Cornish (Kernewek) pri = clay, mud
priek = clayey
prien = clay ground
priweyth = pottery
priweythor, priweythores = potter
priweythva = clay-works, pottery
Old Breton (Brethonoc) pri = clay, mudt
Middle Breton (Brezonec) pry = clay, mud
Breton (Brezhoneg) pri [priː] = clay, mud, mortar
priaj = ceramic
prian, priañ = to coat with clay
priasell = waste, quagmire
priasellek = full of clay mud
prieg = clayey, muddy

Etymology possibly from Proto-Indo-European *krey- (to siftm separate, divide). Words from the same roots include latex in English, latãkas (chute, gutter, duct) in Lithuanian, and lag (to wet, moisten) in Albanian [source].

Middle Breton (Brezonec) fanc, fancq, fang, fank = mud, excrement
Breton (Brezhoneg) fank [ˈfãŋk] = mud, excrement
fankan, fankañ = to poop
fankeg = muddy

Etymology from Norman fanque (mud) [source] from Old French fange (mud, addle, mire), from Vulgar Latin *fanga/*fangus (mud), possibly from Frankish, from Proto-Germanic *fanją (swamp, fen). The French words fange (filth, mire, debauchery) and fagne (marshland, fen), and the Catalan word fang (mud) come from the same roots [source].

Middle Welsh (Kymraec) llaka, lacca, llacca = mud, sludge, mire, dirt, muck, puddle, filth, slome
Welsh (Cymraeg) llaca [ɬaka] = mud, sludge, mire, dirt, muck, puddle, filth, slime
llaceilyd = muddy, miry, dirty

Etymology from Middle English lake/laca (lake, stream; ditch, drain, sewer), from Old French lac (lake) or Latin lacus (lake, basin, tank), to-Italic *lakus (lake), from Proto-Indo-European *lókus (pond, pool) [source].

Proto-Celtic *lutā = dirt, mud
Gaulish *lutos = swamp
Celtiberian *lutā = swamp
Old Irish (Goídelc) loth [ˈloθ] = mire, mud, swamp, marsh
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) loth, lath = mud, mire, quagmire, marsh
Irish (Gaeilge) lodair = to cover with mud, muddy, to wallow in mire, grovel
lodán = stagnant pool, puddle
lodar = miry place, slough, soft, flabby person
lodartha = muddy, slushy, slobby, soft, flabby, grovelling, abject, base, vulgar
lodarthacht = muddiness, slushiness, softness, flabbiness, abjectness, baseness, vulgarity
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) lod [l̪ˠɔd] = pool, pond, marsh
lodagan = small pool of water
lodan = puddle, small pool, small marsh

Etymology from Proto-Indo-European *lew- (dirt, mud) [source].

Lutetia, the Gallo-Roman town founded in 52 BC that became Paris, gets it’s name from the Gaulish word *lutos (swamp) [source]. It was known as Lutetia Parisiorum by the Romans.

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Facing Opposition

Words for face and related things in Celtic languages.

Mr. Funny Face

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *gnūstis = face
Old Irish (Goídelc) gnúis [ɡnuːsʲ] = face
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) gnúis = face, countenance, disc (of sun or moon), aspect, kind, form, species
dognúisach = ill-featured, ill-favoured
Irish (Gaeilge) gnúis [ɡn̪ˠuːʃ/ɡɾˠuːʃ] = face, mien, countenance, sour expression, frown, aspect, kind, form
gnúiseach = well-favoured, good-looking.
gnúiseachán = sour-faced person.
gnúisgheal = bright-faced
gnúis-searbh = sour-faced
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) gnùis [gruːʃ] = face, countenance, visage
gnùis-dhreach = aspect
gnùis-bhrat = veil
samhla-gnùis = smiley ☺️, emoticon
maise-gnùis = cosmetics
ruadhadh-gnùis = blush
Manx (Gaelg) grooish = countenance, visage, aspect
grooish-volley = deceit, deceive
geyre-ghrooishagh = sharp-faced
sharroo-ghrooishagh = vinegar-faced
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) gnis = jaw, chin, countenance, face
Welsh (Cymraeg) gnis [miːl] = jaw, chin, countenance, face
gnisiaf, gnisio = to low, neigh, sigh, pant, groan, grumble
Cornish (Kernewek) greuv = face, front

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *ǵneh₃- (to recognise, know) [source]. Words from the same roots include cognition, cunning, gnome, ignorant, know, noble and uncouth in English [source].

Proto-Celtic *enekʷos = face
Old Irish (Goídelc) enech = face, honour, reputation
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) enech, ainech = face, front, opposite, against, in opposition to
enechgris = face-flushing
enechlóg = honour-price
Irish (Gaeilge) oineach = honour, good name, reputation, generosity, hospitality, bounty, favour
oineachúil = generous, good-natured
eineach = face (literary)
eineachlann = ‘honour-price’, proportionate compensation, satisfaction for injury, etc
eineachras = safeguard, protection
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) eanach [ɛnəx] = honour, praise
Proto-Brythonic *ėnib = face
Old Welsh enep = face
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) wynep, wyneb, vynep = face
wynebiat, wnepiat, wynepiat = surace, facing, behaviour, aspect
wynebion, wynebyon = surface, scum, froth,
Welsh (Cymraeg) wyneb [ˈwɨnɛb / ˈwɨnab] = face, countenance, expression, grimace, surface, area, front, side, honour, respect, status, effrontery, impudence, audacity, cheek
wynebaf, wynebu = to face, look towards, confront, oppose, encourage, support
(g)wynebiad = surace, facing, behaviour, aspect
wynebion = surface, scum, froth, head (of beer), cream
(g)wynebol = honourable, worthy, facial, front, facing, promising, favourable, handsome, beautiful
Old Cornish eneb = face
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) enep, enap = face, countenance, page (of a book)
Cornish (Kernewek) enep = face, surface
enebi = to face, oppose
enebieth = opposition
Old Breton enep = face
Middle Breton (Brezonec) enep = face, resistance, opposition, opposite
Breton (Brezhoneg) eneb [ˈẽːnep] = face, opposite, honour
enebenn [e.ˈneː.bɛn] = upper, front, page
eneberezh = opposition
enebiñ = to oppose

Etymology: from the PIE *h₁enih₃kʷos (face), from animālis (animate, living), from *h₁én (in) and *h₃ókʷs (eye), and okno (window) in Czech [source].

Words from the same roots include eye in English, acs (eye, vision, attention) in Latvian, akis (eye, loop) in Lithuanian [source].

Proto-Celtic *antonos = forehead
Old Irish (Goídelc) étan = brow, forehead
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) étan, édan = front, brow, forehead
étanán = frontlet
Irish (Gaeilge) éadan [ˈeːd̪ˠən̪ˠ/ˈeːd̪ˠənˠ] = front, face, flat surface, facet, table, end
éadána = timid, diffident
éadánacht = timidity, diffidence
éadanchlár = fascia
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) aodann [ɯːdən̪ˠ] = face, front, dial, side
aodannach [ɯːdən̪ˠəx] = little face, mask, frontispiece
aodann-clò = typeface
aodann-coimheach = mask
aodann creige = rockface, cliff-face
Manx (Gaelg) eddin = face, facade, feature, front, apron, dial, impudence, cheek
eddinagh = facial

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *h₂ent- (face, forehead, front). Words from the same roots include answer, end in English, and anë (side, edge, verge, brink) in Albanian [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) agad [ˈaɣəð] = face, honour, surface
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) agad, aiged = face, countenance, surface, front
Irish (Gaeilge) aghaidh [əiɟ/ai/əi̯] = face, front, aspect, dial (of clock), obverse (of coin)
aghaidhbhéasach = civil-looking
aghaidh-dhána = bold-faced
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) aghaidh [ɤː.ɪ] = face, visage, facade, front, facing, cheek, impudence, nerve
aghaidheachd [ɤː.ɪjəxg] = resistance
aghaidhich = oppose, face, confront, affront
aghaidhichte = opposed, opposing, fronting, facing, confronted
Manx (Gaelg) oai = countenance
oaie = dial, exposure, facade, face, facial, front, frontage
oaieagh = blasphemous, sepulchral

Etymology: uncertain, possibly related to the Old Irish aigid (to drive), from Proto-Celtic *ageti (to drive), from Proto-Indo-European *h₂éǵeti (to be driving) [source].

Proto-Celtic *drikā = face, front
*ɸaredrikā = face, front
Old Irish (Goídelc) drech = face
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) drech, dreach = face, countenance, front, surface
drechach = fair, comely, graceful, shapely
Irish (Gaeilge) dreach [dʲɾʲax] = facial appearance, look, expression, aspect, face, surface
dreachadh =delineation, portrayal, make-up
dreachadóir = delineator
dreachúil = good-looking, comely
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) dreach [drɛx] = figure, form, shape, appearance, complexion
dreachmhor [drɛxvər] = comely, handsome, a healthy complexion
dreachadh [drɛxəɣ] = portraying, shaping, adorning
dreachail [drɛxal] = handsome, personable
dreachalachd [drɛxəl̪ˠəxg] = handsomeness
Manx (Gaelg) dreagh = expression
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) dyrch = face
drychiolaeth = apparition, ghost, spectre, phantom
edrich, edrych = to look, view, observe
Welsh (Cymraeg) drych [drɨːχ / driːχ] = mirror, looking-glass, reflection, example, magnifying-glass, glasses, countenance, appearance, aspect
drachaf, drychu = to mirror, see, make apparent
drychiolaeth = apparition, ghost, spectre, phantom
edrych = regard, appearance
edrych(af) = to look, view, observe, watch, search
Middle Breton (Brezonec) derch = shape, aspect, appearance

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *dr̥ḱ-eh₂ from *derḱ- (to see) [source]. Words from the same roots include dragon, drake and tarragon in English [source].

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Lexicon Cornu-britannicum: A Dictionary of the Ancient Celtic Language of Cornwall, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, Le dictionnaire diachronique du breton, Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic


Words for thirty and related things in Celtic languages.


Proto-Celtic *trīkontes = thirty
Gaulish tricontis = thirty
Old Irish (Goídelc) trícha [ˈtʲrʲiːxo] = thirty
tríchatmad = thirtieth
tríchtaige = thirty day period
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) trícha, triúcha, tricha, triocha, tricho = thirty
tríchatmad, trichatmad, trichadmadh = thirtieth
tríchtaige, trichtaigi = period of 30 days/years, etc
tríchtach, tríteach = thirty-fold, consisting of 30
trícha cét = a military force, political or terrirtorial unit; of force of fighting men, cantred, barony (lit. ‘300’)
Irish (Gaeilge) tríocha = thirty
tríochadú = thirtieth
na tríochaidí = the thirties
tríocha céad = large territorial division, barony
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) trichead [triçəd] = thirty
tritheadamh (30ᵐʰ) = thirtieth (30ᵗʰ)
na tritheadan = the thirties
Manx (Gaelg) treead = thirty
Proto-Brythonic *trigont = thirty
Old Breton tricont, trigont = thirty
Middle Breton (Brezonec) tregont = thirty
tregontad = about thirty
tregontet, tregontvedenn, tregontvet = thirtieth
tregontkementiñ, tregontvedenniñ = to multiply by thirty
tregontvloaziad = a period of 30 years
Breton (Brezhoneg) tregont [ˈtreːɡɔ̃n(t)] = thirty
tregontved = thirtieth
tregontvedenn = thirtieth part
tragontad = around thirty

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *tridḱómt (thirty) from *tri- (three) and *déḱm̥ (ten) [source].

Words from the same roots include thirty in English, tridhjetë (thirty) in Albanian, երեսուն [jɛɾɛˈsun] (thirty) in Armenian, trenta (thirty) in Italian and trente (thirty) in French, and words for thirty in other Indo-European languages [source].

Thirty is also trideg (three-ten) in Welsh in the decimal version of the numbers. For other words for thirty, see the post about words for ten, as thirty is 10 on 20 in the vigesimal system.

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Gerlyvyr Cernewec, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, Le dictionnaire diachronique du breton, Geriafurch, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic


Words for leaves, foliage and related things in Celtic languages.

Here be trees!

Proto-Celtic *dolyā = leaf
Gaulish doula, dula = leaf
Old Irish (Goídelc) duilne = leaf
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) duille = leaf, foliage
duillebad = foilage
duillebar = leafage, foilage
duillech = leafy, abounding in foliage, leaf-shaped
Irish (Gaeilge) duille [d̪ˠɪlʲə] = leaf, foliage, eyelid, glory, wealth, handout, leaflet
duilleach = leafy, leaf-shaped, leaf-patterned
duilleachán, duilleoigín = leaflet
duilleog = leaf, page (of book), sheet (of paper)
duilligh = to foliate
duilliúr = leaves, foliage, greenery
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) duille [dɯl̪ʲə] = sheath, blade
duille-dhoras = valve
duilleach = foliage, leaf
duilleag = leaf, page, sheet, lobe, sternum
duilleach = leafy
duilleagach = leafy, abounding in leaves
Manx (Gaelg) duilley = leaf
duillag = page, pamphlet, sheet, leaf
duillaghey = foliation, infoliate, leaf
Proto-Brythonic *döl = leaf
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) deil = leaves, leaf, foliage, herbs
deilyar = with rustling leaves
deilyawc = leafy, green with foliage
deiloed = a tryst in a leafy bower
Welsh (Cymraeg) dail = leaves, leaf, foliage, (medicinal) herbs, (metal) foil
deiliaf, deilio = to bear/put forth leaves, to shoot or sprout (into foliage), to bear progeny
deiliant = sprouting of leaves, foliage, leafage
deiliar = with rustling leaves
deiliedig = bearing leaves, leafy
deilig = small leaf, leaflet
deiliog = leafy, green with foliage, leaf-like, laminated, foliate
dalen = leaf (of a book/table), sheet (of paper), plate, (metal) foil
Old Cornish delen = leaf
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) delen = leaf
deil = leaves
Cornish (Kernewek) delen = leaf
delennek = leafy
Old Breton dol = leaf, foliage
Middle Breton (Brezonec) deil, del = leaf
Breton (Brezhoneg) deil, del = leaf, foliage

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *dʰelh₁- (to grow). Words from the same roots include դալար (dalar – green, verdant, young) in Armenian, dal (I exit, go out, leave) in Albanian, and θάλλω (thállō – to bloom, sprout, grow) in Ancient Greek, [source].

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Gerlyvyr Cernewec, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, Le dictionnaire diachronique du breton, Geriafurch, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Words for baskets and related things in Celtic languages.


Proto-Celtic *kleibo = (?)
Old Irish (Goídelc) clíab = basket, breast, chest, ribcage
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) clíab = basket, skep, bee-hive, coracle, currach, breast, bosom
cliabach = slender-bodied
cliabaire = infant
cliabán = cradle, bird-trip, bird-cage
Irish (Gaeilge) cliabh [klʲiəvˠ/klʲiəw] = ribbed frame; body, chest, bosom; creel, pannier basket
cliabhadóir = creel-maker
cliabhadóireacht = creel-making
cliabhaire = basket-carrier, travelling poultry-dealer
cliabhán = cradle, wicker cage
cliabhrach = bodily frame, chest, thorax; (person of) large frame
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) cliabh [kliəv] = basket, creel, pannier, ribcage, straightjacket
cliabhadh [kliəvəɣ] = (act of) putting into a creel
cliabhan = small creel, small hamper, wreckage, broken timbers
cliabhadair, cliabhair [kliəvədɪrʲ] = basket-maker
Manx (Gaelg) clean = pannier, potato creel, twig basket; cot, cradle
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) kauell, cawell = basket, pannier, cradle
cawelleit = basketful, hamperful, quiverful
Welsh (Cymraeg) cawell = basket, pannier; cradle; fish-trap, creel, cage; quiver; belly, breast
cawellaf, cawellu = to put into a hamper or basket; cradle
cawellaid = basketful, hamperful, quiverful
cawellig = little basket
cawellwr = basket-maker, maker of wicker fish-traps
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) cawal, cauwal, cowal = hamper, basket, pannier
cawel gwanan beehive
Cornish (Kernewek) kowel = hamper, basket, cage
kowel gwenen beehive
kowel-gwari = playpen
kowella = to cage
Old Breton cauell, cauèl, queuel, qavell = cradle, trap, locker
Middle Breton (Brezonec) kavell, kavel, kevell, cauell = cradle, trap, locker
kavell-bez = tomb
kavellad = contents of a trap
kavellañ = to put in a basket
Breton (Brezhoneg) kavell = cradle, trap, locker
kavell-bez = tomb

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *ḱley- (to lean) [source]. Celtic words for fence, hurdle, lattice and related things come from the same root: more details, as do words for left and related things.

Words from the same Proto-Celtic root, via Gaulish and Latin, include claie (wicker rack, trellis, hurdle) in French and cheda (wattled laterals at the base of a traditional cart) in Galician [source].

Words from the same PIE root include client, climate, clinic, incline and lean in English, leunen (to lean) in Dutch, lehnen (to lean) in German, chinàre (to bend) in Italian, and clemente (lenient) in Spanish [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) ces = basket
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) ces = basket, hamper, pannier, bee-hive, skep, causeway of hurdles
Irish (Gaeilge) cis [cɪʃ] = wicker container, basket, crate, plaited or crossed twigs as support for causeway
ciseach = wattled causeway, improved path, footbridge, over soft ground or drain, hamper
ciseachán = breadbasket, stomach
ciseán = (wicker) basket
ciseadóir = wicker-worker, basket-maker
ciseadóireacht = wicker-work, basketry
ciseog = shallow basket (for potatoes, etc)
cispheil = basketball
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) cis [kʲiʃ] = (large) woven/wicker basket, wickerwork panel, hurdle
ciseach [kʲiʃəx] = wickerwork path/bridge
ciseag, cisean, ciosan = small woven basket or creel, kishie
cisean [kliəvədɪrʲ] = basket-maker
Manx (Gaelg) kishan = skep
kishan pabyr = waste paper basket
kishan shellan = hive

Etymology: from Old Norse kista (chest, box), from Latin cista (trunk, chest, casket), from Ancient Greek κίστη (kístē – box, chest, casket), from Proto-Indo-European *kisteh₂ (woven container) [source].

Words from the same roots include chest in English, kist (chest, box, trunk, coffer) in Scots, Kiste (box, crate, case, chest) in German, ciste (chest, coffer, treasure, fund) in French, cesta (basket, hamper) in Spanish [source].

Irish (Gaeilge) bascaed = basket
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) basgaid [basgɪdʲ] = basket
basgaid-arain = breadbasket
basgaid-bidhe = hamper
basgaid-sgudail = wastebasket
ball-basgaid = basketball
Manx (Gaelg) basca(i)d, baskad, bastag = pannier, potato creel, twig basket; cot, cradle
bastag arran = breadbasket
bastageyr = basket maker
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) basged, bascet, basced = basket, basketful
basgedeit = basketful, hamperful
Welsh (Cymraeg) basgeg = basket, basketful
basgedaf, basgedu = to place in a basket, to make baskets
basged(i)aid = basketful, hamperful
basgedwaith = basketry, basketwork, wickerwork
basgedwr, basgedydd = basket-maker
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) basced = basket
Cornish (Kernewek) basket = basket

Etymology: from Middle English basket, from Anglo-Norman bascat (basket), possibly from Late Latin bascauda (a woven mat or vessel to hold basketwork), from Proto-Celtic *baskis (bundle, load), from Proto-Indo-European *bʰask- (bundle), or non-Indo-European source.

Words from the same Proto-Celtic root include bâche (tarpaulin, canvas sheet, cover) in French, vascullo (broom, bundle of straw) in Galician, basket in English, فَشْقَار (fašqār – a heap of sheaves) in Arabic [source].

Other words from the PIE root *bʰask- include fascis (bundle, burden, load, high office) in Latin, and possibly bast (fibre made from certain plants used for matting and cord) in English, bast (bast, raffia) in Danish, bast (inner bark, velvet, skin, hide) in Dutch, and bashkë (together, simultaneously) in Albanian [source].

There are more details on the Burdensome Loads Celtiadur post, and the Celtic Pathways Baskets episode.

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Gerlyvyr Cernewec, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, Le dictionnaire diachronique du breton, Geriafurch, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Burdensome Loads

Words for loads, burdens and related things in Celtic languages.

Worker carrying rice seedlings to her field

Proto-Celtic *baskis = bundle, load
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) basc = circular necklet or neckband
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) basc = round, red, scarlet (archaic)
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) beich = burden, load
Welsh (Cymraeg) baich [bai̯χ] = burden, heavy load, labour, duty, sin, sorrow, woe, responsibility, a load, a dry measure
baich gwaith = workload
beichiaf, beichio = to burden, load, weigh (down), overwhelm, encumber
beichiedig = burdened, laden
beichiog = pregnant, expectant, burdened, laden, fertile, prolific, teeming
beichiogaeth = pregnancy
beichiogaf, beichiogi = to become pregnant, impregnate, conceive
beichiogi = pregnancy, conception, feture, childbirth, delivery (of child)
Cornish (Kernewek) begh = burden, load
begh-ober = workload
beghus = burdensome, onerous
beghya = to burden, impose upon, overload
Middle Breton (Brezonec) bec’h = burden
bec’hiet = loaded, charged, full
bec’h(i)us = heavy, overwhelming, oppressive
bec’h-bec’h = with great difficulty
bec’hiadurezh = oppression
Breton (Brezhoneg) bec’h = difficulty, effort
bec’hiad = load, charge, responsibility, burden
bec’hadenn = physical effort
bec’hded = saturation

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *bʰask- (bundle, band), or from a non-Indo-European source. Words from the same Proto-Celtic root include bascauda (woven mat or vessel to hold basketwork) in Late Latin, bâche (tarpaulin, canvas sheet, cover) in French, vascullo (broom, bundle of straw) in Galician, basket in English, فَشْقَار (fašqār – a heap of sheaves) in Arabic (via Aragonese or Galician) [source].

Words from the same PIE root include fascis (bundle, burden, load, high office) in Latin, and possibly bast (fibre made from certain plants used for matting and cord) in English, bast (bast, raffia) in Danish, bast (inner bark, velvet, skin, hide) in Dutch, and bashkë (together, simultaneously) in Albanian [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) aire = load, burden
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) aire, oire, ere = load, burden
Irish (Gaeilge) eire = load, burden
eireadóir = encumbrancer
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) eire [erʲə] = burden, load
eireach [erʲəx] = burdensome, heavy
Manx (Gaelg) errey = burden, impost, imposition, load
thie errey = infirmary
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) areu = burden, sorrow, grief
Welsh (Cymraeg) arau = burden, sorrow, grief

Etymology: unknown [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) úalach = burden, load, duty
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) úalach = burden, charge, load, duty, obligation
Irish (Gaeilge) ualach = load, burden
ualaigh = to load, burden, encumber
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) uallach = round, red, scarlet (archaic)

Etymology: possibly from uala (shoulder), a version of guala (shoulder), from Middle Irish gúala (shoulder), from Old Irish gúalu (shoulder), from Proto-Indo-European *gew (to bend, curve) [source].

Words from the same PIE root include giro and gyre (a swirling vortex) in English, giro (turn, twist, rotation) in Italian, and giro (turn, spin, tour) in Spanish [source].

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, Dictionnaire de la langue gauloise, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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