Muddy Mires

Words for mud and related things in Celtic languages.

HFF 44

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *latyos = moist
Old Irish (Goídelc) lathach [dʲerɡ] = mud, mire
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) lathach, laithech, lathaig = mire, puddle, quagmire, morass
Irish (Gaeilge) lathach [ˈl̪ˠɑhəx / l̪ˠaiç] = mud, slush, slime
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) lathach [l̪ˠa.əx] = mire, ooze, sludge, quicksand
lathach-mhòine = peat-bog
lathach sàile = saltmarsh
lathachach [l̪ˠa.əxəx] = muddy, oozy, sludgy
lathachail [l̪ˠa.əxal] = muddy, oozy, sludgy
lathadh = besemearing, (be)numbing, heat (in cats)
Manx (Gaelg) laagh = mire, mud
laagh vog = sludge
laaghagh = muddy, sludgy, slushy
laaghan = muddy place, slough
Proto-Brythonic *llėd = mud
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) llaid = mud, mire, dirt, clay, slime, ooze
lleidyawc = muddy, clayey, miry, oozy, slimy
Welsh (Cymraeg) llaid [ɬai̯d] = mud, mire, dirt, clay, slime, ooze, quagmire, quicksand, dregs
lleidfa = muddy or clayey place
lleidfysgaf, lleidfysgu = to, knead, work clay, bespatter with mud or dirt, bedraggle, bemire
lleidiaf, lleidio = to turn into mud or clay, become sodden
lleidiog = muddy, clayey, miry, oozy, slimy
lleidiogaf, lleidiogi = to become muddy or miry
lleidiogrwydd = muddiness, ooziness, turbidity
lleidiol = full of mud, muddy, miry, clayey
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) lued, luth, lyys, lys, lŷs = mud, mire, dirt, filth
luedic = miry, filthy, stinking
lyys haal = salt-marsh
Cornish (Kernewek) leys [lɛɪz] = mud, slime
leysek = mire
Middle Breton (Brezonec) lec’hid = slime, silt
Breton (Brezhoneg) lec’hid = slime, silt
lec’hidadur = siltation
lec’hidan, lec’hidañ = to silt up, become gelatinous, viscous
lec’hideg = mudflat
lec’hidus = muddy

Etymology from Proto-Indo-European *lat- (damp, wet). Words from the same roots include latex in English, latãkas (chute, gutter, duct) in Lithuanian, and lag (to wet, moisten) in Albanian [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) láp = mud, mire, sin, vice
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) láip [l͈aːb] = mud, mire, sin, vice
Irish (Gaeilge) láib [l̪ˠɑːbʲ/l̪ˠæːbʲ] = mud, mire; to muddy, spatter
caoch láibe = mole
oitir láibe = mud-bank
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) làb [l̪ˠaːb] = mire, mud, muddy puddle, day’s labour
làbach [l̪ˠaːbəx] = marsh, swamp
làbachas [l̪ˠaːbəxəs] = swampiness, bogginess
làban [l̪ˠaːban] = mire, mud, muddy place, dirty work, drudgery, wet and muddy person
làbanachadh [l̪ˠaːbanəxəɣ] = smearing, daubing, dirtying, wallowing, bedraggling, drenching
làbrach [l̪ˠaːbarəx] = miry, muddy, dirty, dirty/unkempt person
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) loob = slime, sludge
Cornish (Kernewek) loub = slime, sludge
louba = to lubricate

Etymology: probably related to lathach [source].

Proto-Celtic *kʷrīyess = clay
Old Irish (Goídelc) cré [kʲrʲeː] = clay, earth
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) cré, cre = clay, earth
créda, criadta, criata, creodae = clayey, earthen, fictile (pliable, moldable)
Irish (Gaeilge) cré = clay, earth, dust
créachadh = (act of) earthing, moulding
créafóg = clay, earth
crécholúr = clay pigeon
cré-earra = earthenware
créúil = clayey, earthy
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) criadh [krʲiəɣ] = clay
criadgadair [krʲia.ədɪrʲ] = potter
criadhadaireachd [krʲia.ədɪrʲəxg] = pottery
Manx (Gaelg) cray = ash, clay, pipe clay
crayee = ceramic, earthen
crayoil = clayey, earthy
Proto-Brythonic *prið [ˈpriːð] = clay, mud, earth
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) prid, pridd = soil, earth, dust, ground, clay, mortar, plaster
priddo = to cover with earth, bury
pridell, priddell = clod, sod, dust, soil
priddled, priddlyd = earthy, earthen, dirty, dusty,
Welsh (Cymraeg) pridd [priːð] = soil, earth, dust, ground, clay, mortar, plaster
priddach = soil, earth, clay, earthenware
pridd(i)af, pridd(i)o = to cover with earth, bury, plaster, daub
priddawr = potter
pridd-dom = dirt, mud, clay
priddell = clod, sod, dust, soil, grave, potsherd, brick, tile
priddfaen = brick, (earthenware) tile for making bricks
priddl(l)yd = earthy, earthen, dirty, dusty, uncouth
priddwr = mason, plasterer, burier
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) pri, pry, prî = mould, earth, clay
prian, prían = clayey ground
Cornish (Kernewek) pri = clay, mud
priek = clayey
prien = clay ground
priweyth = pottery
priweythor, priweythores = potter
priweythva = clay-works, pottery
Old Breton (Brethonoc) pri = clay, mudt
Middle Breton (Brezonec) pry = clay, mud
Breton (Brezhoneg) pri [priː] = clay, mud, mortar
priaj = ceramic
prian, priañ = to coat with clay
priasell = waste, quagmire
priasellek = full of clay mud
prieg = clayey, muddy

Etymology possibly from Proto-Indo-European *krey- (to siftm separate, divide). Words from the same roots include latex in English, latãkas (chute, gutter, duct) in Lithuanian, and lag (to wet, moisten) in Albanian [source].

Middle Breton (Brezonec) fanc, fancq, fang, fank = mud, excrement
Breton (Brezhoneg) fank [ˈfãŋk] = mud, excrement
fankan, fankañ = to poop
fankeg = muddy

Etymology from Norman fanque (mud) [source] from Old French fange (mud, addle, mire), from Vulgar Latin *fanga/*fangus (mud), possibly from Frankish, from Proto-Germanic *fanją (swamp, fen). The French words fange (filth, mire, debauchery) and fagne (marshland, fen), and the Catalan word fang (mud) come from the same roots [source].

Middle Welsh (Kymraec) llaka, lacca, llacca = mud, sludge, mire, dirt, muck, puddle, filth, slome
Welsh (Cymraeg) llaca [ɬaka] = mud, sludge, mire, dirt, muck, puddle, filth, slime
llaceilyd = muddy, miry, dirty

Etymology from Middle English lake/laca (lake, stream; ditch, drain, sewer), from Old French lac (lake) or Latin lacus (lake, basin, tank), to-Italic *lakus (lake), from Proto-Indo-European *lókus (pond, pool) [source].

Proto-Celtic *lutā = dirt, mud
Gaulish *lutos = swamp
Celtiberian *lutā = swamp
Old Irish (Goídelc) loth [ˈloθ] = mire, mud, swamp, marsh
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) loth, lath = mud, mire, quagmire, marsh
Irish (Gaeilge) lodair = to cover with mud, muddy, to wallow in mire, grovel
lodán = stagnant pool, puddle
lodar = miry place, slough, soft, flabby person
lodartha = muddy, slushy, slobby, soft, flabby, grovelling, abject, base, vulgar
lodarthacht = muddiness, slushiness, softness, flabbiness, abjectness, baseness, vulgarity
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) lod [l̪ˠɔd] = pool, pond, marsh
lodagan = small pool of water
lodan = puddle, small pool, small marsh

Etymology from Proto-Indo-European *lew- (dirt, mud) [source].

Lutetia, the Gallo-Roman town founded in 52 BC that became Paris, gets it’s name from the Gaulish word *lutos (swamp) [source]. It was known as Lutetia Parisiorum by the Romans.

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Today we’re looking at the words for pickaxe, pike and related things in Celtic languages.

Claes Oldenburg

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Middle Irish (Gaoidhleag) píce = pole, pike
pícóid = mattock, pickaxe
Irish (Gaeilge) píce [ˈpʲiːcɪ] = pike, fork, peak
píceáil = pike, fork, pitchfork, peak
píceálaí = forker, pitcher
píceán = peak, tip
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) pic, pìc [piːçgʲ] = pike
pìceach [piːçgʲəx] = armed with pikes, abounding in pikes
pìcear = pikeman
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) pig = point, spike, pike
pigo = to prick, pierce, goad, peck, sting, bite
pigawd = a thrusting or stabbing with a spear, a pricking
Welsh (Cymraeg) pig [piːɡ] = point, spike, pike, lance, pick(axe), prong, beak
pigach = darts
pigadail = obelisk, spire, pyramid, cone
pigaf, pigo = to prick, pierce, goad, peck, sting, bite
pig(i)aid = as much as can be picked up or carried on a pitchfork, beakful
pigau = pitchfork, hay-fork
pigawd = a thrusting or stabbing with a spear, a pricking
pigell = goad, prick, prickle
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) piga = to prick, prickle, sting
pigol = mattock, pick, pickaxe
Cornish (Kernewek) pig = grub axe, grubber, pick, pickaxe, pickle
piga = to goad, incite, sting
pigell = hoe, pick(axe), pickle
pigallas = to hoe
pigellik = picker
Middle Breton (Brezonec) pig = pickaxe
Breton (Brezhoneg) pik = piquant, point, pique
pikañ = to sting, bite, pinch
pikezenn = pike, spade (in cards)
pigell = pickaxe

Etymology (Irish): from Old French pik(k)e, from Latin pīcca (pickace, pike), possibly from Frankish *pikkōn (to peck, strike), or from Frankish *pīk (sharp point, pike), from Proto-Germanic *pīkaz (sharp point, pike, pickaxe, peak) probably of imitative origin [source].

Etymology (Scottish Gaelic, Welsh & Cornish): probably from English pike or the Middle English pyke (pike, sharp point), which ultimately come from the same Proto-Germanic roots as pik(k)e in Old French.

Words from the same roots include peck, pick, pike, pique, pitch in English [source].

Irish (Gaeilge) caib [kɑbʲ/kabʲ] = dibble
caibeáil = to plant with an implement, dibble
caibeáilaí = planter (of seed), dibbler
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) caibe [kɛbə] = space, mattock, iron part of tools
caibe-sìthe = fairy spade (amulet given to sick people & cattle)
Manx (Gaelg) kiebbey = spade, mattock
Old Welsh cep = pickaxe, mattock, hoe, ploughshare
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) keyp, keib, caib = pickaxe, mattock, hoe, ploughshare
Welsh (Cymraeg) caib = pickaxe, mattock, hoe, ploughshare
caib garddwr = hoe
caib big, caib bicys = pickaxe

Etymology: unknown

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Lexicon Cornu-britannicum: A Dictionary of the Ancient Celtic Language of Cornwall, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, Le dictionnaire diachronique du breton, Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Boots and Shoes

Today we’re looking at words for boots, shoes and related things in Celtic languages.

John Baker's Brogue Ankle Boot / Schnürstiefelette Kalbsleder braun (brown) (1)

Old Irish (Goídelc) bróc(c) [broːɡ] = shoe, sandal, greave; (in plural) greaces, leggings, hose, breeches
Irish (Gaeilge) bróg [bˠɾˠoːɡ/bˠɾˠɔːɡ] = boot, shoe
bróg ard = boot
bróg iseal = shoe
bróg adhmaid/mhaide = clog
brógchrann = boot-tree
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) bròg [brɔːg] = shoe, boot, hoof
brògair [brɔːgɪrʲ] = shoemaker, cobbler
brògach [brɔxgəx] = abounding in shoes, shod, strong-hoofed, animal with “socks”
bròg-fhiodha = clog, wooden shoe
brògan put = football boots
bròg-eich = horseshoe
bròg-spéilidh = ice skate
bròg na cuthaige = bluebell, wild hyacinth (“shoe of the cuckoo”)
cho sona ri bròg = as happy as Larry (“as happy as a shoe”)
Manx (Gaelg) braag = brogue, shoe
braagit = shod
braag lheiltys = gym shoe
braag shliawin = ice skate
braag vaidjagh = clog
Welsh (Cymraeg) brog = brogue
brog Gwyddelig = Irish brogue

Etymology: from the Old Norse brók (trousers, breeches) or the Old English brōc (underpants), both of which come from the Proto-Germanic *brōks (rear end, rump, leggings, pants, trousers), from the PIE *bʰreg- (to break, crack, split) [source].

The English word brogue was borrowed from Irish and refers to a type of shoe, or a strong accent, particularly a strong Irish accent when speaking English, although it originally referred to Irish spoken with a strong English accent, or a heavy shoe of untanned leather.

Brogue in the sense of accent might come from the Irish word barróg (hug, wrestling grip, brogue, impediment of speech) [source], which comes from the Old Irish barróc (fast hold, tight grip, embrace, gripe, stitch) [source],

Proto-Celtic *fesskūtā = (leather) boot, shoe
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) eskyd, eskit, escid = boot, buskin, shoe
Welsh (Cymraeg) esgid [ˈɛskɪd] = boot, buskin, shoe
esgidiaf, esgidio = to put on one’s boots or shoes, to shoe
esgidiedig / esgidiog = shod
esgidiwr = shoemaker, bootmaker
esgidiau blewog = fur-lined boots
esgidau byclau = buckled shoes
esgidiau eira = show boots/shoes
esgidiau nos = slippers
esgid(iau) Gwyddel(od) = brogue(s)
esgid goed, esgidiau coed = wooden-soled shoes, clogs
esgidiau’r gog/gwcw = Bluebell, Wild Hyacinth
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) escid, esgis, eskas = shoe
Cornish (Kernewek) eskis = shoe
eskis sport = trainer, sports shoe
eskisyow kron = slingbacks

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *ped-skuHto-, from *ped- (to walk, step) and *skuH-t- (skin, hide) [source].

Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) cúarán = shoe, sock
Irish (Gaeilge) cuarán = sandal
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) cuaran [kuəran] = sandal, bangage, toecap, sock
Manx (Gaelg) carrane = hide sandal, sandal, slipper
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) cuaran, kuaran, curan = boot, buskin
Welsh (Cymraeg) cu(a)ran, cwaran = boot, buskin
curanog = buskined

Etymology: the Welsh words were borrowed from Irish. The words in the other languages possibly come from the Middle Irish cúar (curved, bent, crooked) from the Proto-Celtic *kukro- (curved), from the Proto-Indo-European *kewk- (to elevate, height) [source].

Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) bòtann [bɔːhdən̪ˠ] = boot (esp. rubber boot, wellington)
bòtais [bɔːhdɪʃ] = boot
bùtais [buːhdɪʃ] = boot
Manx (Gaelg) bootys = boot
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) botys, botes, botas, bottas = greave(s), shackle, boot, wader
Welsh (Cymraeg) bot(i)as, bwtias = greave(s), shackle, boot, wader
botasbren = bootjack, boot-tree
botasog = wearing boots or greaves
botaswr = bootmaker, shoemaker
Cornish (Kernewek) botas = boot
botas palvek = flippers
botas stanch = wellies
Middle Breton (Brezonec) botez, botes, botés = shoe
Breton (Brezhoneg) botez = shoe, clog
botour = shoemaker, cobbler
botaouiñ = to shoe
botez-prenn = clog, wooden shoe
botezioù = hoof, sole

Etymology: (via English) from the Old French bote (boot), from the Frankish *butt, from Proto-Germanic *but(t)az (cut off, short, numb, blunt), from Proto-Indo-European *bʰewt-/*bʰewd- (to strike, push, shock”) [source].

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary,, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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