Tawallammat Tamajaq (Tawəlləmmət)

Tawallammat Tamajaq is a member of the Southern Tamasheq branch of the Berber language family spoken mainly in Niger and Mali, and also in northwestern Nigeria, by about 870,000 people. In Niger there are about 450,000 speakers of Tawallammat Tamajaq, particularly in the Tchirozerine department of the Agadez region, in Dogondoutchi department of the Dosso region, and in the Maradi, Tahoua and Tillabéri regions. The language is official recognised in Niger.

In Mali there are bout 420,000 speakers of Tawallammat Tamajaq in the Gao region in the southeast of the country.

Tawallammat Tamajaq is also known as Amazigh, Tahoua, Tahoua Tamajeq, Tamachek, Tamashekin, Tamasheq, Tewellemet, Tomacheck, Touareg, Tourage or Tuareg. It is closely related to Tayart Tamajeq, and some sources classify these languages are dialects of Tamasheq.

Tawallammat Tamajaq it is taught in some primary schools, and used in literature and on the radio. It can be written with Latin and Arbic alphabets, and also with a version of the Tifinagh alphabet known as Shifinagh (šifinaɣ). Shifinagh is traditionally written in sand, on rocks, on paper and on other surfaces. It currently used for things like notes, shopping lists and love letters. It rarely appears in books.

Latin alphabet for Tawallammat Tamajaq

Latin alphabet for Tawallammat Tamajaq

Arabic alphabet for Tawallammat Tamajaq

Arabic alphabet for Tawallammat Tamajaq

Shifinagh alphabet for Tawallammat Tamajaq

Shifinagh alphabet for Tawallammat Tamajaq

Download alphabet charts for Tawallammat Tamajaq (Excel)

Sample text - Latin alphabet

  1. Azzaman n Ǝmǝnokal Herod a daɣ ihǝw Ɣaysa, daɣ ǝɣrǝm ǝn Betalxam, daɣ amaḍal ǝn Yahudǝyya. Ǝglan-du musanan ǝn manayan a d-ǝfalnen dǝnnǝg har d-osan Yerusalam.
  2. Ǝnnan: «Ma iga ǝmǝnokal ǝn Kǝl-Ǝlyǝhud wa ihǝwan da sǝket? Atri-net a nǝnay daɣ dǝnnǝg, amaran nǝkk-ay-du y a das-nǝssǝjǝd.»
  3. Arat wa as t-isla ǝmǝnokal Herod, iga aššawaša zǝwwǝran, ǝnta harkid Kǝl-Yerusalam kul.
  4. Iššedaw-du imuzaran ǝn limaman, ǝd musanan n Ǝttawret, issǝstǝn-tan d adag wa daɣ zʼihǝw Ǝlmǝsix.
  5. Ǝnnan-as: «Aɣrǝm ǝn Betalxam a daɣ zʼihǝw daɣ amaḍal ǝn Yahudǝyya, fǝlas ǝnnǝbi Mika iktâb âs:

Source: https://biblehub.com/ttq/matthew/2.htm

Sample text - Shifinagh alphabet

  1. ⵤⵎⵏ ⵏⵎⵏⴾⵍ ⵂⵔⴹ ⴹⵗ ⵂⵓ ⵗⵢⵙⴰ ⴹⵗ ⵗⵔⵎ ⵏⵀⵜⵍⵈⵎ ⴹⵗ ⵎⴹⵍ ⵏⵢⵂⴹⵢⴰ⵰ ⴶⵍⵏ⵿ⴹⵓ ⵎⵙⵏⵏ ⵏⵎⵏⵢⵏ ⴹⴼⵍⵏⵏ ⴹⵏⴶ ⵂⵔ ⴹⵙⵏ ⵢⵔⵙⵍⵎ⵰
  2. ⵏⵏ «ⵎⴰ ⴶⴰ ⵎⵏⴾⵍ ⵏ⵿ⴾⵍⵍⵢⵂⴹ ⵓⴰ ⵂⵓⵏ ⴹⴰ ⵙⴾⵜ⵰ ⵜⵔⵏⵜ ⵏⵏⵢ ⴹⵗ ⴹⵏⴶ ⵎⵔⵏ ⵏⴾⵢⴹⵓ ⵢⴹⵙⵏⵙⵌⴹ⵰»
  3. ⵔⵜ ⵓⴰ ⵙ ⵜⵙⵍⴰ ⵎⵏⴾⵍ ⵂⵔⴹ ⴶⴰ ⵛⵓⵛⴰ ⵤⵓⵔⵏ ⵏ⵿ⵜⴰ ⵂⵔⴾⴹ ⴾⵍⵢⵔⵙⵍⵎ ⴾⵍ⵰
  4. ⵛⴹⵓⴹⵓ ⵎⵤⵔⵏ ⵏⵍⵎⵎⵏ ⴹⵎⵙⵏⵏ ⵏⵜⵓⵔⵜ ⵙⵙ⵿ⵜⵏ⵿ⵜⵏ ⴹⴹⴶ ⵓⴰ ⴹⵗ ⵤⵂⵓ ⵍⵎⵙⵈ⵰
  5. ⵏⵏⵙ «ⵗⵔⵎ ⵏⵀⵜⵍⵈⵎ ⴹⵗ ⵤⵂⵓ ⴹⵗ ⵎⴹⵍ ⵏⵢⵂⴹⵢⴰ ⴼⵍⵙ ⵏⵀⵢ ⵎⴾⴰ ⴾⵜⵀ ⵙ

Translation (Mark 2:1-5)

  1. Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,
  2. Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.
  3. When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.
  4. And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born.
  5. And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is written by the prophet,

Source: https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Luke-Chapter-1/

Details provided by Michael Peter Füstumum

Sample video in Tawallammat Tamajeq


Information about Tawallammat Tamajaq

Berber languages

Ancient Berber, Ghadamès, Ghomara, Guanche, Kabyle, Riffian, Shilha (Tashelhit), Shawiya, Shenwa, Siwi, Tamahaq, Tamasheq, Tamazight, Tawallammat Tamajaq, Tayart Tamajeq, Zenaga, Zuwara Berber

Languages written with the Tifinagh alphabet

Kabyle, Riffian, Shilha (Tashelhit), Siwi, Tamasheq, Tamazight, Tayart Tamajeq

Languages written with the Arabic script

Adamaua Fulfulde, Afrikaans, Arabic (Algerian), Arabic (Bedawi), Arabic (Chadian), Arabic (Egyptian), Arabic (Gulf), Arabic (Hassaniya), Arabic (Hejazi), Arabic (Lebanese), Arabic (Libyan), Arabic (Modern Standard), Arabic (Moroccan), Arabic (Najdi), Arabic (Syrian), Arabic (Tunisian), Arwi, Äynu, Azeri, Balanta-Ganja, Balti, Baluchi, Beja, Belarusian, Bosnian, Brahui, Chagatai, Chechen, Chittagonian, Comorian, Crimean Tatar, Dargwa, Dari, Dhatki, Dogri, Domari, Gawar Bati, Gawri, Gilaki, Hausa, Hazaragi, Hindko, Indus Kohistani, Kabyle, Kalkoti, Karakalpak, Kashmiri, Kazakh, Khowar, Khorasani Turkic, Khwarezmian, Konkani, Kumzari, Kurdish, Kyrgyz, Lezgi, Lop, Luri, Maguindanao, Malay, Malay (Terengganu), Mandinka, Marwari, Mazandarani, Mogholi, Morisco, Mozarabic, Munji, Noakhailla, Nubi, Ormuri, Palula, Parkari Koli, Pashto, Persian/Farsi, Punjabi, Qashqai, Rajasthani, Rohingya, Salar, Saraiki, Sawi, Serer, Shabaki, Shina, Shughni, Sindhi, Somali, Soninke, Tatar, Tausūg, Tawallammat Tamajaq, Tayart Tamajeq, Ternate, Torwali, Turkish, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Wakhi, Wanetsi, Wolof, Xiao'erjing, Yidgha

Languages written with the Latin alphabet

Page created on: 27.04.21. Last modified: 05.05.21


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