Kryts (цIека meз)

Kryts is a Northeast Caucasian language spoken in Quba district in the mountains of northeastern Azerbaijan, mainly in the villages of Alyk (Əlik), Jek (Cek), Khaput (Haput), Kryz (Qrız) and Yerguj (Yergüc). There were about 5,000 speakers of Kryts in 2007. Each village has its own dialect, which could be considered separate languages as they are so distinct from one another.

There are ways to Kryts with the Cyrillic and Latin alphabets, however is rarely written, and there is little written material in it or about it. Kryts speakers generally write in Azerbaijani. The language is spoken by adults and children, although the number of children speaking it is decreasing.

Cyrillic alphabet for Kryts

Cyrillic alphabet for Kryts

Download an alphabet chart for Kryts (Excel)
Information about the Kryts alphabet provided by Wolfram Siegel (Word doc, in German)

Sample text

малтар уг куншивар саьб кІадыр аьманаьт канув | сад иигъ чихана маллар гьаблаьм кlадыраь йикьичаьн саьб силаь кьаьзабичаь аьсквай джухунхун къирку- рувіудж ирхьаь|къуншир хабар кани|—маллаlли казанчаь иш затув!| маллар хъухьвара - хъухьвара лури | — кьунши | ваь гуьл айдын виши | къиних I- наь ваь кІадырар хуйджув | къунши ли карджув пара н о ь шери | сабд чукьуд йигь чихана малла мад г а л а м кунши бадован гуьхьи аьджвар хва бу кІадыр укшерув | кьуншир маллов сабб бу кадыр вуцінув | сабд чукьуд йить йаьхьари маллар кадыр кидаькрув | кадыраь джухуд диндж даьхьай малла бадоваьн гуьпхабри | рикаган къабчІйаьгІаь маллар кlаьдыраь джухуд ирхъажкьан лури І — ваь кыл сагь виши | кунши | кадыр кьаьйджув | къуншир таьгlджуьб- джикаьи хабар къани | — малла | ши ухури вун | к а д ы р маь рикьабраьм | мал- лар джаваб вуцlнув | —баьс каьдырар рухраьм !|


Mullah borrowed one boiler from his neighbour. A day later, the mullah, having put a small boiler inside that boiler, returns it to the owner. Seeing him, the neighbour asks: "Mulla, what kind of boiler is this?" Mullah laughs: "Neighbour, let your eye be clear, your caldron gave birth tonight." The neighbour is very happy about this. A few days later, the mullah, once again going to this neighbour, asks him for a big boiler. The neighbour gives the mullah a big boiler. A few days pass, the mullah does not return the boiler. The restless owner of the caldron comes to the mullah. Seeing the owner of the boiler, the mullah approaches the door and says: "Long live your head, neighbour, - the caldron is dead." The neighbour asks with surprise: "Mulla, what are you saying, is the caldron dying?" Mullah says: "Does the caldron give birth?"

Source: Саадиев Ш. М. Крызский язык // Языки народов СССР. Т.IV, М., 1967

Sample text provided by Jin Wei Hii

Information about Kryts | Numbers | Numbers (Khaput dialect)


Information about Kryts language and peopleКрызский_язык

Northeast Caucasian languages

Aghul, Akhvakh, Andi, Archi, Avar, Bagvalal, Batsbi, Bezhta, Botlikh, Budukh, Caucasian Albanian, Chamalal, Chechen, Dargwa, Godoberi, Hinukh, Hunzib, Ingush, Kaitag, Karata, Khinalug, Khwarshi, Kryts, Kubachi, Lak, Lezgian, Rutul, Tabassaran, Tindi, Tsakhur, Tsez, Udi

Languages written with the Cyrillic alphabet

Abaza, Abkhaz, Adyghe, Aghul, Akhvakh, Akkala Sámi, Aleut, Altay, Alyutor, Andi, Archi, Assyrian / Neo-Assyrian, Avar, Azeri, Bagvalal, Balkar, Bashkir, Belarusian, Bezhta, Bosnian, Botlikh, Budukh, Bulgarian, Buryat, Chamalal, Chechen, Chelkan, Chukchi, Chulym, Chuvash, Crimean Tatar, Dargwa, Daur, Dolgan, Dungan, Enets, Erzya, Even, Evenki, Gagauz, Godoberi, Hinukh, Hunzib, Ingush, Interslavic, Itelmen, Juhuri, Kabardian, Kaitag, Kalderash Romani, Kalmyk, Karaim, Karakalpak, Karata, Karelian, Kazakh, Ket, Khakas, Khanty, Khinalug, Khorasani Turkic, Khwarshi, Kildin Sámi, Kili, Komi, Koryak, Krymchak, Kryts, Kubachi, Kumandy, Kumyk, Kurdish, Kyrgyz, Lak, Lezgi, Lingua Franca Nova, Lithuanian, Ludic, Macedonian, Mansi, Mari, Moksha, Moldovan, Mongolian, Montenegrin, Nanai, Negidal, Nenets, Nganasan, Nivkh, Nogai, Old Church Slavonic, Oroch, Orok, Ossetian, Pontic Greek, Romanian, Rushani, Russian, Rusyn, Rutul, Selkup, Serbian, Shor, Shughni, Siberian Tatar, Sirenik, Slovio, Soyot, Tabassaran, Tajik, Talysh, Tat, Tatar, Teleut, Ter Sámi, Tindi, Tofa, Tsakhur, Tsez, Turkmen, Tuvan, Ubykh, Udege, Udi, Udmurt, Ukrainian, Ulch, Urum, Uyghur, Uzbek, Veps, Votic, Wakhi, West Polesian, Xibe, Yaghnobi, Yakut, Yazghulami, Yukaghir (Northern / Tundra), Yukaghir (Southern / Kolyma), Yupik (Central Siberian)

Languages written with the Latin alphabet

Page last modified: 19.04.24


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