Yoked Bonds

Words for yoke, bond and related things in Celtic languages.


Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *yugom = yoke
*komyungis = (?)
Gaulish *yugom = yoke (?)
*Weryugos = personal name
Old Irish (Goídelc) cuing = yoke
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) cuing, coing = yoke, burden, duty, sway, discipline, behaviour
Irish (Gaeilge) cuing [kiːɲɟ/kɪɲ] = yoke, bond, obligation, tie, beam, narrow neck of land (as between two lakes)
cuingealach = jugular
cuingigh = to yoke, enjoin
cuingir = yoke, pair, couple, group, herd
cuingleánach = yoked
cuingrigh = yoke, couple
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) cuing [kɯ̃ĩŋʲgʲ] = yoke, asthma, bond, obligation
cuinge [kɯ̃ĩŋʲgʲə] = narrow place, passage, pass, difficulty, limitation
cuingeach [kɯ̃ĩŋʲgʲəx] = asthmatic
cuingeachadh [kɯ̃ĩŋʲgʲəxəɣ] = (act of) yoking, abridgement, constraining, restricting, constraint
cuingeachail [kɯiŋʲgʲəxal] = limiting, restrictive
cuingealach [kɯ̃ĩŋʲgʲəl̪ˠəx] = restricted, shackled, constricted
Manx (Gaelg) quing = yoke, brace, team of oxen, (balance) beam
quingaghey = to subjugate, yoke
quingey = to yoke
quingit = yoked
Proto-Brythonic *jọw = yoke
Old Welsh (Kembraec) iou = yoke
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) iou, yeu, iau, jav = yoke
Welsh (Cymraeg) iau [jaɨ̯/jai̯] = yoke, pair of oxen, sway, dominion, authority, discipline, oppression
Old Cornish ieu = yoke
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) yeu = yoke
Cornish (Kernewek) yew = yoke
war yew = onward
Middle Breton (Brezonec) yeu, yau = yoke
Breton (Brezhoneg) yev [jew] = yoke, servitude
yevad = yoke, hitch, team, coupling
yevan, yevañ = to yoke, subjugate, enslave

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *yugóm (yoke) or *yung, from *yewg- (to join, yoke, tie together) [source]. Words from the same roots include adjunct, conjugate, join, jugular, junction, yoga and yoke in English, joindre (to join up, reach, contact) in French, and junto (together, joined, next to) in Spanish [source].

Proto-Celtic *wedos = yoke, harness
Old Irish (Goídelc) fedan = band, carrying, company, drawing
feidid [ˈɸʲeðʲiðʲ] = to bring, lead
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) fedan, feadhan, fedhain = (act of) carrying, conveying, carriage, harness, band, company, part, some
feidid, fedid = to bring, lead, refer, apply
Irish (Gaeilge) feadhain = band, troop, company
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) feadhain = team of horses
Manx (Gaelg) fwirran = staff, team
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) gued, guet, gved, gwedd = yoke, harness
guedu, gwedha = to be coupled with a yoke, be yoked
gwedeu, guedeu = traces, draught-harness
gwedhau = to submit, pay homage
Welsh (Cymraeg) gwedd [ɡweːð] = yoke, harness, team (of horses, oxen, etc), bondage, captivity, submission, humility, homage, offspring, progeny, children
gweddaf, gweddu = to be coupled with a yoke, be yoked, submit, humble oneself
gweddau = traces, draught-harness

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *wedʰ- (to bind, secure, pledge, guarantee, lead) [source]. Words from the same roots include gage, wage, wager and wed in English, Wette (bet) in German, and gage (pledge, guarantee, deposit) in French [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) mám [maːm] = yoke
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) mám = yoke
Irish (Gaeilge) mám = yoke

Etymology: ? [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary, Teanglann.ie, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Habitual Customs

Words for habit, custom, virtue, moral(ity) and related things in Celtic languages.

Habitual Customs

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *banssus = custom, habit
Gaulish bessu = customs, habits
Old Irish (Goídelc) bés, béss, bǽs = custom, habit
bésad = custom, customary practice
bésgnae = custom, discipline, law
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) bés, bésse, bes = habit, custom, usual procedure, practice, manner, way, moral(s), good behaviour
bésach = mannerly, well-behaviour
bésaid = moralist (?)
bésgnae = custom, usage, discipline, protocol
béstae = moral
Irish (Gaeilge) béas [bʲiːa̯sˠ/bʲeːsˠ] = habit, moral habit
béasa = conduct, manners
béasach = well-mannered, mannerly, polite
béasaíocht = mannerliness, politness
béascna = mode of conduct, custom, usage, culture
béasmhúineadh = teaching of good manners
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) beus [beːs] = moral(s), virtue, conduct, demeanour
beus-eòlas = ethics, moral philosophy
beusach [beːsəx] = moral, virtuous, ethical, chaste, modest
beusachd [beːsəxg] = good behaviour, moral rectitude, etiquette
beusail [beːsal] = moral, virtuous, ethical, chaste, modest
beusalachd [beːsəl̪ˠəxg] = ethics, moral behaviour
beusanta [beːsən̪ˠdə] = ethical
Manx (Gaelg) beaoil = moral, living
beasagh = civil(ized), decorous, moral, obedient, pliable
Proto-Brythonic *boɨs = (?)
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) moes = habit, wont, custom, tradition
moeseidd, moesaidd = courteous, polite, well-bred
moesgar, moes gar = courteous, polite, refined
moessic = courteous, where courtesy is found
moessauc, moessawc, moessoc = polite, well-bred, seemly, deferential
moes(s)sawl = moral, ethical
Welsh (Cymraeg) moes [moːɨ̯s / mɔi̯s] = established or usual behaviour, habit, wont, custom, tradition, social convention, courtesy, civility, manners, etiquette
moesau, moesoedd = morals, moral principle(s)
moesgar = courteous, polite, refined, well-mannered, civil
moesog = polite, well-bred, seemly, deferential
moesol = moral, ethical, high-principled
anfoesol, di-foes = immoral
Middle Breton (Brezonec) boas = custom, habit
boaset = accustomed, trained, habitually
Breton (Brezhoneg) boaz [ˈbwɑːs] = custom, habit
boazamant = practice, tradition
boazañ [ˈbwɑːzã] = to get used to
boazet = accustomed, trained, habitually

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *bʰendʰ- (to bind, bond), or from *bʰeydʰ- (to compel, force, trust) [source].

Words from the same PIE root include bide, confide, defy, faith, federal and infidelity in English, besë (pledge, oath, promise, vow) in Albanian, beiða (to ask, request) in Icelandic, and бедя (bedjá – to accuse, slander, persuade) in Bulgarian [source].

Proto-Celtic *gnātos = known, recognised
*angnātos = unknown, obscure
*gnināti = to recognise
Gaulish gniiou = I recognise (?)
Old Irish (Goídelc) gnáth [ɡnaːθ] = customary, usual
gnáthach [ˈɡnaːθax] = customary, usual, constant, familiar, well-known
gnáthaigid = to frequent, inhabit, practise
ingnad = strange, unusual, wonderful, marvel, miracle, wonder
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) gnáth = customary, usual, familiar, well-known, custom, wont, usage
gnáthaid = to practise, use, be accustomed to
gnáthaigid = to be accustomed to, practise, frequent, inhabit
gnátham = custom, wont, habit
gnáthe = usualness, frequency
gnáthmar = wonted, customary
ingnad, ingnáth, ingnuth = strange, wonderful, remarkable, unusual, unfamiliar
Irish (Gaeilge) gnáth [ɡn̪ˠɑː/ɡɾˠɑː/ɡɾˠæː] = custom, usage, customary thing, haunt, resort
gnách [ɡn̪ˠɑ̃ːx/ɡɾˠɑːx] = customary, usual, common, ordinary
gnáthaigh = to make a habit of, practise, frequent, haunt
gnáthaíocht = commonness, frequency, usage, wont
gnáthamh = usage, custom, procedure, routine
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) gnàth [grãː] = usual, common
gnàthach [grãː.əx] = conventional, routine, habitual, orthodox
gnàthachadh [grã.əxəɣ] = accustoming, practising, rehearsing, custom, practice, rehearsal
gnàthachail [grãː.əxal] = customary
gnàthachas [grãː.əxəs] = invariableness, constancy, convention, custom
gnàthachd [grãː.əxg] = customariness
Proto-Brythonic *gnọd = known, recognised
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) gnaud, gnawd, gnawt, gnot = usual, customary, wont
Welsh (Cymraeg) gnawd [ɡnau̯d] = usual, customary, wont, accustomed, natural, characteristic, known, frequent
Cornish (Kernewek) gnas = character, nature, temper, quality
gnasek = natural
gnasen = trait
Old Breton (Brethonoc) gnot = (?)

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *ǵn̥h₃tós (known, recognisable), from *ǵneh₃- (to know, recognise) [source].

Words from the same PIE roots include agnostic, canny, cognition, cunning, ignore, incognito, know, recognise in English, and noto (well-known, famous, notorious) in Italian [source].

Proto-Celtic *kleto- = (?)
Old Irish (Goídelc) clecht = custom, habit
clechtaid = to practise, ply
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) clecht = custom, wont, habit
clechtach = practised, experienced, customary
clechtaid = to become accustomed to, frequent, consort with, practise, ply
Irish (Gaeilge) cleacht [clʲaxt̪ˠ] = to perform habitually, to be, to become accustomed to, to practise
cleachtach (ar, le) = accustomed (to)
cleachtadh [ˈclʲaxt̪ˠə/ˈclʲaxt̪ˠu] = habit, wont, practice, experience, exercise; to practise
cleachtas = practice
cleachtóir = practitioner
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) cleachd [klɛxg] = use, employ, accustom, get used to, habituate, practise
cleachdach [klɛxgəx] = customary, habitual, usual
cleachdadh [klɛxgəɣ] = using, use, convention, custom, habit
cleachdaiche [klɛxgɪçə] = consumer, user
cleachdail [klɛxgal] = customary, habitual, usual
cleachdta [klɛxdə] = used to, accustomed to
Manx (Gaelg) cliaghtey = habit, practice, rehearsal, usage, use; to rehearse, train, use, profess
cliaghtagh = habitual, customary, conventional
cliaghtaghey = to accustom, exercise, practise

Etymology: possibly from the Proto-Indo-European *kʷelh₁- (to turn, revolve around, dwell) [source].

Proto-Celtic *ɸarebereti = to use
Old Irish (Goídelc) arbeir [arˈbʲerʲ] = to live, use, employ, eat, reproach, subdue, express
do·airbir = to bend, subdue, bow down, yield, surrender
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) ar-beir, air-ber, arbeir = to live, eat, use, employ, plead, oppose, express, subdue, quell
Proto-Brythonic *ėrβėrɨd, = to make use of, employ, take
Old Welsh (Kembraec) arber = to use, make use (of), employ
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) aruer, arfer, arver = usage, practice, habit, custom, tradition
arber, arueru, arver, arfer = to use, make use (of), employ
arueredic, arferedig = usual, habitual, customary, familiar
arverog, arferoc = usual, habitual, customary, familiar, common, ordinary
arferol, arverol, aruerol = usual, habitual, customary, familiar, common, ordinary, normal, regular
Welsh (Cymraeg) arfer [ˈarvɛr/ˈarvar] = usage, practice, habit, custom, tradition
arferaf, arfer(u) = to use, make use (of), employ
arferedig = usual, habitual, customary, familiar
arferiad = habit, usage, practice, custom
arferol = usual, habitual, customary, familiar, common, ordinary, normal, regular

Etymology: from the Proto-Celtic *ɸare- (for(e)-) and *bereti (to carry, bear, flow), from Proto-Indo-European *bʰéreti (to be carrying), from *bʰer- (to bear, carry) [source].

Words for To Carry / Flow in Celtic languages come from the same roots.

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary, Teanglann.ie, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Drills & Augers

Words for augur and related things in Celtic languages.


Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *taratrom = auger
Gaulish taratron = auger
Old Irish (Goídelc) tarathar = auger
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) tarathar = auger
Irish (Gaeilge) tarathar = auger
tarathraigh = to bore with an auger
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) tora [tɔrə] = auger, gimble, gimlet
torach [tɔrəx] = pertaining to or abounding in augers / gimbles / gimlets
torachair [tɔrəxɪrʲ] = auger, gimble, gimlet
torachan [tɔrəxan] = small auger / gimble
tarachair† = gimlet, auger
Manx (Gaelg) tarrar = drill
tarrarey = to drill, drilling
Proto-Brythonic *taradr [taˈradr̩] = auger, borer, drill
Old Welsh (Kembraec) tarater = auger, drill, borer
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) tarader, taradyr, taradr = auger, drill, borer
Welsh (Cymraeg) taradr [ˈtaradr] = auger, drill, borer, awl, gimlet, trepan
taradru = to bore with an auger, drill, pierce
tarad(r) y coed = woodpecker
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) tardar, tarad = auger, borer, whimble
tardha, tardhe = to pervade, break out, emanate, penetrate, bore, pierce
Cornish (Kernewek) tarder = drill
tardra = to bore, drill, tap
Middle Breton (Brezonec) tarazr, talazr = auger
Breton (Brezhoneg) tarar [ˈtɑː.rar] = augur, chignole (a hand drill), shipworm (mollusk)
tararer [ta.ʁa.ʁe] = to pass a cereal through a sieve
tarzhañ = to burst, break, hatch, pierce, emerge, die (of thirst), warp

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *térh₁trom (tool for drilling), from *terh₁- (to rub, turn, drill, pierce) [source].

Words from the same Celtic roots, via Gaulish taratron (auger) and Late Latin taratrum, possibly include taraire in Occitan, taradre (to bore) in Catalan, trade (auger) in Galician, taladro (drill) in Spanish, tarière (auger) in French, tarader (drill) in Romansch [source].

Words from the same PIE roots include thread, thresh, trout and throw in English, settentrione (north) in Italian, třít (to rub) in Czech, and drehen (to turn) in German [source].

Drill Set

Irish (Gaeilge) druil = drill
druilchéachta = drill-plough
druileáil = drilling, to drill
druileálaí = drill-maker, drill-master
druilire láimhe = hand-drill
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) dril(e) [dril(ə)] = drill
dril(g)eadh [driləɣ] = drilling, drill
plaosgach [pl̪ˠɯːsgəx] = shelled, husky, shelly
Manx (Gaelg) drillal = to drill
drilley = drill
drilleyder = drill
Welsh (Cymraeg) drill = drill
dril, drul, trul = drill, small furrow, machine for sowing seed in drills
drillio = to drill, bore, subject to discipline

Etymology: from English drill, from drillen (to bore, move in a circle in Middle Dutch, from Old Dutch *thrillen, from Proto-Germanic *þriljaną, from Proto-Indo-European *ter- (through, over) [source].

Words from the same PIE roots include thrill in English and drillen (to drill, domineer) in Dutch [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary, Teanglann.ie, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Similar Likeness

Today we’re looking at words for likeness, similarity and related things in Celtic languages.

Horses at Castlebridge Stud, Ireland

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *samalis = likeness, similarity
Gaulish samalo- = similar, like
Old Irish (Goídelc) samail [ˈsaβ̃ɨlʲ] = likeness, similarity, description
cosmail [ˈkosβ̃ɨl] = like, alike, similar
maccsamla = equal, match
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) samail, samhail = likeness, similarity, description, simile, metaphor; like, as
cosmail = like, similar, likely, probable, fitting, proper, becoming, likeness, similarity
mac(c)samla = an equal, match, the like (of)
Irish (Gaeilge) samhail = likeness, semblance, similitude, image, effigy, represetation, model, phantom, spectre
samhailchomhartha = symbol
samhailchomharthaigh = to symbolize, typify
samhailteach = imaginary
samhalta = visionary, fanciful, unreal, virtual
samhaltach = symbolic
samhaltas = symbolism
cosúil [kəˈsˠuːlʲ / ˈkɔsˠuːlʲ] = resembling like
macasamhail = like, equal, counterpart, reproduction, copy
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) samhail, samhla [sãũ.al / sãũl̪ˠə] = figure, sign, symbol, shape, form, allegory, metaphor, likeness, (re)semblance, like, as similar to
samhailt [sãũ.aldʲ] = figure, sign, symbol, shape, form, example, apparition
samhlach = emblematical, typical, ghostly
samhlachas = analogy, symbolism
samhlachdainn = comparing, likening, symbolising
samhlaidheachd = symbolism
cosail [kɔsal] = similar, (a)like
mac-samhail = likeness, replica, duplicate, facsimile, equal, like
Manx (Gaelg) soyl = model
cosoyley = semblance, simile, symbol, analogy
cosoylagh = alike, allegoric(al), likely, symbolic
macsoyley = instance, metaphor
Proto-Brythonic *haβ̃al [haˈβ̃aːlˑ] = like, similar, as
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) haval, haual, hafal = like, similar
val, fal = as, like, similar
cyhaual, kyhafal, cyhafal = (very) similar, like, resembling, alike, even, equal
dyfaly, dyfalu = to guess, suppose
euylychv, euelychu = to imitate, copy
Welsh (Cymraeg) hafal [ˈhaval] = like, similar, resembling, equal, fellow
hafalu = to equal(ize), equate
hafaledd = equality
hafaliad = equation
fel, fal [vɛl, val] = as, like, similar
cyhafal = (very) similar, like, resembling, alike, even, equal
dyfalu = to guess, suppose, fancy, imagine
efelychu = to imitate, copy
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) haval = like, similar, resembling
havalder = likeness, similitude, resemblance
avel = like, similar
cehafal = equal, like, similar
Cornish (Kernewek) haval = alike, resembling, similar
avel, vel = as, like
kehaval = alike, equal
kehavalen = equation
Old Breton (Brethonoc) amal, hamal, hemel = similar, thus, like, similarly
Middle Breton (Brezonec) haual, haffual, hânvel = similar, likely
haualder = resemblance, likeness
haualier = to compare, seem, resemble
dishaval = dissimilar, different
Breton (Brezhoneg) hañval [ˈhã.val] = similar, likely
heñval [ˈhɛ̃ː.vɛl] = similar, same
hañvalat = apparent, seeming
hañvalder = resemblance, likeness
hañvalidigezh = appearance, aspect, resemblance
hañvalout = to compare, seem, resemble
dishañval = dissimilar, different, extra, great, super

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *sem-h₂-lo-, from *sem- (together, one) [source]. Words from the same roots include mile, same, seem, simple, some, similar and system in English [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary, Teanglann.ie, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Honey Wine

Words for mead, wine and related things in Celtic languages.


Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *medu = mead, wine, alcoholic drink
*medwos = drunk
Celtiberian Mezu-kenos = personal name “mead-born”
Gaulish medu = mead
Medu-genos = personal name “mead-born”
Primitive Irish medu = mead
Primitive Irish *ᚋᚓᚇᚒ (*medu) = mead
ᚋᚓᚇᚇᚑᚌᚓᚅᚔ (meddogeni) = personal name “mead-born”
ᚋᚓᚇᚃᚃᚔ (medvvi) = personal name “meady”
Old Irish (Goídelc) mid [mʲið] = mead
Midgen = personal name “mead-born”
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) mid, midh = mead
medb = strong, intoxicating (liquor)
Irish (Gaeilge) meá [mʲæh / mʲa(h)] = mead
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) meadh [mjɤɣ] = mead
meadhach = fuddled with mead, like mead, abounding in mead
Manx (Gaelg) meddagh = mead-maker
Proto-Brythonic *með [mɛːð] = mead
Old Welsh (Kembraec) med = mead
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) met, med = mead
meddawt, meddavt, meddwdod = drunkenness, inebriation, intoxication
meddfaeth, metveith, meduaeth, medweith = nourished on mead, having feastedon mead, mead-feast
medgell, meddgell = mead-cellar, drink-cellar
met kirn, medgyrn, metgyrn, meddgyrn = mead-horn, drinking-horn
metv, medw, meddw = drunk
medwyt, medwi, meddwi [ˈmɛðwi] = to get drunk
Welsh (Cymraeg) medd [meːð] = mead
meddaidd = like mead, sweet
medd-dod, meddwdod = drunkenness, inebriation, intoxication
meddfaeth = luxurious, soft, gentle, delicate, pampered, effeminate
meddw [ˈmɛðu] = drunk, intoxicated, fuddled, tipsy
meddwi [ˈmɛðwi] = to be(come) drunk or tipsy, to be intoxicated or inebriated, to make drunky
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) medh, medu, meddou = mead
medhas = drunkenness, intoxication
medho = drunken, intoxicated
Cornish (Kernewek) medh = mead, hydromel
medhow = drunk, intoxicated
medhwenep = drunkenness, intoxication
medhwi = to intoxicate, make drunk
medhwynsi = drunkenness
Old Breton (Brethonoc) medot = mead
Middle Breton (Brezonec) mez = mead
Breton (Brezhoneg) mez [meː(s)] = mead
mezv [mɛ(z)w] = drunk, wobbly (furniture)
mezventi = alcoholism
mezvier = drunkard
mezvierezh = drunkenness
mezviñ [ˈmɛ(z)vĩ] = to get drunk
mezvus [ˈmɛ(z)vys] = intoxicating, heady

Etymology: from PIE *médʰu (honey, honey wine, mead), possibly related to Proto-Semitic *mataḳ- (sweet) [source].

Words from the same roots include mead in English, mead in English, mjöður (mead) in Icelandic, медведь [mʲɪdˈvʲetʲ] (bear, large clumsy person, lit. “honey eater”) in Russian, mesi (nectar) in Finnish, and possibly (mì / mitsu – honey) in Chinese and Japanese and (mil – beeswax, honey) in Korean [source].

The Irish name Méabh (Maeve) also comes from the same roots [source].

Proto-Celtic *wīnom = wine
Leptonic 𐌖𐌉𐌍𐌏𐌌 (uinom) = wine
Old Irish (Goídelc) fín = wine
fín acat = vinegar
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) fín = wine
fínán = cheap wine
fínda = pertaining to wine
fínmar = having abundance of wine
fíntan = vineyard
Irish (Gaeilge) fíon [fʲiːn̪ˠ] = wine
fíonchaor = grape
fíoncheannaí = wine merchant, vintner
fíonda = vinous, pertaining to wine
fíondaite = wine-coloured
fíonghort [ˈfʲiːnˠˌɣɔɾˠtˠ] = vineyard
fíonmhar = rich in wine, vinous
fíonsaothrú = viticulture
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) fìon [fiən] = wine
fìon-chaor [fiən xɯːr] = grape
fìon-chrann = grapevine
fìon-fhoghar = wine harvest, vintage
fìon-geur = vinegar
fìon-lios = vineyard
fìonadair = wine-maker
Manx (Gaelg) feeyn = wine
feeyney = of wine, vinous
feeyneyder = wine-maker, vintner
feeyneydys = viticulture
berrish-feeyney = grape
feeyn geayr = vinegar
fouyr feeyney = vintage
garey feeyney = vineyard
Proto-Brythonic *gwin = wine
Old Welsh (Kembraec) guin = wine
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) gvin, guin, gwin = wine
gwinblas = mansion where wine is dispensed in abundance
gwindeveirn = wine-tavern
gwindy, gwin-dŷ = wine-house, wine-tavern, wine-cellar, banqueting house
guinegyr, gwinegyr = vinegar
guinlann, gwinllan(n) = vineyard, vine
Welsh (Cymraeg) gwin [ɡwiːn] = wine, fermented liquor made from the juice of fruits (apples, elderberries, rhubarb, gooseberries, etc), like wine, pleasant, sweet, fine, excellent
gwinbren = vine
gwindy = wine-house, wine-tavern, wine-cellar, banqueting house
gwinegr = vinegar
gwinllan = vineyard, vine, copse, grove, wood, plantation
gwinwr, gwinydd = vintner, vine-grower, vine-dresser, vineyard owner
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) gwin, guin = wine
gwinbren, guinbren = vine
Cornish (Kernewek) gwin [ɡwiːn] = wine
gwinbren = vine
gwinlan = vineyard
gwinyer = winemaker
Old Breton (Brethonoc) guin = wine
guiniin = vines
Middle Breton (Brezonec) guin, guyn = wine
guiny, guyni = vines
guynieyer = vineyard
Breton (Brezhoneg) gwin [ɡwĩːn / ɡɥĩːn] = wine
gwinegr [ɡwĩnˈɛk(r)] = vinegar
gwini [ˈɡɥĩːni] = vines
gwinieg [ɡɥĩ.ˈniː.ɛk] = vineyard
gwinier [ɡwĩ.ˈniː.ɛr / ɡɥĩ.ˈniː.ɛr] = winemaker
gwinioniezh [ɡɥĩ.nɔ̃ˈniː.ɛs] = oenology

Etymology: from Latin vīnum (wine, grapes, grapevine), from Proto-Italic *wīnom (wine), from Proto-Indo-European *wóyh₁nom (wine, vine). The Welsh and Cornish words come from Latin via Proto-Celtic, the Breton and Goidelic words were borrowed direct from Latin, and the Leptonic word comes direct from Proto-Italic [source].

Words from the same roots include wine, vine, vinegar and oenology (the scientific study of wines and winemaking) in English, wijn (wine) in Dutch, vino (wine) in Italian, wino (wine) in Polish, and possibly ወይን (wäyn – grape) in Amharic [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary, Teanglann.ie, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Colourful Hues

Words for colour, hue, pigment and related colours in Celtic languages.

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Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *līwos = colour
Gaulish *lios = colour
Old Irish (Goídelc) [ˈtane] = lustre, beauty
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) lí, li = beauty, lustre, glory, complexion, slendour, appearance, pallor
Irish (Gaeilge) [l̠ʲiː] = colour, complexion, lustre, sheen, pigment(ation)
líú = (act of) colouring, painting
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) [l̪ʲiː] = paint, colour, tinge, hue, complexion, properity, happiness
lìth [l̪ʲiː] = lustre, gloss, splendour, complexion, hue
lìtheach [l̪ʲiː] = greasy, slimy,slippery
Manx (Gaelg) lhee = pigment, pigmentation
Proto-Brythonic *lliw = colour
Old Welsh liu = colour, hue
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) llyu, lliw, lliỽ, llyw = colour,hue
lliwyav, lliwaw = to colour, paint, dye
lliỽyd, lliwyd = dyer, colourer, painter
Welsh (Cymraeg) lliw [ɬɪu̯] = colour, hue, tint, complexion, countenance, colouring
lliwddall = colourbind
lliwgar = colourful, vivid, beautiful, handsome
lliw(i)af, lliw(i)o = to colour, tinge, paint, dye
lliw(i)og = coloured, tinted, dyed, painted
lliwydd = dyer, colourer, painter
Old Cornish liu = colour
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) liu, lyw = colour, dye, hue
liue = to colour, paint
liuor = painter, dyer
Cornish (Kernewek) liw = colour,dye, paint
liwa = to colour, dye, paint
liwans = painting
liwus = colourful
liwayans = painting, picture
liways = coloured, dye
Old Breton (Brethonoc) liu = colour, ink, dyed
Middle Breton (Brezonec) liu, liou = colour, ink, dyed
liuaff = to colour, dye, paint
Breton (Brezhoneg) liv [liw] = colour, ink, paint, dyed
livañ [ˈliː.vã] = to colour, dye, paint, depict
livek [ˈliːvek] = coloured
liver, livour [ˈliː.vɛr/ˈli.wːər] = painter, colourist
livus [ˈliːvys] = dye, picturesque

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *slih₂-wó-s from *(s)leh₃y- (blueish, plum-coloured) and *-wós (creates adjectives from verb stems) [source]. Words from the same PIE roots include livid, lurid and sloe in English, slíva (plum) in Czech, and possibly lloer (moon) in Welsh, loor (moon) in Cornish and loar (moon) in Breton [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) dath [daθ] = colour, dye
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) dath = colour, dye, hue, tint, complexion
dathach = coloured
dathaid, daithaigid = colours, dyes, stains
dathamail = coloured, fine, handsome, beautiful, comely, graceful
dathugud = colouring, dyeing, painting
Irish (Gaeilge) dath [d̪ˠax/d̪ˠɑh/d̪ˠah] = colour, dye
dathach = coloured
dathadóir = colourist, dyer, painter, exaggerator, fictionist
dathadóireacht = (act of) dyeing, painting
dathaigh = to colour,dye, paint
dathannach = multi-coloured, gaily-coloured, colourful, glowing
dathdhall = colour-blind
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) dath [dah] = colour, colouring, dye, pigment, dying, hue, tint, staining, suit (of cards)
dathach [dahəx] = coloured, colourful
dathachadh [dahəxəɣ] = colourising, dyeing, staining
dathadair [dahədɪrʲ] = dyer, colourist
dathail [dahal] = colourful
dathte [dahdʲə] = coloured
Manx (Gaelg) daah = colour, dye, hue, paint, pigment, singe, stain, tincture
daahagh = coloured, stainable
daahder = colourer, colourist, dyer, exaggerator, painter
daahit = coloured, dyed, painted, pigmented, stained
daahoil = colourful, picturesque, well-coloured

Etymology: unknown [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) gné = appearance, form, kind, sort, species
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) gné = kind, species, appearance, form, way, manner
Irish (Gaeilge) gné [ɟnʲeː/ɟɾʲeː] = species, kind, form, appearance
gnéitheach = specific, of good appearance
gnétheacht = specificity
gnéthigh = to regain appearance, mend
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) gnè [grʲɛ̃ː] = sex, gender, genre, kind, sort, temper, disposition, genus, species
gnè-fhàs [grɛ͂ː aːs] = evolution
gnè-eòlas = typology
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) gne = colour, tint, hue, sight, aspect
gorne = colour, hue, tint
Welsh (Cymraeg) gne = colour, tint, hue, sight, aspect
agne = colour, tincture
gorne = colour, hue, tint, tincture, blush, brightness, appearance, aspect

Etymology: from PIE *ǵenh₁- (to produce, beget, give birth) [source]. Words from the same roots include gender, general, generate, genius and germ in English [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary, Teanglann.ie, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Long Distance

Words for long, far, distant and related things in Celtic languages.

A White Rumped Shama male in the hot sun

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *sīros = long
Gaulish siros = long
Old Irish (Goídelc) sír [sʲiːr] = lasting, constant
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) sír = long, lasting, constant
Irish (Gaeilge) síor- [ʃiːɾˠ / ʃiəɾˠ] = perpetual, continual, ever-
síoraí = eternal, perpetual, unceasing, continual, constant, perservering
síoraigh = to perpetuate
síoraíocht = eternity, permanence, lastingness, constancy
síorchaint = talking continually, never-ending talk
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) sìor- [ʃiər̪] = continual(ly), perpetual(ly), incessant
sìorrachd [ʃiərˠ̪əxg] = eternity
siorraidh [ʃiər̪ʲɪ] = eternal, everlasting
Manx (Gaelg) sheer- = continuous, perennial, endless, permanent, ever, continual, consant
sheeraghey = to perpetuate
sheer dy sheer = continually
sheer-riaght = eternity
Proto-Brythonic *hit [ˈhiːr] = long, tall
Old Welsh (Kembraec) hir = long
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) hir, huy, hwy = long, tall, lenghty, extensive, tedious
hiraeth, hyreyth = grief or sadness after the lost or departed, longing, yearning, nostalgia
hiraethu, hiraethav = to long, yearn, sorrow, grieve
hirfaith, hirveith, hirueith, hir vaith = long, prolonged, vast, long-winded, tedious
Welsh (Cymraeg) hir [hiːr] = long, tall, lenghty, extensive
hiraeth [ˈhɪraɨ̯θ/ˈhiːrai̯θ] = grief or sadness after the lost or departed, longing, yearning, nostalgia, wistfulness, homesickness, earnest desire
hiraethaf, hiraethu = to long, yearn, sorrow, grieve
hirder = length, longitude
hirhaf, hirhau = to lengthen, prolong, extend
hirfaith = long, prolonged, vast, long-winded, tedious
hirian = lanky person, tall slim fellow, gangrel, long, tall
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) hir, hŷr = long, tall, prolix, tedious, dilatory
hirenath = a length of time, a long time, duration
hireth, hyreth = longing, an earnest desire, regretting, regret
hirgorn = trumpet
Cornish (Kernewek) hir = long, tall
hirder = length, tallness
hireth = homesickness, longing, loneliness, nostalgia, yearning
hirthek = homesick, longing, lonely, yearning
hirhe = to lengthen
hirneth = a very long time, tedium
hirwelyek = long-sighted
Middle Breton hyr, hir, hirr = long, far
hirder = length, anxiety
Breton (Brezhoneg) hir [ˈhiːr] = long, more
hiraat [hiˈrɑːt] = to lengthen, lie down
hiraezh [hi.ˈrɛːs] = impatience, haste, nostaligia, melancholy
hiraezhus [hiˈrɛːzys] = impatient, nostaligic
hirded [ˈhir.det] = length
hirder [ˈhirdɛr] = length, anxiety
hirnezh [ˈhirnəs] = length, boredom, melancholy
hirvoudus [hirˈvuːdys] = lamentable, moaning, plaintive

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *seh₁-ró-s, from *seh₁- (long, lasting) [source]. Words from the same PIE root include menhir (a single tall standing stone as a monument) in English and French (borrowed from Breton maen-hir), soir (evening) in French, sedert (since) in Dutch, seit (since, for) in German, and hidas (slow, stupid) in Finnish [source].

Proto-Celtic *siti- = length
Old Irish (Goídelc) sith- = long
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) sith- = long
Old Welsh (Kembraec) hit = length
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) hyt, hyd = length, height, duration
hyduod = continuance, continuation
Welsh (Cymraeg) hyd [hɨːd / hiːd] = length, height, duration, until, throughout, during
hydaeth = length, longitude
hydfod = continuance, continuation
hydiog = lengthy, long, tall
hydol = entire extent, total duration, the whole, entirety
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) hes, hês, heys, hŷs = longitude, length, duration
Cornish (Kernewek) hys, hes = extent, length
hys-ha-hys = altogether, end to end
a-hys = along
dhe-hys = at length
Old Breton (Brethonoc) hit = length
Middle Breton (Brezonec) het = length
Breton (Brezhoneg) hed [ˈheːt] = length, longitude, ordered
hedan, hedañ = to lengthen
a-hed = along, throughout
hed-ha-hed = all along

Etymology: from Proto-Indo-European *seh₁-tó- (lengthened), from *seh₁- (long, lasting) [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) fota [ˈfoda] = long
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) fota, fata = long, enduring
Irish (Gaeilge) fad [fˠɑd̪] = length, distance, duration, extent
fada [ˈfˠɑd̪ˠə / ˈfˠad̪ˠə] = long, far
fadáil = delaying, lingering, dilatoriness
fadáoch = tall man, long fellow
fadáocht = lengthiness, longsomeness
fadálach = slow, tardy, dilatory, lingering, tedious
fadálacht = tardiness, tediousness
fadó = long ago
fadó fadó = once upon a time
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) fad [fad] = length, duration
fada [fadə] = long, far, lanky, tall
fadachadh [fadəxəɣ] = elongating, lengthening
fadachd [fadəxg] = longing, yearning, length
fadal [fadəl̪ˠ] = delay, tediousness, longing
fadalach [fadəl̪ˠəx] = late, tardy, tedious, wearisome
fada air ais = backward, oldfashioned, uncool
fada air astar = far off / away
o chionn fhada = a long time ago, for a long time
Manx (Gaelg) foddid = distance, remoteness
foddey = afar, distance, far, markedly, remote(ly), long
foddey er-dy-henney = long ago, long since
foddey ersooyl = far afield, far away, outlying
foddey-hannaghtyn = lingering, long-distance
foddeeaght = distance, fervent desire, homesickness, longing, nostalgia

Etymology: from Old Irish fot (length), from PIE *wasdʰos (long, wide), from *h₁weh₂- (empty, wasted). Words from the same roots include waste and vast in English, and vaste (profound) in French [source].

Proto-Celtic *kēnos = (?)
Old Irish (Goídelc) cían [kʲiːa̯n] = distant, far, lasting, long, since
cíana = distance, length, long time
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) cían = long, enduring, far, distant
cíana = length, distance
Irish (Gaeilge) cian [ciənˠ] = length of time, age, distance, distant time, long, distant
cianaimsir = a long time
cianaistear = long, tedious, journey
cianamharc = distant view
cianaois = old age
cianaosta = long-lived, very old, pristine, primeval
cianda = distant, remote
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) cian [kʲian] = distant, far off, faraway, long, tedious, weary
cian-aimsir = antiquity
cian-chonaltradh = telecommunication(s)
cian-fhada = extremely long distance

Etymology: unknown [source].

Proto-Celtic *kʷello- = far
Gaulish pelignos = stranger, foreigner, born far away
Old Welsh (Kembraec) pel = far, distant, remote
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) pell = far, distant, remote
bellbell, bell-bell, pellbell = further and further, very far (off)
pelledig, pelledic = far (off), remote
pellynnic, pellennic = far-away distant, remote, ancient
pellau, pellav = to go far
pellter, pellder, pelther = (great) distance, remoteness
Welsh (Cymraeg) pell [pɛɬ / peːɬ] = far, far-off, far-away, distant, remote, far-reacing, long (time), far (in the past of future), late
pellbell = further and further, very far (off)
pelledig = far (off), remote
pelledd = entire extent, total duration, the whole, entirety
pellennig, pellynnig = far-away distant, remote, ancient
pellhaf, pellhau = to go far (from), distance oneself (from), to cause (sb/sth), to be far (from), to postpone
pellter = (great) distance, remoteness, length (of time), distant place
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) pell = distant, remote, far, long
pella = farther, longer
pellder = distance, remoteness
pellear = a long time
pelly = to render distant, to remove far off, to drive away
Cornish (Kernewek) pell = distant, remote, far, long
pella = extreme, farther, farthest, further, furthest, utmost, moreover
pellder = distance, long time, remoteness
pellgomunyans = telecommuication
pellgowsel, pellgowser = (tele)phone
pellgowsell = mobile-phone
pellhe = to banish, move away, send away
pellskrifen = fax telegram
pellweler = telescope
pellwolok = television
Old Breton (Brethonoc) pell = distant
Middle Breton (Brezonec) pell = distant
pellhat = to get away from
Breton (Brezhoneg) pell [pɛlː] = far, long, late
pellaat [pɛˈlɑːt] = to move away
pellad = long time
pelladur, pellded = distance
pellder = distant, length of time
pellgemenn = remote control
pellgomz [ˈpɛl.ɡɔ̃ms] = telephone
pellidigezh = distance
pellwel = television

Etymology: possibly from Proto-Indo-European *kʷel-so- from *kʷel- (to turn, revolve around, sojourn). English words beginning with tele-, such as telescope and telephone, come from the same PIE roots [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary, Teanglann.ie, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Pins & Needles

Words for pin, needle and related things in Celtic languages.

Pins and Needles

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *delgos = pin, needle
Gaulish *dalgis = scythe
Old Irish (Goídelc) delg [dʲerɡ] = thorn, pin, brooch, peg
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) delg = thorn, pin, brooch, peg, spike, nail, pointed implement
delga, delgu = pin, peg, spike, tip, point
delgach = pointed
Irish (Gaeilge) dealg [ˈdʲal̪ˠəɡ / ˈdʲalˠəɡ] = thorn, prickle, spine, spike, pin, peg, pointed implement, brooch
dealgán = knitting-needle
deilgne = thorns, prickles
deilgneach = thorny, prickly, barbed
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) dealg [dʲal̪ˠag] = pin, skewer, knitting needle, prick(le)
dealg-fighidh = knitting needle
dealgan = spindle, small pin, skewer
dealg brodaidh = cattle prod
dealgach [dʲal̪ˠagəx] = prickly, stinging
dealganach [dʲal̪ˠaganəx] = pertaining to or abounding in spindles, small pins or skewers
Manx (Gaelg) jialg = broochpin, needle, prick(le), quill, spine, thorn, pin
jialg broghil = brooch
jialg fuilt = hairpin
jialg oashyr = knitting needle
jialgagh = prickly, spiniferous, spiny, thorny
jialgaghey = to pin, prickle, pinning
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) dala = sting
Welsh (Cymraeg) dala [ˈdala] = sting, bite
Old Cornish (Cernewec) delc(h) = jewel, necklace
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) delc = necklace
Cornish (Kernewek) delk = necklace

Etymology from Proto-Indo-European *dʰelg- (sting). Words from the same root include dálkur (spine of a fish, knife, dagger, [newspaper] column) in Icelandic, dilgus (prickly) in Lithuanian, falce (scythe, sickle) in Italian, hoz (sickle) in Spanish, and falcate (shaped like a sickle), falcifer (sickle-bearing, holding a scythe) in English [source].

Words from the same Proto-Celtic root, via Gaulish *dalgis (scythe) and Latin *daculum (scythe) , possibly include dall (mowing, billhook) in Catalan, dalle (scythe) in Spanish, and dalha (scythe) in Occitan (Languedoc) [source].

The English word dagger, and related words in other languages, such as daga (dagger) in Spanish, and Degen (rapier, épée) in German, might come from the same roots [source].

Proto-Celtic *ber = (cooking) spin
Old Irish (Goídelc) bi(u)r [bʲir] = stake, spit, point, spear, spike
berach = pointed, sharp
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) bir = stake, spit, point, spear, spike
biraid = to pierce
biraigthe = sharpened, pointed
birda = pointed, sharp
birín = little spike, sharp point, dart, little spear
Irish (Gaeilge) bior [ˈbʲɨ̞ɾˠ] = pointed rod or shaft, spit, spike, point
biorach = pointed, sharp
bioraigh = to point, sharpen
biorán = pin, hand (of clock)
bioranta = sharp
biorú = pointing, sharpening
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) bior [bir] = prickle, thorn, point, pointed object, knitting needle
biorachadh [birəxəɣ] = sharpening, making pointed, staring
biorag [birag] = small thorn or prickle, spiteful sharp-tongued woman
biorach [birəx] = pointed, sharp, piercing, prickly
bioraich [birɪç] = sharpen, make pointed, stare
Manx (Gaelg) birr, byr = point, spit
birragh, byrragh = pointed, scathing, sharp, spiky, tapered, prickly
birranagh = pointed, sharp
birraghey = to sharpen, taper, tone up
Proto-Brythonic ber = (cooking) spit
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) bêr, ber = spear, lance, pike, spit, skewer
beraid = as much as can be held on a spit
Welsh (Cymraeg) bêr [beːr] = spear, lance, pike, spit, skewer
ber(i)af, berio, beru = to spit (meat), impale, stab with a spear
beriad = as much as can be held on a spit
bergi = turnspit (dog)
bernod = dagger, obelisk
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) ber, bêr = spit, lance, spear
Cornish (Kernewek) berya = to stab, run through
Middle Breton (Brezonec) ber, bèr, bir = (roasting) spit
Breton (Brezhoneg) ber [beːr] = spindle, point, spike
beriad = pin
berian = skewer

Etymology from Proto-Indo-European *gʷéru (spit, spear) [source]. Words from the same PIE root include verrocchio (olive oil press) in Italian, verrou (bolt, lock) in French, cerrojo (bolt, latch) in Spanish [source].

Proto-Celtic *snātantā = needle (?)
*snātos = thread
Old Irish (Goídelc) snáthat = needle
snáith = thread
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) snáthat, snāthad, snathat = needle
snáithe = thread
Irish (Gaeilge) snáthaid [ˈsˠn̪ˠɑːhəd̪ˠ] = needle,
snáthadóir = needle-maker
snáth = thread, yarn, web
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) snàthad [sn̪ˠaː.əd] = needle, pointer (on a dial)
snàthadair [sn̪ˠaː.ədɪrʲ] = needle-maker
snàthadalan [sn̪ˠaː.ədəl̪ˠan] = needlecase
snàthadh [sn̪ˠaː.əɣ] = threading, stringing
snàthadag [sn̪ˠaː.ədag] = sting
snàth [sn̪ˠaː] = thread, yarn
Manx (Gaelg) snaid = needle, pointer, indicator, index
snaid whaaley = sewing needle
snaidagh = needle-like
snaidey = knit
obbyr snaidey = needlework
snaih, snaie = line, thread, yarn, worm, netting
Old Welsh (Kymraec) notuid = needle, pin
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) notwyd, nottwyd, nodwydd = needle, pin
Welsh (Cymraeg) nodwydd [ˈnɔdwɨ̞ð/ˈnɔdʊi̯ð] = needle, pin, pointer, dial
nodwyddaf, nodwyddo = to sew, stitch, inject, prick
nodwyddiad = acupuncture
nodwyddig = small needle
nodwyddwaith = needlework
nodwyddwr = needlemaker, pinmaker, sewer, stitcher, tailor
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) nadedh, nadzhedh = needle
noden = thread, yarn
Cornish (Kernewek) naswydh, najedh = needle
neusen, neujen = thread, yarn
neusenna = to thread
Middle Breton (Brezonec) nadoez, nados, nadoz = sewing needle
neut, neud = thread
Breton (Brezhoneg) nadoez [beːr] = needle, hand, pointer, spire
nadoezenn = (clock) hand
nadoezier = needle maker
neud = thread, filaments, net, algae

Etymology from Proto-Indo-European *(s)neh₁- (to spin, sew) [source]. Words from the same PIE root include needle, nerve, neuron, sinew and snood in English [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary, Teanglann.ie, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Muddy Mires

Words for mud and related things in Celtic languages.

HFF 44

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *latyos = moist
Old Irish (Goídelc) lathach [dʲerɡ] = mud, mire
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) lathach, laithech, lathaig = mire, puddle, quagmire, morass
Irish (Gaeilge) lathach [ˈl̪ˠɑhəx / l̪ˠaiç] = mud, slush, slime
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) lathach [l̪ˠa.əx] = mire, ooze, sludge, quicksand
lathach-mhòine = peat-bog
lathach sàile = saltmarsh
lathachach [l̪ˠa.əxəx] = muddy, oozy, sludgy
lathachail [l̪ˠa.əxal] = muddy, oozy, sludgy
lathadh = besemearing, (be)numbing, heat (in cats)
Manx (Gaelg) laagh = mire, mud
laagh vog = sludge
laaghagh = muddy, sludgy, slushy
laaghan = muddy place, slough
Proto-Brythonic *llėd = mud
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) llaid = mud, mire, dirt, clay, slime, ooze
lleidyawc = muddy, clayey, miry, oozy, slimy
Welsh (Cymraeg) llaid [ɬai̯d] = mud, mire, dirt, clay, slime, ooze, quagmire, quicksand, dregs
lleidfa = muddy or clayey place
lleidfysgaf, lleidfysgu = to, knead, work clay, bespatter with mud or dirt, bedraggle, bemire
lleidiaf, lleidio = to turn into mud or clay, become sodden
lleidiog = muddy, clayey, miry, oozy, slimy
lleidiogaf, lleidiogi = to become muddy or miry
lleidiogrwydd = muddiness, ooziness, turbidity
lleidiol = full of mud, muddy, miry, clayey
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) lued, luth, lyys, lys, lŷs = mud, mire, dirt, filth
luedic = miry, filthy, stinking
lyys haal = salt-marsh
Cornish (Kernewek) leys [lɛɪz] = mud, slime
leysek = mire
Middle Breton (Brezonec) lec’hid = slime, silt
Breton (Brezhoneg) lec’hid = slime, silt
lec’hidadur = siltation
lec’hidan, lec’hidañ = to silt up, become gelatinous, viscous
lec’hideg = mudflat
lec’hidus = muddy

Etymology from Proto-Indo-European *lat- (damp, wet). Words from the same roots include latex in English, latãkas (chute, gutter, duct) in Lithuanian, and lag (to wet, moisten) in Albanian [source].

Old Irish (Goídelc) láp = mud, mire, sin, vice
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) láip [l͈aːb] = mud, mire, sin, vice
Irish (Gaeilge) láib [l̪ˠɑːbʲ/l̪ˠæːbʲ] = mud, mire; to muddy, spatter
caoch láibe = mole
oitir láibe = mud-bank
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) làb [l̪ˠaːb] = mire, mud, muddy puddle, day’s labour
làbach [l̪ˠaːbəx] = marsh, swamp
làbachas [l̪ˠaːbəxəs] = swampiness, bogginess
làban [l̪ˠaːban] = mire, mud, muddy place, dirty work, drudgery, wet and muddy person
làbanachadh [l̪ˠaːbanəxəɣ] = smearing, daubing, dirtying, wallowing, bedraggling, drenching
làbrach [l̪ˠaːbarəx] = miry, muddy, dirty, dirty/unkempt person
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) loob = slime, sludge
Cornish (Kernewek) loub = slime, sludge
louba = to lubricate

Etymology: probably related to lathach [source].

Proto-Celtic *kʷrīyess = clay
Old Irish (Goídelc) cré [kʲrʲeː] = clay, earth
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) cré, cre = clay, earth
créda, criadta, criata, creodae = clayey, earthen, fictile (pliable, moldable)
Irish (Gaeilge) cré = clay, earth, dust
créachadh = (act of) earthing, moulding
créafóg = clay, earth
crécholúr = clay pigeon
cré-earra = earthenware
créúil = clayey, earthy
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) criadh [krʲiəɣ] = clay
criadgadair [krʲia.ədɪrʲ] = potter
criadhadaireachd [krʲia.ədɪrʲəxg] = pottery
Manx (Gaelg) cray = ash, clay, pipe clay
crayee = ceramic, earthen
crayoil = clayey, earthy
Proto-Brythonic *prið [ˈpriːð] = clay, mud, earth
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) prid, pridd = soil, earth, dust, ground, clay, mortar, plaster
priddo = to cover with earth, bury
pridell, priddell = clod, sod, dust, soil
priddled, priddlyd = earthy, earthen, dirty, dusty,
Welsh (Cymraeg) pridd [priːð] = soil, earth, dust, ground, clay, mortar, plaster
priddach = soil, earth, clay, earthenware
pridd(i)af, pridd(i)o = to cover with earth, bury, plaster, daub
priddawr = potter
pridd-dom = dirt, mud, clay
priddell = clod, sod, dust, soil, grave, potsherd, brick, tile
priddfaen = brick, (earthenware) tile for making bricks
priddl(l)yd = earthy, earthen, dirty, dusty, uncouth
priddwr = mason, plasterer, burier
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) pri, pry, prî = mould, earth, clay
prian, prían = clayey ground
Cornish (Kernewek) pri = clay, mud
priek = clayey
prien = clay ground
priweyth = pottery
priweythor, priweythores = potter
priweythva = clay-works, pottery
Old Breton (Brethonoc) pri = clay, mudt
Middle Breton (Brezonec) pry = clay, mud
Breton (Brezhoneg) pri [priː] = clay, mud, mortar
priaj = ceramic
prian, priañ = to coat with clay
priasell = waste, quagmire
priasellek = full of clay mud
prieg = clayey, muddy

Etymology possibly from Proto-Indo-European *krey- (to siftm separate, divide). Words from the same roots include latex in English, latãkas (chute, gutter, duct) in Lithuanian, and lag (to wet, moisten) in Albanian [source].

Middle Breton (Brezonec) fanc, fancq, fang, fank = mud, excrement
Breton (Brezhoneg) fank [ˈfãŋk] = mud, excrement
fankan, fankañ = to poop
fankeg = muddy

Etymology from Norman fanque (mud) [source] from Old French fange (mud, addle, mire), from Vulgar Latin *fanga/*fangus (mud), possibly from Frankish, from Proto-Germanic *fanją (swamp, fen). The French words fange (filth, mire, debauchery) and fagne (marshland, fen), and the Catalan word fang (mud) come from the same roots [source].

Middle Welsh (Kymraec) llaka, lacca, llacca = mud, sludge, mire, dirt, muck, puddle, filth, slome
Welsh (Cymraeg) llaca [ɬaka] = mud, sludge, mire, dirt, muck, puddle, filth, slime
llaceilyd = muddy, miry, dirty

Etymology from Middle English lake/laca (lake, stream; ditch, drain, sewer), from Old French lac (lake) or Latin lacus (lake, basin, tank), to-Italic *lakus (lake), from Proto-Indo-European *lókus (pond, pool) [source].

Proto-Celtic *lutā = dirt, mud
Gaulish *lutos = swamp
Celtiberian *lutā = swamp
Old Irish (Goídelc) loth [ˈloθ] = mire, mud, swamp, marsh
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) loth, lath = mud, mire, quagmire, marsh
Irish (Gaeilge) lodair = to cover with mud, muddy, to wallow in mire, grovel
lodán = stagnant pool, puddle
lodar = miry place, slough, soft, flabby person
lodartha = muddy, slushy, slobby, soft, flabby, grovelling, abject, base, vulgar
lodarthacht = muddiness, slushiness, softness, flabbiness, abjectness, baseness, vulgarity
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) lod [l̪ˠɔd] = pool, pond, marsh
lodagan = small pool of water
lodan = puddle, small pool, small marsh

Etymology from Proto-Indo-European *lew- (dirt, mud) [source].

Lutetia, the Gallo-Roman town founded in 52 BC that became Paris, gets it’s name from the Gaulish word *lutos (swamp) [source]. It was known as Lutetia Parisiorum by the Romans.

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary, Teanglann.ie, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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Betwixt and Between

Here are some words for betwixt, between, among and related things in Celtic languages.

Porth Penrhyn

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *enter = betwen
Gaulish Entarabo = name of a god
Celtiberian enterara = between
Old Irish (Goídelc) eter = between
etrom, etrum = between me
etrut = between you (sg)
etir, itir = between him
etron(n), etrunn = between us
etruib = between you (pl)
etarru, etarro = between them
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) eter, etir, etar-, etr- = inter-, between, among
etrom, etrum = between me
etrut = between you (sg)
eadra, etir = between him
etronn, etrunn, eadrainn, eadroinn = between us
etruib, eadruibh, eadraibh = between you (pl)
et(t)arru, etarro, etorro = between them
Irish (Gaeilge) idir [ˈɪdʲəɾʲ/ˈɛdʲəɾʲ/ˈɛd̪ˠəɾʲ] = between, both
eadrainn = between us
eadraibh = between you (pl)
eatarthu = between them
idirchéim = interval
idircheol = interlude
idirchuir = to interpose
idirfhigh = to interweave
idirmhír = intersection
idirlíon = internet
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) eadar [edər] = between
eadarainn = between us
eadaraibh = between you (pl)
eatarra = between them
eadar-aghaidh [edərˈɤ.ɪ] = interface
eadar-cheangailte = interconnected
eadar-cheangal = interlinking, interconnecting, communications
eadar dà sgeul = incidentally (“between two stories”)
eadar-dhealtaichte = parted, separated, differing, distinct
eadar-lìon = internet
eadar-theangachadh = translating, translation
Manx (Gaelg) eddyr [ˈɛðˌər] =between, betwixt
eddyr ain = between us
eddyr eu = between you (pl)
eddyr oc = between them
eddyr-ashoonagh = international(ist)
eddyrcheim = interval
eddyr-chianglt = interconnected
eddyr-ghoaillagh = intermediary
eddyr-hengaghey = to interpret, interpretation
eddyr-voggyl = internet
Proto-Brythonic *ɨntr = between
Old Welsh ithr = between
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) ythr = between
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) ynter, yntré = between, among
yntredho = between him
yntredhon = between us
ynterdhoch, yntredhouch = between ye
yntredhe = between them
Cornish (Kernewek) ynter, yntra = between
ynterdhyskyblethek = interdisciplinary
ynterfas = interface
Old Breton (Brethonoc) ithr = between, among
Middle Breton (Brezonec) entre, intre = between, among
Breton (Brezhoneg) etre [e.ˈtre] = between, intermediate, while, as long as
etrezon = between me
entrezout = between you (sg)
entrezañ = between him
entrezi = between her
etrezomp = between us
entrezoc’h = between you (pl)
entrezo, entreze = between them
etrebazhin, etrebazhiñ = to interpose
etrekeltiek = inter-Celtic
etrelakaat = to interpose
etrevroadel = international

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *h₁entér (between), from *h₁én (in) [source]. Words from the same PIE roots include enter and under in English. onder (under, downwards) in Dutch, unter (under, below, among, between) in German, ndër (between, among, in, through) in Albanian [source].

Middle Welsh (Kymraec) rỽng, rỽg, rug, rwng = between
kyfrwg, kyfrug, kyfrwng = means, medium, agency, interval, midst
Welsh (Cymraeg) rhwng, yrhwng [r̥ʊŋ] = between
rhyngddo i = between me
rhyngddot ti = between you (sg)
rhyngddo fe/fo = between him
rhyngddi hi = between her
rhyngddon ni = between us
rhyngddoch chi = between you (pl)
rhyngddyn nhw = between them
rhyngberthynol = interrelated, mutually connected
rhyngol = intermediate, mediatory
rhyngrwyd = internet
rhyngwladol = international
cyfrwng = means, medium, agency, interval, midst

Etymology: unknown [source].

Middle Welsh (Kymraec) plith, plyth = midst, middle, centre, between, amongst
ymplith, em plyth, ymlith, ymhlith = among(st), in or to (the midst of), (together) with
Welsh (Cymraeg) plith = midst, middle, centre, between, amongst
plithdraphlithdod = confusion, disorder
plithwrtaith = compost
tryblith = chaos, disorder, muddle
ymhlith [əmˈɬiːθ] = among(st), in or to (the midst of), (together) with

Etymology: unknown [source].

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary, Teanglann.ie, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, English – ProtoCeltic WordList (PDF), Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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