Celtic Pathways

Celtic Pathways

The Celtic Pathways series explores connections between Celtic languages, and looks for words with Celtic roots in other languages. It started in July 2022 as a way to share some of the connections I’ve discovered between the Celtic languages, and words in other languages with Celtic roots. I also have a collection of Celtic Cognates on Omniglot, and look into them in more detail on my Celtiadur blog.

Here are all the episodes of Celtic Pathways so far: Groovy Furrows, Tin, Boring Tools, Bits & Pieces, Heather, Charming Witches, Bills and Gouges, Brio, Brooms, Horny Peaks, Bijou Fingers, Needles and Scythes, Cauldrons and Kettles, Soft Bogs, Barnacle Geese, Badgered Brochures, Rotten Bran, Whisk(e)y and Biscuits, Holding On, Protuberances, Great Big, Hands, Sacred Trees, Hollows, Phoney Rings, Cream, Gobs and Beaks, Spears and Sceptres, Hogging Sockets, Wretched Truants, Berets, Top Tips, Donkeys, Surface and Skin, Shamrocks and Clover, Towns and Beehives, Heights, Hurdles, Land, Bulls, Baskets, Rivers, Fields and Quays, Swans, New & Year, Javelin, Coracle, Brogue, Flowers, Mutton, Crooked & Twisted, A Slew of Slogans, Clan, Sacks, Step, Iron, Wool, Beer, Bells & Clocks, Wagons & Carts, Horse, Servants, Druids, Bards & Poets, Family, People, Languages and Tongues