
The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11: 1-9)

Kɪsukuma (Sukuma)

Nzengo gwa Babeli

  1. Ali lūūlū, ī sī aho ītaalī na lūlīmi lūmò na kalūngalūngīle ka mbika īmò,
  2. a banhū bajaga bakūsaama saamaga kūjīlīīla mhandī ja kīya. Nose būūkashika mu mbūga ngalī ya Shinaali,* būtūūla ng'hambī būzenga henaho.
  3. Hūna biwīla gīkī, “Bing'we tūbeejagi madafaali tūgapembe mu moto gagūlūngīle.” Ī shikū jenījo batūmamīlaga madafaali a ha ng'wanya gwa mawe, na laami a ha ng'wanya gwa būlongo.
  4. Bakiwīla, “Twibeegejagi nzengo, tūzenge mo numba ndīhu ya kūkuumya kū malunde; twipandīkīle lina, tūtizūsalang'hana sagala sagala hose pye ū mu sī.”
  5. Ū SEEBA wiza kūgūlola ū nzengo gwenūyo, nī numba ī ndīhu īyo babeejaga a banhū.
  6. Ū SEEBA ūhaya gīkī, “A banhū benaba balī na būmò, na bakūlūngalūngaga lūlīmi lūmò. Hūna lūūlū īkī bandyaga kwīta mihayo īlī gīkī, gūtīho gwa kūbalemeela ūyo balahaye kūgwīta.
  7. Ī gete tūjagi tūkabayuugagūlīle ū lūlīmi lwa kalūngalūngīle kabo, boye ū kwiyigwa ūlū balīyomba.”
  8. Hūna ū SEEBA ūbasambaaja, bīnga ho a henaho; būja bakūzengaga hose hose ū mu masī, gūcha ū nīmo gwa kūgūzenga ū nzengo gwenūyo.
  9. H'ī chene ī lipandī lyenīlo līkitanwa Babeli,** nguno a henaho h'aho ū SEEBA akalūyuugagūlīla ū lūlīmi lwa kalūngalūngīle ka mu sī hose pye. Ū SEEBA ūbasalang'hanya ho a henaho, bīnga ūbasambaaja kūja mu masī gose pye.

*Shinaali: Nūūlū, Babeli.
** Babeli: Ū mu Shiheblania ī Babeli a makūlū gaho, Wilemeelwa nūūlū Wiyuugagūji.

Source: Bibilia Ilagano Lya Kale. Wandijo. © The Bible Society of Tanzania, 2015.

Contributed by Wolfgang Kuhl

Sukuma is a Bantu language spoken in parts of Tanzania by about 5.4 million people.

More information about Sukuma

Tower of Babel in Bantu languages

Bangi, Bemba, Benga, Beti, Bulu, Chichewa, Dawida, Haya, Kamba, Kiga, Kikuyu, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, Kongo, Koti, Kwanyama, Lamba, Lingala, Lozi, Luba-Katanga, Luganda, Luragooli, Mbunda, Mpongwe, Ndebele, Ndonga, Nkore, Northern Sotho, Nyakyusa, Sango, Sena, Shona, Soga, Southern Sotho, Sukuma, Swahili, Swati, Tetela, Tonga, Tsonga, Tswana, Tumbuka, Venda, Xhosa, Yao, Zulu

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