
The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11: 1-9)

Chisena (Sena)

Nsanja ya Babele

  1. Pakutoma, anthu a m’dziko yansene ya pansi pano akhali na chilongelo chibodzi chene, kulonga kwawo kukhali kubodzi.
  2. Pidafamba iwo kwenda kumabulukila a dzuwa adadza ku thando ya dziko ya Sinara kweneko adakhalako.
  3. Mbapangana, unango adalonga na nzache, “Tendeni tiumbe njerma na kuzipisa pamoto.“ Tenepo akhali na njerwa zakumanga nazo na zakubvungazikana na pinthu ninga thara zakumangila nazo njerwa zile.
  4. Penepo iwo adati, “Tendeni timange mudzi wakukhala na nsanja yakufika kudzulu. Tipibvekesele dzina tela tikhonde kubalalika-balalika m’dziko yapansi pano.“
  5. Penepo Mbuya Mulungu adachitha kudzaona mudzi ule na nsanja ile anthu ale adaimanga.
  6. Ndiye Iye adati, “Chinchino enewa ansene ndiwo dzinza ibodzi olonga chilongelo chibodzi, uku nkhutoma kwa pinthu pya penepyo ali kufuna kupichita.
  7. Tendeni tiachithile konthoko tibvungaze-bvungaze chilongelo chawo, kuti akhonde kubvelana.“
  8. Tenepo Mbuya Mulungu adaabalalisa pa dziko yapansi yansene, ndiye iwo adaleka kumanga mudzi!
  9. Mudzi wenewu udathuliwa Babele, thangwe Mbuya Mulungu adabvungaza-bvungaza kulonga kwawo kwa anthu ansene, ndiye kubuluka kweneko adaabalalisa pa dziko yansene yapansi.

Source: Mabasa A Mgona Panja. Mu Bukhu ya Mulungu ya Kuthuliwa. Kutoma. Genesis in Chisena published by the Bible Society in Malawi, 1981.

Contributed by Wolfgang Kuhl


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