Here’s a recording in a mystery language.
Do you know, or can you guess, the language?
If you need a clue, listen to or read the Omniglot News on Radio Omniglot.
It was a friend’s birthday yesterday and I went to a party at her house. There was live music, nice food and drink, I met some interesting people, and I got to speak various languages – mainly Welsh, French and Mandarin Chinese, and also Cantonese and Irish. There was also a quiz with word-based questions and riddles, and questions about things that happened in the year my friend was born. See how you do with these:
1. Fill in the gaps with the same letters in the same order: A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ surgeon was _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ to perform the operation because there was _ _ / _ _ _ _ _.
2. What has a head, a tail, no legs and is brown?
3. What has 6 faces, but does not wear make up, has 21 eyes, but cannot see?
4. Re-arrange the letters, O O U S W T D N E J R, to spell just one word. What is it?
5. Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. What is it?
6. How do you spell ‘cow’ in 13 letters? (Hint: it’s not cooooooooooow, as I guessed).
7. Which West African country became independent in February of this year?
8. What was the Intelsat I communications satellite, launched in April of this year, known as?
9. What song did the Rolling Stones release in August of this year?
10. What classic sci-fi show was launched in September of this year in the UK?
Finally, what year was my friend born, and how old is she this year?
These quizzes are normally published every Sunday, and the answers are given the following Saturday here in the comments.