Ditches and Trenches

Words for ditches, trenches and related words in Celtic languages.


Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Proto-Celtic *klado- = to dig, bury
*klādos = trench
*kladeti = to dig, thrust
*kladyā = digging
Gaulish Vindo-cladia = place name
Old Irish (Gaoidhealg) clad = ditch, dyke
claide [ˈkla.ðʲe] = to dig
con·claid = to dig, excavate
do·claid = to dig up, uproot
claidid = to dig
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) clad, clod = hole dug in the ground, trench
claide = digging, trenching, ditch, trench, excavation
claidid = to dig, excavate, undermine
clas = ditch, trench, furrow, pit, cooking-pit, burning-pit, grave
Irish (Gaeilge) cladh = ditch, trench (literary)
cladhach = ridged, furrowed
cladhaire = ditcher
claidh = to dig (a trench), build (a dike)
clais [klˠæʃ] = water channel, gully, ditch, trench, furrow, rut, groove, deep cut, gash, put, trough, soft mass, large quantity
clasach = channelled, trenched, grooved, gashed
clasaigh = to channel, trench, gash, groove
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) cladh [kl̪ˠɤɣ] = burial ground, cemetry, graveyard, ditch
cladhach [kl̪ɤ.əx] = digging, dig, excavation
clais [kl̪ˠaʃ] = furrow, groove, ditch, drain, gutter, rut, trench
claiseach [kl̪ˠaʃəx] = furrowed, grooved, fluted, abounding in trenches/ditches
claisean [kl̪ˠaʃan] = small furrow, small groove, small ditch, drain
claisearachd [kl̪ˠaʃərəxg] = ditching, act of digging a ditch
clais-mhòr = gorge
Manx (Gaelg) clash = channel, cleft, gorge, hollow, furrow, trench, sewer
clashal = to trench
clashag = furrowed, grooved
Proto-Brythonic *klėðɨd [kle̝ˈðɨːd] = to dig, thrust
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) clad, clat = hole, put, ditch, trench, grave
cladedic, kladdedig = buried, interred, dug up
cladedigaeth, klydigeth = burial, funeral
claddfa = cemetry, graveyard, burial-ground
cladu, kladu, kladdy, cladv = to bury, hide, forget, dig, burrow
cleis, clais = bruise, would, break, line, groove, rut, fissure, ditch, trench, rivulet
Welsh (Cymraeg) cladd = hole, put, ditch, trench, grave
claddedig = buried, interred, dug up
claddedigaeth = burial, funeral
claddfa = cemetry, graveyard, burial-ground
claddu [ˈklaðɨ̞/ˈklaːði] = to bury, hide, forget, dig, burrow, stab, pierce
clais [klai̯s/klai̯ʃ] = bruise, would, break, line, groove, rut, fissure, ditch, trench, rivulet
clawdd [ˈklaːu̯ð/ˈklau̯ð] = mound, dyke, earthwork, bulwark, boundary, hedge, fence; ditch, gutter, trench, pit, quarry, mine, moat, fosse
cloddio = to dig, delve, trench, ditch, excavate
clodd(i)wr, clawddwr = ditcher, navvy, digger, miner, quarryman, hedger, excavator
mwyn i’r clawdd to be unsuccessful, fail (“to go to the ditch/wall”)
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) cledh, clêdh = dyke, ditch, trench, fence
cladhva = a burying place
ancledhy = to bury, inter
ancledhyas, anclydhyas, encledhyes = burial, funeral
Cornish (Kernewek) kleudh = ditch
kleudhik = groove
kleudhya = to dig a trench, ditch, excavate
ynkleudhva = cemetry, graveyard
ynkleudhyans = burial, funeral
ynkleudhyas = to bury, inter
ynkleudhyer / ynkleudhyores = funeral director, undertaker
Old Breton (Brethonoc) clud = hollow
Middle Breton (Brezonec) creux, cleus, cleuz = hollow, cave
Breton (Brezhoneg) kleuz [kløː(s)] = hollow, slope, earth embankment, fence (of earth), hedge (of thorns, etc)
kleuz(i)añ [ˈkløː.z(i)ã] = to dig

Etymology: from the Proto-Indo-European *kelh- (to beat, break) [source].

Irish (Gaeilge) díog = ditch, trench, drain
díogach = trenched, having trenches
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) dìg [dʲiːg] = ditch, dyke, drain
Manx (Gaelg) jeeg = ditch, gutter, moat, trench
jeeig = conduit, cut, ditch, drain, gully, put, trench, waterway, sewer
jeeigagh = ditched
jeeigit = ditched, drained

Etymology: unknown.

Irish (Gaeilge) fos = prop, buttress, wall
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) fos [fɔs] = ditch, wall, buttress (archaic)
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) fos, foss = ditch, dike
Welsh (Cymraeg) ffos [fɔs] = ditch, dike, gutter, moat, trench, furrow, groove, pit
ffos(i)af, ffosi(o) = to ditch, trench, furrow, chamfer
ffosedig = trenched, moated, furrowed, lined
ffos gaeedig = drain
ffos y clawdd, ffos glawdd = roadside ditch
ffos ddyfrio conduit
ffos melin, ffos y felin = mill-race
Middle Cornish (Cernewec) fos = ditch, moat, trench, intrenchment, wall
Cornish (Kernewek) fos = wall
paper fos = wallpaper
toll y’n fos = cash dispenser, ATM (“hole in the wall”)
Middle Breton (Brezonec) fos, foss, fôs = ditch, gap, pit, (river) bed
Breton (Brezhoneg) foz = ditch, gap, sand trap
foz disac’hañ = rift (valley), collapsed ditch
foz-kronniañ = holding tank, retention pit

Etymology: from the Latin fossa (ditch, trench, moat, gutter, furrow), from fossa terra (dug-up earth) [source].

Proto-Celtic *kʷantyos = flat hill, valley
Old Irish (Goídelc) céite = hill, mound, race-course, assembly
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) céide, céite = hill, mound, eminence, open space
Irish (Gaeilge) céide [ˈlʲɛtʲəɾʲ/ˈl̠ʲɛtʲəɾʲ] = flat-topped hill, place of assembly
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) cèide = market, fair, green, hillock
Pictish ᚘᚐᚅᚈ = hollow
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) pant = hollow, depression, valley, dent
Welsh (Cymraeg) pant [pant] = hollow, depression, valley, dent
pant (y) llaw = palm of the hand
pant a thalar = hilla and dale, everywhere
pantiad = hollow, depression
pant(i)af, pantio, pantu = to be(come) hollow, make an impression, sink (in the middle)
pant(i)og = hollow, sunken, uneven, holed, sinking, sagging, concave
pantir = dale-land, valley-bottom, lowland
pantlawr = uneven/concave floor
pantlle = hollow, dell, small valley, place full of hollows
Cornish (Kernewek) pans = dell, dingle, hollow
Old Breton pantet = curved, curve
Middle Breton (Brezonec) pant = curved, curve, bend
Breton (Brezhoneg) pant = slope, hillside

Etymology: possibly from the PIE *kwem-t (hill)

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Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary, Teanglann.ie, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Lexicon Cornu-britannicum: A Dictionary of the Ancient Celtic Language of Cornwall, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, Le dictionnaire diachronique du breton, Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic

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