Words for lord, master, ruler and related words in Celtic languages.
Words marked with a * are reconstructions.
Proto-Celtic | *tigerno(s) = lord, master *tigernākos = lordly, ruler |
Gaulish | Tigernum = placename |
Primitive Irish | ᚈᚔᚌᚔᚏᚅ (tigirn) = lord |
Old Irish (Goídelc) | tigerna = lord tigernas = lordship |
Middle Irish (Gaoidhealg) | tigerna = sovereignty, lord, superior, chief tigernach, tigernaide, tigernamail = lordly tigernaid = rules tigernaigid = to rule, dominate tigernas = lordship, dominion, possession, power, dominance tigernatas = lordship, dominion |
Irish (Gaeilge) | tiarna [ˈtʲiəɾˠn̪ˠə] = lord, master, ruler tiarnaigh = to rule, dominate tiarnas = lordship, rule, dominion, domain tiarnúil = lordly, masterful, overbearing, domineering, cheeky tiarnúlacht = lordliness, overbearingness, domination, cheekiness aintiarna = despotic lord, tyrant aintiarnas = tyranny bantiarna = lady |
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) | tighearna [tʲi.əɾˠn̪ˠə] = lord, The Lord, laird, chief, ruler, baronet, master, superior tighearnach, tighearnail = lordly, magisterial tighearnas = lordship, dominion, peerage aintighearna = despot, oppressor, tyrant aintighearnas = oppression, tyranny baintighearna = lady |
Manx (Gaelg) | çhiarn [ˈtʃaːrn] = laird, lord, peer çhiarnaght = dominion, lordship çhiarnys = domain, domination, dominion, lordship, manor, peerage ben çhiarn = lady |
Proto-Brythonic | *tɨɣern = lord, ruler *tɨɣernọg = lordly, noble |
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) | teyrn, tegyrn = lord, master teyrneit, teyrneidd, têyrnaidd = monarchical, royal, kinglike, princely, majestic, dignified tyrnas, ternas, teyrnas, teernas, teÿnas = monarchy, kingdom, realm, dominion tyrnasa, tëyrnasa, teyrnasa = to reign (over), rule, govern tëyrnasaidd = monarchical, royal, dignified |
Welsh (Cymraeg) | teyrn [teɨ̯rn / tei̯rn] = monarch, sovereign, king, prince, lord, ruler, leader, dictator, tyrant, royal teyrnach, teyrnachaeth = royal line, dynasty teyrnaidd = monarchical, royal, kinglike, princely, majestic, dignified teyrnas = monarchy, kingdom, realm, dominion teyrnasaf, teyrnasu = to reign (over), rule, govern teyrnasaidd = monarchical, royal, dignified |
Middle Cornish (Cerenwec) | mychtern = king |
Cornish (Kernewek) | machdeyrn = king |
Old Breton (Brethonoc) | *tiarn, *tiern = lord, master *tiarnoc = lordly, noble |
Middle Breton (Brezonec) | tyèrn, tiern = prince, sovereign |
Breton (Brezhoneg) | tiern [ˈtiː.ɛrn] = prince, sovereign |
Etymology: possibly from Proto-Celtic *tiger (raid, raiding party) and *-inos (of, pertaining to). *Tigerno(s) may originally have meant something like “the chief of the raiding party” [source].
The name Vortigern from the same roots, as do versions in Welsh, Gwrtheyrn and Breton, Gourziern [source].
More about words for Kings and Queens.
Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary, Teanglann.ie, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, In Dúil Bélrai English – Old Irish glossary, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Lexicon Cornu-britannicum: A Dictionary of the Ancient Celtic Language of Cornwall, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis, Le dictionnaire diachronique du breton, Etymological Dictionary Of Proto Celtic