
Words for juice and related words in Celtic languages.


Proto-Celtic *sūgos = juice
Old Irish (Goídelc) súg = juice, sap; vigour, energy, strength; essence, inner nature
Irish (Gaeilge) [sˠuː] = juice; sap, vigor, energy; soup, broth
sú caoireola = mutton broth
sú circe = chicken broth
sú crainn = (tree) sap
sú na fíniúna = wine
sú na heorna = whiskey (“juice of barley”)
sú oráistí = orange juice
sú tobac = nicotine
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) sùgh [suː] = juice, sap, jus, stock, soup, broth
sùgh an eòrna = barley water, whisky (poetic)
sùgh an daimh = venison broth
sùgh circe = chicken stock
sùgh fheanntagan = nettle soup
sùgh feòla = gravy
sùgh glasraich = vegetable stock
sùgh-measa = fruit juice
sùgh meirbheach = gastic juices
sùigh-pheuran = perry (pear wine)
sùgh-ubhail = apple juice
Manx (Gaelg) soo = sap, juice
soolagh = juicy, pithy; sauce, juice
soo foalley = meat essence, beef extract, gravy
soo-mess = fruit juice
soo ny braghey = malt whisky
soo ny hoarn = ale
soo-ny-hooyl = cider
soo y ghailley = bile
Middle Welsh (Kymraec) svg / suc / sug = juice. sap
Welsh (Cymraeg) sug = juice, sap, bodily fluid, liquid, moisture, gray
sudd [sɨːð/siːð] = juice, sap, bodily fluid, liquid, moisture, sauce, gray, ketchup, syrup
sudd afal = apple juice
sudd ffrwyth(au) = fruit juice
sudd oren = orange juice
sudd y cylla / sudd cyllaol = gastric juices
sudd yr heli = stock expression for something worthless
sudd treulio / suddau traul = digestive juices
Cornish (Kernewek) sugen = juice, sap, essence
sugen aval = apple juice
sugen frooth = fruit juice
sugen kig = gravy
sugen owraval = orange juice
Breton (Brezhoneg) chug = juice
chug-frouezh = fruit juice
soubenn = soup
soubenneg, soubennouer = (soup) tureen
soubenn al laezh = quick-tempered (person)
soubenn al lard = bacon soup
soubenn an ognon = onion soup
soubenn ar c’haol = cabbage soup

Etymology: from the from Proto-Indo-European *sug-/*suk-. The Latin word sūcus (juice, sap, moisture, strength, vitality) comes from the same root, as do related words in Romance languages, such as suc (juice) in French, sugo (tomato juice, sauce) and succo (juice, gist, pith, essence) in Italian, and jugo (juice, substance) in Spanish [source].

The English word succulent (juicy, lush, luscious), comes from the same Latin root, via the French succulent (succulent, juicy), and the Latin sūculentus (sappy, succulent) from sūcus (juice) and‎ -ulentus (full of, abounding in) [source].

Words marked with a * are reconstructions.

Sources: Wiktionary, Am Faclair Beag, Online Manx Dictionary, Teanglann.ie, eDIL – Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Gerlyver Kernewek, Dictionaire Favereau, TermOfis

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