Hágrít Nyelv (חַגְרִית נְיֶלבֿ)

Hágrít Nyelv is a way of writing Hungarian with the Hebrew script devised by Isaac Mayer. Jews have been living in Hungary for over a thousand years, but for most of that time they spoke other Jewish languages, like Yiddish or Ladino, meaning that a native Hungarian-Jewish language never really developed.

Hungarian has some sounds without an equivalent in Hebrew, such as palatal affricates and nasals, voiced postalveolar sibilants, and close front rounded vowels. To represent these, certain Hebrew graphemes without Hungarian pairs were coöpted, modified, or paired up in digraphs. So for instance, the voiced pharyngeal stop ע is used as a voiced palatal affricate, while the close front rounded vowel was represented with a symbol commonly used in traditional Biblical readings to fill the gap in Hebrew vowel usage.

The name 'Hágrít' is a reference to the traditional Rabbinic term for Hungary as "the land of Hagar" - an extension of an old Jewish tradition of assigning Biblical names to modern lands, such as Sepharad for Spain, Edom for Rome, or Ashkenaz for Germany. But since Hágrít Nyelv doesn't use the Hebrew letter hé ה (which the Hebrew word הגרי Hagarite uses), it was replaced with the letter used in Hágrít Nyelv - a ח "hécs."

Hágrít Nyelv

Hágrít Nyelv

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Sample text in the Hágrít Nyelv

סֲבֲדֳן לֶני אֱמבֱרְא מְנדֱן אֱעֱנלוֹא אֶש ס֣לֱתְקבֲֿן׃ יֳגֲא אֶש מֶלתוֹשַגֲא אֲז אֱמבֱרֱק ׀ אֶסֱּל אֶש לֱלקְאְשמֱרֱתֱּל בִרבַֿן ׀ אֱעמַשֲּל סֱמבֱן תֱשתבֶֿרְא סֱלֱּמבֱן קֱלּ חֳע בְֿשֱלתֱסֱּנֱק׃
(אֱעֱתֱמֱש יֳגֳק אֱמבֱרְא אֲז ניְלֲתקֳזֲתֲא צְקּ מַשֳדְק)


Minden emberi lény szabadon születik és egyenlő méltósága és joga van. Az emberek, ésszel és lelkiismerettel bírván, egymással szemben testvéri szellemben kell hogy viseltessenek.


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

Information about Hungarian | Székely-Hungarian Rovás (Hungarian Runes) | Phrases | Numbers | Time | Tongue twisters | Tower of Babel | Learning materials

Scripts by Isaac Mayer

Ajalaptlajkuilolistli, Čveneburuli / Judeo-Georgian, Grekoiberieraren Alfabeto Berria, Hágrít Nyelv, Inglith, iŋliʃ fidæl, nā hōʻailona ʻōlelo, Pikchukunap Qillqa, Ṣəḥəfätä Ǝsəraelawi, Tianjinjiao, Yahudi Türkçesi, Yūdu lipi

Constructed scripts for: Ainu | Arabic | Chinese languages | Dutch | English | Hawaiian | Hungarian | Japanese | Korean | Lingala | Malay & Indonesian | Persian | Tagalog / Filipino | Russian | Sanskrit | Spanish | Taino | Turkish | Vietnamese | Welsh | Other natural languages | Colour-based scripts | Tactile scripts | Phonetic/universal scripts | Constructed scripts for constructed languages | Adaptations of existing alphabets | Fictional alphabets | Magical alphabets | A-Z index | How to submit a constructed script


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