Weather words and weather-related expressions in Spanish with English equivalents.
Spanisho | English |
El tiempo | The weather |
El pronóstico del tiempo El boletín El meteorológico |
The weather forecast |
¿Qué tiempo hace? ¿Cómo está el tiempo? |
What's the weather like? |
Hace calor | It's hot / warm |
Hace mucho calor | It's very hot |
El sol | Sun |
Está soleado | It's sunny |
Hace un día soleado | It's a sunny day |
¡Que clima tan agradable! | What nice weather! |
Hace buen tiempo | The weather is fine |
Hace bel tempo | It's beautiful weather |
Hace fresco | It's cool |
Hace frío | It's cold |
Hace mucho frío | It's very cold |
Hace un frío helador | It's icy cold |
Hace mal tiempo | It's bad weather |
El viento | Wind |
Hace viento | It's windy |
Una racha | A gust of wind |
La brisa | Breeze |
Un viento fuerte | A gale |
La nuvola | Cloud |
Está nublado | It's cloudy |
La niebla | fog |
Hay niebla | It's foggy |
La niebla | Mist |
Hay neblina | It's misty |
Hay humedad | It's humid |
La lluvia | Rain |
Está lloviendo | It's raining |
La llovizna, la garúa | Drizzle |
Está lloviznando | It's drizzling |
las aguanieve | Sleet |
Cae aguanieve | It's sleeting |
La granizo | Hail |
Está granizando | It's hailing |
La nieve | Snow |
Está nevando | It's snowing |
Un trueno | Thunder |
Un rayo | A bolt of lightning |
El arco iris | rainbow |
La temperatura | Temperature |
La helada | Frost |
Está helado | It's frosty |
Una tormenta | A storm |
Está tormentoso | It's stormy |
Hace un día tormentoso | It's a stormy day |
Un chaparrón | A cloudburst |
Spanisho | English |
Está lloviendo a cántaros | It's raining in jugfuls |
Está lloviendo a cubos | It's raining buckets |
Está lloviendo a chuzos | It's raining pikes |
Está lloviendo a mares | It's raining seas |
Está lloviendo a torrentes | It's raining in torrents |
Estan lloviendo hasta maridos | It's even raining husbands |
Other idioms for heavy rain in various languages
Hear Spanish words for weather:
More weather words in Spanish
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