Weather words and weather-related expressions in Kadazandusun with English equivalents. Kadazandusun phrases are somewhat different in Central Dusun and Coastal Kadazan dialects.
Key to abbreviations: DTP
Kadazandusun | English |
Tadau | the weather / sun |
Kowowoyoon do tadau (DTP) Koula-ulahon do tadau (KZJ) |
the weather forecast |
Poingkuro o tadau baino? | What is the weather like today? |
Osonong tadau baino. (DTP) Avasi tadau baino. (KZJ) |
The weather is nice today |
Anawau ilo tadau. (DTP) Anavau iho tadau (KZJ) |
The sun is shining |
Araat tadau (DTP) Alaat tadau (KZJ) |
bad weather |
Bolobou (DTP) Bohobou (KZJ) |
dew |
Rasam (DTP) Asam (KZJ) |
rain |
Rumasam no. (DTP) Umasam no. (KZJ) |
It is raining |
Asapou kopio ilo rasam. (DTP) Asapou kozo iho asam. (KZJ) |
It is raining heavily. |
Moris-poris (DTP) | drizzle |
Salju | snow |
Tumuru no salju. (DTP) Tumuu’ no salju. (KZJ) |
It is snowing |
Ais kodou | hail |
Tumuru no ais kodou. (DTP) Tumuu’ no ais kodou. (KZJ) |
It is hailing |
Lumanak ais (DTP), Humanak ais (KZJ) | slush |
Miagal do korikot ilo rasam. (DTP) Miaga’ do koi-ikot iho asam. (KZJ) |
It looks like rain. |
Kumodou | frost |
Lumanak no salju. (DTP) Humanak no salju. (KZJ) |
The snow has melted / has started to melt |
Kumodou no. | It froze. |
Parasaman (DTP) Paasaman (KZJ) |
precipitation |
Hawun (DTP) Avan (KZJ) |
cloud |
Oluhung (DTP) Ohuung (KZJ) |
It is cloudy |
Oluhung ilo tawan. (DTP) Ohuung iho tavan. (KZJ) |
Clouds have covered the sky. The sky has become overcast. |
Lisohu (DTP) Avun (KZJ) |
fog |
Haro lisohu no. (DTP) Humavun no. (KZJ) |
it is foggy. / It is hazy. |
Ribut (DTP) Ibut (KZJ) |
wind |
Monowogi ilo ribut. (DTP) Monovugi iho ibut. (KZJ) |
The wind is blowing; It is windy |
Tongus | storm |
Haro Tongus. (DTP) Kivaa tongus. (KZJ) |
It is stormy |
Tinggorud (DTP) Tinggoud (KZJ) |
thunder |
Gonit | bolt of lightning |
Haro tinggorud. (DTP) Kivaa tinggoud. (KZJ) |
It is thundering |
Haro gonit om tinggorud. (DTP) Kivaa gonit om tinggoud. (KZJ) |
There's thunder and lightning |
Notongusan ku. | I got caught by a storm. |
Osogit. | It is cold / It is cool |
Osogit om oributan. (DTP) Osogit om oibutan. (KZJ) |
It is chilly or windy |
Osonong sinogit dau. (DTP) Avasi sinogit dau. (KZJ) |
It is a comfortable temperature |
Alasu. (DTP) Ahasu (KZJ) |
It is warm. / It is hot. |
Magadau | It is sunny. |
Nadalaan dot alasu ilo tadau. (DTP) Nadahaan dot ahasu iho tadau. (KZJ) |
It is too much hot. |
Kadazandusun weather words supplied by Lesley Housten C Kibat
If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Information about Kadazandusun | Central Dusun phrases | Coastal Kadazan phrases | Numbers | Family words | Terms of endearment | Time | Weather words | Tower of Babel
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