Numbers in Kadazandusun

How to count in Kadazandusun, a North Bornean language spoken in Sabah on Borneo in Malaysia.

Central Dusun numbers (Pongintaban do boros Dusun)

Information about counting in Dusun (a.k.a Central Dusun), a Malayo-Polynesian language spoken in Sabah in Malaysia.

If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. If you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Numeral Cardinal numbers Ordinal numbers
1 Iso Koiso
2 Duo Koduo
3 Tolu Kotolu
4 Apat Kaapat
5 Limo Kolimo
6 Onom Koonom
7 Turu Koturu
8 Walu Kawalu
9 Siam Kosiam
10 Hopod Kohopod
11 Hopod om iso Kohopod om iso
12 Hopod om duo Kohopod om duo
13 Hopod om tolu Kohopod om tolu
14 Hopod om apat Kohopod om apat
15 Hopod om limo Kohopod om limo
16 Hopod om onom Kohopod om onom
17 Hopod om turu Kohopod om turu
18 Hopod om walu Kohopod om walu
19 Hopod om siam Kohopod om siam
20 Duo nohopod Koduo nohopod
21 Duo nohopod om iso Koduo nohopod om iso
22 Duo nohopod om duo Koduo nohopod om duo
23 Duo nohopod om tolu Koduo nohopod om tolu
24 Duo nohopod om apat Koduo nohopod om apat
25 Duo nohopod om limo Koduo nohopod om limo
26 Duo nohopod om onom Koduo nohopod om onom
27 Duo nohopod om turu Koduo nohopod om turu
28 Duo nohopod om walu Koduo nohopod om walu
29 Duo nohopod om siam Koduo nohopod om siam
30 Tolu nohopod Kotolu nohopod
31 Tolu nohopod om iso Kotolu nohopod om iso
32 Tolu nohopod om duo Kotolu nohopod om duo
40 Apat nohopod Kaapat nohopod
50 Limo nohopod Kolimo nohopod
60 Onom nohopod Koonom nohopod
70 Turu nohopod Koturu nohopod
80 Walu nohopod Kawalu nohopod
90 Siam nohopod Kosiam nohopod
100 Hatus / Sahatus Kahatus
101 Hatus om iso Kahatus om iso
105 Hatus om limo Kahatus om limo
110 Hatus nohopod Kahatus hopod
120 Hatus duo nohopod Kahatus duo nohopod
130 Hatus tolu nohopod Kahatus tolu nohopod
140 Hatus apat nohopod Kahatus apat nohopod
150 Hatus limo nohopod Kahatus limo nohopod
160 Hatus onom nohopod Kahatus onom nohopod
170 Hatus turu nohopod Kahatus turu nohopod
180 Hatus walu nohopod Kahatus walu nohopod
190 Hatus siam nohopod Kahatus siam nohopod
200 Duo nahatus Koduo nahatus
211 Duo nahatus hopod om iso Koduo nahatus hopod om iso
222 Duo nahatus duo nohopod om duo Koduo nahatus duo nohopod om duo
224 Duo nahatus duo nohopod om apat Koduo nahatus duo nohopod om apat
300 Tolu nahatus Kotolu nahatus
400 Apat nahatus Kaapat nahatus
500 Limo nahatus Kolimo nahatus
600 Onom nahatus Koonom nahatus
700 Turu nahatus Koturu nahatus
800 Walu nahatus Kawalu nahatus
900 Siam nahatus Kosiam nahatus
1,000 Ribu / Soribu Koribu / Kosoribu
1,922 Soribu siam nahatus duo nohopod om duo Kosoribu siam nahatus duo nohopod om duo
2,000 Duo noribu / Duo ribu Koduo ribu
3,000 Tolu noribu / Tolu ribu Kotolu ribu
4,000 Apat noribu / Apat ribu Kaapat ribu
5,000 Limo noribu / Limo ribu Kolimo ribu
6,000 Onom noribu / Onom ribu Koonom ribu
7,000 Turu noribu / Turu ribu Koturu ribu
8,000 Walu noribu / Walu ribu Kawalu ribu
9,000 Siam noribu / Siam ribu Kosiam ribu
10,000 Hopod ribu Kohopod ribu
20,000 Duo nohopod ribu Koduo nohopod ribu
30,000 Tolu nohopod ribu Kotolu nohopod ribu
40,000 Apat nohopod ribu Kaapat nohopod ribu
50,000 Limo nohopod ribu Kolimo nohopod ribu
60,000 Onom nohopod ribu Koonom nohopod ribu
70,000 Turu nohopod ribu Koturu nohopod ribu
80,000 Walu nohopod ribu Kawalu nohopod ribu
90,000 Siam nohopod ribu Kosiam nohopod ribu
100,000 Hatus ribu Kahatus ribu
200,000 Duo nahatus ribu Koduo nahatus ribu
300,000 Tolu nahatus ribu Kotolu nahatus ribu
1,000,000 Riong / Soriong Koriong / Kosoriong
2,000,000 Duo riong Koduo riong
3,000,000 Tolu riong Kotolu riong
1,000,000,000 Laksa / Salaksa / Bilion Kalaksa / Kasalaksa / Kobilion
Iso satanga -
0.0 aiso koma aiso  
0.1 aiso koma iso  
0.12 aiso koma hopod om duo  
1/2 satanga  
1/3 iso pitolu  
1/4 iso piapat  
1/5 iso pilimo  
1/6 iso pionom  
3/4 tolu piapat  
% pihatus  
50% limo nohopod pihatus  
100% sahatus piatus  


Compound number example: 1,234,567 = Soriong duo nahatus tolu nohopod apat (no)ribu limo nahatus onom nohopod om turu

Note: decimal point = poin

For ordinals:

  1. Add the prefix "ko-"; if the initial syllable of the cardinal number contains either vowels ‘i', ‘o’ or ‘u’. E.g. 2nd is "koduo”.
  2. Add the prefix "ka-"; if the initial syllable of the cardinal number contains vowel of ‘a’. E.g. 4th is "kaapat".

Adverbs of Frequency

  Central Dusun Meaning Central Dusun Meaning
1 Insan One time / Once Kumoinsan First time
2 Induo Two times / Twice Kumoinduo Second time
3 Intolu Three times / Thrice Kumointolu Third time
4 Ingapat Four times Kumoingapat Fourth time
5 Inlimo / Illimo Five times Kumoinlimo / Kumoillimo Fifth time
6 Ingonom Six times Kumoingonom Sixth time
7 Inturu Seven times Kumointuru Seventh time
8 Inwalu / Imbalu Eight times Kumoinwalu / Kumoimbalu Eighth time
9 Insiam Nine times Kumoinsiam Ninth time
10 Inhopod Ten times Kumoinhopod Tenth time
11 Inhopod om iso Eleven times Kumoinhopod om iso Eleventh time
12 Inhopod om duo Twelve times Kumoinhopod om duo Twelfth time
13 Inhopod om tolu Thirteen times Kumoinhopod om tolu Thirteenth time
20 Induo nohopod Twenty times Kumoinduo nohopod Twentieth time
50 Inlimo nohopod Fifty times Kumoinlimo nohopod Fiftieth time
100 Inhatus One hundred times Kumoinhatus One hundredth time
1,000 Inribu One thousand times Kumoinribu One thousandth time
1,000,000 Inriong One million times Kumoinriong One millionth time


To say how often by using a number followed by 'times', you add the prefix "in-" except:

  1. “Insan” (once)
  2. If the initial letter of the cardinal number is vowel, add the prefix "ing-"; e.g. four times is "ingapat”.

For ordinals, you just simply add the prefix "kumo-". E.g. second time is "kumoinduo”.

Coastal Kadazan numbers (Numbul doid boos Kadazan)

Information about counting in Kadazan (a.k.a Coastal Kadazan), a Malayo-Polynesian language spoken in Sabah in Malaysia.

Numeral Cardinal numbers Ordinal numbers
1 Iso’ Koiso’
2 Duvo Koduvo
3 Tohu Kotohu
4 Apat Kaapat
5 Himo Kohimo
6 Onom Koonom
7 Tuu’ Kotuu’
8 Vahu Kavahu
9 Sizam Kosizam
10 Opod Koopod
11 Opod om iso’ Koopod om iso’
12 Opod om duvo Koopod om duvo
13 Opod om tohu Koopod om tohu
14 Opod om apat Koopod om apat
15 Opod om himo Koopod om himo
16 Opod om onom Koopod om onom
17 Opod om tuu’ Koopod om tuu’
18 Opod om valu Koopod om valu
19 Opod om sizam Koopod om sizam
20 Duvo ngoopod Koduvo ngoopod
21 Duvo ngoopod om iso’ Koduvo ngoopod om iso’
22 Duvo ngoopod om duvo Koduvo ngoopod om duvo
23 Duvo ngoopod om tohu Koduvo ngoopod om tohu
24 Duvo ngoopod om apat Koduvo ngoopod om apat
25 Duvo ngoopod om himo Koduvo ngoopod om himo
26 Duvo ngoopod om onom Koduvo ngoopod om onom
27 Duvo ngoopod om tuu’ Koduvo ngoopod om tuu’
28 Duvo ngoopod om vahu Koduvo ngoopod om vahu
29 Duvo ngoopod om sizam Koduvo ngoopod om sizam
30 Tohu ngoopod Kotohu ngoopod
31 Tohu ngoopod om iso’ Kotohu ngoopod om iso’
32 Tohu ngoopod om duvo Kotohu ngoopod om duvo
40 Apat ngoopod Kaapat ngoopod
50 Himo ngoopod Kohimo ngoopod
60 Onom ngoopod Koonom ngoopod
70 Tuu’ ngoopod Kotuu’ ngoopod
80 Vahu ngoopod Kavahu ngoopod
90 Sizam ngoopod Kosizam ngoopod
100 Atus Kaatus
101 Atus om iso’ Kaatus om iso’
105 Atus om himo Kaatus om himo
110 Atus ngoopod Kaatus ngoopod
120 Atus duvo ngoopod Kaatus duvo ngoopod
130 Atus tohu ngoopod Kaatus tohu ngoopod
140 Atus apat ngoopod Kaatus apat ngoopod
150 Atus himo ngoopod Kaatus himo ngoopod
160 Atus onom ngoopod Kaatus onom ngoopod
170 Atus tuu’ ngoopod Kaatus tuu’ ngoopod
180 Atus vahu ngoopod Kaatus vahu ngoopod
190 Atus sizam ngoopod Kaatus sizam ngoopod
200 Duvo ngaatus Koduvo ngaatus
211 Duvo ngaatus opod om iso’ Koduvo ngaatus opod om iso’
222 Duvo ngaatus duvo ngoopod om duvo Koduvo ngaatus duvo ngoopod om duvo
224 Duvo ngaatus duvo ngoopod om apat Koduvo ngaatus duvo ngoopod om apat
300 Tohu ngaatus Kotohu ngaatus
400 Apat ngaatus Kaapat ngaatus
500 Himo ngaatus Kohimo ngaatus
600 Onom ngaatus Koonom ngaatus
700 Tuu’ ngaatus Kotuu’ ngaatus
800 Vahu ngaatus Kavahu ngaatus
900 Sizam ngaatus Kosizam ngaatus
1,000 Ibu / Soibu Koibu / Kosoibu
1,922 Soibu sizam ngaatus duvo ngoopod om duvo Kosoibu sizam ngaatus duvo ngoopod om duvo
2,000 Duvo ngoibu Koduvo ngoibu
3,000 Tohu ngoribu Kotohu ngoribu
4,000 Apat ngoribu Kaapat ngoribu
5,000 Himo ngoibu Kohimo ngoibu
6,000 Onom ngoibu Koonom ngoibu
7,000 Tuu’ ngoibu Kotuu’ ngoibu
8,000 Vahu ngoibu Kavahu ngoibu
9,000 Sizam ngoibu Kosizam ngoibu
10,000 Opod ngoibu / Opod ibu Koopod ngoibu / Koopod ibu
20,000 Duvo ngoopod ibu Koduvo ngoopod ibu
30,000 Tohu ngoopod ibu Kotohu ngoopod ibu
40,000 Apat ngoopod ibu Kaapat ngoopod ibu
50,000 Himo ngoopod ibu Kohimo ngoopod ibu
60,000 Onom ngoopod ibu Koonom ngoopod ibu
70,000 Tuu’ ngoopod ibu Kotuu’ ngoopod ibu
80,000 Vahu ngoopod ibu Kavahu ngoopod ibu
90,000 Sizam ngoopod ibu Kosizam ngoopod ibu
100,000 Atus ngoibu / Atus ibu Kaatus ngoibu / Kaatus ibu
200,000 Duvo ngaatus ibu Koduvo ngaatus ibu
300,000 Tohu ngaatus ibu Kotohu ngaatus ibu
1,000,000 Lizong Kolizong
2,000,000 Duvo lizong Koduvo lizong
3,000,000 Tohu lizong Kotohu lizong
1,000,000,000 Bilion Kobilion
Iso satanga  
0.0 aiso koma aiso  
0.1 aiso koma iso’  
0.12 aiso koma ngopod om duvo  
1/2 satanga  
1/3 iso’ pitohu  
1/4 iso’ piapat  
1/5 iso’ pihimo  
1/6 iso’ pionom  
3/4 tohu piapat  
% piatus  
50% himo ngoopod piatus  
100% saatus piatus  


Compound number example: 1,234,567 = Solizong duvo ngaatus tohu ngoopod apat (ngo)ibu himo ngaatus onom ngoopod om tuu’

Note: decimal point = poin

For ordinals

  1. Add the prefix "ko-"; if the initial syllable of the cardinal number contains either vowels ‘i', ‘o’ or ‘u’. E.g. 2nd is "koduvo”.
  2. Add the prefix "ka-"; if the initial syllable of the cardinal number contains vowel of ‘a’. E.g. 4th is "kaapat".

Adverbs of Frequency

Numeral Cardinal numbers Ordinal numbers Coastal Kadazan Meaning
1 Insan One time / Once Kumoinsan First time
2 Induvo Two times / Twice Kumoinduvo Second time
3 Intohu Three times / Thrice Kumointohu Third time
4 Ingapat Four times Kumoingapat Fourth time
5 Inhimo Five times Kumoinhimo Fifth time
6 Ingonom Six times Kumoingonom Sixth time
7 Intuu’ Seven times Kumointuu’ Seventh time
8 Invahu Eight times Kumoinvahu Eighth time
9 Insizam Nine times Kumoinsizam Ninth time
10 Ingopod Ten times Kumoingopod Tenth time
11 Ingopod om iso’ Eleven times Kumoingopod om iso’ Eleventh time
12 Ingopod om duvo Twelve times Kumoingopod om duvo Twelfth time
13 Ingopod om tohu Thirteen times Kumoingopod om tohu Thirteenth time
20 Induvo ngoopod Twenty times Kumoinduvo ngoopod Twentieth time
50 Inhimo ngoopod Fifty times Kumoinhimo ngoopod Fiftieth time
100 Ingatus One hundred times Kumoingatus One hundredth time
1,000 Ingibu One thousand times Kumoingibu One thousandth time
1,000,000 Inlizong One million times Kumoinlizong One millionth time


To say how often by using a number followed by 'times', you add the prefix "in-" except:

  1. “Insan” (once)
  2. If the initial letter of the cardinal number is vowel, add the prefix "ing-"; e.g. four times is "ingapat”.
For ordinals, you just simply add the prefix "kumo-". E.g. second time is "kumoinduvo”.

Information compiled by Lesley Housten Kibat

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Information about Kadazandusun | Central Dusun phrases | Coastal Kadazan phrases | Numbers | Family words | Terms of endearment | Time | Weather words | Tower of Babel

Numbers in Bornean languages

Bonggi, Ida’an, Kadazandusun, Kelabit, Lun Bawang, Penan, Rejang

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