A collection of idiomatic expressions and sayings in Welsh, with English equivalents and translations.
Idioms | English versions |
Ar gefn ei geffyl gwyn | Full of mischief ("On the back of his white horse") |
Ar y gweill | In progress ("On the (knitting) needles") |
Dawnsio ar y dibyn | Playing with fire ("Dancing on the cliff edge") |
Dim yn yr un cae | Not in the same league ("Not in the same field") |
Mae fe'n gwybod hyd ei gyrn | He knows his own strengths and weaknesses ("He knows the length of his horns") |
Mae e'n cadw draenog yn ei boced Mae ganddo ddraenog yn ei boced |
He's tight with money ("He keeps/has a hedgehog in his pocket") |
Mae fe'n lladd gwair | He's killing time ("He's mowing hay") |
Mae'n draed moch arna fi | I've made a mess or in a mess about something I've done ("There is pigs feet on me") |
Mae'r esgid yn gwasgu | Money is scarce ("The shoe is very tight") |
Mi rown fy mhen i'w dorri | I'm absolutely certain ("I'll give my head for breaking") |
Rhoi'r ffidil yn y tô | To throw in the towel ("Put the fiddle in the roof") |
Roedd hi'n berwi fel cawl pys | She was chattering/talking incessantly ("She was boiling like pea soup") |
Yn cerdded yn ling di long | To dilly dally ("To loiter or walk casually") |
Other collections of Welsh idioms and expressions
http://ssiw.pbworks.com/w/page/39929721/Welsh Idioms
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It's all Greek to me | It's raining cats and dogs | As easy as falling off a log | A sandwich short of a picnic | It's small world | When pigs fly | Out of sight, out of mind | Crystal-clear | Penny Pinching | Practice makes perfect | The grass is always greener | As Snug as a Bug in a Rug
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