Ko Āwherika Māori (ꗛ ꕉ:ꗱꔸꕪ ꕮ:ꖺꔸ)

Ko Āwherika Māori is a way to write Māori with the Vai script devised by Xavier Merica. The name Ko Āwherika Māori means “African Māori” in Maori. Xavier chose this name because the Vai script comes from Africa, and he thought the wave-like shapes of some of the Vai glyphs was fitting for the oceanic culture of the Māori.

Ko Āwherika Māori

Ko Āwherika Māori


Long vowels can be marked with a colon.

Download an alphabet chart for Ko Āwherika Māori (Excel)

Sample text

ꗛ ꗳ ꕪꗋꕉ ꖺ ꕋ ꕚꕋꕚ ꔤ ꗳ ꕘꕯꖕꕋꕚꕋ ꕮꔤ ꗡ ꕎꗳꕉ ꕉꕯ ꔤ ꕋ ꗤꗸ ꕪꗋꕉ; ꗡ ꕚꖕꔸꗳꔸꗳ ꕉꕯ ꖽꕃ ꕋ ꕮꕯ ꘈ ꕋ ꔳꕪ. ꗡ ꕘꕪꔱꔱꕉ ꕉꕯ ꖽꕃ ꕃ ꕉ ꕟꗋꖕ ꗳ ꕋꕪꖕ ꕘꔤ ꕘꕪꕉꗐ ꘈ ꗳ ꔦꘉꕋꗐ ꗞꔦꖺ ꕃ ꗳ ꔳꕪ ꘈ ꗳ ꗤ, ꕉ ꗡ ꔳꕪ ꕉꕯ ꕃꕉ ꘈꔤꕋ ꗳ ꕮꔦ ꕉ ꗳꕚꔦ ꘈ ꕮ ꗐꗋ ꕉꖤ ꔤ ꗳ ꕎꔤꖩꕉ ꖺ ꗳ ꗟꖽ ꕚꔦ, ꕉꗟ ꗤ ꗳꔤꕯ ꗤ ꖤꕉꕪꕯ ꔤ ꔸꕋ ꔤ ꗳ ꕘꕪꕉꗐ ꗛꕚꔦ.


Ko te katoa o nga tangata i te whanaungatanga mai e watea ana i nga here katoa; e tauriterite ana hoki nga mana me nga tika. E whakawhiwhia ana hoki ki a ratou te ngakau whai whakaaro me te hinengaro mohio ki te tika me te he, a e tika ana kia meinga te mahi a tetahi ki tetahi me ma roto atu i te wairua o te noho tahi, ano he teina he tuakana i ringa i te whakaaro kotahi.


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

Information about Māori | Phrases | Numbers | Family words | Tower of Babel | Learning materials

Information about Vai | Vai syllabary | Phrases | Numbers

Scripts by Xavier Merica

Alphabetum Gothorum, Ellinovalkanikó Kyrillikó Alfávito, Ko Āwherika Māori, Latvian Runes, Magyargari, Mongŭlgariya, Surat Tana

Constructed scripts for: Ainu | Arabic | Chinese languages | Dutch | English | Hawaiian | Hungarian | Japanese | Korean | Lingala | Malay & Indonesian | Persian | Tagalog / Filipino | Russian | Sanskrit | Spanish | Taino | Turkish | Vietnamese | Welsh | Other natural languages | Colour-based scripts | Tactile scripts | Phonetic/universal scripts | Constructed scripts for constructed languages | Adaptations of existing alphabets | Fictional alphabets | Magical alphabets | A-Z index | How to submit a constructed script


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