Plains Cree numbers

How to count in Plains Cree (ᓀᐦᐃᔭᐍᐏᐣ / nēhiyawēwin), a Central Algonquin language spoken mainly in Canada.

Key to abbreviations: ND = northern dialect, SD = southern dialect

If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. If you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Numeral Cardinal Ordinal
1 ᐯᔭᐠ / pēyak [peːˈjak] (SD)
ᐱᔭᐠ / piyak (ND)
ᒣᐧᒋᐯᔭᑳᐧᐤ / mēcipēyakāw
2 ᓃᓱ / nīso [niːˈso] ᒣᐧᒋ ᓃᓱ / mēci nīso
3 ᓂᐢᑐ / nisto [niˈsto] ᒣᐧᒋᓂᐢᑖᐧᐤ / mēcinistāw
4 ᓀᐓ / nēwo [neːˈwo] ᒣᐧᒋᓀᐅᐧ / mēcinēwo
5 ᓃᔮᓇᐣ / nīyānan [ˈniːjaːˌnan] ᒣᐧᒋᓃᔮᓇᐣ / mēcinīyānan
6 ᓂᑯᑤᓯᐠ / nikotwāsik [niˈkotwaːˌsik] ᒣᐧᒋᓂᑯᑖᐧᓯᐠ / mēcinikotāsik
7 ᑌᐸᑰᑊ / tēpakōp [ˈtepaˌkoːp] (SD)
ᑏᐸᑯᐦᑊ / tīpakohp (ND)
ᒣᐧᒋᑌᐸᑯᐦᑊ / mēcitēpakohp
8 ᐁᔨᓈᓀᐤ / ēyinānēw [eːˈjinaːˌneːw] (SD)
ᐊᔨᓈᓃᐤ / ayinānīw (ND)
ᒣᐧᒋᐊᔨᓈᓀᐤ / mēciayinānēw
9 ᑫᑳᐨ ᒥᑖᑖᐟ / kēkāc mitātāt (SD)
ᑮᑳ-ᒥᑖᑕᐦᐟ / kīkā mitātaht (ND)
ᒣᐧᒋᑮᑳᒥᑖᑕᐦᐟ / mēcikīkāmitātaht
10 ᒥᑖᑖᐟ / mitātāt ᒣᐧᒋᒥᑖᑕᐦᐟ / mēcimitātaht
11 ᐯᔭᑯᓵᑊ / pēyakosāp [peːˈjakoˌsaːp]
ᒥᑖᑖᐟ ᐯᔭᑯᓵᑊ / mitātāt pēyakosāp
ᒣᐧᒋᐯᔭᑯᓵᑊ / mēcipēyakosāp
12 ᓃᓱᓵᑊ / nīsosāp
ᒥᑖᑖᐟ ᓃᓱᓵᑊ / mitātāt nīsosāp
ᒣᐧᒋᓃᓱᓵᑊ / mēcinīsosāp
13 ᓂᐢᑐᓵᑊ / nistosāp
ᒥᑖᑖᐟ ᓂᐢᑐᓵᑊ / mitātāt nistosāp
ᒣᐧᒋᓂᑐᓵᑊ / mēᐧcinitosāp
14 ᓀᐅᐧᓵᑊ / nēwosāp
ᒥᑖᑖᐟ ᓀᐓᓵᑊ / mitātāt nēwosāp
ᒣᐧᒋᓀᐅᐧᓵᑊ / mēcinēosāp
15 ᓂᔮᓇᓄᓵᑊ / niyānanosāp
ᒥᑖᑖᐟ ᓃᔮᓄᓵᑊ / mitātāt nīyānosāp
ᒣᐧᒋᓀᔮᓇᓄᓵ / mēcinēyānanosā
16 ᓂᑯᑖᐧᓱᓵᑊ / nikotāsosāp
ᒥᑖᑖᐟ ᓂᑯᑤᓱᓵᑊ / mitātāt nikotwāsosāp
ᒣᐧᒋᓂᑯᑖᐧᓱᓵᑊ / mēcinikotāsosāp
17 ᑌᐸᑯᐦᐳᓵᑊ / tēpakohposāp
ᒥᑖᑖᐟ ᑌᐸᑰᐳᓵᑊ / mitātāt tēpakōposāp
ᒣᐧᒋᑌᐸᑯᐦᐳᓵᑊ / mēcitēpakohposāp
18 ᐁᔨᓈᓀᐅᓵᑊ / ēyinānēosāp
ᒥᑖᑖᐟ ᐁᔨᓈᓀᐓᓵᑊ / mitātāt ēyinānēwosāp
ᒣᐧᒋ ᐁᔨᓈᓀᐅᓵᑊ / mēci ēyinānēosāp
19 ᑫᑳᐨ ᓃᓯᑕᓇᐤ / kēkāc nīsitanaw ᒣᐧᒋᑮᑳᒥᑕᐦᑕᑐᓵᑊ / mēcikīkāmitahtatosāp
20 ᓃᐢᑕᓇᐤ / nīstanaw ᒣᐧᒋᓃᐢᑕᓇᐤ / mēcinīstanaw
21 ᓃᐢᑕᓇᐤ ᐯᔭᑯᓵᑊ / nīstanaw pēyakosāp
22 ᓃᐢᑕᓇᐤ ᓃᓱᓵᑊ / nīstanaw nīsosāp
23 ᓃᐢᑕᓇᐤ ᓂᐢᑐᓵᑊ / nīstanaw nistosāp
24 ᓃᐢᑕᓇᐤ ᓀᐅᐧᓵᑊ / nīstanaw nēwosāp
25 ᓃᐢᑕᓇᐤ ᓃᔮᓄᓵᑊ / nīstanaw nīyānosāp
26 ᓃᐢᑕᓇᐤ ᓂᑯᑤᓱᓵᑊ / nīstanaw nikotwāsosāp
27 ᓃᐢᑕᓇᐤ ᑌᐸᑰᐳᓵᑊ / nīstanaw tēpakōposāp
28 ᓃᐢᑕᓇᐤ ᐁᔨᓈᓀᐓᓵᑊ / nīstanaw ēyinānēwosāp
29 ᑫᑳᐨ ᓂᐢᑐᒥᑕᓇᐤ / kēkāc nistomitanaw
30 ᓂᐢᑐᒥᑕᓇᐤ / nistomitanaw ᒣᐧᒋᓂᐢᑐᒥᑕᓇᐤ / mēcinistomitanaw
40 ᓀᒥᑕᓇᐤ / nēmitanaw
ᓀᐓᒥᑕᓇᐤ / nēwomitanaw
ᒣᐧᒋᓀᒥᑕᓇᐤ / mēcinēmitanaw
50 ᓃᔮᓇᓄᒥᑕᓇᐤ / nīyānanomitanaw
ᓃᔮᓄᒥᑕᓇᐤ / nīyānomitanaw
60 ᓂᑯᑤᓱᒥᑕᓇᐤ / nikotwāsomitanaw
70 ᑌᐸᑯᑊᒥᑕᓇᐤ ᐯᔭᑯᓵᑊ / tēpakopmitanaw pēyakosāp
80 ᐁᔨᓈᓀᐓᒥᑕᓇᐤ / ēyinānēwomitanaw
90 ᑫᑳᐨ ᒥᑖᐟ ᒥᑖᑐᒥᑕᓇᐤ / kēkāc mitāt mitātomitanaw
100 ᒥᑖᑕᐦᑐᒥᑕᓇᐤ / mitātahtomitanaw
ᒥᑖᑐᒥᑕᓇᐤ / mitātomitanaw

Hear some numbers in Plains Cree:

Information about Plains Cree numbers

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Information about Plains Cree | Phrases | Numbers

Numbers in Algonquian languages

Abenaki, Algonquin, Arapaho, Atikamekw, Blackfoot, Cheyenne, Chippewa, Cree (Moose), Cree (Plains), Cree (Swampy), Cree (Woods), Fox, Innu, Kickapoo, Malecite-Passamaquoddy, Menominee, Miami, Mi'kmaq, Mohegan, Naskapi, Ojibwe, Ottawa, Penobscot, Potawatomi, Sauk, Shawnee, Unami (Lenape)

Numbers in other languages

Alphabetical index | Language family index


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