Useful Venetian phrases

A collection of useful phrases in Venetian, a Romance language spoken mainly in Venice in Italy.

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See these phrases in any combination of two languages in the Phrase Finder. If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me.

Key to abbreviations: frm = formal, inf = informal, sg = singular (said to one person), pl = plural (said to more than one person), m = said to males, f = said to females.

English vèneto (Venetian)
Welcome Benvignùo
Benvegnù (sg-m)
Benvegnesto (sg-m)
Benvegnùa (sg-f)
Benvegnesta (sg-f)
Benvegnùi (pl-m)
Benvegnesti (pl-m)
Benvegnùe (pl-f)
Benvegneste (pl-f)
Hello (General greeting) Ciao!
How are you? Come xeƚa?
Come vaƚa?
Reply to 'How are you?' Stago ben, grassie. E ti?
Long time no see Quanto tenpo che no se vedemo!
What's your name? Che nòme gatu?
My name is ... Me ciamo ...
Mi, me ciamo ...
Gò nòme ...
Where are you from? De dove sito?
De indove sito?
I'm from ... Vegno da...
Sò da ...
Pleased to meet you Piasser de conosserte!
Good morning
(Morning greeting)
Good afternoon
(Afternoon greeting)
Good evening
(Evening greeting)
Bona sera
Good night Bona note
(Parting phrases)
Good luck! Bona fortuna!
Cheers! Good Health!
(Toasts used when drinking)
Have a nice day Pasa na bèƚa xornada
Pasa na bona xornada
Bon appetit /
Have a nice meal
Bon apetito!
Bon voyage /
Have a good journey
Bon viaxo!
Yes Si
No No
Maybe Forsi
I don't know No sò
I understand Capiso
I don't understand No capiso!
No go capio!
Please speak more slowly Parla più lento par piaser
Parla più lento par cortexìa
Please say that again Dime da novo, par piaser
Dime oncora
Ripèti par piaser
Ripètime par piaser
Please write it down El pol scriverlo? (frm)
Ti pol scriverlo? (inf)
Scrìveƚo (sg)
Scrivéƚo (pl)
Do you speak English? Te parli inglexe?
Do you speak Venetian? Pàrlitu venesian?
Yes, a little
(reply to 'Do you speak ...?')
Si, un fià
Speak to me in Par piaser pàrlame in venesian
How do you say ... in Venetian? Come se dìselo ... in venesian?
Excuse me El me scuxa
Scuxéme (pl)
How much is this? Cuanto cósteƚo?
Cuanto el vièn cuesto?
Sorry El me scuxa
Scuxéme (pl)
Please Per piasser
Thank you Grasie
Reply to thank you De niente
Where's the toilet / bathroom? Dove xeƚo el bagno?
Indove xeƚo el bagno?
This gentleman will pay for everything Sto sior el paga par tuto
This lady will pay for everything Sta siora ƚa paga par tuto
Would you like to dance with me? Vutu bałar co mi?
Do you come here often? Ti vien qua spesso? (sg/inf)
El vien qua spesso? (sg/frm)
Venì qua spesso? (pl)
I love you Te vògio ben
Get well soon Guarissi presto
Leave me alone! Ƚàsime in paxe!
Help! Aiuto!
Fire! Al fogo!
Stop! Férmate!
Call the police! Ciama ƚa poƚisia!
Ciama ƚe guardie!
Christmas greetings Bon Nadal
New Year greetings Bon ano
Easter greetings Bona Pascua
Birthday greetings Bon compleano
Tanti auguri
One language is never enough Na ƚengua soƚa no ƚa xé mai bastansa
My hovercraft is full of eels El me barchin el/'l xe pien de bixati

Hear some Venetian phrases

Phrases provided by Marcello Gianola and Paolo Sartori, with corrections, additions and recordings by Fabio "el Galepin" and Mauro Trevisan.

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Information about Venetian | Phrases | Numbers

Phrases in Romance/Italic languages

Aragonese, Aranese, Aromanian, Asturian, Catalan, Corsican, Extremaduran, French, Friulian, Galician, Gallo, Gascon, Guernésiais, Italian, Jèrriais, Ladino, Latin, Occitan, Mirandese, Monégasque, Mozarabic, Picard, Portuguese (Brazlian), Portuguese (European), Romanian, Romansh, Sardinian (Campidanese), Sardinian (Logodorese), Sicilian, Spanish, Venetian, Walloon

Phrases in other languages


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