Useful phrases in Mirandese

A collection of useful phrases in Mirandese (mirandés), a Western Ibero-Romance language spoken mainly in northern Portugal.

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Key to abbreviations: m = male (said by males), f = female (said by females) pl = plural (said to more than one person.

See these phrases in any combination of two languages in the Phrase Finder. If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me.

Phrase mirandés (Mirandese)
Welcome Bienbenido (m)
Bienbenida (f)
Bienbenidos (pl)
Hello (General greeting) Oulá
Buonos dies
Todo bien
Hello (on phone) Aló?
How are you? Cumo stá?
Reply to 'How are you?' Bien, oubrigado (m)
Bien, oubrigada (f)
Long time no see Aló?
What's your name? Qual ye le sou nome?
My name is ... L miu nome ye ...
Where are you from? Ye d'adonde?
Sós d'adonde?
D'adonde sós?
I'm from ... Bengo de ...
Sou de ...
Pleased to meet you Mui prazer an conhecé-lo
Good morning
(Morning greeting)
Buonos dies
Good afternoon
(Afternoon greeting)
Buona tarde
Good evening
(Evening greeting)
Buona tarde
Good night Buona nuite
(Parting phrases)
Até lougo
Good luck! Buona suorte!
Cheers! Good Health!
(Toasts used when drinking)
Have a nice day Ten un buonos dies!
Bon appetit /
Have a nice meal
Buono apetite!
Bon voyage /
Have a good journey
Buona biaige!
Yes Si
Maybe Talbeç
I don't know Nun sei
Do you understand? Antende?
Bocé antende?
I understand Cumprendo
I don't understand Nun antendo
Please speak more slowly Por fabor fale mais debagar
Please say that again Puode repetir esso, por fabor?
Please write it down Puode screbir esso para mi, por fabor?
Do you speak English? Fala anglés?
Do you speak Mirandese? Fala mirandés?
Yes, a little
(reply to 'Do you speak ...?')
Si, un pouco
I'm learning Mirandese Stou a daprender mirandés
Do you speak a language
other than
Quei lhénguas falas p'alhá de l mirandés?
Falas algua lhéngua p'alhá de l mirandés?
Speak to me in Mirandese Fale cumigo an mirandés
How do you say ... in Mirandese? Cumo se diç ... an mirandés?
Excuse me Cun licença
I would like ... Quiero ...
Gustarie ...
How much is this? Quanto custa?
Sorry Çculpe-me
Please Por fabor
Thank you Oubrigado (m)
Oubrigada (f)
Reply to thank you De nada
Where's the toilet / bathroom? Adonde ye la casa de banho?
This gentleman will pay for everything Este senhor bai pagar todo
This lady will pay for everything Esta senhora bai pagar todo
Would you like to dance with me? Quier beilçar cumigo?
Do you come here often? Bocé ben siempre eiqui?
I miss you Sinto la tua falta
You sinto suidade de bocé
I love you Amo-lo
Get well soon Que melhore lougo!
Las melhoras!
Go away! Suma-se!
Bai-se ambora!
Leave me alone! Deixa-me an paç!
Help! Socorro!
Fire! Fuogo!
Stop! Pára!
Call the police! Chame la polícia!
Christmas greetings Feliç Natal
Buonas Fiestas
New Year greetings Parabienes!
Feliç anibersairo!
Easter greetings Buona Páscoa
Páscoa Feliç
Birthday greetings Parabienes!
Feliç anibersairo!
Congratulations! Parabienes!
One language is never enough Ua solo léngua nunca basta
My hovercraft is full of eels L miu hobercraft stá cheno d'anguias

Hear some Mirandese phrases

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Information about Mirandese | Phrases | Numbers


Other collections of Mirandese phrasesção_mirandês

Phrases in Romance language languages

Aragonese, Aranese, Aromanian, Asturian, Catalan, Corsican, Extremaduran, French, Friulian, Galician, Gallo, Gascon, Guernésiais, Italian, Jèrriais, Ladino, Latin, Occitan, Mirandese, Monégasque, Mozarabic, Picard, Portuguese (Brazlian), Portuguese (European), Romanian, Romansh, Sardinian (Campidanese), Sardinian (Logodorese), Sicilian, Spanish, Venetian, Walloon

Phrases in other languages


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