A collection of useful phrases in Swiss German. These are in the Basel dialect (Baseldütsch) for which there is no standard written form - the spelling used here is that of Patrick Rensch.
See these phrases in any combination of two languages in the Phrase Finder. If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me.
Key to abbreviations: sg = said to one person, pl = said to more than one person, inf = informal, frm = formal.
English | Schwyzerdütsch (Swiss German) |
Welcome | Wilkomme |
Hello (General greeting) | Grüezi (frm) Sali (inf) Grüezi mittenand (pl/frm) Sali zämme (pl/inf) |
How are you? | Wie goots Ihne? (frm) Wie goots? (inf) |
Reply to 'How are you?' | Dangge, guet, und Ihne? (frm) Dangge, guet, und dir? (inf) |
Long time no see | Mr hänn is schon lang nümme g'seh. |
What's your name? | Wie isch Ihre name? (frm) Wie heissisch Du? (inf) |
My name is ... | I heisse ... Mi name isch ... |
Where are you from? | Wohär sind Sie (frm) Wohär bisch Du? (inf) |
I'm from ... | Ich bi vo ... |
Pleased to meet you | Fröit mi |
Good morning (Morning greeting) |
Guete Morge |
Good afternoon (Afternoon greeting) |
Gueten Abig Guete Daag |
Good evening (Evening greeting) |
Gueten Oobe |
Good night | Guet Nacht |
Goodbye (Parting phrases) |
Uf Widerluege Ciao Tschüss Bis spöter Sali Adieu |
Good luck! | Viel Glück Alles Gueti |
Cheers! Good Health! (Toasts used when drinking) |
Broscht! |
Have a nice day | Ich wünsch Ihne e schöne Daag (frm) Ich wünsch Dir e schöne Daag (inf) |
Bon appetit / Have a nice meal |
En Guete! |
Bon voyage / Have a good journey |
Gueti Reis! |
I understand | Ich verstand |
I don't understand | Ich verstand nit |
Please speak more slowly | Bitte schwätze Sie langsamer (frm) Bitte schwätz langsamer (inf) |
Please write it down | Bitte schriibe Sie das uf (frm) Bitte schriib das uf (inf) |
Do you speak Swiss German? | Könne Sie Schwitzerdütsch reede? (frm) Kasch Du Schwitzerdütsch reede? (inf) |
Yes, a little (reply to 'Do you speak ...?') |
Yo, e bitz |
How do you say ... in Swiss German? | Wie sait me ... uf Schwizerdütsch? |
Excuse me | Entschuldigung Exgüüsi |
How much is this? | Was koschtet das? |
Sorry | Es duet mr leid |
Thank you | Merci Merci vielmal Dangge |
Reply to thank you | Nüt z'dangge Gäärn gscheh |
Where's the toilet / bathroom? | Wo isch d'Toilette? |
This gentleman will pay for everything | Däh Herr zahlt für alles |
This lady will pay for everything | Die Dame zahlt für alles |
Would you like to dance with me? | Möchtesch Du mit mir danze? |
I love you | Ich liib dich I ha Di gärn |
Get well soon | Gueti Besserig |
Leave me alone! | Löhn Si mi in Ruh (frm) Loh mi in Ruh (inf) |
Help! | Hilfe! |
Fire! | Füür! |
Stop! | Halt! |
Call the police! | Riefe Sie dr Polizei! (frm) Rief dr Polizei! (inf) |
Christmas greetings | Schöni Fäschttäg Schöni Wienachte |
New Year greetings | E guets neus Jahr En guete Rutsch is neue Johr |
Easter greetings | Schöni Oschtere |
Birthday greetings | Härzlichi Glückwünsch zum Geburtstag |
One language is never enough | Ai Sprooch isch nie gnueg |
My hovercraft is full of eels | Mis Luftchüssiboot isch volle Aal |
Phrases supplied by Patrick Rensch
If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Information about Swiss German | Phrases | Numbers | Tower of Babel | Books about Swiss German on: Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk [affilate links]
Collections of Swiss German phrases
Learn Swiss German Online / Schweizerdeutsch lernen online
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