Useful phrases in Livonian

A collection of useful phrases in Livonian (Līvõ kēļ), a Finnic language that was spoken in Latvia, and that is currently being revived.

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See these phrases in any combination of two languages in the Phrase Finder. If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me.

Key to abbreviations: frm = formal, inf = informal, sg = singular (said to one person), pl = plural (said to more than one person).

Phrase Līvõ kēļ (Livonian)
Welcome Vȯl tēriņtš! (sg)
Vȯlgid tēriņtõd! (pl/frm)
Hello (General greeting) Tēriņtš!
Hello (on phone) Tšau!
How are you? Kui sinnõn lǟb?
Reply to 'How are you?' Tienū, jõvīst. Ja sinnõn? (sg)
Tienū, jõvīst. Ja täddõn? (pl/frm)
Vȯlks lǟdõ jo jõvīzt!
(Could be better)
Long time no see Amūst äd ūo nǟdõb (sg/inf)
Amūst äd ūotõ nǟdõb (sg/frm)
What's your name? Mingi sin nim um? (sg)
Mingi täd nim um? (frm)
Kui sīnda nutād? (sg)
Kui tēḑi nutāb? (pl/frm)
My name is ... Min nim um ...
Where are you from? Kust tēg perīņ ūotõ? (frm/pl)
Kust sinā perīņ ūod? (sg)
I'm from ... Minā lǟb ... -stõ
Where do you live? Kus tēg jelāt?
I live in ... Minā jelāb ...
Pleased to meet you Mīeldõb tuņḑšlõd. (sg/inf)
Mīeldõb tuņḑšlõt. (pl/frm)
Good morning
(Morning greeting)
Jõvā ūomõg
Good afternoon
(Afternoon greeting)
Jõvā pǟva
Good evening
(Evening greeting)
Jõvā ȭdõg
Good night Jõvvõ īedõ
(Parting phrases)
Nēmiz pǟl (Till seeing each other again)
Nēmiz sõņ (till seeing each other again)
Īe tēriņtš
Īegid tēriņtš
Ammõ jõvvõ (All the best)
Good luck! Ku vȯņštõd! (sg)
Ku vȯņštõt! (pl/frm)
Cheers! Good Health!
(Toasts used when drinking)
Tīeratõks pǟlõ! (To your health!)
Täd tīeratõks pǟlõ! (To your health!)
Have a nice day Knaššõ päuvõ!
Bon appetit /
Have a nice meal
Jõvvõ sīemnaigõ!
Bon voyage /
Have a good journey
Vȯndziztõ riekkõ!
No Äb
Maybe Võib-vȱlda
I don't know Minā äb tīeda.
Do you understand? Või sinā võid mȯistõ?
I understand Minā sō arū
I don't understand Minā äb sō arū.
Please speak more slowly Pōlaks rõkāndõb louglimi
Please say that again Või sinā sōd siedā ūdpǟl kītõ?
Või tēg sōtõ siedā ūdpǟl kītõ?
Please write it down Pōlaks kērat siedā ilzõ
Pōlaks kēratõgid siedā ilzõ
Do you speak English? Või sinā rõkāndõd engliš kīeldõ?
Või tēg rõkāndõt engliš kīeldõ?
Do you speak Estonian? Või sinā rõkāndõd ēsti kīeldõ?
Või tēg rõkāndõt ēsti kīeldõ?
Do you speak Finnish? Või sinā rõkāndõd sūomõ kīeldõ?
Või tēg rõkāndõt sūomõ kīeldõ?
Do you speak Livonian? Või sinā rõkāndõd līvõ kīeldõ?
Või tēg rõkāndõt līvõ kīeldõ?
Yes, a little
(reply to 'Do you speak ...?')
Nǟ, veiti
Do you speak a language
other than
Vȯi sinā rõkāndõb ka tuoizt kēļi?
Speak to me in Livonian Rõkāndõdvȯiti minkõks līvõ kīeldõ
How do you say ... in Livonian? Āndagid andõks! (frm/pl)
Excuse me Ānda andõks!
How much is this? Neijen se maksāb?
Sorry Āndagid andõks! (frm/pl)
Ānda andõks! (sg)
Please Pōlaks!
Thank you Tienū! (Thanks)
Mēg tiennõm! (We thank you)
Väggi tienūb! (Thank you very much)
Tienūb sidāmõst! (Thank you from my heart)
Reply to thank you Võtāgid jõvāks! (You're welcome)
Äb iļ mis! (No problem)
Where's the toilet / bathroom? Kus um piškikōmaŗ?
(Where is the toilet?)
Kus um vantubā?
(Where is the bathroom?)
This gentleman will pay for everything Se izānd maksāb ammõ
This lady will pay for everything Se jemānd maksāb ammõ
Would you like to dance with me? Või sinā tōd daņtšõ? (sg)
Või tēg tōtõ daņtšõ? (pl/frm)
Do you come here often? Vȯi sinā tulād tǟnõ saggõld?
I miss you Minā igābõb sīnda
I love you Minā ārmaztõb sinā
Get well soon Parānd! (sg)
Parāndõgid! (pl/frm)
Go away! Astā jarā! (sg)
Astāgid jarā! (frm/pl)
Leave me alone! Pan mīnda armsõ! (sg)
Pangid mīnda armsõ! (pl/frm)
Help! Abbõl!
Fire! Tuļ!
Stop! Loptā! (sg)
Loptāgid! (pl)
Call the police! Ulzõ kuts politsijõ! (sg)
Ulzõ kutsõgid politsijõ! (pl/frm)
Christmas greetings Rīemliži Taļšpivḑi
New Year greetings Vȯndzist Ūdtāigastõ!
Easter greetings Rīemliži lejāvõtāmõdõn
Birthday greetings Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ sindizpǟvaks!
Congratulations! Tēriņtõb!
Jennõ vȯnnõd!
One language is never enough Īdkõks kīeldõ äb täut kunāid
My hovercraft is full of eels Min lindõnaparāt um aņgõrd tǟdõks

Some phrases provided by Jōņȭdõg Kalāmīez and Nauris Lukjanovičs

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Information about Livonian | Phrases | Numbers | About another 'last' Livonian speaker


Other collections of Livonian phrases (PDF)

Phrases in Finnic languages

Estonian, Finnish, Kven, Livonian, Livvi-Karelian, Veps, Võro

Phrases in other languages


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