How to tell the time in Scottish Gaelic, a Celtic language spoken mainly in Scotland and Canada.
Telling the time | Days of the week | Months of the year | Seasons
English | Scottish Gaelic Gaelic (Gàidhlig) |
What time is it? | De'n uair a tha e? |
It's one o'clock | Tha e uair |
It's quarter past one | The e cairteal an dèidh uair |
It's half past one | The e leth-uair an dèidh uair |
It's quarter to two | Tha e cairteal gu dhà |
It's two o'clock | Tha e dà uair |
It's quarter past two | The e cairteal an dèidh dhà |
It's half past two | The e leth-uair an dèidh dhà |
It's quarter to three | Tha e cairteal gu trì |
It's three o'clock | Tha e trì uairean |
It's quarter past three | The e cairteal an dèidh trì |
It's half past three | The e leth-uair an dèidh trì |
It's quarter to four | Tha e cairteal gu ceithir |
It's four o'clock | Tha e ceithir uairean |
It's quarter past four | The e cairteal an dèidh ceithir |
It's half past four | The e leth-uair an dèidh ceithir |
It's quarter to five | Tha e cairteal gu còig |
It's five o'clock | Tha e còig uairean |
It's quarter past five | The e cairteal an dèidh còig |
It's half past five | The e leth-uair an dèidh còig |
It's quarter to six | Tha e cairteal gu sia |
It's six o'clock | Tha e sia uairean |
It's quarter past six | The e cairteal an dèidh sia |
It's half past six | The e leth-uair an dèidh sia |
It's quarter to seven | Tha e cairteal gu seachd |
It's seven o'clock | Tha e seachd uairean |
It's quarter past seven | The e cairteal an dèidh seachd |
It's half past seven | The e leth-uair an dèidh seachd |
It's quarter to eight | Tha e cairteal gu ochd |
It's eight o'clock | Tha e ochd uairean |
It's quarter past eight | The e cairteal an dèidh ochd |
It's half past eight | The e leth-uair an dèidh ochd |
It's quarter to nine | Tha e cairteal gu naoi |
It's nine o'clock | Tha e naoi uairean |
It's quarter past nine | The e cairteal an dèidh naoi |
It's half past nine | The e leth-uair an dèidh naoi |
It's quarter to ten | Tha e cairteal gu deich |
It's ten o'clock | Tha e deich uairean |
It's quarter past ten | The e cairteal an dèidh deich |
It's half past ten | The e leth-uair an dèidh deich |
It's quarter to eleven | Tha e cairteal gu aon deug |
It's eleven o'clock | Tha e aon uair deug |
It's quarter past eleven | The e cairteal an dèidh aon deug |
It's half past eleven | The e leth-uair an dèidh aon deug |
It's quarter to twelve | Tha e cairteal gu dhà dheug |
It's twelve o'clock | Tha e dà uair dheug |
It's quarter past twelve | The e cairteal an dèidh dhà dheug |
It's half past twelve | The e leth-uair an dèidh dhà dheug |
It's quarter to one | Tha e cairteal gu aon uair |
it's midnight | Tha e meadhan oidhche |
it's midday | Tha e meadhan là |
in the morning | sa mhadainn |
in the afternoon | feasgar |
in the evening | feasgar |
Monday | Diluain |
Tuesday | Dimàirt |
Wednesday | Diciadain |
Thursday | Diardaoin |
Friday | Dihaoine |
Saturday | Disatharna |
Sunday | Didòmhnaich Là na Sàbaid |
January | am Faoilleach |
February | an Gearran |
March | am Màrt |
April | an Giblean |
May | an Cèitean |
June | an t-Ògmhios |
July | an t-luchar |
August | an Lùnastal |
September | an t-Sultain |
October | an Dàmhair |
November | an t-Samhain |
December | an Dùbhlachd |
Spring | earrach |
Summer | samhradh |
Autumn/Fall | foghar |
Winter | geamhradh |
If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Information about Scottish Gaelic | Phrases | Numbers | Family words | Terms of endearment | Colours | Time | Dates | Comparison of Celtic languages | Celtic cognates | Celtiadur | Tower of Babel | Songs | Links | My podcast about Scottish Gaelic | Learning materials
Breton, Cornish, Irish, Manx, Scottish Gaelic, Welsh
Days of the week | Months of the year | Seasons | Telling the Time | Dates
Useful phrases | Silly phrases | Numbers | Numerals | Colours | Telling the time | Dates | Weather words | Family words | Terms of endearment | Language names | Country names | Idioms | Proverbs | Tongue twisters | Signs | Compass directions | UDHR | Tower of Babel | Songs | Omniglot | Seven dwarfs | Zodiac signs | Computer parts | Compass directions | Animal sounds
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