A collection of useful phrases in Udmurt (удмурт кыл), a Permic language spoken mainly in the Russian republic of Udmurtia
See these phrases in any combination of two languages in the Phrase Finder. If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me.
Key to abbreviations: sg = singular (said to one person), pl = plural (said to more than one person).
Phrase | удмурт кыл (Udmurt) |
Welcome | Гажаса ӧтиськом (Gažasa ötis’kom) |
Hello (General greeting) | Чырткем (Čyrtkem) Ӟечбур (Dźečbur) - sg Ӟечбуресь (Dźečbures’) - pl Умой (Ymoj) - sg Умоесь (Ymoes’) - pl |
Hello (on phone) | |
How are you? | Кыӵе-мар улӥськод? (Kyće-mar ulïs’kod?) Кыӵе улӥськод? (Kyće ulïs’kod?) Кызьы тӥляд ужъёсты? (Kyz’y tïljad už”josty?) |
Reply to 'How are you?' | Тау, умой (Tau umoj) Ярам, тау (Jaram, tau) |
Long time no see | |
What's your name? | Кызьы тон нимыд? (Kyz’y ton nimyd?) |
My name is ... | Монэ ӧтизы ... (Mone ötizy ...) |
Where are you from? | |
I'm from ... | |
Pleased to meet you | Туж умой (Tuž umoj) |
Good morning (Morning greeting) |
Ӟеч ӵукна (Dźeč ćukna) |
Good afternoon (Afternoon greeting) |
Good evening (Evening greeting) |
Ӟеч ӝыт (Dźeč džyt) |
Good night | Ӟеч кӧл (Dźeč köl) |
Goodbye (Parting phrases) |
Ӟеч (Dźeč) - sg Ӟечечесь (Dźečes’) - pl Ӟеч лу (Dźeč lu) - sg Ӟеч луэ (Dźeč lue) - pl |
Good luck! | |
Cheers! Good Health! (Toasts used when drinking) |
Have a nice day | |
Bon appetit / Have a nice meal |
Bon voyage / Have a good journey |
Yes | Бен (Ben) |
No | Ӧвӧл (Ovol) |
Maybe | |
I don't know | |
Do you understand? | Валамон-а? (Valamon-a?) |
I understand | |
I don't understand | Мыным валантем (Mynym valantem) Уг валаськы мон (Ug valas’ky mon) |
Please speak more slowly | |
Please say that again | |
Please write it down | |
Do you speak English? | Тон шуид вал, англи сямен? (Ton šuid val, angli sjamen?) |
Do you speak Udmurt? | |
Yes, a little (reply to 'Do you speak ...?') |
I'm learning Udmurt? | Удмурт кыллы дышетскисько (Udmurt kylly dyšetskis’ko) Мон удмурт кыллы дышетскисько (Mon udmurt kylly dyšetskis’ko) |
Do you speak a language other than Udmurt? |
Speak to me in Udmurt | |
How do you say ... in Udmurt? | |
Excuse me | Вождэ эн вай мыным (Vožde en vaj mynym) Простить кароз-а (Prostit’ karoz-a) |
How much is this? | |
Sorry | Вождэс эн вае (Voždes en vae) |
Please | Пожалуйста (Požalujsta) |
Thank you | Тау (Tau) |
Reply to thank you | Пожалуйста (Požalujsta) |
Where's the toilet / bathroom? | Туалетэ кытын улэ? (Tyalete kytyn ule?) |
This gentleman will pay for everything | |
This lady will pay for everything | |
Would you like to dance with me? | |
Do you come here often? | |
I miss you | |
I love you | Мон тонэ яратӥсько (Mon tone jaratïc’ko) |
Get well soon | |
Go away! | |
Leave me alone! | |
Help! | Юрттэ! (Jurtte!) |
Fire! | |
Stop! | |
Call the police! | |
Christmas greetings | Выль Арен, но Толсур (Byl' Aren, no Tolsur) |
New Year greetings | |
Easter greetings | |
Birthday greetings | |
Congratulations! | |
One language is never enough | |
My hovercraft is full of eels |
Here some more Udmurt phrases:
If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Information about Udmurt | Phrases | Numbers
Other collections of Udmurt phrases
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