Useful phrases in Romániço

A collection of useful phrases in Romániço, a simplified language invented in 1991 to bridge the gap between the schematic and the naturalistic in constructed languages.

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Phrase Romániço
Welcome Bon-veninta
Hello (General greeting) Saluto
Hello (on phone) Haló
How are you? Cuale vi standan?
Reply to 'How are you?' Valde bona, regratio. Et vi?
Long time no see Cuanta témporo sine vider vi!
What's your name? Cua es vua nómino?
My name is ... Mea nómino es ...
Where are you from? De ube es vi?
I'm from ... Mi es de ...
Pleased to meet you Multa placero
Good morning
(Morning greeting)
Bona matino
Good afternoon
(Afternoon greeting)
Bona post-meridio
Good evening
(Evening greeting)
Bona véspero
Good night Bona nocto
(Parting phrases)
Usche rivido (See you later)
Good luck! Bona sorto!
Cheers! Good Health!
(Toasts used when drinking)
(Ad vua) sanitio!
Have a nice day Bona dio ad vi
Bon appetit /
Have a nice meal
Bona apetito
Bon voyage /
Have a good journey
Bona viajo
I understand Mi comprensan
I don't understand Mi ne comprensan
Yes Sic
No No
Maybe Forse
I don't know Me ne sapan
Please speak more slowly (Parles) plu lente, mi precan
Please say that again Répetes ecuilo, mi precan
Please write it down Scribes lo, mi precan
Do you speak English? Parles vi Anglenso?
Do you speak Romániço? Parles vi Romániço?
Yes, a little
(reply to 'Do you speak ...?')
Sic, pauchete
Speak to me in Romániço
How do you say ... in Romániço? Cuale homi diçan ... en Romániço?
Excuse me Perdono
How much is this? Cuante ecuisto costan?
Sorry Perdono
Please Mi precan
Thank you Regratio
Reply to thank you Ne mentionanda
Mea placero
Where's the toilet / bathroom? Ube es la latrinayo?
This gentleman will pay for everything Ecuista senioriçho pagun omno
This lady will pay for everything Ecuista senioriso pagun omno
Would you like to dance with me? Volitioneban vi dancer cum mi?
I miss you Mi sentan vua manco
Vi mancan ad mi
I love you Mi amoran vi
Get well soon Risaneces
Go away!
Leave me alone! Laces mi en paço
Help! Adjuto!
Fire! Foco!
Stop! Haltes!
Call the police! Voches la politío!
Christmas greetings Feliça Natalo!
New Year greetings Feliça Nova Anuo!
Easter greetings Feliça Pascuo!
Birthday greetings Feliça naç-aniversario!
One language is never enough Una linguajo jamás sufiçan
My hovercraft is full of eels Mea aeroglisatoro es plena de anguilos


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