
Prynhawn ddoe roedd sesiwn cerddoriaeth da yn fy nhŷ, ac ar ôl cinio mi es i i’r côr cymuned. Yr wythnos ‘ma mi wnaethon ni canu caneuon yn Saesneg, Xhosa a Georgeg. Ar ôl hyn mi es i adref, ac yna i sesiwn cerddoriaeth gwerin yn y Skerries. Dyma’r tro cyntaf i mi mynd i’r sesiwn ‘na. Roedd ffrindiau yna o’r grŵp dawns forys, a phobl eraill dw i ddim yn nabod eto – myfryrwyr ydy’r mwyafrif ohonyn nhw, dw i’n meddwl. Mi wnaeth llawer o bobl yn gadael tua hanner wedi deg, ac ro’n i yna hyd un ar ddeg. Bydda i’n ceisio cyrraedd yn gynharach yr wythnos nesaf.

Yesterday afternoon there was a good music session, and after tea I went to the community choir. This week we sang songs in English, Xhosa and Georgian. After that I went home, and then to a folk music session in the Skerries. This was the first time I’ve been to that session. Some friends from the morris dancing group were there, and other people I don’t know yet – most of them are students, I think. A lot of people left at about half ten, and I was there until eleven. I’ll try to arrive a bit earlier next week.


Neithiwr es i i gynerdd yn y Caffi Blue Sky. Rhan o’r gŵyl barddoniaeth ydoedd, a dathliad cerddorol o waith Charles Causley, bardd o Gernyw. Yn anffodus mi fethodd un o’r perfformwr, Jim Causley o Ddyfnaint, yn dod, felly roedd dim ond dau berfformwyr – Julie Murphy a Ceri Owen Jones. Cantores o Essex yn wreddiol ydy Julie Murphy, a thelynor o Ganada yn wreddiol ydy Ceri Owen Jones, a maen nhw’n byw yng Nghymru bellach. Roedden nhw’n canu caneuon ac alawon hyfryd ar y telyn, y piano ac ar y trombôn, ac mae llais canu hyfryd gan Julie.

Last night I went to a concert at the Blue Sky Café. It was part of the poetry festival, and a musical celebration of a the work of Charles Causley, a poet from Cornwall. Unfortunately one of the performers, Jim Causley from Devon, was unable to come, so there were only two performers – Julie Murphy and Ceri Owen Jones. Julie Murphy is a singer originally from Essex, and Ceri Owen Jones is a harpist originally from Canada, and they both live in Wales now. They sang and played some beautiful songs and tunes on the harp, piano and trombone, and Julie has a lovely singing voice.

Cerddoriaeth a glaw

Mi wnes i gweithio bore ddoe, ac ar ôl cinio mi wnes canu rhyw alawon ar offer gwahanol. Mi wnes i parhau sgwenu fy nghân newydd hefyd, ac mae gen i pedwar pennill, mwy neu lai, erbyn hyn, ond dw i ddim yn siŵr am alaw eto. Mi wnaeth hi’n bwrw glaw trwn yn y prynhawn, ac gyda’r nos mi es i i’r tafarn Groegeg i ganu’r iwcwlili. Roedd dim mond dau ohonon ni yna, ac mi wnaethon ni penderfynu na fyddan ni’n cyfarfod ar nos Iau yr wythnos nesaf yn unig, heblaw mae pobl sy’n methu dod nos Iau a sy’n eisiau cyfarfod ar nos Lun.

I did some work yesterday morning, and after lunch I played some tunes on various instruments. I also continued writing my new song, and I now have four verses, more or less, though I’m not sure of a tune yet. It rained heavily in the afternoon, and in the evening I went to the Greek taverna to play the ukulele. There were only two of us there this week, and we decided that we’ll only meet on Thursday night next week, unless anybody can’t come on Thursday nights and want to meet on Monday nights.

Sgwrs a barddoniaeth

Mi ddaeth ffrind o’r côr cymuned i’r grŵp sgwrsio ddoe, ac ro’n ni’n siarad am ac yn yr Almaeneg yn bennaf. Dw i ‘di anghofio llawer o fy Almaeneg, ond mae’n dod yn ôl erbyn hyn. Ar ôl hyn mi es i adref am dipyn o fwyd, ac yna mi es i Caffi Blue Sky am noswaith o farddoniaeth a cherddoriaeth – rhan o wŷl barddoniaeth rhyngwladol. Mi wnaeth tri band lleol yn canu, ac mi wnaeth bardd o Wlad Pwyl yn adrodd ei gerddi yn y Bwyleg efo cyfeiliant un o’r bandiau. Roedd y band cyntaf yn uchel dros ben llestri efo gitâr trydan yn sgrechian, ond roedd y bandiau eraill yn well.

A friend from the community choir came to the conversation group yesterday, and we talked mainly about and in German. I’ve forgotten a lot of my German, but it’s starting to come back. After that I went home for a bit to eat, then went to the Blue Sky Café for an evening of music and poetry – part of an international festival of poetry. Three bands played, and a poetry from Poland recited with poetry in Polish with accompaniment from one of the bands. The first band were way too loud with an electric guitar screeching away, but the other bands were better.


Bore ddoe mi es i i’r grŵp recordyddion, ond roedd dim ond dau ohonon ni yna – mi wnaeth un o’r aelodau angofio bod y grŵp yn cyfarfod ddoe – felly mi wnaethon ni penderfynu gohirio’r sesiwn hyd yr wythnos nesaf. Mi wnes i canu yn y côr MS yn y prynhawn, ac mi wnes i aros gatref gyda’r nos.

Yesterday morning I went to the recorder group, but there were only two of us there – one member of the group forget that we were meeting yesterday – so we decided to postpone the session until next week. I sang in the MS choir in the afternoon, and had a night in.

Ffrangeg a iwcwlilis

Roedd dim ond tri ohonon ni yn y grŵp sgwrsio Ffrangeg heno – wel tri a hanner, a dweud y gwir – roedd un arall sy’n medru deall Ffrangeg ac sy’n methu ei siarad. Ar ôl awr o Ffrangeg mi es i i’r clwb iwcwlili yn y tafarn Groegeg. Roedd llai ohonon ni yna na’r wythnos diwetha’ – tua deg, dw i’n meddwl, ond mae hyn yn lot mwy na’r tymor diwetha’. Heblaw’r caneuon arferol, mi wnes i canu rhyw ganeuon fy hunan hefyd, caneuon dw i ‘di sgwenu.

There were only three of us in the French conversation group tonight – well, three and a half actually – there was one who can understand French but doesn’t speak it. After an hour of French I went to the ukulele club in the Greek. There were fewer of us there than last week – about 10, I think, but that’s a lot more than last term. Apart from the usual songs, I also sang a few of my own songs, songs that I’ve written.


Ar ôl brecwast y bore ‘ma mi wnes i taflu yr afalau olaf o’r afallen yn fy ngardd, ac yna mi es i i’r archfachnad. Roedd hi’n bwrw glaw mân ar y ffordd yna, ac ar y ffordd adref mi wnaeth hi’n dechrau treisio bwrw. Yn ffodus roedd gen i trywsus dal dŵr, felly do’n i ddim gor wlyb. Mi wnes i tipyn bach o waith cyn ac ar ôl cinio, ac mi wnes canu cerddoriaeth efo ffrindiau yn y prynhawn. Gyda’r nos mi wnes i canu yn y côr cymuned. Dan ni’n dysgu cân o’r ardal Megrelian yn Georgia ar hyn o bryd – mae’r geiriau yn anodd i ynganu ac i gofio, ond mae’r cytgordiau yn hyfryd.

After breakfast this morning I picked the last of the apples from the apple tree in my garden, and then went to the supermarket. It was drizzling on the way there, and on the way back it started to pour down. Fortunately I had my waterproof trouser, so I didn’t get too wet. I did a bit of work before and after lunch, and played music with friends in the afternoon. In the evening I went to the community choir. We are learning a song from the Megrelian region of Georgia at the moment – the words are difficult to pronounce and to remember, but the harmonies are lovely.

Clwb Iwcwlili

Roedd pedwar ohonon ni yn y clwb iwcwlili heno – tri myfyrwyr a fi. Mae myfyrwr, o Loegr, yn medru canu’r iwc yn dda, ac mae dau arall, o Tsieina, wedi dechrau canu’r iwc yr wythnos diwethaf. Mi wnaethon ni canu caneuon eithaf syml dan ni i gyd yn gwybod heb gormod o gordiau. Roedd y grŵp iwc yn cyfarfod un waith yr wythnos, ond mi wnes i awgrymu cyfarfod arall ar nos Lun ar gyfer y rhai sy methu dod ar nos Iau, ac ar gyfer y rhai sy’n eisiau canu iwcs dwy waith yr wythnos.

There were four of us in the ukulele club tonight – three students and me. One student, from England, can play the uke well, and two others, from China, started playing the uke last week. We played fairly simple songs that we all know without too many chords. The group was meeting once a week, but I suggested another meeting on Monday nights for those who can’t come on Thursday nights, and for those who want to play ukes twice a week.

Digonedd o gorau

Y bore ‘ma mi wnes i tipyn bach o waith, ac yn y prynhawn mi wnes i canu yn y côr MS. Gyda’r nos mi wnes i canu yn côr gwirion, ac roedd aelod newydd yna – ffrind i mi o’r grŵp sgwrsio Ffrangeg. Mi wnaeth o dysgu ni cân yn yr Almaeneg, ac mi wnaethon ni mwynhau ein hunain yn fawr.

This morning I did a bit of work, and in the afternoon I sang in the MS choir. In the evening I sang in the crazy choir, and there was a new member there – a friend of mine from the French conversation group. He taught us a German song, and we really enjoyed ourselves.

Ffrangeg a Iwcailis

Ro’n i’n ar fin mynd i’r grŵp sgwrsio Ffrangeg heno pan ges i neges testun o’r hogyn sy’n rhedeg y grŵp iwcalili yn gofyn i mi i helpu efo gwers iwcalili yn y prifysgol. Felly es i yno ac mi wnes i helpu tipyn bach. Roedd y gwers yn Siamber Cyngor y prifysgol – ystafell grand iawn. Ar ôl hynny mi aethon ni i’r tafarn Groegeg lle mi wnaethon ni parhau i ganu a sgwrsio. Dydy’r grŵp mewn trefn da ar hyn o bryd, ond mi wnaethon ni mwynhau beth bynnag.

I was about to go to the French conversation group tonight when I got a text from the lad who runs the ukulele group asking for help with a ukulele lesson in the university. So I went there and helped a bit. The lesson was in the university’s Council Chamber – a rather fine room. After that we went to the Greek and continued to play, sing and chat. The group isn’t very well organized at the moment, but we enjoyed it anyway.