The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11: 1-9) in Hmong
Hmong Daw / White Hmong (Hmongb Dleub)
- Tag nrho tej neeg hauv ntiajteb puavleej paub tib yam lus thiab siv tej lus ib yam nkaus.
- Thaum lawv tsiv mus rau sab hnub tuaj mas mus txog ib lub tiaj ntawm Sina tebchaws ces tsawm ua vaj ua tsev nyob qhov ntawd.
- Lawv nyias taus nyias hais tias, "Peb cia li tuaj ua ke ua thwv cib muab hlawv kom tawv." Lawv txawm muaj thwv cib siv ib yam li pob zeb, thiab muaj roj av nplaum siv ib yam li hmoov zeb sib.
- Lawv hais tias, "Cia li tuaj, peb rhawv ib lub nroog thiab ua ib tug pej thuam kom lub ntsis siab mus nto ntuj, thiab cia peb ua kom peb tau koob meej. Yog peb tsis ua li ntawd peb yuav khiav ri sia mus thoob ntiajteb."
- Yawmsaub nqes los siab lub nroog ntauwd thiab tus pej thuam uas neeg ua ntawd.
- Mas Yawmsaub hais tias, "Saib maj, cov neeg no yog tib haiv neeg thiab lawv sawvdaws hais tib yam lus. No yog qhov uas lawv nyuam qhuav pib ua xwb, mas nimno yog lawv xav ua ib yam dabtsi los lawv yeej ua kom tau xwb.
- Cia peb nqes mus ua kom lawv tej lus ntxhov tsis sib thooj kom ib leeg hais ib leeg thiaj tsis nkag siab."
- Yawmsaub thiaj ua rau lawv tawg ri sua qhov ntawd mus thoob ntiajteb, lawv thiaj tso tseg tsis ua lub nroog ntawd lawm.
- Vim li no thiaj hu lub nroog ntawd ua Npanpee, vim qhov chaw ntawd Yawmsaub ua rau lawv tej lus ntxhov thoob ntiajteb. Thiab Yawmsaub ua rau lawv tawg ri sua qhov ntawd mus thoob ntiajteb.
Source: Vajtswv Txojlus Txhais Tshiab Xyoo 2004
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Tower of Babel in:
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Iu Mien |
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Tower of Babel in Hmong-Mien languages
Hmong Daw (White Hmong),
Hmong Njua (Blue Hmong),
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