Useful Latvian phrases

A collection of useful phrases in Latvian, a Baltic language spoken mainly in Latvia, with mp3 audio recordings.

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Key to abbreviations: frm = formal, inf = informal

English latviešu valoda (Latvian)
Welcome Laipni lūdzam
Hello (General greeting) Sveiki
How are you? Kā jums klājas? (frm)
Kā tev iet? (inf)
Reply to 'How are you?' Paldies, labi. Un jums?
Long time no see Sen neredzēts
Sen neredzēta
What's your name? Kā tevi sauc? (inf)
Kā Jūs sauc? (frm)
My name is ... Mani sauc ...
Where are you from? No kurienes Jūs esat?
I'm from ... Es esmu no ...
Pleased to meet you Priecājos ar Jums iepazīties
Good morning
(Morning greeting)
Good afternoon
(Afternoon greeting)
Good evening
(Evening greeting)
Good night Ar labunakti
(Parting phrases)
Uz redzēšanos
Good luck! Veiksmi!
Lai tev veicas! (inf)
Lai Jums veicas! (frm)
Cheers! Good Health!
(Toasts used when drinking)
Uz veselību!
Priekā! (in happiness)
Have a nice day Lai jums laba diena
Bon appetit /
Have a nice meal
Labu apetīti
Bon voyage /
Have a good journey
Laimīgu ceļu
I understand Es saprotu
I don't understand Es nesaprotu
Maybe Varbūt
I don't know Es nezinu
Please speak more slowly Lūdzu, runājiet lēnāk
Please say that again Lūdzu, pasakiet to vēlreiz
Please write it down Vai Jūs nevarētu Lūdzu to uzrakstīt?
Vai Jūs lūdzu varētu to uzrakstīt?
Do you speak Latvian? Vai Jūs runājat latviski?
Vai Jūs runājat latviešu valodā?
Yes, a little
(reply to 'Do you speak ...?')
Jā, nedaudz
How do you say ... in Latvian? Kā latviešu valodā būs ...?
Excuse me Piedodiet! (frm)
Piedod! (inf)
Atvainojiet! (frm)
Atvaino! (inf)
I would like ... Es gribētu ...
How much is this? Cik tas maksā?
Sorry Piedodiet! (frm)
Piedo! (inf)
Atvainojiet! (frm)
Atvaino! (inf)
Please Lūdzu
Thank you Paldies
Liels paldies
Reply to thank you Vienmēr laipni
Where's the toilet / bathroom? Kur ir tualete?
This gentleman will pay for everything Šis kungs par visu samaksās
This lady will pay for everything Šī kundze par visu samaksās
Would you like to dance with me? Vai Jūs vēlaties dejot?
I miss you Man tevis pietrūkst
I love you Es tevi mīlu
Get well soon Veseļojies
Go away! Atstājiet mani mierā!
Leave me alone! Lieciet mani mierā!
Help! Palīgā!
Fire! Ugunsgrēks!
Stop! Stāviet! (frm)
Stāvi! (inf)
Call the police! Izsauciet policiju!
Christmas greetings Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus
New Year greetings Laimīgu Jauno gadu
Easter greetings Priecīgas Lieldienas
Birthday greetings Daudz laimes dzimšanas dienā!
Apsveicu dzimšanas dienā
Congratulations! Apsveicam!
One language is never enough Ar vienu valodu nekad nepietiek
My hovercraft is full of eels Mans transportlīdzeklis uz gaisa spilvena ir pilns ar zušiem
Mans gliseris ir pilns ar zušiem

Recordings by Lilija N

Download all the audio files (Zip format, 1.47MB)

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.

Hear some Latvian phrases:

Information about Latvian | Phrases | Numbers | Family words | Tower of Babel | Learning materials


Collections of Latvian phrases (some with audio)

Phrases in Baltic languages

Latvian, Lithuanian, Samogitian

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