The Polyglot Conference came to and end yesterday, and while it was only a few days, we managed to pack quite a lot into the time.
Yesterday I went to talks on the Pirahã language, Braille, personality-focused training in second language acquisition, and the character traits of polyglots.
I also gave my talk on the diversity of writing systems to a nearly full room. Quite a few people told me afterwards that they really enjoyed it and found it interesting. Which is encouraging.
At the end of the conference we were told where next year’s conference will be: Fukuoka (福岡市) in Japan from 18-20 October 2019. I haven’t decided whether to go yet.
I left a very wet Ljubljana this morning and flew to Manchester via Frankfurt. Apart from a bit of turbulence, everything went smoothly. I’m currently on the train from Manchester Airport to Crewe. Should be home in a few hours.
Simon: will you be posting the text of your ‘Diversity of writing systems’ talk on the Omniglot website? I’m sure many people (including me) would be interested to read it.
There is no written text for the presentation – I just made some slides and notes, then improvised the presentation based on them.
There will, however, be a video of the talk, eventually, which I’ll link to.