How to count in Cham (ꨀꨇꩉ ꨌꩌ / Akhar Cam), a Chamic language spoken in parts of Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand and Laos.
If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. If you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Numeral | Cardinal |
0 (꩐) | ꨧꨯꨱꩍ (saoh) |
1 (꩑) | ꨧ (sa) |
2 (꩒) | ꨕꨶ (dua) |
3 (꩓) | ꨆꨵꨮꨭ (klau) |
4 (꩔) | ꨚꩀ (pak) |
5 (꩕) | ꨤꨪꨟ (lima) |
6 (꩖) | ꨗꩌ (nam) |
7 (꩗) | ꨓꨪꨎꨭꩍ (tijuh) |
8 (꩘) | ꨕꨤꨚꩆ (dalapan) |
9 (꩙) | ꨧꨤꨚꩆ (salapan) |
10 (꩑꩐) | ꨧ ꨚꨵꨭꩍ (sa pluh) |
11 (꩑꩑) | ꨧ ꨚꨵꨭꩍ ꨧ (sa pluh sa) |
12 (꩑꩒) | ꨧ ꨚꨵꨭꩍ (sa pluh dua) |
13 (꩑꩓) | ꨧ ꨚꨵꨭꩍ ꨆꨵꨮꨭ (sa pluh klau) |
14 (꩑꩔) | ꨧ ꨚꨵꨭꩍ ꨚꩀ (sa pluh pak) |
15 (꩑꩕) | ꨧ ꨚꨵꨭꩍ ꨤꨪꨟ (sa pluh lima) |
16 (꩑꩖) | ꨧ ꨚꨵꨭꩍ ꨗꩌ (sa pluh nam) |
17 (꩑꩗) | ꨧ ꨚꨵꨭꩍ ꨓꨪꨎꨭꩍ (sa pluh tijuh) |
18 (꩑꩘) | ꨧ ꨚꨵꨭꩍ ꨕꨤꨚꩆ (sa pluh dalapan) |
19 (꩑꩙) | ꨧ ꨚꨵꨭꩍ ꨧꨤꨚꩆ (sa pluh salapan) |
20 (꩒꩐) | ꨕꨶ ꨚꨵꨭꩍ (dua pluh) |
30 (꩓꩐) | ꨆꨵꨮꨭ ꨚꨵꨭꩍ (klau pluh) |
40 (꩔꩐) | ꨚꩀ ꨚꨵꨭꩍ (pak pluh) |
50 (꩕꩐) | ꨤꨪꨟ ꨚꨵꨭꩍ (lima pluh) |
60 (꩖꩐) | ꨗꩌ ꨚꨵꨭꩍ (nam pluh) |
70 (꩗꩐) | ꨓꨪꨎꨭꩍ ꨚꨵꨭꩍ (tijuh pluh) |
80 (꩘꩐) | ꨕꨤꨚꩆ ꨚꨵꨭꩍ (dalapan pluh) |
90 (꩙꩐) | ꨧꨤꨚꩆ ꨚꨵꨭꩍ (salapan pluh) |
100 (꩑꩐꩐) | ꨧ ꨣꨩꨓꨭꩍ (sa ratuh) |
1,000 (꩑꩐꩐꩐) | ꨧ ꨣꨪꨝꨮꨭ (sa ribau) |
10,000 (꩑꩐꩐꩐꩐) | ꨧ ꨓꨟꩆ (sa taman) |
100,000 (꩑꩐꩐꩐꩐꩐) | ꨧ ꨆꨯꩅ (sa kot) |
Hear some Cham numbers:
If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Information about Cham | Numbers
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