Numbers in Akhvakh (Ашвaлъи мицIи), a North East Caucasian language spoken in Dagestan in the Russian Federation, and in Azerbaijan.
If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. If you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Numeral | Cardinal | Ordinal |
1 | че(бе) (če(be)) | и̃чьисиги (ĩč’icigi) |
2 | кӀеда(бе) (kˡeda(be)) | кьебиликӀида (k’ebilikˡida) |
3 | лъӏвада(бе) (l”ˡvada(be)) | лъӏбиликъӀида (l”ˡabilil”ˡ’ida) |
4 | бокъӀода(бе) (boqˡoda(be)) | |
5 | и̃штуда(бе) (ĩštuda(be)) | |
6 | и̃лъӏидабе (ĩl”ˡidabe) | |
7 | акьуда(бе) (ak’uda(be)) | |
8 | бикьида(бе) (bik’ida(be)) | |
9 | апӏада(бе) (apˡada(be)) | |
10 | ачӏада(бе) (ačˡada(be)) | |
11 | ачӏачебе (ačˡačebe) | |
12 | ачӏакӏедабе (ačˡakˡedabe) | |
13 | ачӏакӏедабе (ačˡakˡedabe) | |
14 | aчӀалокъӀадабе (ačˡalok”ˡadabe) | |
15 | aчӀали̃штудабе (ačˡalĩštudabe) | |
16 | aчӀали̃лъӏидабе (ačˡalĩl”ˡidabe) | |
17 | aчӀалакьудабе (ačˡalak’udabe) | |
18 | aчӀабикьидабе (ačˡabik’idabe) | |
19 | ачӀалапӀадабе (ačˡalapˡadabe) | |
20 | къендодабе (k”endodabe) | |
21 | къендочебе (k”endočebe) | |
23 | къендолъӀвадабе (k”endol”ˡvadabe) | |
30 | лъӀамолодабе (l”ˡamolodabe) | |
40 | кӏекъендодабе (kˡek”endodabe) | |
50 | кӏекъендоачӏадабе | |
60 | лъӏакъендодабе | |
70 | лъӏакъендоачӏадабе | |
80 | бокъендодабе | |
90 | бокхендоачӏадабе | |
100 | бешанодабе | |
101 | бешаночебе | |
200 | кӏебешанодабе | |
300 | лъӏабешанодабе | |
900 | апӏашанодабе | |
1,000 | азародабе |
If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Information about Akhvakh | Numbers
Aghul, Akhvakh, Andi, Archi, Avar, Bagvalal, Batsbi, Bezhta, Botlikh, Budukh, Caucasian Albanian, Chamalal, Chechen, Dargwa, Godoberi, Hinukh, Hunzib, Ingush, Kaitag, Karata, Khinalug, Kryts, Kryts (Khaput dialect), Kubachi, Lak, Lezgi, Rutul, Tabassaran, Tindi, Tsakhur, Tsez, Udi
Alphabetical index | Language family index
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