Word of the day – 風

風 (kaze, fū), noun = wind, breeze, air, appearance, manner, bearing, atmosphere

Examples of usage
強い風がふている (tsuyoi kaze ga futeiru) = There’s a strong wind blowing – this is certainly true of Brighton today, hence my choice of this word.

どこからともなく風が花の香りを運んできた (doko kara tomo naku kaze ga hana no kaori o hakondekita) = The fragrance of flowers was bourne on the spring breeze

Compounds with 風
台風 (taifū) typhoon
扇風機 (senpūki) electric fan
風潮 (fūchō) tide, trend, tendency
風俗 (fūzoku) manners, customs, public morals
風景 (fūkei) scenery, landscape, view
風車 (kazaguruma) windmill
神風 (kamikaze) divine wind, kamikaze

In Mandarin this character is pronounced fēng and has more or less the same meanings. The simplified version of the character is 风

One thought on “Word of the day – 風

  1. Interesting post about a very versatile word.

    In addition to the meanings you noted, 風(fū) can be used to mean “style” in a broad, philosophical sense: 和風(wafū) “Japanese style” and 洋風(yōfū) “Western style” are two handy, if typically vague, Japanese antonyms. They pepper numerous restaurant menus (and hotel room catalogs), but what the staff calls “Western style” is often a Japanese reinterpretation in its own right!

    P.S. In your first example sentence, it’s 強い風がふいている (tsuyoi kaze ga fu*i*te iru”) — just need an extra “i” in there. The “-ku” ending in verbs like ふく (fuku) “to blow” becomes “-ite” in the progressive tense: “fuku” -> “fuite”

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