13 thoughts on “Where in the world?

  1. Reykjavik, Iceland, language Icelandic

    Faroes Island,tórshavn ciy, languages faroes and Danish

  2. Reykjavík is supposed to have more than 100.000 inhabitants and that photo of a rural town simply doesn’t fit.
    If it was Nuuk, I would expect masses of snow even in the summer.
    So I’d agree with renato figueiredo and go for Thorshavn.

  3. Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada. 🙂 It’s NOT Nuuk, Greenland, since Nuuk has been rather modernised in recent years by the Danish government (and it’s green in Nuuk during the summer- Just no trees, much like most Arctic tundra communities.) As for Thoshaven, there should be some trees.

    Languages spoken in Iqaluit: Inuktitut (and other Inuit languages), English and French. It is the capital of the Nunavut territory, and principle community, with less than 15,000 inhabitants. Plans are to develop Iqaluit with more modern facilities, particularly for the new territorial government, which was just formed in 1999 on the creation of the territory.


  4. I was lucky enough to visit the Faroe Islands this summer and although the picture does resemble the style of buildings, many but certainly not all, have turf covered roofs which I can’t see in the picture.

    If it was taken in the Faroes, then Faroese would be the language. I attempted to learn a little (mostly ‘pub’ Faroese) and found it a fascinating cross between Icelandic and Danish – unsurprising given it’s geography and history I guess!

    I real must to go and visit if you ever get the chance.

  5. Torshavn gets my vote too.

    As a Welshman I’m really impressed by their confindence in their language and country. I’d love to visit the islands. Two daily newspapers in Faroes for a linguistic communityof about 50,000 – impressive!

  6. Simon- Had you used the picture just below that one, I would’ve said Nuuk right off! 😀 This was was more of a stumper, given you don’t see much of, if at all, of the city center.


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