The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11: 1-9)
Dulegaya (San Blas Kuna)
- Epennegwa, bela dulemar unnila gaya-gwennaa sunmakmalanad.
- Dad-nakwedsik dulemar nadgua, dakdapid, nebabi Sinar'gi nai. Agi ambikudapmalad.
- Ibagwengi, na ga muchub-muchub sokarmalad: “Anmar dakebinne, anmar napaginnid akwayob dutusuli soboed, geb degine, anmar soogine ogumakar imakoed.” Weyob akwa-anar napa-ginnid-akwayobdutusuli-sobaled ebusmalad, degine, gorda ebusmarbalid, ebo acha-acha imakegar.
- Geb a-sorba, sogdemarbalid: “Anmar dakebinne, anmar neggwebur-dummad sobmala. Geb negmatusulid nibnegse-warmakedse, anmar sobbaloed. Anmar deyob imakele, bela anmar nug-nika gumaloed, duledummaganga anmar gumaloed, degine, adi, mer anmar wenapneggi aisakimalagar.
- Bab-Jehová'di aidenonikid, dulemar-neggwebur-dummadsobnanaid, degine, dulemar-neg-matusulid-sobnanaid dakegar.
- Geb Bab-Jehová binsaded: “Wemar, unnila dulemarsoggwenna gued, unnila gayasoggwenna sunmakmalad. Wearbaed gebeimaklenaidi obelosmalale, sogdamarbaloed, arbaed-baid anmar imakmarbarye. Degisoggu, bar galegosurmalad.
- A-ulale, anmar aidenaer-gebed, ei gaya oburnaegar, adi, na aku itomaloed.”
- Deyobi, Bab-Jehová belagwapa we-napneggi dulemarosakisad. Degisoggu, we-neggwebur bar sobsasurmalad.
- Weneggweburgine, Bab-Jehová weyob dulemar gaya-akar-akarsunmakega imaksad. A-ulale, we-neggwebur Babel'ye nuggusad. Geb wegine, Bab-Jehová bela dulemar we-napnegugakase osakisad.
Source: GÉNESIS. Gebe-Saila-Soglenaid-Garda. El Libro de Génesis en Kuna Versión Provisional. Sociedad Bíblica de Panamá, 2009.
Contributed by Wolfgang Kuhl
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