Kwasengen is a member of the Ndu branch of the Sepik language family. It is spoken by about 7,200 people along the Sepik river and its tributaries in East Sepik Province in the northwest of Papua New Guinea. In particular, it is spoken in the villages of Nungwaia, Dumek, Weko and Warmetali in Pagwi District. Kwasengen is also known as Hanga Hundi.
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Wuni wuna jambu hwanyi wuni. Wuni hanja, wuna gwal, rendénéka, yalapu hundi watawuni. Hanja wuna gwal, dé anwarémbu dé té, wuni weko wuni. Wumbu tendé, némbuli yae, gaya weko takataka gaya némbuli, Nungwaiambu tendé wuna yapar héra. Hree takandéka, némbuli una yapa, re taknadéka dé bu hiyandéka némbuli wuni ambu Nugwaiambu wuni re.
My clan is the black fantail. I want to tell a story about me, my grandfather, and the place he was from. Before, my grandfather he lived up on the mountain, I was from Weko. He lived on top in Weko and then he came down and brought his stuff to Nungwaia where he got my father (by birth). My father was born and lived there until he died and now I live here in Nungwaia.
Source: Hanga Hundi Organised Phonology Data
Some information provided by Michael Peter Füstumum
Information about Kwasengen
Languages written with the Latin alphabet
Page created: 21.10.24. Last modified: 21.10.24
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