How to count in Cuzco Quechua (Runasimi Qusqu Qullaw), a variety of Southern Quechua spoken in Cuzco and the Department of Cuzco in southern Peru.
If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. If you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Numeral | Cardinal | Ordinal |
0 | ch’usaq, mana imapas | |
1 | huk | ñawpaq kaq |
2 | iskay | iskay kaq |
3 | kinsa | kinsa kaq |
4 | tawa | tawa kaq |
5 | pisqa | pisqa kaq |
6 | soqta | soqta kaq |
7 | qanchis | qanchis kaq |
8 | pusaq | pusaq kaq |
9 | isqon | isqon kaq |
10 | chunka | chunka ñiqin |
11 | chunka hukniyoq | chunka hukniyoq kaq |
12 | chunka iskayniyoq | chunka iskayniyoq kaq |
13 | chunka kinsayoq | chunka kinsayoq kaq |
14 | chunka tawayoq | chunka tawayoq kaq |
15 | chunka pisqayoq | chunka pisqayoq kaq |
16 | chunka soqtayoq | chunka soqtayoq kaq |
17 | chunka qanchisniyoq | chunka qanchisniyoq kaq |
18 | chunka pusaqniyoq | chunka pusaqniyoq kaq |
19 | chunka isqonniyoq | chunka isqonniyoq kaq |
20 | iskay chunka | iskay chunka kaq |
21 | iskay chunka hukniyoq | |
22 | iskay chunka iskayniyoq | |
23 | iskay chunka kinsayoq | |
24 | iskay chunka tawayoq | |
25 | iskay chunka pisqayoq | |
26 | iskay chunka soqtayoq | |
27 | iskay chunka qanchisniyoq | |
28 | iskay chunka pusaqniyoq | |
29 | iskay chunka isqonniyoq | |
30 | kinsa chunka | |
31 | kinsa chunka hukniyoq | |
32 | kinsa chunka iskayniyoq | |
33 | kinsa chunka kinsayoq | |
34 | kinsa chunka tawayoq | |
35 | kinsa chunka pisqayoq | |
36 | kinsa chunka soqtayoq | |
37 | kinsa chunka qanchisniyoq | |
38 | kinsa chunka pusaqniyoq | |
39 | kinsa chunka isqonniyoq | |
40 | tawa chunka | |
50 | pisqa chunka | |
60 | soqta chunka | |
70 | qanchis chunka | |
80 | pusaq chunka | |
90 | isqon chunka | |
100 | pachak | |
110 | pachak chunka | |
120 | pachak iskay chunka | |
200 | iskay pachak | |
300 | kinsa pachak | |
1000 | waranqa | |
2000 | iskay waranqa | |
10 000 | chunka waranqa | |
1 000 000 | hunu | |
1 000 000 000 | lluna |
Ordinal numbers can also be formed with the word ñeqe, e.g. iskay ñeqe = second.
Introduction to Quechua: Language of the Andes, 2nd Edition
The Social Life of Numbers: A Quechua Ontology of Numbers and Philosophy of Arithmetic
If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Information about Cuzco Quechua | Phrases | Numbers
Ancash Quechua, Ayacucho Quechua, Cusco Quechua, Kichwa
Alphabetical index | Language family index
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