How to count in Northern Sámi (davvisámegiella), a Western Sámi language spoken in parts of Norway, Sweden and Finland.
If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. If you can provide recordings, please contact me.
Numeral | Cardinal numbers |
1 | okta |
2 | guokte |
3 | golbma |
4 | njeallje |
5 | vihtta |
6 | guhhta |
7 | čieža |
8 | gávcci |
9 | ovcci |
10 | logi |
11 | oktanuppelohkái |
12 | guoktenuppelohkái |
13 | golbmanuppelohkái |
14 | njealljenuppelohkái |
15 | vihttanuppelohkái |
16 | guhttanuppelohkái |
17 | čiežanuppelohkái |
18 | gávccinuppelohkái |
19 | ovccinuppelohkái |
20 | guoktelogi |
21 | guokte logi okta |
22 | guokte logi okta |
23 | guokte logi golbma |
24 | guokte logi njeallje |
25 | guokte logi vihtta |
26 | guokte logi guhtta |
27 | guokte logi čieža |
28 | guokte logi gávcci |
29 | guokte logi ovcci |
30 | golbmalogi |
40 | njealljelogi |
50 | vihttalogi |
60 | guhttalogi |
70 | čiežalogi |
80 | gávccilogi |
90 | ovccilogi |
100 | čuođi / čuohti |
200 | guokte čuođi |
1000 | duhat / duhát |
2000 | guokte duhát |
Numbers in Sámi languages
Information about Northern Sámi | Phrases | Numbers | Tower of Babel
Inari Saami, Kildin Sámi, Lule Sámi, Northern Sámi, Pite Sámi, Skolt Sámi, Southern Sámi, Ter Sámi, Ume Sámi
Alphabetical index | Language family index
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