When pronouns and prepositions are combined they have special forms in the Brythonic languages. Or in other words, the prepositions conjugate for person and number.
The Cornish forms shown here are in the Standard Written Form (Furv Skrifys Savonek).
The formal and informal versions of the Welsh prepositions are given here. The main difference is that the formal versions have no accompanying pronouns.
In Breton the 3rd person plural ending -o, which is used in literary language and in Leon, is -e in other areas.
BR = Breton (Brezhoneg), KE = Cornish (Kernewek) CY = Welsh (Cymraeg), EN = English, sg = singular, pl = plural, frm = formal.
about/for, between, beyond, by, in, on, out (of), through, to(wards), under, with, without
BR | KE | CY | EN |
a | a | am | at |
ac'hanon | ahanav | amdanaf amdana i |
about me |
ac'hanout | ahanas | amdanat amdanat ti |
about you (sg) |
anezhañ | anodho | amdano amdano fe/fo |
about him |
anezhi | ahedhi | amdani amdani hi |
about her |
ac'hanomp | ahanen | amdanom amdanon ni |
about us |
ac'hanoc'h | ahanowgh | amdanoch amdanoch chi |
about you (pl/frm) |
anezho | anedhans | amdanynt amdanyn nhw |
about them |
[ Contents ]
BR | KE | CY | EN |
etre | yntra / ynter | rhwng | between |
yntredhov yntredham |
rhyngddaf rhyngdda i |
between me | |
yntredhos | rhyngddat rhyngddat ti |
between you (sg) | |
yntredho | rhyngddo rhyngddo fo/fe |
between him | |
yntredhi | rhyngddi rhyngddi hi |
between her | |
etrezomp | yntredhon | rhyngddom rhyngddon ni |
between us |
etrezoc'h | yntredhowgh | rhyngddoch rhyngddoch chi |
between you (pl/frm) |
etrezo | yntredhans | rhyngddynt rhyngddyn nhw |
between them |
Find out more about these and related words on the Celtiadur blog
[ Contents ]
BR | KE | CY | EN |
dreist | dres | dros | beyond |
dreiston driest din |
dresov | drostof drosto i |
beyond me |
dreistout driest dit |
dresos | drostot drostot ti |
beyond you (sg) |
dreistañ driest dezhañ |
dresto | drosto drosto fo/fe |
beyond him |
dreisti driest dezhi |
dresti | drosti drosti hi |
beyond her |
dreistomp driest dimp |
dreson | drostom droston ni |
beyond us |
dreistoc'h driest deoc'h |
dresowgh | drostoch drostoch chi |
beyond you (pl/frm) |
dreisto driest dezho |
drestans | drostynt drostyn nhw |
beyond them |
[ Contents ]
BR | KE | CY | EN |
(di)ouzh | orth | wrth | by |
(di)ouzhin | orth ortham |
wrthaf wrtha i |
by me |
(di)ouzhit | orthis | wrthat wrthat ti |
by you (sg) |
(di)outañ | orto | wrtho wrtho fo/fe |
by him |
(di)outi | orti | wrthi wrthi hi |
by her |
(di)ouzhimp | orthyn | wrthom wrthon ni |
by us |
(di)ouzhoc'h | orthowgh | wrthoch wrthoch chi |
by you (pl/frm) |
(di)outo (di)oute |
ortans | wrthynt wrthyn nhw |
by them |
[ Contents ]
BR | KE | CY | EN |
en | yn | yn | at |
ennon | ynnov | yn(dd)af yn(dd)a i |
in me |
ennout | ynnos | yn(dd)at yn(dd)at ti |
in you (sg) |
ennañ | ynno | yn(dd)o yn(dd)o fe/fo |
in him |
enni | ynni | yn(dd)i yn(dd)i hi |
in her |
ennomp | ynnon | yn(dd)om yn(dd)on ni |
in us |
ennoc'h | ynnowgh | yn(dd)och yn(dd)och chi |
in you (pl/frm) |
enne/enno | ynnans | yn(dd)ynt yn(dd)yn nhw |
in them |
Alternative forms of the Welsh words which include the dd, e.g. yndda i, ynddat ti, etc, and other change the a to o, e.g. yno i, ynot ti, etc.
[ Contents ]
BR | KE | CY | EN |
war | war | ar | on |
warnon | warnav warnam |
arnaf arna i |
on me |
warnout | warnas | arnat arnat ti |
on you (sg) |
warnañ warnezhañ |
warnodho | arno arno fo/fe |
on him |
warni warnezhi |
warnedhi | arni arni hi |
on her |
warnomp | warnan | arnom arnon ni |
on us |
warnoc'h | warowgh | arnoch arnoch chi |
on you (pl/frm) |
warno warnezho |
warnedhans | arnynt arnyn nhw |
on them |
[ Contents ]
BR | KE | CY | EN |
a | dhyworth | o | out of / from / off |
ac'hanon | dhyworthiv | ohonaf ohona i |
from me |
ac'hanout | dhyworthis | ohonat ohonat ti |
from you (sg) |
anezhañ | dhyworto | ohono ohono fe/fo |
from him |
anezhi | dhyworty | ohoni ohoni hi |
from her |
ac'hanomp | dhyworthyn | ohonom ohonon ni |
from us |
ac'hanoc'h | dhyworthowgh | ohonoch ohonoch chi |
from you (pl/frm) |
anezho | dhywortans | ohonynt ohonyn nhw |
from them |
[ Contents ]
BR | KE | CY | EN |
dre | dre | drwy | through |
drezon | dredhov | drwyddaf drwydda i |
through me |
drezout | dredhos | drwyddat drwyddat ti |
through you (sg) |
drezañ | dredho | drwyddo drwyddo fo/fe |
through him |
drezi | dredhi | drwyddi drwyddi hi |
through her |
drezomp | drehon | drwyddom drwyddon ni |
through us |
drezoc'h | dredhowgh | drwyddoch drwyddoch chi |
through you (pl/frm) |
drezor | dredhans | drwyddynt drwyddyn nhw |
through them |
[ Contents ]
BR | KE | CY | EN |
da | dhe | i | to / towards |
din | dhymm | imi i mi/fi |
to me |
dit | dhis | iti i ti |
to you (sg) |
dezhañ | dhodho | iddo iddo fo/fe |
to him |
dezhi | dhedhy | iddi iddi hi |
to her |
deomp dimp |
dhyn | inni i ni |
to us |
deoc'h | dhywgh | ichi i chi |
to you (pl/frm) |
dezho | dhedhans | iddynt iddyn nhw |
to them |
[ Contents ]
BR | KE | CY | EN |
dindan | yn-dann | dan | under |
dinanon | yn-dannov | danaf dana i |
under me |
dindanout | yn-dannos | danat danat ti |
under you (sg) |
dindanañ | yn-danno | dano dano fo/fe |
under him |
dindani | yn-danni | dani dani hi |
under her |
dindanomp | yn-dannon | danom danon ni |
under us |
dindanoc'h | yn-dannowgh | danoch danoch chi |
under you (pl/frm) |
dindano | yn-dannans | danynt danyn nhw |
under them |
[ Contents ]
As well as meaning with, this preposition is used to indicate possession.
BR | KE | CY | EN |
gant | gans | gan / gyda | with |
ganin | genev genam |
gennaf gen i gyda fi |
with me |
ganit | genes | gennat gen ti gyda ti |
with you (sg) |
gantañ | ganso | gennof gynno fo gyda fe |
with him |
ganti | gensi | genni gynni hi gyda hi |
with her |
ganeomp ganimp |
genen | gennom gynnon ni gyda ni |
with us |
ganeoc'h | genowgh | gennoch gynnoch chi gyda chi |
with you (pl/frm) |
ganto | gansans | gennynt gynnyn nhw gyda nhw |
with them |
[ Contents ]
BR | KE | CY | EN |
hep | heb | heb | without |
hepdon | hebov hebam |
hebddaf hebdda i |
without me |
hepdout | hebos | hebddat hebddat ti |
without you (sg) |
heptañ | hebdho | hebddo hebddo fo/fe |
without him |
hepti | hebdhi | hebddi hebddi hihi |
without her |
hepdomp | hebon | hebddom hebddon ni |
without us |
hepdoc'h | hebowgh | hebddoch hebddoch chi |
without you (pl/frm) |
hepto | hebdhans | hebddynt hebddyn nhw |
without them |
[ Contents ]
Gaelic prepositional pronouns (Irish, Manx & Scottish Gaelic)
Breton, Celtiberian, Cornish, Cumbric, Gaulish, Irish, Lepontic, Lusitanian, Manx, Scottish Gaelic, Welsh
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