8 thoughts on “Language quiz

  1. It sounds Indo-Iranian, probably geographically North Indian or Pakistani. That narrows it down to about 100 possibilities.

  2. I agree with David. This language definitely sounds like something north Indian. Maybe Gujarati?

  3. Gujarati is not North Indian its to the West of India :). I think this sounds like Saraiki

  4. I’d rather search for it in the Iranian branch where it seems to be distinct enough not to be mistaken for Persian. Maybe one of the Pamir languages such as Shugn or Roshan?

  5. I first thought of Ethiopia, of all places. Then all the a’s made me turn towards India, but there were too few retroflexes to make me look deep into the subcontinent. Googling “martum baz” gave me Baluchi, which seems about right, so I’ll say that.

  6. Sounds quite Indo-Iranian but definitely not Farsi or any one of its dialects (eg. Dari, Hazaragi, Tajik etc.)

    I’d go for Baluchi or Pashtun.

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