9 thoughts on “Language quiz

  1. “very widely-distributed” – must be indo-european. Sounds Indian to me. I guess Hindi.

  2. Definitely not Hindi. The phonology does not at all support it. If Indian at all, it might have been Tamil, but I doubt it. Besides the Dravidian languages are not widely distributed.
    My guess is Kiswahili. It is part of the widely distributed Niger-Congo language family.

  3. It’s a west-African tonal language of the Xhosa family, perhaps Xhosa itself.


  4. ….Now having heard it and thought about it….I’m in the mood for some cora music… 😉


  5. I think I’ve heard a bilabial “f” sound in the recording. That makes me believe it’s an African language, but one that can do without a final vowel in every word. Maybe Wolof?

  6. Wolof is a possibility, and it is a member of the Xhosa family (as is Yoruba and a few others).


  7. I knew it was an austronesian language when I heard it but I was going to guess Tagalog.

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