From the timbre of the voice and some of the sounds I hear I think it s a language from southeast Asia in the vicinity of what we used to call French Indo-China, maybe from the Hmong Mien family?
I’m not hearing tones, so I’d be skeptical of Hmong. It does sound east/southeast Asian otherwise.
Tried some searching in the Bahnaric family and I will guess that it’s Jru or Koho but I didn’t necessarily find this particular recording. Anyone’s guess!
Something Lolo-ish?
I can agree with Emanuel if we look at the phrase ‘…lao lolo…’. Apparently it could be a Lolo-ish language.Lolo is pejorative for the Yi peoples. But of these languages there are almost a hundred… which of them?
I think it is something in the Tibeto-Burman family but again there are so many!
The language is Western Cham (Chăm), a Chamic language spoken mainly in Cambodia, and also in Vietnam, Thailand and Laos.
From the timbre of the voice and some of the sounds I hear I think it s a language from southeast Asia in the vicinity of what we used to call French Indo-China, maybe from the Hmong Mien family?
I’m not hearing tones, so I’d be skeptical of Hmong. It does sound east/southeast Asian otherwise.
Tried some searching in the Bahnaric family and I will guess that it’s Jru or Koho but I didn’t necessarily find this particular recording. Anyone’s guess!
Something Lolo-ish?
I can agree with Emanuel if we look at the phrase ‘…lao lolo…’. Apparently it could be a Lolo-ish language.Lolo is pejorative for the Yi peoples. But of these languages there are almost a hundred… which of them?
I think it is something in the Tibeto-Burman family but again there are so many!
The language is Western Cham (Chăm), a Chamic language spoken mainly in Cambodia, and also in Vietnam, Thailand and Laos.
The recording comes from YouTube