Heno mi es i i’r grŵp sgwrsio Ffrangeg yn gytanf, ond doedd neb arall yno, felly mi wnes i sgwenu e-bost hir. Pan ro’n i’n ar fin gadael am 8 o’r gloch mi ddaeth ddau arall, ond mi wnes i ddim aros gan ro’n i’n ar y ffordd i’r clwb iwcalili yn y tafarn Groegeg. Heno oedd cyfarfod cyntaf y clwb ers misoedd, ac roedd llawer iawn o bobl yna – mwy nag erioed o’r blaen. Doedd dim digon o iwcalilis am bawb, ond mi wnaethon ni ymdopi yn eithaf da. Yn anffodus roedd y tafarn yn swnllyd ac yn llawn dop ac roedd troellwr yna, felly dan ni’n chwilio am le arall tawelach.
Tonight I went to the French conversation group first, but nobody else was there, so I wrote a long email. When I was about to leave at 8 o’clock two others came, but I didn’t stay as I was on the way to the ukulele club in the Greek. It was the first meeting of the club for months, and many people were there – more than ever before. There weren’t enough ukuleles for everyone, but we managed fairly well. Unfortunately the pub was noisy and crowded and there was a DJ, so we are looking for a quieter place.