Learn to Think in Any Language

Gabriel Wyner contacted me recently about a new app he would like to develop. It will be designed to teach you languages from beginner to fluency.

It will start teaching you pronunciation, and then teach vocabulary and grammar, and will be based on spaced repetition. The system willh enable you to create your own cards, and to add pictures and text to existing ones. It will also suggest words to learn, and the most efficitent order in which to learn them. It will automatically search for images you can use to illustrate the words and sentences, and link them with audio recordings. It will suggest sentences to learn. You can also add your own sentences, and choose sentences that other users have added from a proof-read database. The process of doing all this will help the information to stick in your memory.

Here is Gabriel’s introduction to the project:

You can find out more, and back the project, on Kickstarter.

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