
I arrived back to a wet and overcast Brighton this evening after a long, long journey from Lampeter (just under 10 hours door to door with a long wait in Swansea). One of the first things I did after getting home was to switch on Radio Cymru to give me a dose of Welsh, which I’m missing already.

Y noswaith hon cyrraeddais i nôl i Frighton, lle mae hi’n gwlyb a chymylog, ar ôl taith hir iawn o Lambed (tipyn bach llai na 10 awr o ddrws i ddrws gyda aros hir yn Abertawe). Ar ôl i mi gyrraedd adre, un o’r pethau cynta a wnes i oedd gwrando ar Radio Cymru – dw i’n methu clywed y Gymraeg yn barod.

There’s no language quiz question today, but I do have a question from an Omniglot visitor: What do you call tongue twisters in your language?

Another question from me: Is the word for tongue twister a tongue twister in any of the languages you know?


Last night temperatures in Brighton plummeted to 0°C or possibly below. This morning the city was covered by a light dusting of snow, which had mostly melted by lunchtime. Snow is something I rarely see, so I still get excited about it.

Brighton Pavilion with a light dusting of snow
Brighton Pavilion with a light dusting of snow

A snowman on Brighton beach
A snowman on Brighton beach with the remains of the West Pier in the background

Snow in January in Brighton! This shouldn't be allowed!
A view from my window this morning

Another view of the snow from my window
Another view from my window

This little bit of snow and ice caused the usual transport chaos – many trains were cancelled or severely delayed and there were long tailbacks on the roads.