Newyddion o Gymru / News from Wales

Fe ffeindiais i dwy straeon diddorol o Gymru heddiw:

Pwyleg yn Wrecsam
Mae plismon o Wrecsam yn dysgu Pwyleg oherwydd fod tuag 10,000 o fewnfudwyr o’r Wlad Pwyl yn byw yno, a fe wnaeth e ddod yn ail yng Ngwobrau Blynyddol i Swyddogion Cymunedol.

Selsig ddraig
Oherwydd does dim cig draig yn y selsig gydag enw ‘selsig y Ddraig Gymreig’ (a wneir gyda chig moch, cennin a chilli), mae rhaid i gwmni o Grug Hywel newid yr enw, yn ôl Gwasanaeth Safonau Masnach.

Two news stories from Wales caught my eye today:

Polish in Wrexham
A policeman from Wrexham is learning Polish in order to communicate with the numerous Polish immigrants who live there, and he came second in the Jane’s Police Review Community Police Officer of the Year Award.

Dragon sausages
A Welsh company may face legal action because of the potentially misleading name of one of its products: Welsh Dragon Sausages. After analysing the sausages, the fine people at from Trading Standards determined that not one trace of dragon meat was to be found in them, so are advising the company to change the name. The sausages actually contain pork, leek and chilli.

11 thoughts on “Newyddion o Gymru / News from Wales

  1. I dont personally think that is that misleading. I think that is going over the top, as a dragon is associated with Wales.

  2. Umm…this is a serious news story? It sounds like the kind of (ahem) unique happening that belongs in the United States, like the lady who sued McDonald’s for not telling her that her coffee was hot. I thought Europeans/British Islanders had a little more common sense than that (no offense to anyone, American, European, or otherwise). I’m sure people didn’t actually think there was dragon meat in the sausages, so why go after the company? Is it just because it’s “false” advertising? I could understand if the sausages were actually said to contain dragon meat.

  3. I mean said SERIOUSLY to contain dragon meat, meaning that company intentionally misled the public. I thought that last sentence might need clarification.

  4. The company is called Black Mountains Smokery.

    The Dragon story is presented as a farce because this kind of thing is not all that common, fortunately. I suspect that somebody might have taken a dislike to the company, or that the officials involved were being overzealous in their application of the law for some reason.

  5. Wow. That dragon thing is nuts. I actually checked the URL before I clicked because I thought it might’ve come from the Onion.

    Very cool about that police officer making such an investment into learning Polish on his own time and money, though. 🙂

  6. That police guy is very cool, I wish there were more people out there like that. The sausages are just ridiculous though.

  7. I suppose now the Girl Scouts of America will have to label Girl Scout cookies with a statement to the effect that “Girl Scouts are not an ingredient in these Girl Scout cookies.”

    The world needs more police officers such as the one in Wrexham.

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