Siún Ní Dhuibhir (Susan O'Dwyer)

I learnt this song from Gearóidín Bhreathnach at Oideas Gael in July 2007.

Alternative spellings of the title of this song include: "Siobhán Ní Dhuibhir" and "Siúbhán Ní Dhuibhir".

Siún Ní Dhuibhir

D'éirigh mé ar maidin a tharraing chun aonaigh mhóir
A dhíol 's a cheannacht mar dhéanfadh mo dhaoine romham
Bhuail tart ar a' bhealach mé 's shuí mise síos a dh'ól
'S le Siún Ní Dhuibhir gur ól mise luach na mbróg

A Shiún Ní Dhuibhir an miste leat mé bheith tinn?
Mo bhrón 's mo mhilleadh má's miste liom tú 'bheigh i gcill
Bróinte 's muilte bheith scileadh ar chúl do chinn
Ach cead a bheith in Iorras go dtara síoi Éabh 'un cinn

A Shiún Ní Dhuibhir 's tú bun agus barr mo scéil
Ar mhná an cruinne go dtug sise 'n báire léi
Le gile le finne le mais' is le dhá dtrian scéimh
'S nach mise 'n trua Mhuire bheith scaradh amárach léi

Thiar in Iorras tá searc agus grá mo chléibh
Planda 'n linbh a d'eitigh mo phósadh inné
beir scéala uaim chuicí má thug mise póg dá béal
Go dtabharfainn dí tuilleadh dá gcuirfeadh siad bólacht léi

"Beir scéala uaim chuige Go dearfa nach bpósaim é
Ó chuala mise gur chuir sé Le bólacht mé
Nuair nach bhfuil agamsa Maoin nó mórán spré
Bíodh a rogha aige 'S beith mise 'r mo chomhairle féin"

Susan O'Dwyer

I set out one morning for market
Buying and selling as my people did before me
I got thirsty on the way and sat down to drink
And with Susan O'Dwyer I drank the price of the boots

Susan O'Dwyer do you care if I'm ill?
Sorrow and ruin be upon me if I wish you to be in a graveyard
My grief and troubles rain down on you
But you can stay in Irras until the tribe of Eve comes to the fore

Susan O'Dwyer, you're the beginning and the end of my story
From the women of the world she took the prize
With brightness and fairness, goodness and almost perfect beauty
And I'm the sad case to leaving her tomorrow

My true love is over in Irras
The young sweet thing that refused to marry me yesterday
Tell her from me if I give her a kiss
That I would give her more if they'd send me a dowry with her

"Tell him from me for certain I won't marry him
For I heard that he wanted me with a dowry
Since I don't have wealth or much of a fortune
Let him have whoever he wishes and I'll be about my own business"

Here's a recording of this song by the sean-nós class at Oideas Gael.


Versions of this song:

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